Chapter 208
Passing through the stone gate, the lights of the blue and white ghost fire illuminated the road ahead, and up is a spiral staircase with no end in sight.

The walls on both sides are very dilapidated, and the stone bricks are always missing corners and blocks, which makes people worry about whether it can maintain its own work.

Xu Shoujing stepped on the stone ladder to test it twice. Fortunately, the overall structure is still thick and should not collapse.

Going up the spiral staircase, Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing were one after the other, and they were speechless.

After experiencing many hardships, this trip to the Heavenly Palace can be regarded as the end, and the harvest is not small.

Putting aside the unknown big sword for now, the new pupil technique given by Cang Yin will definitely not be the same as Jiuxiao, deliberately giving a defective product, whether it is fighting or reconnaissance in the future, it must be much more convenient than now. .

The most important point is that when the Moonfall Immortal Soul is in hand, Shao Yao is saved, and the fundamental purpose of coming to Tiangong has also been achieved.Not only that, but even got an unexpected joy, the key clue to repair the damage to the soul - the Heavenly Soul Spirit Spring.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing's footsteps suddenly paused, causing Su Huanqing's doubts in the rear:
"what happened?"

"'s fine."

Xu Shoujing smiled and perfunctory, but his eyes were slanted behind him, observing Su Huanqing's expression.

Restarting the pace, Xu Shoujing slowed down and walked to a position almost shoulder-to-shoulder with Su Huanqing, hesitated, and tentatively said:

"Huanqing, do you think... Heavenly Soul Spirit Spring, can you repair a soul that is even more broken than Master?"

Su Huanqing didn't understand the meaning of Xu Shoujing's words at first, Liu Yemei frowned slightly, and said bluntly:
"The higher the level of the cultivator, the more irreversible the injury caused by the damage to the soul. Since Senior Cang Yin said that he is a 'high-level' cultivator, as long as he can't use the Soul Restoration Pill..."

Su Huanqing couldn't go on.

She suddenly understood that Xu Shoujing was going around in circles, trying to tell her what the message was.

Since Tianhun Lingquan can treat Ling Fuyu's irreversible damage to her soul, there is no reason why it cannot heal Su Jin, who is also dying because of her broken soul.

As long as the Heavenly Soul Spirit Spring can be found, Ling Fuyu can recover, and Su Jin can naturally survive.

Seeing Su Huanqing's silence, Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh, and then his eyes became firmer.

In just a few seconds, he made a decision that went against... mainly against Su Jin's will.

Before departure, Su Jin even threatened and warned, persuaded painstakingly, and instructed like someone who had come over.

In short, let Xu Shoujing tell Su Huanqing what he was doing in those years when he disappeared.

Xu Shoujing can understand Su Jin's painstaking efforts. He just feels that he is a dying person. Even if the misunderstanding is solved, it will only make Su Huanqing fall into the self-blame and sadness of the past few years.

They are all dying anyway, so let her daughter send him away with that grudge, so that Su Huanqing won't have a big impact after Su Jin is gone.

To be honest, Xu Shoujing didn't like Su Jin's evasion, but he understood his painstaking efforts as an old father.

Dislike, but respect.

Xu Shoujing has always kept his promise and did not reveal half the truth to Su Huanqing, just because he still respects Su Jin in his heart.

- But things are different now.

Su Jin made that decision on the basis that he would definitely die.

Now, there is hope for the broken soul to be repaired, so he must sell his father-in-law on the spot, solve the misunderstanding first, and then talk about Su Huanqing's heart.

"Cough cough."

Xu Shoujing glanced at Su Huanqing, who had been silent for a while, coughed bluntly, attracted her attention, and said softly:
"Huanqing, in fact, Venerable Su has not returned home for so many years, he has difficulties..."

Su Huanqing's expression froze for a moment, and her tone became a little cold:
"What do you mean?"

Xu Shoujing grabbed her little hand and tried to use a calm tone to tell about the blood feud between Su Jin and the End Yan Jiao, including how her mother died. Su Jin has been investigating the End Yan Jiao for years. The whereabouts of ... ... not omitted at all, fully revealed.

As Xu Shoujing expected, after hearing all this, Su Huanqing's emotions really became very excited, and the small hand he held kept trembling:

"Is this all true?"

Xu Shoujing looked directly into her eyes and nodded vigorously:

"This was all told to me by Venerable Su himself. There is no false statement. I dare to swear by the way of heaven."

...but the way of heaven doesn't seem to bother me at all.

After thinking about it, Xu Shoujing changed his vows again:
"I dare to swear by Dao Xin."

Su Huanqing is not in the mood to care what Xu Shoujing swears. With her trust in Xu Shoujing, from the time the other party dared to say it to her, she has already believed it.

So, in fact, Su Jin is not an indifferent and ruthless person who abandoned his family and abandoned his daughter, only pursued his own way, and did not care about the life and death of his children?
The care he showed to himself later... was also sincere, not because his cultivation was frustrated, and he focused his attention when he had nothing to do?

No wonder the eldest brother never blamed Su Jin, because he was not wrong at all.

To avenge one's wife, take a stern path; to keep the children in the safest place, so as not to put them in danger.

There is nothing wrong with Su Jin, it is her who is at fault, she has been mad at herself for so long...

Su Huanqing's heart was in a mess, and the words in his mind couldn't even be connected smoothly. He could only subconsciously speed up his steps, not knowing what he was escaping from.

Seeing that the newly formed Taoist companion suddenly accelerated, Xu Shoujing sighed and quickly chased after him:

"Are you thinking... In fact, it's all your fault? It's your willful temper... Su Jin is not wrong at all?"

Su Huanqing's delicate body trembled slightly, she turned her head to look at Xu Shoujing, and there was a hint of inconceivable in her clear eyes:

"how do you know?"

Xu Shoujing shrugged, his eyes were quite helpless:
"You're the woman I like, of course I know what you're thinking."

That's weird... I just deduced it along the lines of my train of thought, how could it be so easy to know.

Su Huanqing really believed it stupidly. With thin lips, she asked in confusion:

"Do you's not my fault?"

Xu Shoujing scratched his cheeks and did not answer immediately.

To be honest, from an objective point of view, it is really not a good judgment.

Su Jin left home all the year round for revenge, but he almost missed Su Huanqing's entire childhood, which is also true.

Although Su Jin is now trying his best to make up for it, how can the damage that has been done be so easy?
In a sense, Su Jin was treated indifferently by Su Huanqing, and it was completely self-inflicted.

Su Huanqing is just venting his feelings of lack of fatherly love. Although there are some misunderstandings, if you want to say that this is a big mistake... it doesn't count.

Xu Shoujing thought about it carefully for a while, and finally felt that this matter should not be judged by an outsider himself. Now if he said "Your father and daughter are half a pound" from his so-called objective standpoint, it would be too high.

Thinking of the end, Xu Shoujing sighed, caressed Su Huanqing's baby-like pink cheeks, and said softly:

"You and Su Zun are actually just lacking the most basic communication. After you go back, you can tell Su Zun your thoughts in person, and he will tell you if you are wrong."

This is the best way to deal with it. Anyway, with the character of Su Jin Wannian's daughter slave, Su Huanqing is willing to talk to him, which is basically at the level of 'flattered'.

Don't blame Su Huanqing, it is estimated that Su Jin would like to take everything on her own and comfort her daughter not to have too much psychological burden.

And Su Huanqing will probably be even more unhappy, and maybe even cry. After that, there will be obvious scenes of father repenting and daughter blaming herself. Years of misunderstandings and knots will be revealed on the spot.

The method has been given, Su Huanqing nodded and said immediately:
"Then... go back quickly."

Seeing her contrasting performance, Xu Shoujing smiled and nodded:
"Well, after being away for so long, Aunt Chu and the others should be worried. When we go to Donghuang City, we will go back to Sudu together."

Holding hands, the two climbed this seemingly endless spiral staircase.

After about two hours of walking, the road ahead finally came to an end.

It was a blank stone gate. It was no different from the underground one in terms of design, except that it was much smaller in scale and only allowed one person to pass through it at a time.

Xu Shoujing slowed down, took out the painting boat Yanqian from his waist, looked at Su Huanqing, and carefully opened the door.

Almost as soon as he walked out of the stone gate, there was a sudden sound of boulders rubbing against him.


Xu Shoujing looked back, the blank stone door seemed to have a pair of invisible push hands, it closed automatically, and a hexagram formation briefly flashed on the door.

When the brilliance of the magic circle dissipated, Xu Shoujing tried to push the stone gate, but found that he could not push it no matter what.

It seems... this door is still a one-way street, you can only go out but not in.

The sound of "crashing" water echoed in my ears, and the ground under my feet became a lot wet.

Xu Shoujing looked down, only to find that half an inch of Kuroshio water soaked the soles of his shoes.

The field of vision in front became quite wide, and the surrounding architectural styles were restored to the appearance of collapsed ruins, with broken stone pillars, stacked rocks, and a high-hanging cave-like ceiling.

This scene is all too familiar to Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing. Isn't it the ruins they were chased by flying dragons and forced to flee into before they entered the Starry Sky Church area?

"We're back?" Su Huanqing's tone was still hesitant.

Xu Shoujing was silent, hesitating for a while, then closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, those watery peach blossom eyes had turned bright gold.

He looked around in the order he remembered, and finally stopped at a gap in the ruins of an inverted triangle.

Through that gap, a few loose starlight can be seen faintly.

No doubt they did come back.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing put away his pupil technique, heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a chuckle:

"We are indeed back, and then we can just go out according to the original road."

Leaving the underground Kuroshio meant that Swordsmanship finally had a role to play.

Xu Shoujing stepped on the flying sword after a long absence, and felt the music played by the wind and waves in his ears... He even had a feeling of tears streaming down his face.

It's not easy, it's finally over.

With the blessing of Yu Jianshu, the speed of the two of them was undoubtedly much faster. It only took half an hour to see the gate of the Tiangong Ruins built for giants from a distance.

Put it back into the sheath and land smoothly.Su Huanqing's heart was like an arrow, and she wanted to open the giant door almost immediately, but Xu Shoujing raised her hand to stop her.

"What's wrong?" Su Huanqing looked back suspiciously.

Xu Shoujing looked at it for a moment, his eyes dignified:
"Not quite right."

"Something's wrong?" Su Huanqing was stunned for a while, and then she calmed down to observe the four directions, and soon she also found something 'wrong'.

The giant gate is no different from when it first entered the ruins, but below the giant gate... to be precise, it is the open space in front of the giant gate, but there are many bloodstains that have not dried up.


Where did the blood come from?

When they first entered the Tiangong, each sect was indeed attacked by a flying dragon.

But at that time, everyone broke out with the potential to run for twelve points, and there was no time to form a large-scale melee.

Xu Shoujing approached the bloodstains, squatted down to observe for a moment, and said:
"These bloodstains are still very new, and they must not have been left when we entered the Heavenly Palace."

"Someone came in again?" Su Huanqing guessed what Xu Shoujing wanted to say.

"And they also fought here for some reason... It should be Zuo Lingxuan and the others."

Xu Shoujing stood up, turned his head to look at the giant gate of the Tiangong, his expression gradually became solemn, and said solemnly:

"I thought... Weiya and the others might have sentenced us to death long ago, and left with the people from Tianyuan Sect... I still underestimated this sect's obsession with me."

Su Huanqing took a few steps closer and held Xu Shoujing's big hand:

"After going out, I will protect you... You are from my Changhe Su Clan, they can't rob me in person."

Xu Shoujing shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You underestimate the sinister nature of people's hearts, and the Tianyuan Sect really dare not do anything to you, but I'm not sure. The 'Longyumen' is no longer a deterrent. From that moment on, Tianyuan Sect will definitely not have any concerns about my handling."

Seeing what Su Huanqing wanted to say, Xu Shoujing stopped her, facing the other party's eyes, and said seriously:
"So... after going out, you don't care about me anyway, you run directly in the direction of Lingqiao, as long as you don't stay with me, they won't dare to do anything to you. I will find a way to get out, don't think about it. Come and save me."

Su Huanqing's eyes became colder, she pinched this fellow's mouth with her fingernails, and said coldly:
"You want to sacrifice yourself to save me again, don't you?"

Xu Shoujing's scalp went numb for a while, and he quickly broke free, hugged her waist and sighed:

"It's really not this time... Tianyuan Sect has two high-level realms, and they are both in the Dimensity stage. One of us is a new entry into the Dragon Gate, and the other is in the middle stage of the Dragon Gate. What are we going to fight?"

Su Huanqing's frowning eyebrows slowed down. She lowered her head and thought about it. She felt that it was the same, and asked:
"Then what do you mean?"

"Quickly get out of the ghost realm, play the Dragon Xun card and let Su Zun take it." Xu Shoujing said with a toothache: "I'm sure I won't be able to beat it... I will try my best to delay the time, and if I can, run directly out of the ghost realm... If you really can’t get out, then it’s Venerable Su’s turn to appear.”

"I understand." Su Huanqing hesitated, feeling that it was the only way to go, and nodded.

The two discussed the specific operation sequence for a while. Anyway, Xu Shoujing ran desperately to attract the attention of the Kaitianyuan Sect staff. Su Huanqing took the opportunity to run out of the ghost realm, seeking a chance of survival.

This is a battle destined to be one-sided. Xu Shoujing put all the medicines he could take in his mouth in advance, and the restorative medicines such as Qi Huidan also adjusted the position of the amber belt to ensure that he could take out the recovery medicine anytime, anywhere. Reiki.

Everything was ready, Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing looked at each other, and slowly reached out and pushed towards the giant gate.


A dazzling white light shone through the crack of the door, and a phantom shadow could be faintly seen outside the door.

Xu Shoujing clenched the tricks with his hands and prepared to ride the wind with his sword. He was only halfway through when he heard a voice from outside:

"Sect Master's latest order, once it is confirmed that it is Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing, spare no effort and be sure to obliterate the two."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment.

What the hell……

Are you sick?Just kill me, I don't care about the background of the Changhe Su Clan, do you want to go to war? ——
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 Well... the next plot may be very fast, so be mentally prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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