The queen is so fierce

Chapter 206 The truth of the Tianzhu era

Chapter 206 The truth of the Tianzhu era

I should have thought of it long ago... How can there be a situation in this world where putting other people's things into one's own body will not cause rejection at all?
Xu Shoujing covered his forehead with one hand, distress and remorse intertwined in his heart.

This is essentially the same as blood transfusion. There are only a few types of the power of the Five Elements.

There is no problem in transmitting gong between them, but if you pour 'water' into the 'fire', either the fire will be extinguished, or the water will be boiled dry.

Since Zhao Fuyao was born as the son of Heaven, her spiritual power configuration naturally belongs to the 'all-attribute adaptation' of the open level.

But this must not include the 'force of punishment'.

The method of cultivating the bloodline of the Heavenly Punishment, as early as when the Heavenly Punishment family was wiped out, had no trace of inheritance.

Then, how could Zhao Fuyao, who is completely opposite to the power of Heavenly Punishment, have a solution?
In vitro luck and the like are complete nonsense, Zhao Fuyao is forcibly improving Xu Shoujing's cultivation at the expense of himself.

No wonder Yao Yao would sleep for so long after each double cultivation. It wasn't because of her body that she was in trouble, it was because she was so stimulated by the power of divine punishment that she could only relieve the damage by sleeping for a long time.

"Is this woman sick!" Xu Shoujing was so angry that he broke the defense on the spot, feeling distressed and angry. "I'd rather not have this cultivation... Who made her sacrifice herself? If she's gone, what's the point of me cultivating immortals? What's the point of cultivating immortality!"

Su Huanqing had never seen Xu Shoujing in such a turbulent mood. His clear eyes were slightly stunned, and he had a new understanding of Zhao Fuyao's position in his heart.

At this time, Cang Yinlongying, who silently watched Xu Shoujing go wild, sighed:
"Your Majesty wants to make up for the debt to you."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment and wondered:
"What does she owe me? I owe her."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Shoujing's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had reacted to something, and said in surprise:
"Is it because of the Tianjue era, Yaoyao once had a hostile relationship with the Tianjue clan?"

Cang Yin Long Ying's expression was a little weird. He didn't expect Xu Shoujing to understand so much, so he hesitated and said:

"It's...that's right."

"What does it mean to be..."

Xu Shoujing was confused, thought for a while, and said curiously:
"What happened back then? Why did Tiangong betray Shaoyao... In the end, why does Tiangong have a monopoly... I mean, why should the three worlds be brought together."

This question is also one of the purposes of Xu Shoujing's visit to the Tiangong ruins this time. If he hadn't been interrupted by other messy things just now, he might have asked it right after he came out of the fantasy reincarnation.

Hearing Xu Shoujing say this, Cang Yin Long Ying's eyes became more and more strange, until he saw that he was completely frightened, and then slowly said:
"This matter... It's a long story, and it may start from the age of the gods."


Why is it a historical issue?

Since walking out of Yuliangzhou, Xu Shoujing has not heard how many big bosses talk about the glorious years of the past, and people have long been numb.

He took a long sigh and said helplessly:

"Then speak slowly, the younger generation listens attentively."

Cang Yin Long Ying changed to a comfortable position to lie down, the dragon claws scratched in the void, and said solemnly:

"The era of the gods, there is almost no record in your history now... It was a heyday of immortal cultivation. The crescent moon was as many as a dog, and Xuanyang was considered an entry, and there were not a few great experts in the Xuanye realm."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, feeling that these words sounded familiar.

Cang Yin Long Ying did not stop, and continued:
"The way of heaven in the age of gods does not have the upper limit of 'Xuan Ye is the top of the sky'. After Xuan Ye, countless great powers have opened up new realms. Among them, there are naturally not satisfied with the status quo here. For monks who go to other worlds."

"Ah..." Xu Shoujing's eyes widened, he remembered that when he was in the Changhe Su Clan, the leader of the final Yan once said this.

Cang Yin Longying didn't care about the change in Xu Shoujing's expression, thought he was just shocked by the shocking news, and continued:
"Cultivation of immortals is a journey to pursue their own Dao. If the Dao here cannot satisfy their desire for the Dao, it is natural to choose to leave this world. There is no problem in leaving this world. The real problem lies in those who choose to leave. Too much."

Speaking of which, Cang Yin Long Ying looked down at Xu Shoujing and asked:

"What do you think is the balance of the five elements?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, confused by the sudden change of topic, thought carefully, and answered seriously:

"The five elements create each other, and the five elements overcome each other. No one is ever at a disadvantage, and no one is ever at an advantage. All things are like this."


Cang Yin Long Ying nodded with satisfaction, but then turned his face up again and acted as a mentor:

"You're right, but it's not completely right. Your words can be explained by 'balance of yin and yang', but the balance of the five elements is not only that, it also contains the great truth of the world."

Xu Shoujing understood the wink, and immediately cupped his hands and said:
"Please advise seniors."

Cang Yin Long Ying pondered for a moment and said:
"The five elements are the most basic principles for constructing all things in the world. After a person dies, it will turn into dust, and the dust will return to the earth. The earth will grow new shoots. The new shoots will grow into a big tree after being blown by the wind and the sun. Under the nourishment, a steady stream of spiritual energy is produced... All of this is the balance of the five elements.

The same is true when it comes to cultivating immortals. The cultivator absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as his body, comprehends the Tao, cultivates the Tao, and spends countless spiritual energy of heaven and earth in his lifetime just to pursue his own way.The cultivation base and realm they exchanged with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will expand the world every minute, so as to feedback the way of heaven. "

The words stopped here, and Cang Yinlong's shadow language changed:
"And at this moment, those monks who were supposed to use their own cultivation and spiritual power to give back to the gifts of heaven and earth chose to leave this world. For the way of heaven, it is tantamount to giving away the gifts of heaven and earth.

And as more and more people leave, the balance of the five elements of the natural cycle is on the verge of being broken, and the world tends to be unstable.At this time, if you were the way of heaven, what would you choose to do? "

Xu Shoujing made a "grunt" and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Even if he hadn't listened to Cult Master Yan, the answer was already obvious:
"Blocking the path of immortality, so that practitioners can't leave this world."

"Of course." Cang Yin Longying nodded, "This Heavenly Dao is originally a dead thing without thinking, but its existence represents the common sense of the world, and even the will and rules of the world.

Out of the instinct to maintain the stability of the world, the gods have fallen, and those who do not obey the way of heaven are all killed by the punishment of heaven. "

God is going to kill people, isn't it just God's punishment!

Since going out will create a vacancy, so let you all die here?
Yes, escaping into reincarnation after death is indeed a 'cycle'.

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing had a general understanding of the beginning of the Tianzhu era.


"These don't seem to have anything to do with Yaoyao." Xu Shoujing wondered.

"Of course it is related, it is still a big one." Cang Yinlongying said. "Do you know who Gu Yao, Immortal Venerable Moon Falling, is?"

Xu Shoujing shook his head naturally.

Cang Yin Longying's dragon eyes showed a look of 'as expected', and slowly said:

"Falling Moon Immortal Venerable, is the only survivor of the age of gods who survived to Tianzhu, and the founder of Tiangong. At the same time, she is also the master of your majesty and the dragon slayer."


Xu Shoujing trembled in shock.This time he really didn't expect it at all, it's not surprising that Yao Yao's master is Gu Yao, he somewhat expected it...

But Yaoyao is actually the same master as his cheap ancestor, which I never even dared to think about.

Aren't they mortal enemies?Holy crap, what shocking gossip is this dug up!

Xu Shoujing immediately made up a series of long serial novels of the heroine, 'Sisters become enemies because of different positions'.

Cang Yin Long Ying glanced at Xu Shoujing, disliked his fussing appearance, and continued to talk on his own:
"When the idea of ​​'killing the world' arose from the way of heaven, it was no longer the way of heaven that 'the way of heaven is permanent, not for Yao's existence, not for Jie's death'.

As one of the powerhouses in the age of the gods, Gu Yao survived the catastrophe, but his life was not long.

At this time, perhaps because of destiny, Gu Yao met two girls with opposite fates. She was unwilling to let Tiandao continue to slaughter all beings, so she accepted the two daughters as apprentices and founded Tiangong among the immortals. "

Xu Shoujing recalled it with some hindsight, and suddenly interrupted:
"Senior, in this way, Tiangong dominates the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the three realms to defeat the original abnormal heaven?"

"Not to rout, but to fill."

Cang Yin Longying's voice suddenly became weak, and his voice was rather hoarse:
"My cultivation is inappropriate, and it is entirely up to Gu Yao to survive the catastrophe. I know very well that her original plan was definitely not to defeat the Heavenly Dao, but to use the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth to repair the broken Heavenly Dao and avoid the reappearance of the Heavenly Punishment. robbery."

"What about later?" Xu Shoujing's eyes flickered, and he found that Uncle Long's body had become somewhat illusory.

This is... is it okay?
"Later..." Cang Yin Long Ying said weakly: "Because of the trauma of Tian Zhu catastrophe, Gu Yao didn't have time to repair the way of heaven in person, so she took the crane to the west... She handed over the palace to His Majesty, hoping that His Majesty could replace her to complete the repair of the Tao of Heaven. important task.”

Saying that, Cang Yin Long Ying looked down at Xu Shoujing and said solemnly:
"As for the dragon killer...Xu Wanyi's bloodline is too special to be able to participate in the plan to restore the Tao of Heaven, and she has never told the truth. She is also a little... the hero is sick, she can't see the grief of living beings, she has to run to save the people below. Mortals, finally parted ways with His Majesty."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

So... after the Dragon Slayer killed Jiuxiao, he pointed at the sky, was it actually similar to sisters' anger?
"You must know your Majesty's character very well. Although it is to fulfill Gu Yao's dying entrustment, His Majesty has always felt indebted to Xu Wanyi, and she has almost all the responsibilities of the common people on her own..."

Xu Shoujing's teeth hurt when he heard it, and Yaoyao did the same to himself. Even though he didn't do anything wrong, he always looked like 'I owe you something'.

When she really wanted to ask her directly, she was reluctant to say anything.

It turns out that Shaoyao was like this as early as the days of Tianzhu, not just now.

At this time, Su Huanqing, who had been silent for a long time, keenly caught the loophole in Cang Yin's words, and asked calmly:
"Senior, you just said that Zhao Fuyao took almost all the responsibility on himself... No matter what the reason is, after all, thousands of lives are due to the lack of spiritual energy in heaven and earth, and the people are not living well. If that's the case, shouldn't she shoulder the responsibility? "

Cang Yin Longying sighed: "No, didn't I say it? The original purpose of Tiangong was to repair the broken heaven. Although it needs a lot of heaven and earth aura to fill it, it can't use the entire Three Realms."

Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing were stunned at the same time.

"Human's greed is deeper than the sea." Cang Yin Long Ying said quietly. "The creation of Tiangong is still short, and Gu Yao has passed away before she can take care of it. Compared with Gu Yao, His Majesty lacks iron-blooded means due to personality problems. It's been a long time... The people under this will inevitably have dissent."

Xu Shoujing frowned and said, "Could it be that they privately plundered the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in large quantities, in order to defeat the way of heaven?"

"Almost." Cang Yinlongyinglong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly, "They want to create another heavenly way that is completely under their control and replace the original heavenly way."

Xu Shoujing broke out in cold sweat. This group of people really dared to think about replacing Heavenly Dao... This is equivalent to the player replacing himself with a CM.

"His Majesty has been researching how to repair the way of heaven day and night, and he seldom cares about the things below. In addition, His Majesty is an orphan. He grew up in Tiangong since he was a child. He has always regarded the people of Tiangong as his family, and there is no too much doubt. Here's a chance for those traitors to take advantage of it."

Cang Yin Long Ying took a deep breath and seemed to be very angry.

"That group of traitors violated His Majesty's orders, and always reported some false information to deceive the Holy Spirit. This also led His Majesty to think that the three worlds were all caused by himself, and he also felt that it was because of his orders that the people of Tiangong had to do those palm smears. blood."

Xu Shoujing nodded thoughtfully, in this way, the self-report before Shaoyao made sense.

Let me just say, although Nangong Xiaoxiao is 'ruthless' every day, no matter how you look at it... Yaoyao is not that kind of person.

Presumably her usual appearance of a fairy from the dust was also caused by forcibly stifling her emotions in the midst of self-blame.

Cang Yin Long Ying's body had become translucent, and he knew that time was running out, so he continued without pausing:
"You should also know what happened later. His Majesty was conspiratorial and sealed, and the Heavenly Palace completely fell into the hands of those traitors.

However, they still underestimate the power of the will of the Heavenly Dao. Even if the Heavenly Dao is broken, how can it be replaced so well?

The price of those traitors who delusionally gather the spiritual energy of the three worlds to replace the way of heaven is the extinction of the entire immortal clan, the collapse of the three worlds, and the destruction..."

Xu Shoujing saw Cang Yin Long Ying's appearance that he was about to disappear, and hurriedly asked:
"Senior, what happened to you?"

Cang Yin Long Ying waved his dragon claws: "Don't worry, I'm just a remnant of my soul. It's my limit to be able to speak for so long. Now I'm just about to fall asleep again."

Xu Shoujing gave an expressionless 'oh', and immediately said in a hurry:
"I'm not worried about this, you haven't given me the Moonfall Immortal Soul yet."

"..." Cang Yin Long Ying.

This kid, why are you so irritating?

Cang Yin Long Ying sighed and said helplessly:

"I just wanted to help you take out the Moonfall Immortal Soul, so I had no choice but to fall asleep early. You go out and wait, the Moonfall Immortal Soul will open the way for you."

"One more thing!" Xu Shoujing didn't dare to pause, for fear that Uncle Long would disappear on the spot: "Dare to ask the seniors, do you know any way to repair the broken soul?"

Su Huanqing next to her heard the words and her delicate body trembled slightly, and her clear eyes looked at him with a hint of inexplicable and inexplicable meaning.

"Repair the soul..." Cang Yinlongying lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head: "Low-level monks only need to refine a soul-recovery pill, high-level monks... If today, the age of the gods" The Heavenly Soul Spirit Spring' is still preserved, maybe you can try it there."

Xu Shoujing's breathing suddenly increased, he turned to look at Su Huanqing, and found that the other party's eyes were also full of excitement.

Actually there is!
Cang Yin Long Ying was about to disappear, and finally he warned:
"Those who are in the blood of God's punishment, remember to be kind to Your Majesty... She is a pitiful person. If... if possible... I hope you can replace Gu Yao and Your Majesty and repair the broken heaven..."

"...You have the pupil technique of my own descendants, but it only gives you part of it. I will complete it for you. In the future... I hope you can use it for good deeds."

The words were interrupted, and the blue silver dragon shadow turned into particles of light, and then dissipated into the air.

Below the original position of the blue silver dragon shadow, there appeared an unsealed book with a crystal blue brilliance.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
When the weather is hot, my head is dull... I feel like there is still something I haven't written, forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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