The queen is so fierce

Chapter 204 Guarding the Demon Spirit Dragon Ancestor Cang Yin

Chapter 204 Guarding the Demon Spirit Dragon Ancestor Cang Yin
When the church floor collapsed at first, the two fell into the endless abyss.

Xu Shoujing's body has not yet fully recovered due to the side effects of the 'Soul Purification Ice Coffin'.

The few things he could feel were his limbs swaying in the wind as he fell, and the inexhaustible darkness that could not be expelled by opening and closing his eyes.

Su Huanqing... how is Su Huanqing?

Xu Shoujing did not take care of himself, but worried about Su Huanqing's safety.

Although his current negative situation is mostly caused by his inability to act.But even if he could move, as long as he still couldn't fly with the sword, the result should be pretty much the same.

It stands to reason that Su Huanqing should be in a state of infinite falling just like himself.

Why... why can't I hear her movement at all?

"Huanqing? Qingqing? Su Huanqing!" Xu Shoujing shouted.

No one responded to him.

The sound was so loud that the echoes bounced back and forth a few times, and it was impossible to say 'just didn't hear it'.

Xu Shoujing couldn't help but be a little anxious, where was Su Huanqing hanging when he fell?
This is nothing, how can you fall off a cliff when you are with yourself?The last time I fell off the cliff was in the Meteoric Dragon Abyss...

Obviously, Xu Shoujing's worries are completely nonsense, this abyss is not a real cliff, where will a branch grow for Su Huan to hang?

Before Xu Shoujing could think about how to find Su Huanqing, a white light suddenly ushered in under the darkness.

Xu Shoujing fell so fast, so fast that he couldn't even find the concept of falling in the darkness, only that his back seemed to light up.

In the next instant, the scene in his sight changed, and Xu Shoujing fell from the dark cave into a huge crystal space.

The scale of the crystal space is comparable to the part of the temple where the Tiangong is exposed, and there are many stalactite-shaped crystal columns on the ceiling.

All directions, the ground, the walls... all the places that can be seen are covered with a layer of crystal.

It is not difficult to see what a glorious era this slightly empty crystal space once had tens of thousands of years ago.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were a little dazed, and his heart was full of emotion... If he had taken a step late and had not been sent to the sky by that big truck, these scenes that have never been seen in the game, I am afraid that he would never have a chance to see its grandeur until he died.

"Wait...I won't just fall to the ground like this, will I?"

Xu Shoujing suddenly realized that he did not stop falling, and if there was no accident, he would probably hit the crystal floor directly...

What a joke!He is now in a semi-disabled state with weak limbs and no spiritual power!
If it fell directly to the ground, it wouldn't be any better than a 'big truck to another world service'.

Whoosh - bang!

Xu Shoujing, who was falling at a high speed, almost turned into a phantom, and the huge impact caused a burst of smoke.

When the hurricane dissipated, the huge impact failed to damage the crystal ground in the slightest.

Xu Shoujing lay flat on the ground, his peach blossom eyes were round and round, and his hands that were spread out seemed to have regained consciousness, trembling violently.

At first glance, it seemed that he had fallen over his head, but upon closer inspection, he found that Xu Shoujing was not in direct contact with the ground, but kept a distance of half his palm suspended in the air parallel to the crystal floor.


After about four or five seconds, the hurricane caused by the impact completely dissipated, and Xu Shoujing's body did not stop at all, and fell to the ground in accordance with the law of gravity.

Xu Shoujing sat up with one hand covering his neck. Although he was not hurt much because of the unknown force, the psychological level of panic was unparalleled.

In addition to the magical power that held him up, the fact that his body suddenly regained consciousness was quite strange.

No matter how you think about it, it can only be because of this crystal palace.

Xu Shoujing looked around at the situation of the Crystal Palace, which was basically not much different from the startling glance when he fell.

Except that crystal is crystal, you can't even find the rest of the color except the abyss cave where it fell.

In this empty and empty crystal palace, only one thing caught Xu Shoujing's attention.

To be precise, it is a huge crystal door.

The relief carved on the crystal door is also an old acquaintance. At the top is a sky shrouded in dark clouds, and in the dark smoke like thick ink, a five-clawed dragon is churning.

As for the scene of the mortal spiritual world, it was the same as what Xu Shoujing saw in the ruins of Jiuxiao. The mortals who had no cultivation base bowed down to the sky and prayed for the redemption of the heavenly palace.

As a result, of course, Tiangong did not show mercy to mortals, not even the slightest reaction.

Unsurprisingly, the next scene is the Dragon Slayer, holding the BUG-level immortal artifact Shen Jing Punishes the sky, one person and one shot overturning the dragon...

Xu Shoujing suddenly widened his eyes. He suspected that he had read it wrong. He jumped up and ran to the huge crystal door to check.

However, no matter how you look at it...

"No, no dragon killers."

Xu Shoujing frowned, more and more unable to understand the reason.

He even used Jiuxiao's Dragon King Spirit Vision, and the relief on the crystal door didn't change.

Why not?
Although a lot of the history of the Dragon Slayer has been erased, it has not reached the point where it is completely impossible to consult.

In fact, in the earliest days, Su Huanqing searched the ancient books by himself and found the relevant legends of the Meteoric Dragon Abyss, and then rushed to Yuliangzhou alone.

Moreover, even if the real history is different from what was written, then what you have seen with your own eyes can’t be fake, right?
Xu Shoujing traced back the memories in his blood through Jiuxiao's illusion, and the scene of the dragon slayer killing Jiuxiao is still vivid in his mind, and it will definitely not be fake.

"No, there is a problem with the direction of thinking." Xu Shoujing raised his hand and pinched his chin, feeling that there was a loophole in his thinking just now.

The dragon slayer is real, and he himself has the blood of the dragon slayer.

This has already been demonstrated, and there is no need to continue to struggle.

The more crucial point is... this is the Heavenly Palace.

Combining the later self-reports of Nangong Xiaoxiao, Su Jin and Zhao Fuyao, the killing of Jiuxiao by the Dragon Slayer happened almost at the same time as the destruction of Tiangong. Even the three souls of Jiuxiao were beheaded, and it took longer than the destruction of Tiangong. few.

This can also explain why when mortals in the spiritual world bow down to the sky and pray for salvation, no one in the heavenly palace can answer the question.

Now that the sequence of events has been determined... Then why did the Dragon Slaying Relief, which happened after the destruction of the Tiangong, appear in the Tiangong that became an underground ruin ten thousand years later?

It is impossible to say that there are no tricks here.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath. Whether it was to find out Su Huanqing's whereabouts or to investigate the truth of what happened back then, he had to open this weird crystal door.

Thinking like this, Xu Shoujing checked the Linghai's recovery situation internally. Although the pitch-black ink sea was not like the waves in its heyday, it was still okay to make at least one full retreat.

The only thing to be careful about is that although he still has an amber belt around his waist, he doesn't have any weapons on his body.

Shenjing Punishment didn't talk about it anymore, and was snatched away by the old man of Immortal Tu Yu; Yao Ye Senluo, since the last time he chopped himself into half, he has been kept in Yaoyao for temporary safekeeping.

The painting boat sent by the master was Yan Qian, and Su Huanqing had been holding it when she was unable to move due to the reaction of the soul-purifying ice coffin. Now that she is missing, the sword cannot run back by itself.

It can be said that Xu Shoujing's current state is that he only wears a layer of paper on his body. Even if he recovers some spiritual power because of the special power of the Crystal Palace, it is at most a paper folded in half.

Having said that, there is no turning back now. Even if the road ahead is an iron wall made of steel, in order to retrieve Su Huanqing, Xu Shoujing must pierce it with 'paper'.

"Hey... OK, okay, how many monsters have you encountered since entering the ghost realm, can you come up with something normal for cultivating immortal adventures..."

Xu Shoujing was mentally prepared, and while sighing, he raised his arm and pressed it against the door.

boom -

I don't know if it's because of the disrepair, the two crystal doors seem to be nailed to the ground, and they are heavier than all the stone doors they have encountered in the past.

Xu Shoujing spent a lot of effort, and finally even used the Nine Tribulations Prison Body, and finally pushed a crack open.

The dazzling white light stabbed out from the crack of the door. Xu Shoujing always turned on the Dragon King Spirit Vision. From the moment he opened the crack of the door, he peeped inside.

It was at this sight that Xu Shoujing was so frightened that he let go of his hand on the spot and did not dare to push it any further.

Dragon scales!

Behind the huge crystal door, there is a crystal blue dragon that is no less than the size of Jiuxiao!
Xu Shoujing was completely stupid.

"Don't bring something like this... I didn't set up a flag, so why did I meet again."

Ask yourself, Mangru Xu Shoujing does not dare to face an ancient heavenly dragon in his current state.

This thing looks much higher than those western flying dragons outside.

To describe it, the flying dragons in the ruins of the Tiangong and the ghosts in the ghost realm are all small monsters on the road of the dungeon, and the tentacles in the Kuroshio are elite monsters.

But no matter how you look at this dragon, it is a proper boss. The Crystal Palace is clearly the boss room, and the difficulty rises.

Let's see what state Xu Shoujing is in.There is no equipment, no spiritual power, and even the ability to move has just recovered not long ago.

This is a head shot...

Xu Shoujing had the desire to retreat, and wanted to retreat several times... In fact, he has nowhere to go now.

"Forget it, let's die..."

Xu Shoujing looked up at the sky, let out a long sigh, and regained consciousness in his heart, then put his hands on the crystal gate again, and pushed hard towards both sides.


The heavy sound of the door stirred up a lot of smoke and dust, and the inside and outside of the Crystal Palace were completely different.

Although the outside is all made of crystals, it is more like a natural cave than a 'palace', disordered and chaotic.

In contrast, the inside of the Crystal Palace has a very 'architectural' feeling.

The entire Crystal Palace was unreasonably large, and the large dragon actually only took up less than one-fifth of the space.

Entering the door is a wide avenue. Along the road, you can see the crystal blue dragon lying at the end.

On both sides of the road, three sturdy crystal beams and columns are used to support the ceiling in turn, each of which is carved with exquisite reliefs.

Xu Shoujing remained vigilant, and every step was surprisingly cautious, but until he walked in front of the crystal blue dragon, the other party didn't have any stance like a sudden burst of injury.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

sleep so deadly?
Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled, took a deep breath to adjust his heart rate, and said carefully:

"Grandpa Long? Grandpa Long? Big Brother Long? ... Long Daxian?"

Crystal Blue Shenlong ignored him.

Xu Shoujing thought to himself, could it be because I am too young and his ears are too big?Is it useful to jump on the dragon's head and shout?

It can only be said that this guy thinks a little too much.

Before Xu Shoujing thought about the specific method of 'getting the dragon up'.Suddenly, an ethereal call came from behind him:

"It's useless, my body has long since been annihilated, and now sleeping here, it's just a dragon corpse that doesn't want to turn into black ashes."


This voice sounded too suddenly, Xu Shoujing had no psychological preparation, and was startled.

Looking back, there was an illusory dragon shadow that was the same as the crystal blue dragon.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's panicked appearance, Long Ying's eyes became obviously a little surprised, but he said in surprise:
"You are a descendant of the Heaven Punishment Clan, have you never even seen the Dragon Clan?"

Of course Xu Shoujing has seen them, and he has seen quite a few. Including this Uncle Long in front of him, there are two flying dragons and two dragons each, which is very average.

After thinking for a while, Xu Shoujing asked the most important doubt:
"You won't kill me?"

Uncle Long's pair of dragon eyes were full of doubts, and he said inexplicably:
"Why should I kill you?"


Does it actually make sense?

Yes, the road to immortality is cruel and true, but not every big guy shouts and fights every day.

Normal people are busy with their own avenues, and if they don't provoke themselves, who has the time to take care of others.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing didn't speak for a while, Long Ying's illusory body shrank, raised his head, looked down at the tiny human race, and exclaimed:

"My name is Cang Yin, I am the demon spirit guarding this place and the ancestor of the Dragon Clan. A person with the bloodline of Heaven's Punishment... I ask you, what is your intention to visit Gu Yao Immortal Palace after tens of thousands of years?"

"Gu Yao Immortal Palace?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then said with surprise and joy:

"This is Gu Yao's Immortal Palace?"

Hearing this, Long Ying was confused, the huge dragon head crooked in mid-air, frowning and said:
"You do not know?"

Xu Shoujing nodded, if he knew, he would not hesitate at the door like a suspicious person for a long time.

I wanted to cut directly to the topic and get the Moonfall Fairy Soul, the key item for healing shaking.

But before that, Xu Shoujing still had to find Su Huanqing first, he asked:
"There is another woman with me. Do you know where she is?"

Cang Yin Long Ying did not answer this question directly, but said solemnly:
"Those who want to see the Moon Immortal must enter the cycle of reincarnation to purify their hearts. Those who are obsessed with fantasy and do not return will have no survivors."

Xu Shoujing had seen this sentence before, and Su Huanqing pointed it out to him when the ground of the Starry Sky Church collapsed.

The literal meaning is also easy to understand. The key point is the last 'no one survived'.

Xu Shoujing closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then he understood what Cang Yin Longying meant.

It is estimated that Su Huanqing entered the 'Dream Reincarnation' when he fell into the dark abyss, and even now he is still confused in it and has not returned.

"Is there any way to save her?" Xu Shoujing asked directly.

Cang Yin Long Ying still shook his head: "You have no obsession in your heart, and you have entered the reincarnation of other people's illusions without authorization.


I asked you to open a back door and straighten her out, so how could it be that I want to go in too?
Well, at least there is a way.

Xu Shoujing sighed and grinned:

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?"
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

...Although I think it was written very clearly at the beginning, let's just mention that this chapter is an interspersed explanation of what happened before the 'dream'.

(End of this chapter)

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