The queen is so fierce

Chapter 205 The truth of the Tianzhu era

Chapter 205 The truth of the Tianzhu era

"...Well, that's probably what happened."

In the center of the Crystal Palace, Xu Shoujing sat cross-legged on the ground and explained to Su Huanqing what happened in a soft voice.

After hearing this, Su Huanqing was silent for a while, and her bright eyes stayed on Xu Shoujing's body for a moment, then whispered:

"So... the strange world without spiritual power that we saw just now exists in your memory, not a fabrication of 'Dream Reincarnation'."

Speaking of this, she was stunned for a long time, her eyes drooping slightly, and she said with some emotion:

"Aren't you from Jiuzhou?"

Xu Shoujing waved his hand with a helpless expression:

"I was already dead on Earth. I was hit by a big truck. I couldn't die any longer. I was born in Jiuzhou, grew up in Jiuzhou, and was born and raised in Jiuzhou."

Su Huanqing suddenly recalled what happened between the two in the fantasy reincarnation, pursed her lips, and asked for no reason:

"Because you hate that world?"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing was silent for a long time, then smiled casually:
"It may have been in the past, and doesn't matter. In fact, any world is similar. It's enough for me to have you."

Su Huanqing's ears were slightly red, and her cold pretty face was a little stunned. She turned her head to look at the corner of the hall, and said in a harsh tone:

"Didn't I make you forget..."

forget?Just kidding, the ghost will forget.

Xu Shoujing regained his reincarnated memories, which also meant that the cheeky energy he had wrapped around his adoptive mother that day also returned.

Seeing Su Huanqing's arrogant reaction, he immediately moved his butt and leaned over, hugged the other party into his arms involuntarily, and said with a smile:
"You look at me too highly. With such a deep memory, how can I forget it?"

Being hugged by Xu Shoujing so strongly, Su Huanqing seemed to have been electrocuted, her shoulders trembled slightly, and she subconsciously wanted to struggle away.

But after hesitating for a long time, he stayed quietly in his arms, motionless, with a cold and pretty face looking a little stiff.

To be honest, before the change, Xu Shoujing had done a lot of things to her, and most of the time it was with Su Huanqing's own acquiescence.

But at that time, the relationship between them was only a 'sister and a younger brother' on the bright side, and it was just a 'master' with a joke.

It's different now. Although it happened in the fantasy cycle, the fact that Su Huanqing confessed to Xu Shoujing has not changed.

At this moment, acquiescing to Xu Shoujing's intimacy is undoubtedly equivalent to acknowledging the relationship between the two.

In immortal terminology, this is called 'Dao Companion'.In the words of that world, it's called 'boyfriend'.

Su Huanqing has not yet been able to fully accept the drastic change in the relationship, and the thoughts in his head are still chaotic, constantly revolving around:
'I'm with him, what should I do, Master? ', 'I regret not being with him, will he still get involved? '

... and so on such a mess of minds.

Xu Shoujing's mind is relatively simple... After all confessed, they must be together, then it's okay to hold a small hand and steal a kiss... Isn't it much more justifiable than before?
Seeing Su Huanqing's frowning expression, Xu Shoujing put his chin on her shoulder and said softly:

"What are you thinking? Or...don't want to be with someone like me?"


Su Huanqing reflexively denied it, and when she turned her head, she just met Xu Shoujing's gentle gaze.

She opened her mouth, lowered her head dodgingly, and said in a voice like a mosquito:

"I just... don't know what to do. After all... there is still a master."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment and thought to himself: This is indeed a problem, Ling Fuyu can be considered that he is married with a clear match... No, the three matchmaking and six certificates are not right.

In any case, it is the master who is honored and honored!
Save, definitely save.

But this just established a relationship with other people's apprentices, and in a blink of an eye, he ran to 'double cultivation' with his master... Rao is Xu Shoujing's face, and he can't do such a thing now.

After thinking about it again and again, Xu Shoujing sighed lightly, clasped Su Huanqing's hands tightly, and comforted:
"I said it before... When we go back, let's find a way to save Master together..."

Um?Why wait to go back, can't you find it now?
As if a bolt of lightning had passed through his head, Xu Shoujing suddenly reacted, and immediately raised his head to look at the blue silver dragon shadow who had been eating melons for a long time, and said:
"Senior, junior has something to ask for."

Cang Yin Long Ying suddenly woke up, his silent dragon eyes glanced at the two of you and me, and said quietly:

"I thought you forgot where this is."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Cang Yin Long Ying regained his strength, coughed dryly, and slowly raised his dragon head, returning to the lofty appearance he had when he first met.It said solemnly:
"A person who is in the blood of God's punishment, I ask you, what do you want to do when you come to Gu Yaoxian Palace after tens of thousands of years?" this sentence so important?Do you have to answer?

Xu Shoujing felt in his heart, maybe this is the 'sense of ritual' of the ancient boss.

When Nangong Xiaoxiao first pretended to be a boss, didn't he also design a set of lines?

"Cough cough."

Xu Shoujing cleared his throat and entered the play in a second, with a serious expression:

"Senior Cangyin, I am here under the order of the Heavenly Emperor to fetch the Moonfall Immortal Soul."

Not to mention, this role-play is really interesting.

If he usually did this, he would have been overwhelmed by shame long ago, but now he has nothing to do.

...This is probably the fun of cosplay.

Xu Shoujing's original intention was to cooperate with this Uncle Long so as not to make the old man too embarrassed.

Who knew that after Cang Yin Longying heard his words, Gu Jing Bubo's dragon eyes suddenly widened, and he was so shocked that he jumped up suddenly, and the dragon horns were about to hit the ceiling:

"Heaven... Heavenly Emperor! A person with the blood of Heavenly Punishment, you are talking about Fuyao Heavenly Emperor!"

Xu Shoujing didn't expect Cang Yin Longying's reaction to be so big, scratched his cheeks awkwardly, and then nodded:

"Yeah, Yaoyao... Zhao Fuyao is my benefactor."

The benefactor... Su Huanqing tilted his head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, and was interested in this statement.

Back then, when she first met Zhao Fuyao in Zimo City, Zhao Fuyao also called Xu Shoujing a 'beneficiary'.

But looking at it now, there is no doubt that the two of them have a much closer relationship than they thought.

What this so-called 'beneficiary' actually means is unknown.

Although the reasons are different, Cang Yin Longying also holds a negative attitude towards the term 'benefactor'.

"Benevolent... it shouldn't be, you are the blood of the gods... everything started because of you, how can this be... how can this be..."

Cang Yin Long Ying wriggled his body, his expression seemed to be both focused and troubled, and his thoughts were broken.

Xu Shoujing thought that Uncle Long was afraid of his identity as a 'descendant of the punishment', so he didn't believe the words of 'benefactor' just now.

Also, although Tiangong stood idly by at the time, it was probably because he was too busy to take care of himself, but the grievances between Yaoyao and the ancestors of the Dragon Slayer definitely existed, and they might be dead enemies.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing felt that it was still necessary to tell the story between himself and Zhao Fuyao, at least to prove that he was an 'friend', otherwise it would be a problem how to ask the Moonfall Immortal Soul.

"Senior Cang Yin..."

Xu Shoujing's explanation was not long, and he omitted a lot of details. He only talked about how Zhao Fuyao and himself met, and why he came to ask for the Moonfall Immortal Soul.

Of course, Xu Shoujing also focused on describing Jiuxiao's betrayal of the Dragon Clan, the common people, and the fact that he took refuge in the End Yanjiao with some careful thoughts of 'speaking to the parents'.

"... Jiuxiao should also be one of your descendants. This guy is simply too hateful. Let's just let himself fall and persecute the common people, just like the one painted on the relief outside!"

Saying that, Xu Shoujing pointed to the crystal door, it was really Crayon Xiaoxin who opened the door for Big Eyeball, and he was home with his eyes.

"It was me at that moment." Cang Yin Long Ying said quietly.


Xu Shoujing's expression stiffened, he turned his head mechanically, and asked bluntly:

"The dragon on the that you?"

Cang Yin Long Ying nodded silently.It's a pity that the dragons are all short-handed, otherwise it must cover its face, and Taishe will die.

Xu Shoujing was shocked, you are really grandchildren...

But this can also explain why there is no record of the dragon slayer's lightning debut on the crystal gate. It's not the same thing after a long time...

Wait a minute, I scold them the dragon clan like this, Uncle Long won't kill me to silence me?

Xu Shoujing's heart thumped, his movements restrained a lot, and he asked cautiously:
"I take the liberty to ask, Senior Cang Yin... why are you trying to harm the common people?"

Cang Yin Long Ying was silent for a while: "I just... want my clan to live."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Why even have the same reason as Jiuxiao?
"It's all about the age of the gods, let's not mention it."

Cang Yin Long Ying sighed, looked at Xu Shoujing again, looked at it for a moment, and said solemnly:

"A person with the bloodline of heaven's punishment, you said just now that you saved Your Majesty and embarked on the path of cultivation with her help... You are only eighteen this year?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a while, not understanding why he suddenly turned to the topic of his age, nodded and said:

"Yeah, but it will be nineteen soon."

Seeing that he answered so bluntly, it didn't seem like he was making up a lie, Cang Yin Long Ying thoughtfully said to himself:
"No wonder there is only the cultivation of the Dragon Gate Realm, so it turns out..."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

The standards of your ancient bosses are also terrible, Longmen Realm... This talent is first-class in the entire Nine Continents, but it is actually a 'talent' in your mouth?
Xu Shoujing was unable to complain in his heart, and did not want to continue to undermine his confidence, so he immediately returned to the topic:
"Since everything has been explained clearly, senior, are you unsure if you can hand over the Moonfall Immortal Soul to me?"

Hearing this, Cang Yin Long Ying waved his dragon claw and said with a smile:
"This is not in a hurry. Since you are His Majesty's person, I will definitely not refuse. It's just that I have a question to ask you."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. For some reason, he always felt that Cang Yin Longying's tone at this time was a bit like... watching the fun?
"If you have any questions, feel free to ask, the younger generation knows everything and says everything."

Cang Yin Long Ying replied "Okay", after a little consideration, he asked in a deep voice:
"In my opinion, although you and His Majesty are mutual 'beneficiaries', this still does not change the fact that you will be enemies with His Majesty. In extreme terms, Jindan and you are even in the same camp. You can guarantee that, Do you always stand by His Majesty's side?"

Xu Shoujing heard it in a fog, and only thought that Cang Yin was a riddle, but still answered firmly:
"I can."

Cang Yin Long Ying smiled indifferently: "I don't think so, it might be like this now..."

"It will be the same in the future!" Xu Shoujing interrupted Uncle Long impatiently, it was really endless.

My love for Yaoyao...although I'm not single-minded, but my love is definitely stronger than heaven!
After Uncle Long's alarmist words, Xu Shoujing remembered the fact that Yaoyao let himself find the answer, and asked:

"Senior Cangyin, what happened in the era of Tianzhu? Why did Tiangong collapse? Why was Yaoyao sealed? Since the people of Tiangong chose to betray, they are not afraid to seek revenge from them after Shaoyao gets out of trouble one day?"

Cang Yin Long Ying's expression became a little distorted, as if being called 'shaking' was not light.After thinking for a moment, he sighed:

"Those traitors are not afraid of His Majesty's traitors, they want to kill His Majesty... but they can't."

"Why?" Xu Shoujing asked with a frown.

Cang Yin Long Ying pondered: "Because, in a sense, His Majesty is an immortal existence."

He looked down at Xu Shoujing and continued:
"If you say that your bloodline of punishment is the most cursed existence in the world, then Your Majesty is the darling of the gods who was born with the grace of heaven. The common sense in the world works for her, and the five elements of spiritual power are as friendly to her as family... think It is almost impossible to kill His Majesty by ordinary means."

"That's why the traitor of Tiangong chose to seal?" Xu Shoujing continued to ask.

"Of course." Cang Yin Longying affirmed. "Although Your Majesty has received the favor of Heaven, you still have to follow the laws of Heaven. The seal that the five elements are cut off is a loophole for those traitors to exploit. I want His Majesty to be powerless and become a mortal, tortured to death by the years. "

Xu Shoujing thought about it carefully, and said strangely: "If that's the case, how did Yao Yao survive as a mortal for tens of thousands of years?"

Cang Yin Longying said solemnly: "I said, the common sense in the world is the grace of Your Majesty, those traitors still underestimate the power of the grace of heaven, even if they are more refined, the common sense in the world will let them in a certain link. error..."

Xu Shoujing understood, but he felt that it still didn't make sense, so he frowned and said:
"What do you mean... Yaoyao actually retained a small part of her spiritual power to survive tens of thousands of years? But that doesn't make sense. After I rescued Yaoyao, she really didn't have any on her body. Spirited up..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Shoujing was stunned. He found that the Cang Yinlong film and television line was staring at him without hesitation.

Before he could ask the reason, the next moment, Xu Shoujing seemed to feel something, his eyes widened, and he raised his finger and pointed at himself:

"Because of... me?"

Cang Yin Long Ying nodded silently and sighed:
"After years of washing, after Your Majesty got out of trouble, I am afraid that there is not much spiritual power left in the body, but it is still there. It must not be difficult to escape... But if you want to protect one from the hands of two peak demon emperors. Ordinary people who have not yet stepped into the cultivation path..."

"Wait...wait a minute."

Xu Shoujing was in a panic, and his thoughts turned into a mess. As if he didn't dare to face reality, he asked with short breaths:
"If it is said that shaking her body at that time is not a big problem, you just need to find a place to slowly recover. Then how did she... become like this?"

Cang Yin Long Ying looked directly at Xu Shoujing and said solemnly:
"Why do you think it is?"

Xu Shoujing had already guessed it in his heart, but he was a little reluctant to face it.Listening to his gradually accelerating creed, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Because of the power of divine punishment that resides in my body..."

Cang Yin Long Ying was silent, it was a default.

Yes, the bloodline of Heavenly Punishment is the bloodline that is cursed by Heavenly Dao.

In this way, Zhao Fuyao, the son of Heavenly Dao, has no reason to 'accept' the power of Heavenly Punishment safely.

For other people, the bloodline of Heaven's Punishment may just be an instinctive feeling of fear and rejection.

But for Zhao Fuyao, who was born with the fate of heaven, it is tantamount to a poison that penetrates deep into the bone marrow!
"In order to protect you from the ghosts and demons of the two peak demon emperors, His Majesty borrowed the True Qi in your body. This move directly destroyed the five elements in His Majesty's body. The grace of heaven is not there, and it is naturally no different from mortals."

Cang Yin Longying's words, like a sharp knife, stabbed into Xu Shoujing's heart fiercely, telling the bloody truth.
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In this chapter, some of the foreshadowing of the first volume was taken back... and then a bunch of holes were buried (covering his face). When will this be filled.

(End of this chapter)

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