The queen is so fierce

Chapter 202 Why don't you have a girlfriend because you are afraid of being green?

Chapter 202 Why don't you have a girlfriend because you are afraid of being green?


After hearing this word that is rarely used in daily life, Xu Shoujing's first reaction was surprise, and then he looked up behind Su Huanqing.

Su Huanqing noticed Xu Shoujing's gaze, Liu Ye frowned, and turned to look.

There was no one, there was not even the sound of footsteps going up and down the stairs in the corridor, and the elevator stopped steadily on the first floor without moving.

"What are you looking at?" Su Huanqing looked back and asked suspiciously.

"I'm looking at where your photographer is hiding." Xu Shoujing said seriously. "Don't ordinary photographers hide in the dark like assassins? Wait until the target of the trick will come out to reveal the answer and make the show effect."

Su Huanqing was silent for a while, and did not immediately answer Xu Shoujing's words.

From the very beginning, she discovered that although the Xu Shoujing in front of her was right, it seemed... and it was very different from the Xu Shoujing she knew.

"You have lost your memory." Su Huanqing came to a conclusion.

Xu Shoujing sneered and closed the door mercilessly:
"I'm still deaf. I can't hear what you said. Please go to another place."


Unsurprisingly, the hilt of Xueluo Wenyue's sword in Su Huanqing's hand was still accurately stuck between the cracks of the door, preventing Xu Shoujing's delusional attempt to close the door.

This time Xu Shoujing was really angry.

It's just one time, he has already said this, and he still has to be entangled?There are so many people on the street that can harm you, but you have to find yourself a flatterer?

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and the rabbit eats meat in a hurry!

I'm really being bullied, right?

Xu Shoujing's chest was heaving up and down, and he only felt anger burning. Without thinking, he grabbed the hilt of the sword stuck between the door and pulled it into the room.

Don't you like Carmen?I will confiscate it directly to you!

Xu Shoujing's idea itself is not a big problem, but unfortunately, what he encountered was not a prop sword.

The raw material for forging Xueluo Wenyue is an absolute ice crystal that has been bathed in moonlight for thousands of years and formed in the cold Arctic region of Jiuzhou.

It possesses both the power of extreme cold ice and the night of the dark moon. Although it is usually introverted in the scabbard, once the sword is drawn without the intentional control of the extreme cold spiritual power, the cold wind caused by its sharp blade will immediately transform into extreme cold. The cold storm devours the sword-wielder who is beyond his capacity.

Does Xu Shoujing have extreme cold spiritual power?
Certainly not.

He doesn't even know now that he actually has psychic powers.

On this basis, the result of rashly pulling out Xueluo Wenyue can be imagined.


It was almost the moment when the silver light of Xueluo Wenyue's sword reflected on Xu Shoujing's face.

The snow-white sword, which was less than a palm out of its sheath, suddenly filled with tiny particles of ice dust.



A layer of crystal blue thin ice covered the entire surface of the security door at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The extreme cold was like thousands of sharpened silver needles, mercilessly penetrated into the capillaries all over the palm of the hand along the contact surface where Xu Shoujing and the hilt intersected.


Xu Shoujing's hand holding the hilt of the sword loosened like an electric shock, and the imbalance under his feet directly hit the shoe cabinet and fell to the ground.

"Ah ah ah..."

He clenched his wrist and wanted to use this method to make the creeping chill spread slower, but unfortunately it was just a drop in the bucket.

In less than a short moment, Xu Shoujing's entire palm was frozen ashen, and even the thought of moving around became an extravagant hope.

Outside the door, Su Huanqing heard Xu Shoujing's moaning. She hurriedly opened the security door, not even taking care of the saber that was thrown aside.

"Why don't you use spiritual power to resist?" Su Huanqing rebuked expressionlessly, but his tone was full of worry and anger.

The master ended up helping himself to disperse the extreme cold spiritual power. Xu Shoujing quickly eased over. He was full of emptiness and looked at the meticulously beautiful woman in front of him with a dazed gaze. He only felt that the long-established worldview... collapsed.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become an elite, this ice, this edged sword...what is this?

In the past 20 years, Xu Shoujing never imagined that there would be times when he would listen to heavenly scriptures more than English class...

Xu Shoujing gave up thinking.

He looked at Su Huanqing kneeling beside him and bandaging seriously, and he always felt that something was touched in his heart, a kind of emotion that had never appeared in his heart.

Is that what it feels like to be cared about?
But she...why should she care about me?

When such an unbelievable thing happened, it would be a bit too wise to keep claiming that the other party is the creator of the short video with the effect of the show.

After Su Huanqing helped him treat the frostbite caused by Xueluo Wenyue, Xu Shoujing invited her into his living room.

Su Huanqing was sitting on the sofa, dressed in a blue dress, long hair that did not match the length of modern women, and fell on the sofa like a waterfall.

Crisp breasts tall, beautiful legs slender.The delicate face does not wear makeup, and the clear and beautiful eyes always maintain a bit of tranquility.

Su Huanqing looked at Xu Shoujing quietly like this, as if she wanted to know why she was so reluctant before, but now she suddenly changed her mind and invited herself in.

After being silent for a long time, Xu Shoujing took a peek at Su Huanqing's profile and said hesitantly:

"You are my senior sister?"

Su Huanqing nodded.

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, then said in surprise:

"But I've never seen you."

Su Huanqing was very direct about this:
"Because you lost your memory."

Xu Shoujing scratched the back of his head with some headache, his expression a little helpless:
"You said I lost my memory... But I've been lying in the hospital for the past few months, and I haven't been anywhere else."

After a slight pause, he continued:

"And I've been an orphan since I was very young. I didn't move out until I went to college to live on my own. During this period, I've never been to other places. How could there be a senior like you?"

"No." Su Huanqing shook her head and said seriously: "I don't know where this is, but your body should be like mine now, somewhere in the underground of the Heavenly Palace."


Heavenly Palace?

We had a good chat just now... Now Xu Shoujing's brain started to crash again.

Can we say something intelligible...

Seeing Xu Shoujing put on an expression like eating a dozen catties of lemons.

Su Huan hesitated for a while, and explained:
"This should be a place of similar mood, but I don't know why your memory was taken away."

The more Xu Shoujing listened, the more confused he became. He has lived on the earth for more than 20 years, and you suddenly said what is the state of mind here?

Wait a minute, what is the state of mind?
Xu Shoujing almost wrote the question mark on his face, and his peach blossom eyes were full of doubts.

"..." Su Huanqing.

It seems necessary to explain from scratch.

Su Huanqing sighed, she realized that Xu Shoujing was not on the same channel as her now.

If he wants to understand the status quo, I am afraid we must start from the "who Xu Shoujing is" that he knows.

So, Su Huanqing got up his temper, including Kyushu Continent, Chu Shuwan, Zhao Fuyao and others, and told it briefly according to his own impression.

Still, it took nearly half an hour to finish talking.

Su Huanqing was a little thirsty, while Xu Shoujing was lost in thought.

In fact, when he saw that the security door was frozen, Xu Shoujing believed Su Huanqing's words by seven or eight points.

It's just that from the perspective of his world view of a normal person in the 21st century, this fact is too unimaginable, and it is too difficult to accept it all at once.

Therefore, Xu Shoujing was just trying to avoid the answer as much as possible.

But now that the words have come to this point, there is no way to escape from the facts.

And Su Huanqing's reaction didn't look like he was lying.

With a 'pop', Xu Shoujing slapped his forehead with a slightly distorted expression.

So, I may have crossed?

And there's a whole bunch of harems... still all mature women?

"What's wrong with you?" Su Huanqing asked in a low voice.

Xu Shoujing gave a wry smile and sighed:
"How can I say it, it's just a little unimaginable, it may be a little strange to say that, I can't imagine the feeling of falling in love with a woman at all...

Even, the fact that I would fall in love with the opposite sex is quite strange in itself, not to mention so much..."

A trace of surprise flashed in Su Huanqing's eyes, and she said with a little surprise:
"You really lost your memory, when you were in Jiuzhou, you were like a ghost in color.

Every time I see a woman, I want to jump on my tongue, even my adoptive mother and my uncle who raised him. "

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Don't scold, don't scold.

Xu Shoujing stood up from the sofa.Slightly distressed, he rubbed his neck and asked aloud:
"Okay, I've figured out the general passage, so how should I go out with you now?"

Su Huanqing did not expect that Xu Shoujing, who inexplicably rejected him before, was now so straightforward.

At the moment, she was a little puzzled, and asked in a low voice:

"You don't reject it at all? If I guessed correctly, this should be a trial place similar to asking about the state of mind.

It should represent some kind of obsession hidden deep in your heart that you can't let go of. "

"Obstinence? How come."

Xu Shoujing laughed, but his eyes were unusually calm, as if he was telling himself, and said in a low voice:
"This kind of world doesn't make sense to me at all, and I want to leave."

"It doesn't make sense?" Su Huanqing frowned slightly.

"It's nothing." Xu Shoujing casually perfunctory, immediately put on another smile, and asked:
"Since I've lost my memory, I'm basically a novice in this regard, and it's up to you how to go out."


"It just means knowing nothing."

Su Huanqing nodded and had no objection to this.

However, almost half a month has passed, and the two have tried all kinds of methods.

Even Xu Shoujing pretended to have retrieved his memory and deceived "the way of heaven".

In the end, it was unsuccessful, no matter which method, there was no way to bring the two out of the "trial place".

This afternoon, according to Su Huanqing's guidance, Xu Shoujing used his spiritual power for half an hour, but his body did not respond as always.

"No, even if it's a trial or a state of mind or something, at least you have to give a clearance rule. How can you play games without clearance conditions..."

Xu Shoujing scratched his head in dismay.


A plate of steaming braised eggplants was placed on the coffee table.

Su Huanqing sorted out the folds of the purple kitten's apron and pondered:

"Perhaps, the condition for going out is to let you let go of that obsession in your heart."

Xu Shoujing curled his lips in disapproval, and assumed the posture of a little bear spreading his hands:
"Where did the obsession come from? If I really have an obsession, my only obsession is to leave this world and go to Jiuzhou."

"That's it." Su Huanqing suddenly stared at Xu Shoujing's eyes.

"This... which?"

A question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head.

"Why do you want to leave so much?" Su Huanqing hesitated and asked, "Is there anything terrifying to you in this world?"

Xu Shoujing was silent for a while. After a long time, Xu Shi felt that it was okay to tell Su Huanqing, so he said with some self-deprecation:

"Because in this world, I can't find the meaning of living."

Su Huanqing did not answer, and quietly waited for Xu Shoujing to speak.

Xu Shoujing looked up at the ceiling, reached out to cover his eyes, and said as if recalling:

"When I was young, I used to think that the world is a simpler existence.

Efforts will be rewarded, there is no victory or defeat that cannot be won.But it doesn't seem to be..."

Xu Shoujing turned to look at Su Huanqing, and said without a smile:

"In this world, there are always some people who stand at the top from birth that no one can reach in a lifetime.

No matter how hard you try, you can't escape the circle you were born with.

I'm a very naive person and I can't accept my partner in my life cheating on me.I can't accept it either, breaking up because of personality incompatibility or something.

From the beginning to the end, grow old together... These words are familiar to everyone, but 90% of people in this era can't do it.

I don't think I'm the lucky 10%, so to avoid this, I chose to stay single forever. "

Su Huanqing blinked, she never imagined that the reason for Xu Shoujing's troubles was... Afraid of being green?
Because I was afraid of being green... so I didn't look for a woman at all?

Su Huanqing couldn't help laughing out loud. At this moment, it was like the ice thawing, the spring breeze was blowing, and it was like thousands of fireworks rising to the sky, beautiful and indescribable.

Xu Shoujing's righteous words, when he heard the family beside him suddenly smiled, his old face suddenly turned red, and he said in a rage:

"I know this kind of thinking of mine is a bit weird, it's kind of a middle school two, but I can't help it, the status quo is like this.

Don't I want to go out on dates with girls?I don't want to go to the movies?I don't want to go to the amusement park? "

Xu Shoujing sighed, his eyes were dead:
"But I don't dare, even if I work hard to get a girlfriend, she may choose another person who seems to be better, or just simply tired of the ordinary life. cheating."

Su Huanqing hesitated for a while, but decided to tell him this cruel fact:
"Actually, there are quite a few young cultivators in Jiuzhou who broke up their childhood engagements because they had joined the great sect."


"There is a Venerable in Tiannanzhou. Because he has been in seclusion for too long, he found that his wife ran away with Miantou after leaving the seclusion."


Xu Shoujing's face was ashen.

It seems that the world is the same.

Despair, rot, destroy.

Su Huanqing sighed, raised her hand and undid the purple kitten apron around her waist.

In an instant, the skinny jeans and women's casual shirts that had been bought for two days were revealed.

Su Huanqing has a tall figure, and with a beautiful modern female dress, her outstanding figure is outlined.

Coupled with her naturally indifferent expression, she has a bit of a cold senior sister's taste.

"What do you want?" Xu Shoujing said blankly.

Su Huanqing glanced at him helplessly, and said indifferently:
"Date with you and end your obsession."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

This chapter may look weird...because my fingernails are knocking on the keyboard and I can't run to use the voice code, it's the first time I use the voice code, I'm too used to it (mainly shame and can't let go) , but the speed is quite fast. After getting used to the voice codewords, it may be more efficient than usual when I hit the ground purely by hand.

(End of this chapter)

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