Chapter 207
Seeing the blue silver dragon shadow dissipate, Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, then stepped forward and picked up the crystal blue book and looked at it.

Su Huanqing looked up at him and asked quietly:

"What's written on it?"

"...A bunch of old sayings, I don't understand." Xu Shoujing shook his head, too lazy to study at this time. "Let's go out first, go back and talk about it... The ban on the Tiangong Ruins will be open for a total of five days. Calculate the time to come in, it should be almost the same."

The underground of the Tiangong ruins is dark and the sun is not visible. Except for the Starry Sky Church, there is nowhere to see the stars. Without a chronograph, it is difficult to tell the passage of time.

In fact, even if someone is really bored and wants to count the time, they don't have the time to do it.In most cases, people are either busy looking for opportunities, or they are forced to run for their lives everywhere.

The two walked out of the Crystal Palace along the broad road. As soon as they went out, they saw an ambiguous blue glow in the center of the space covered with wafers when they were coming.

Why do you say 'Ambiguous blue glow'?
Because of its existence, it is like a 4K picture after deliberately erasing the depth of field, hazy and blurry.

Xu Shoujing thought to himself, this should be the 'Moonfall Immortal Soul' prepared by Uncle Cang Yinlong.

"Wait here, I'll be back when I go." Xu Shoujing tilted his head and said to Su Huanqing.

Before he knew the danger, he still didn't dare to take his Taoist companion into danger.

Su Huanqing had long been accustomed to his virtue, but just rolled his eyes a little and stopped talking.

The periphery of the blue glow is a visual shell with the depth of field erased, but after walking inside, it looks relatively simple.

A piece of white jade was quietly suspended in mid-air, the size of which was only the size of a palm, and the surface was glowing with white light, so it could be seen that the hand felt must be very smooth and delicate.

It might be wrong to say 'white jade', it is more similar to the texture between 'milky white and translucent'.

Between every rippling milky white, a collection of aura can be faintly seen.

Zhao Fuyao said that this jade is called Linghuang Jade, and it has the property of being invulnerable to all spirits, so it can preserve the Moonfall Immortal Soul for tens of thousands of years.

Originally, the Linghuang Jade was supposed to be on the third floor of the abyss, but unexpectedly, an accident brought Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing to the bottommost crystal palace, and they got this jade from Cang Yin by accident.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and gently tapped the Linghuang Jade with his hand.

The Linghuang Jade turned into aura particles, and flew into the amber belt as if there was some guidance.

"It's over?" Su Huanqing stepped forward slowly.

"...Well, it went smoother than I thought." Xu Shoujing lifted his belt, his eyes were dazed, and he seemed a little unresponsive.

He looked around at the crystal space, and it was the same as when he came. Except for the endless abyss hole on the ceiling, he couldn't find any way out.

Xu Shoujing scratched his head in distress: "Uncle Long doesn't know how to make it clearer. Is this your intention to let us climb up?"

Su Huanqing didn't have Xu Shoujing's strange imagination, after thinking for a while, calmly said:

"Senior Cangyin said, 'Go out and wait, the Moonfall Immortal Soul will open the way for you'. Could it be the key to a certain institution?"

Xu Shoujing suddenly woke up, broken, and forgot about it.

After all, he is the physique of the blood of the gods. Just because he was afraid of accidentally breaking the Linghuang jade, he put it into the belt as soon as he got it. He didn't expect this layer at all.

"I'll try it now."

Saying that, Xu Shoujing caressed the amber around his waist, and his fingertips pulled out a mass of spiritual light particles, which condensed into a smooth Linghuang jade again.

Xu Shoujing dragged the Linghuang jade, and the texture of his hand was very smooth, as if he would fall off his hands if he was not careful.

He didn't dare to use his spiritual power casually, but just stayed in place and waited quietly.

However, 10 minutes passed and nothing happened.

Su Huanqing hesitated for a moment, then tilted his head and said, "Why don't you try injecting a little spiritual power?"

Xu Shoujing shook his head, but decided in his heart that Linghuangyu's unresponsiveness should have nothing to do with spiritual power.

Cang Yin lived in the age of the gods anyway... well, it doesn't seem to be living, but he must have a lot of experience anyway, and he can see that Xu Shoujing is the blood of the gods, and it is impossible to see the extreme cold that lives in Su Huanqing spirit.

The power of divine punishment will repel and destroy everything in the world, and the spirit of extreme cold is actually not much better. As long as it is not of the same origin, any spiritual power will be frozen by it.

As far as they are special, no one would want to bathe the Linghuang Jade with spiritual power.

The Cang Yin Long Ancestor must have dared to hand over the Linghuang Jade to the two of them on the basis of knowing this.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing carefully analyzed Xia Cangyin's last sentence:
Linghuang Jade will open the way for you.

open circuit?
Anyway, it is definitely not the Linghuangyu that hit the road.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, and suddenly lifted his foot and walked towards the crystal wall directly opposite the gate of the palace.

Su Huanqing was stunned for a moment and followed quietly.

When he first fell from the abyss giant hole, Xu Shoujing had already used the Dragon King Spirit Vision to survey. These naturally formed crystal walls were actual existences, not illusions.

In this case, where did the 'opening' in the mouth of Cang Yinlongzu come from?

Aside from the Linghuang Jade, if Xu Shoujing were to cut it there with a sword, it would take hundreds or 80 years of chopping, and it might not be possible to leave scratches on these extremely special crystals.

In this way, there is only one possibility left.

Just like what Su Huanqing said at the beginning, Linghuang Jade is the key to a certain 'organization'.

As for the location of the organs... Xu Shoujing intends to try them one by one.

Fortunately, Xu Shoujing had good luck this time, and the organ happened to be directly opposite the gate of the hall... He really got caught.


Just as Xu Shoujing walked to the edge of the wall with the Linghuang Jade, those indestructible crystals turned like security tapes at the airport.

The walls on the left and right were rewinded to each side, and soon a long and narrow path was revealed from the middle.

Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing looked at each other, neither of them hesitated, they squeezed into the narrow aisle sideways.


Before going far, Su Huanqing let out a muffled groan.

Xu Shoujing paused, and immediately wanted to look back.However, the narrow path is too narrow, and he has to keep his stomach and waist straight just to move forward. He can't turn around at all, so he can only ask aloud:

"what happened?"

The voice behind was silent for a while, and said muffledly:

"It's okay, just go on and go out."

However, Xu Shoujing didn't understand what she meant. He thought that Su Huanqing's old injury, which was badly injured by the tentacle monster, had flared up. He didn't say much at the moment, and fumbled for an elixir from his belt.

Because he couldn't see the rear, he could only hand it to Su Huanqing by feeling:

"Nuo, those who replenish qi and blood, eat one of these first, and wait for the rest to go out."

Su Huanqing looked at the small Yinhong pill handed in front of her, her clear and beautiful eyes were full of astonishment:
"What are you doing for me with Qi and Blood Pill?"

Xu Shoujing was also a little confused: "Didn't your old injury recur?"

"Who told you that my old injury has relapsed?"

Su Huanqing laughed angrily. It didn't matter. The front of the clothes, which had been squeezed by the wall, suddenly became more stuffy, and she groaned again:

Xu Shoujing is really panicked now. He was so busy running that he didn't have time to deal with the injury. Could something really go wrong?
"You grab my hand, and I'll pull you out right away."

However, at this time, Su Huanqing was in such a state that he couldn't do anything at all.

She controlled her breathing rate and said angrily:
"Just go out by yourself and leave me alone."

Seeing that she was so tough, Xu Shoujing continued to move forward from the narrow road, even though his worries had not diminished.

After walking hundreds of steps, I suddenly became enlightened.

Drilling out of the narrow gap, the first thing that catches the eye is a blank crystal gate. The surrounding area is the same as when it came, and it is covered by an endless abyss. Only a flat bridge leads to the gate.

In front of the crystal gate, there was a large sword that was half-baked in the ground.

Xu Shoujing didn't have time to look at the specific appearance of the big sword. As soon as he turned around, he looked at Su Huanqing, who was still struggling through the crack, and asked with concern:

"How about it, can I give you a hand?"

Su Huanqing bit her thin lips lightly, moved her shoulders slightly, then her cheeks turned a little red, and nodded.


Xu Shoujing stretched out his hand to her, and Su Huanqing also naturally put his little hand on his palm, and then pulled it out with force——


Su Huanqing couldn't breathe well, her snow-white neck was dyed pink, and the harder she pulled out, the wall seemed to shrink, so tight that she couldn't pull it out at all.


Soon, Su Huanqing couldn't take it anymore, so he gasped and asked Xu Shoujing to stop.

Xu Shoujing immediately let go of his hand, and his expression became quite embarrassed.

At this stage, it's impossible to say that you don't know what happened to Su Huanqing... It's impossible for a fool to be that stupid.

It seems that being too big is not necessarily a good thing... Huanqing is like this, wouldn't it be possible for Aunt Chu to get stuck in and out?

While Xu Shoujing thought about whether or not there are some of these, seeing that Su Huan was almost calm, he hesitated for a while, and tentatively said:
"Or... let me stretch my hand over?"

Su Huan Qingxiang's shoulders trembled, and she tilted her head and did not dare to look at Xu Shoujing.

Anyone who has experienced being stuck should know that in such a narrow area, it is easier to let someone outside pull out than to push hard by yourself.

This is because when the space is too narrow, it is actually difficult to use strength when the limbs are in a restrained state.

However, there is also a popular question here... ahem, there is no way to avoid such contact.

Fortunately, the relationship between the two has changed practically now. Although the speed is still a bit fast, in this special case, it is not impossible to accommodate.

After a while, a strange picture appeared on the flat bridge.

The handsome black-robed youth was hunched over.

Half of Su Huanqing's head protruded from Xu Shoujing's shoulder, and her slender legs passed through the crook of his legs. Her beautiful eyes were shy, her cheeks were pink, and a muffled groan could be heard from time to time.

Well, this picture looks a bit strange, but they are really doing serious things.

Because he was afraid that Su Huanqing would be hurt by using too much force, Xu Shoujing was careful all the way.It took almost 10 minutes to pull out the radish before saving the sweaty Taoist couple.

Xu Shoujing lay on the ground, looking at the ceiling and panting.Su Huan was so tired that she became a puddle of ooze, lying on his chest and sighing... sighing at the hard-won smooth breathing.

Both of them are cultivators of the Dragon Gate Realm. Without using spiritual power, they don't need to rest for too long even if they are tired.

After making some adjustments, Xu Shoujing turned his attention to the blank gate on the ground of the flat bridge and the big sword obliquely inserted in front of the gate.

After passing through the cracks, the special crystals in the Crystal Palace could not even see the slightest shadow. The blank gate was actually a huge stone gate. From the perspective of the environment, it was no different from when they first entered the Tiangong ruins.

Xu Shoujing walked to the blank stone gate and looked at it for a while, but didn't see any clues, and then turned his eyes to the big sword slanted beside him.

The overall appearance of the great sword is black, and the hilt and even the blade are very simple, and the lines engraved on it are too blurred to be seen clearly.

The blade is about a palm wide, and aside from the silver-white blade, it is also dark gray as a whole, and there are many scratches left by the collision of swords and soldiers.

The class cannot be seen, the quality cannot be seen, and even the smelting materials have no clue.

This great sword is like a completely unknown aggregate, and all knowledge does not apply to it.

Xu Shoujing pinched his chin and pondered for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Needless to say, it must be a good thing, just hold it.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing immediately grabbed the hilt of the sword and pulled it out with all his strength.

You don't need to be as sympathetic as Su Huanqing when drawing the sword, you can do it as hard as you like.

However, this sword did not cooperate at all, no matter how hard Xu Shoujing tried, it would remain motionless.

It was as if the sword was fused with the underground stone. If you want to draw the sword, you must destroy the stone first.


Xu Shoujing was still fighting with Dajian, but Su Huanqing had already pushed open the stone gate, looked back at him, and said doubtfully:
"Not yet?"


Xu Shoujing didn't say a word, not because he didn't want to answer, but because he had already used all his strength to draw his sword, and he had no other desire to respond to Su Huanqing.

why is it so tight...

Xu Shoujing knew that good things would definitely not be easy to obtain, but now he didn't have time to slowly think about the correct posture to draw the sword, and immediately became cruel, and the momentum all over his body disappeared.

"?" Su Huanqing frowned slightly, not understanding why Xu Shoujing suddenly stopped.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands again, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Aren't you tight?Didn't you let me pull it out?

Just tear down the bridge for you!

The momentum is monstrous, and the ink is picturesque.

Xu Shoujing's body and the ground beneath his feet sank suddenly, and cracks appeared around the sword at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The flat bridge fault, and even a part of the middle section collapsed, and countless rubble fell into the abyss.

Finally, when Xu Shoujing was about to exert his strength, the black sword broke through the ground, revealing a sword light toward the endless abyss.

"It's done!"

Xu Shoujing saw joy in his eyes, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

However, it was like going against him.Before the blade of the great sword was bathed in air for a few seconds, the surrounding gravel seemed to have come alive, scrambling to cling to the body of the great sword.

However, in just two or three breaths, the body of the great sword was wrapped tightly by the natural scabbard formed of rubble.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Can it be like this?
He was dumbfounded, whether it was a magnet or something, and the stone was still sucked up... licking a dog wouldn't be so entangled.

"Is it okay?" Su Huanqing's urging voice came again.

Xu Shoujing sighed, put the newly acquired great sword into his belt, and turned to leave.

Forget it, as long as you get it, it will take a long time to come to Japan.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 The appearance of the big sword can refer to the wolf riding big sword of Soul 3, which is the one used for the soul exchange of the hip-hop team.

  m, so handsome, soul 3 is the most handsome sword, there is no one (I say appearance).

(End of this chapter)

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