The queen is so fierce

Chapter 203 Confession under the moon, obsession dissipates

Chapter 203 Confession under the moon, obsession dissipates

"Date with you and end your obsession."

When Su Huanqing said these words, there was no trace of unnaturalness on his expression, as if it was a matter of course.

Xu Shoujing was suddenly a little stunned, and after a while, he asked:
"Where did you learn these... from?"

Su Huanqing tilted her head toward the back room, her clear eyes did not waver, and she said in a flat tone:
"Learned from those picture books on your shelf."


Why am I buying so many romance comics when I have nothing to do...

Seeing that Xu Shoujing was still hesitant.

Su Huanqing ran into the bedroom silently, took out a set of outing clothes, and threw them on the sofa.

Then, regardless of whether Xu Shoujing agreed or not, he changed into thick-soled sandals at the door and walked out the door.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, I'll go down and wait for you first."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

So...I don't have the right to refuse?

5 minute later.

Xu Shoujing, who put on a casual sweater, walked downstairs reluctantly.

It's a reluctance, but don't forget that the current Xu Shoujing has no memory of spending those 18 years in Jiuzhou.

At this time, Xu Shoujing, apart from the fact that his body was a little different from ordinary people, was an out-and-out boring game house.

Deep in my heart, I also retain the ambivalence of longing for love but fearing it.

Therefore, making a slightly strong decision like Su Huanqing can make Xu Shoujing not have so many scruples.

Well, even though you should pretend you're not interested, you still have to pretend, man... no matter if you're mature or not, it's always a good face.

Of course, only the modern version of Xu Shoujing has a better face.

If it's the Jiuzhou version of Xu Shoujing... what's the use of face, can you eat it?Can there be harem incense?

It can be seen that a person's growth, you can never imagine what his opportunity is.

Originally Su Huanqing was waiting quietly downstairs, but now she saw Xu Shoujing come out.She subconsciously followed the usual way of getting along and moved forward on her own.

After walking two steps, Su Huanqing stopped.

Because, she found that Xu Shoujing didn't have the cheek to run over and squeeze her hand like before.

And he had to stand in the same place like a vertebra, watching him leave, but he refused to come over.

Su Huanqing was speechless for a while, and was at a loss with Xu Shoujing.

The main reason is that Xu Shoujing usually comes up with a cheeky face, taking advantage of it and holding small hands.

Now that color embryo suddenly retreats to himself, Su Huanqing is still a little not used to it.

"What are you doing standing there?" she asked, frowning.

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing stopped looking around at the scenery and scratched his cheeks slightly embarrassed:

"It's alright...well, prepare yourself a little bit."

When he was done he sighed.He walked to Su Huanqing's side in a three-step pause.

After grumbling for a long time, the two men walked out from the gate of the community, and the destination was the pedestrian street where Xu Shoujing "eliminated violence and peace" a few days ago.

"By the way, I heard before that there was a woman in ancient costume who was brought to the door by the police with a real sword. Is it you who said that?"

Xu Shi felt that it was boring not to talk all the time, Xu Shoujing bluntly found a topic.

Su Huanqing glanced at him sideways and replied softly:
"When I woke up, I was on a very high roof, looking for a way to go down, but I was accidentally seen..."

Su Huanqing paused, looked ahead, and continued:
"Their reaction is exactly the same as yours. They all think that I am the author of some short videos, and they came to me to take a photo."

"Then what?" Xu Shoujing mumbled.


Su Huanqing subconsciously caressed the place where Xueluo Wenyue used to hang, Liu Mei frowned and said:
"There were a few unscrupulous people who wanted to do something to me, so I used my sword to frighten them, and I didn't see them reporting to the officials. I didn't expect the officials from the government to come over with iron-clad magic weapons."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It is estimated that the surveillance camera saw it, or it may have been reported by the Lezi person next to him.

In fact, for the current Xu Shoujing, rather than 'being in the environment of a certain trial place', his body feeling is more similar to 'the heroine who has traveled through a fairy world around him'.

Su Huanqing's sudden appearance completely disrupted his dull but boring daily life.

Xu Shoujing did not feel rejected, but welcomed it very much, and even liked to intensify his efforts.

"What kind of person am I?" Xu Shoujing suddenly asked out of nowhere.

Su Huanqing stopped slightly and looked at him suspiciously.

Xu Shoujing glanced at her hesitantly and added:
"I'm referring to me when I was in Jiuzhou."

He was really curious. He once swore that he would be solo with his mother and womb all his life, and he would play games with him all his life... What kind of psychological changes had happened to him, and all of a sudden... so many harems.

Su Huanqing was stunned for a while, and after thinking for a while, she slowly said while recalling:
"You... are a very strange person."

"Strange?" Xu Shoujing's eyes were full of puzzlement.

Why is this evaluation?
Su Huanqing said seriously: "You are impulsive and irritable, and you often get angry because of some unimportant things; you are still self-righteous and often feel that everything is under control. When faced with a crisis, only the only ones who can take it out are left. Random changes are made.”

"—" Xu Shoujing was speechless, and he began to feel that Jiuzhou was a little stupid.


Speaking of this, Su Huanqing suddenly changed the conversation, and her dull clear eyes climbed to a soft color, and said in a low voice:
"Those things... are always based on what you do for others. Knowing that your strength is low, you always face danger alone and keep your woman in a safe place.

You are carrying a lot of responsibilities that didn't belong to you. I don't know what those responsibilities are, but I can guess.

Thinking of these responsibilities, you will feel anxious because your progress is too slow, but you will not bring this emotion to time with other people. "

Su Huanqing raised her head slightly and looked directly into Xu Shoujing's eyes without any hesitation:

"You always think about a commitment, and you still think you can't do it can't do it there. In fact, in my opinion, you have done a good job."

Xu Shoujing looked a little hot, and subconsciously looked away, and said with a dry smile:
"You told me this, I don't know... I don't have the memory of Jiuzhou you mentioned."

Su Huan counted up and said nothing.

These words must not be just for him. The aunties standing behind Xu Shoujing probably wanted to tell him for a long time.

Don't think about taking everything on your own, you're not alone.

But if he was facing Xu Shoujing before his would be a bit hard to say.

Who makes this guy usually look like a hungry ghost, it's hard for you to find the second form in him.

When you want to talk to him about serious business, maybe this guy is full of thoughts on how to undo your bellyband.

The pace restarted, and the two hit the road again.

Before taking a few steps, Su Huanqing took his hand unusually and asked:
"Today I'm your Tao... Girlfriend, what do you want to do?"

The icy cold touch felt like an electric current, passing between Xu Shoujing's five fingers, he resisted the urge to escape, breathing disorderly and said:

"I... I don't know either. Don't you also know some knowledge of this world? Why don't you tell me?"

Su Huanqing nodded and did not falter. He directly poked the local and expressed the doubts in his heart:
"I read your picture books. At the end of the date, you will go to a love hotel for one night, and then there is nothing in the middle to go directly to the next day. Does that make any sense?"


The 'middle' that has been passed over is the meaning...

Xu Shoujing blushed and said with difficulty:
"Change another one, that...not very good."

Su Huanqing frowned slightly, but she didn't ask any further. She knew that she knew very little about the world. Since Xu Shoujing said that it was not good enough, it should be no good.

After thinking for a while, she glanced at the pedestrian street she was about to arrive at and asked:

"Why do you go to the cloth just to see but not to buy?"

Window shopping...what else can I do?

Xu Shoujing felt that it was a bit difficult to explain, because he couldn't understand the meaning of shopping and trying on clothes for a long time without buying a single one.

For example, if he really wants something, he will definitely check the price online now, and then go to the offline experience store to try the feel.

If the price is right, you can start directly at the physical store. If the price is not right, wait for the starting price of the e-commerce.

After shopping around for a long time, I didn't buy anything, and I wasted a whole day of time and physical strength... more than worth the loss.

Xu Shoujing couldn't understand this kind of behavior, but there were 'students' asking questions in front of him, and he had to answer if he couldn't answer.

After thinking about it for a long time, he answered somewhat uncertainly:
"Because... the shopping itself is not important, the two people hanging out together are the fundamental purpose of dating."

Well, at first glance, the answer is copied from the Internet.

After listening to Su Huanqing, he nodded somewhat incomprehensibly, and then asked Xu Shoujing to wrap his small hands a little tough, and said:
"Then let's go for a walk together."


Xu Shoujing put on a mask of pain.


Today is a working day, but as one of the most prosperous areas in the city, the flow of people on the streets is still terrifying.

Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing were holding hands, except for their outstanding looks, they were like a pair of ordinary couples who were completely obliterated.

They looked at each other from shop to shop. Although they showed no interest in each other's eyes, they would still stop and check like other couples.

It is only natural that Xu Shoujing is not interested, he has never bought clothes in the store.

And Su Huanqing doesn't catch a cold because she hasn't been able to accept the overly revealing clothes on the street.

Tight jeans and a long-sleeved casual shirt were barely able to fit on the body... but it was only a last resort to avoid conspicuousness.

To let an ancient person who was born and raised in the Xianxia world show his arms and legs...

It can only be said that it is quite a dream.

However, if Xu Shoujing, who had not lost his memory, heard this sentence, he would probably retort in anger:
What's not to dream about?As long as you have thick skin, you can put stockings on Aunt Chu and the others, but it's just a lack of effort.

Perhaps the clothing store was too tortured, and Xu Shoujing had no interest in seeing Su Huanqing, so the two walked through a side alley to a snack street.

From a distance, the aroma of food mixed with various spices and oil juices rushed into the nasal cavity.

Xu Shoujing inadvertently saw thick smoke billowing from an iron-plate squid stall. He wanted to skip it, but for some reason, a picture of a beautiful woman eating squid suddenly flashed in his mind.


The familiar labor pains clinged to his skull, Xu Shoujing frowned and covered his head subconsciously.

"Xu Shoujing?" Su Huanqing reached out to help him.

Xu Shoujing waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, but the palm holding Su Huanqing's small hand became more and more forceful.

He paused for a while, his eyes turned from the squid stall to the black classic facade of the opposite, not only thought of something, but said with a wicked smile:
"Would you like to try that?"

Su Huanqing hesitated, but nodded.

The queue was not long, so Xu Shoujing asked Su Huanqing to wait under the shade of a tree. He waited in line for less than 10 minutes, and took back two bowls of steaming stinky tofu.


Xu Shoujing handed the two paper bowls to Su Huanqing, took out a tissue from his pocket, and simply wiped the bench.

After doing all this, he turned to look at Su Huanqing:
"sit down."

Su Huanqing didn't sit, she looked straight at the bag Xu Shoujing was holding in the other hand, and asked:

"what is that?"

"Er...pearl milk tea." Xu Shoujing thought for a while, and explained aloud: "You can just understand that milk and tea are mixed together. In our place, girls like to drink it... Anyway, my sister said it was Zero card."

In fact, Xu Shoujing bought stinky tofu for Su Huanqing with the mentality of 'persuading newcomers to eat snail noodles'.

Unexpectedly, when she actually put it in her hands, the other party ate it with relish. If it weren't for the fact that the appetite was too small, he would have shouted for another serving.

After a simple meal, the two re-planned their afternoon journey.

They clasped their fingers like true lovers, watched the season's hottest romance movies and visited the iconic Spiral Library.

Although there was no time to go to the amusement park, the two also visited the temple fair where fireworks and lights were intertwined when night came.

late at night.

There were not many pedestrians left on the street, and the high-hanging jade plate full moon cast hoarfrost towards the dim corner.

Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing were walking on an uphill road with few white lights.

Stopping by the moonlight, Su Huanqing tilted her head to look at Xu Shoujing and asked:
"Are you satisfied now? Has the obsession been eliminated?"


I have a fart obsession.

Xu Shoujing sighed, carefully recalled the experience of the next day, and said with a little doubt:

"So... that's what dating is all about? I don't think it's very interesting..."

Su Huanqing blinked and showed a rare smile:
"I find it interesting."

"Huh?" Xu Shoujing looked stunned. I haven't seen this girl's expression change all day. What do you think is interesting?
I'm an honest man, don't lie to me.

Su Huanqing suddenly let go of Xu Shoujing's hand, took a few steps forward, paused for a while, then slowly turned around and said in a low voice:

"You think this world is bad...but I think it's very good. There are no disputes, no vendettas, conversations with people, and you don't have to wonder if the other party is thinking about killing you. What a beautiful world."

Xu Shoujing frowned, and immediately wanted to refute.

No, there are disputes and vendettas in this world. All interactions between people are malicious. No matter how long the love persists, it will not survive a 'seven-year itch'.

Xu Shoujing wanted to tell her that you think the world is beautiful, just because you see only the good side. As long as you live for a while, you will soon understand that this kind of thing can become 'garbage' in the game. world……

As soon as the words reached his lips, Xu Shoujing was stunned.

He suddenly discovered that what he wanted to say at the moment was similar to Su Huanqing's rebuttal of his longing for Jiuzhou.

Yes, because I have never understood, I unilaterally think that what I desire is all good.

But once you actually live it and get used to its goodness, you will subconsciously magnify those shortcomings.

It's like... my own interpretation of the earth.

While Xu Shoujing fell into self-reflection, Su Huanqing quietly took a step closer with her small hands behind her back.

The cold wind blows, the stars and moon shine.

The bright white moonlight reflected on Su Huanqing's delicate and flawless face, and the biting breeze blew her thick hair like a waterfall behind her.

Su Huanqing raised her head slightly, smiled, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks.

"If I go back... I will definitely not dare to say this to you because of Master and your other women."

She stared at Xu Shoujing's slightly confused eyes like this, her clear and beautiful eyes were beginning to waver, her thin lips were slightly pursed, and the words she blurted out were very sincere:
"Xu Shoujing, only for now... I like you."


At this moment, Xu Shoujing's head was officially announced to be split, and his brain fell into a blank space. Those fragments and memories that were constantly playing were all wiped out.
"Xu Shoujing...I like you."

Man, selective deafness isn't it?

From childhood to adulthood, Xu Shoujing has always been a person who has no relationship with girls... Although this is basically what he asked for.

Otherwise, just relying on that handsome face that exceeds the horizontal line, it is estimated that true love will not be found, and the nympho can still attract a lot.

And everything that happened today made Xu Shoujing feel like a dream and no sense of reality.

A fairy dating him, watching movies, visiting temple fairs, eating stinky tofu... still confessing to herself under the moonlight?
What kind of drama?This is really a short video...

Xu Shoujing's brain was overheated.

Su Huanqing conveyed her feelings as if he was relieved, and the tension in his shoulders was relieved a lot.She added:
"I've never thought about what it's like to like someone... I don't know when it started, when you're buried in danger, I'll want to stay by your side forever, and you leave without a word When I get angry, I want to chase after him.

I used to tell myself that this is because I need you to save Master, and I am your senior sister... These excuses are too pale. From the time I set out to chase you to the ghost realm, I understood my intentions. "

Su Huanqing looked at Xu Shoujing quietly, her expression was as calm as usual, but turbulent waves flickered in her clear eyes.

"When I was dating you today, I once thought... If you don't have those responsibilities, if I was born in this world with you, I don't need to think about the catastrophe of the Nine Provinces, I don't need to think about the rise and fall of the family, just stay together every day like this What a joy to hang out."

Xu Shoujing opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer those things that did not exist in his memory.

Su Huanqing seemed to be venting his emotions. Now that he opened his mouth, he finished all the words without any remaining:

"I don't like to miss... At least I once had it. Thank you for letting me experience everything in this world, and thank you for not letting me miss you. When I go back, forget me now..."

The moment the words fell, Su Huanqing's cheeks were red hot, she seemed to have exhausted her courage and leaned up, offering her red lips.


The four lips were facing each other, tasting the cool sweetness.

Xu Shoujing's brain didn't go blank this just exploded.


As if it was agreed, the whole world ushered in the moment of collapse.

Uphill streets at night, colorful buildings, and temple fairs with lights in the distance.

It all fell apart like broken glass.

Looking at the beautiful face so close at hand, Xu Shoujing's eyes widened, and his pupils trembled.

At this moment, he finally remembered.

Not only his memory in Jiuzhou, but also the truth of this trial ground.

This is his memory, yes, but it is not the place of his trials, and it is not the small garden formed because of his heart knot.

This world constructed out of thin air through Xu Shoujing's past memories is Su Huanqing's obsession.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
I used the voice code in the first half, it always felt wrong, and finally I changed the keyboard code...

(End of this chapter)

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