The queen is so fierce

Chapter 209 The Demon Spirit of Resentment

Chapter 209 The Demon Spirit of Resentment
The sky in the ghost realm is still shrouded in dim yellow, and there is no trace of the sun, but it is not too dark.

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect dressed in goose-yellow cloud robes lined up in front, and Wei Ya stood beside Elder Yongyan and shouted coldly:
"The Sect Master's latest order, once it is confirmed that the people are Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing, spare no effort and be sure to obliterate the two."

The voice fell, and the disciples below were in an uproar, and there were many discussions.

Didn't he say that only Xu Shoujing's head was on the head?Why are you suddenly going to fight the Changhe Su Clan again...

The disciples of Tianyan Pavilion, as well as several other small sect disciples who were implicated, were all tied into twists at this time, and when they heard Weiya's declaration, they were all face-to-face:
"What does Tianyuanzong mean? How can you even kill the Ice Jade Fairy..."

"It's over, it seems that they plan not to stay alive, what should we do?"

Junior brother Wei Sang was even more panicked, and hurriedly struggled to get close to his senior brother, anxiously said:

"Senior Brother, Brother Xu is in trouble, we must help him!"

Zuo Lingxuan glanced at him blankly, his eyes full of astonishment.

Can't you see where we are now?Not to mention helping Xu Shoujing, whether he can get out of trouble is still in doubt.

But then again, Tianyuanzong's approach is really strange.Why did they suddenly ignore the background of the Changhe Su Clan?Are you really planning to start a sect war?
But now is the time when the demon gods have escaped, and the human and demon races are the most tense. Isn't this time to start a sect war?
What the hell is Immortal Tu Yu thinking about...


Just when the sect disciples had different thoughts, the huge stone gate that had been silent for a long time finally moved.

The boulder gate opened very slowly towards both sides, revealing a tiny gap.

Elder Yongyan's eyes narrowed, and he immediately raised his hand to signal.The disciples of the Tianyuan Sect all over the place are all set up, the one who should hold the spear is holding the spear, the one who should draw the sword draws the sword, and the one who should seal the seal.

Once it is determined that the person who came out from behind the boulder gate is Xu Shoujing, they will not hesitate to consume their spiritual power, and strive to kill with one blow.

In fact, they were also cowardly and did not dare to give Xu Shoujing a chance to fight back.

Whether it was the sword beheading Huangfu Yan in the Eastern Imperial City, or the fire roasting the ghosts and demons in the Senluo Valley... Xu Shoujing's sensational record made the disciples of Tianyuan Sect dare not relax for a moment.

The boulder door opened little by little, and the light of the ghost realm shot in through the crack of the door.

That is, when the crack of the door is enough to pass a person, the movement of the giant stone door suddenly stopped.

Qiu Jun frowned slightly. He was so thoughtful that he naturally did not dare to go forward easily, and casually instructed the disciples next to him:
"Go and have a look."

"..." The disciple.

You're scared, so let me deliver, right?
The disciple "Gulu" swallowed his saliva and walked up the steps tremblingly.

Everyone's eyes followed him step by step, and the atmosphere almost frozen to freezing point.


At the moment when the Tianyuan Sect disciple stepped on the highest step, a scorching red light poured out from the crack of the giant stone gate.

The disciple who was called out by Qiu Jun to be cannon fodder flew out on the spot, covered in flames, and smashed into the Tianyuan Sect crowd.


A second explosion followed.

Almost at the same moment, a huge red lotus circle appeared out of thin air in front of the boulder gate.

The monstrous fire was bred from the red lotus, and dozens of fireballs turned into a messy meteor shower, hitting the Tianyuan Sect disciples who were gradually stunned below.

"This... this is a fire spell! It's Xu Shoujing!" In the panic, someone shouted loudly.

Elder Yong Yan's face sank, he waved his hand forward, and a gust of wind was released from his exaggerated cuffs.

There was no suspense when the hurricane faced the fireball, and the red lotus circle was blown away.

Seeing this, Elder Yongyan smiled disdainfully. After all, he was just a little cultivator of the Dragon Gate Realm. No matter how fancy the techniques were, he could still ignore the realm gap?

The flames went out, the white smoke that went out rose to the sky, the temperature around them plummeted, and there was even a bit of a biting chill.

Elder Yong Yan looked at the disciple who was still in chaos and roared deeply:
"Quiet them all, if Xu Shoujing is let go, this seat will take you..."

The words stopped here, and Elder Yongyan couldn't continue. It seemed that he had found something, and he stared straight at the short distance between the giant stone gate and the stairs.

Starting from the crack of the giant stone gate, there is an ice-blue road that extends to the crowd of disciples of Tianyuan Sect.

Elder Yongyan's heart froze, and he immediately turned his head to look.

Sure enough, the two phantoms that had turned into small black dots stepped on the long sword, like skiing down the mountain, down the ice track all the way down the steps, and you didn't need to guess who it was.

That unappealing fire spell is a blindfold!

After realizing this, Elder Yongyan was furious:
"Don't chase after me!"


Xu Shoujing didn't think about overly complicated tactics. At such a critical moment, the more complicated the process, the easier it is to make mistakes in a certain step. They didn't have the opportunity to rehearse the exercise and strive for a success.

The simpler the tactic, the easier it is to get started, the easier it is to implement, and it can be a surprise in some respects.

Due to the specific magnetic field and the Kuroshio, there are many places in the ghost realm that cannot fly with the sword. This is a very inconvenient defect for the monks, but for the two Xu Shoujing at this moment, it is a rare opportunity to escape. .

Do you think, if Xu Shoujing can fly with his sword, no matter how fast Xu Shoujing is, can he pass the two Chongxiaojing elders of Tianyuanzong faster?
Although there are differences between fast and slow walking chickens, the difference is not as big as flying chickens.

The plan to break out of the siege was simple. Xu Shoujing released a spell that disrupted his vision when he opened the door. Su Huanqing took the opportunity to open an icy road, and then used his sword as a skateboard to slide down the ten thousand-level long steps in front of the Tiangong Hall.

After that, I tried to distance as much as possible, ran all the way to the Tuxian Pavilion in Hongxi Mansion, and contacted Su Jin to come pick him up.

In this way, even if Tianyuan Sect is really frustrated and wants to go to war with the Changhe Su clan, it is impossible to offend both the Changhe Su clan and the Tuxian Pavilion at the same time.

What's more, Tuxian Pavilion is not only an exclusive organization in Tiannan Continent, but also distributed in many other continents.

At most, Tianyuan Sect can be regarded as a 'big brother' in Tiannanzhou. Does he dare to challenge Quanjiuzhou directly?
After sliding over the ten thousand steps, Xu Shoujing retracted his sword and sheathed his sword, and without taking a breath, he and Su Huanqing entered the Eternal Forest together.

Although the Eternal Forest is rugged and detoured, fortunately, after years of traveling, at least the road leading to Senluo Valley is already very obvious, and there is no chance of getting lost.

"Do you really think that Yong Yan can't catch up with us?" Su Huanqing spoke while breathing.

Xu Shoujing kept walking and replied casually:
"Even if we can't fly, at the speed of Chongxiaojing, we can't keep up with us all the time. But we don't need to compare the speed with Tianyuanzong all the time. As long as we run to Senluo Valley, it will be our victory."

Su Huanqing's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly said:
"You want to use the ghosts of Senluo Valley?"


Xu Shoujing caressed the Amber Qiongyu on his waist, stuffed a Qi Hui Dan into his mouth, and handed another one to Su Huan, panting:
"You saw it when you came. When you were in Senluo Valley, don't talk about Chongxiao Realm. The monks in Nirvana Realm were afraid of attracting peerless ghosts and demons, so they didn't dare to use half a spell. As long as they reached Senluo Valley, Yongyan Wen Han is bound to be limited."

Speaking of this, Xu Shoujing frowned slightly. When he came down from the Temple of Heaven, although he didn't have time to take a closer look because he was running for his life, he still glanced at it a little.

Zuo Lingxuan's group of unlucky bastards were bound by the immortal rope, but it seems that there should be no serious problem, at least their lives are safe.

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect were bombarded by him so that they couldn't find the north. Although Wei Ya and Qiu Jun were better, they could play a high profile in front of ordinary monks, and they were not enough for Xu Shoujing to fight alone.

None of the above is a problem.

Yong Yan and Wen Han, who threatened Xu Shoujing the most... I don't know why, only Elder Yong Yan was present, but Elder Wen Han disappeared.

Wei Ya said that the order from Immortal Tu Yu was 'must obliterate Xu Shoujing and the others'.

At such a critical time, Wen Han was not guarding the gate of the Tiangong. Could it be that he went to the Eternal Forest to pee?But Chongxiaojing has long been without food, and it will be fine if you don't shush for ten years.

With that said, there is only one possibility left.

Xu Shoujing sighed, the prototype of Senluo Valley had already appeared in front of his line of sight, but he sighed:
"I estimate that Wen Han may be ambushing at the Lingqiao. In the ghost realm, their strength in the Chongxiao Realm can't be exerted, and after all, it still gives us the possibility to escape, but if we cross the Lingqiao..."

Su Huanqing's eyes sank a little, and took Xu Shoujing's words:

"Without the restrictions of the ghost realm, facing the strength of the upper realm, we will surely die."

Xu Shoujing nodded, his expression slightly distressed.

Now it is in a state of dilemma. The only way to return to Tiannanzhou from the ghost realm is the Lingqiao.

The Tianyuan Sect has a lot of time to guard the Lingqiao. When the five days are up, the Lingqiao will dissipate automatically. Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing are trapped in the ghost realm, which is no different from announcing death.

If you bite the bullet and go over, you will be in the arms of Tianyuan Sect, and the two Chongxiao realms will attack and attack, and it will be impossible to escape.

Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh, feeling for the first time that he had no idea what to do.

That is, during this short hesitation, a strange smile suddenly came from behind:

"Xu Shoujing! Where are you going!"


Uncle, don't you think this line is too embarrassing?

Xu Shoujing complained about Yongyan in his heart, but did not dare to look back.He picked up Su Huanqing's leg, and sneaked into Senluo Valley, jumping lightly among the rocks on the cliff.

In terms of footwork, Xu Shoujing may be slightly inferior to Su Huanqing, but in terms of 'climbing the wall', it is estimated that there are not many people in the entire Jiuzhou who can compare with him.

... Ordinary cultivators are not as boring as he is.

Unexpectedly, in addition to drilling into the Queen's bedroom, this 'Climbing the Wall' will actually come in handy one day.

The ghosts and demons in Senluo Valley have no entity, they are all made up of resentments of unknown origin.

The resentment lingers, no matter how many spells are used to clear it up, it can only make the ghosts retreat for a while.

In fact, it was only a few days when the Tiannanzhou cultivator went to the Tiangong, and when he returned to Senluo Valley, the ground was covered with red-eyed black shadows again, making it impossible to move an inch.

The cultivators of Tianyuanzong rushed to Senluo Valley with Yongyan, and saw Xu Shoujing shuttle between the rocks like a monkey, but they could only continue to use spells to clear the ghosts.

Elder Yongyan naturally couldn't watch Xu Shoujing escape, and immediately roared and ordered his disciples:

"Hurry up and line up!"

"Yes Yes!"

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect did not dare to neglect, and in the order they came, they took turns to release spells in the front row to bomb the ghosts and monsters blocking the way.

However, because the people from other sects had already been sent back, and only the Tianyuan sect was left, the speed was naturally a lot slower.

Therefore, the distance with Xu Shoujing was quickly widened.

But who knew that when he was about to reach the middle section, Xu Shoujing suddenly stopped and stopped on a rock, as if he was waiting for Elder Yongyan to catch up.

Elder Yongyan looked up at Xu Shoujing and frowned:
"Xu Shoujing, what do you mean? You think you can't run away, do you plan to capture it?"

Xu Shoujing stuffed several medicinal pills into his mouth, chewed it, and said with a smile:

"How can it be... I just think that your sect has put spells for so long, and the consumption should be not small. Out of humanitarianism, I plan to help you a little."

Saying that, he snapped his fingers lightly.

The next moment, two completely different magic circles, one red and one purple, appeared out of thin air. The scorching firelight and the 'crackling' purple electricity formed a spiral, which rushed straight to the face of the elder Yongyan.


Elder Yongyan still didn't take this fancy technique into his eyes, his large robe squeaked, and his hands clasped together abruptly.

With a 'pop' sound, the turbulent wind and waves blew away the vortex of thunder and fire.

Elder Yongyan put down his hands and was about to sneer, but his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw that in the middle of the scattered vortex, there was a long white sword flying straight towards him!

The sword gang is vertical and horizontal, and the aura is like ink.There is no doubt that it is Xu Shoujing's saber, which seems to cross the gap between realms and can be called the supreme realm.

...but how did he do it?
The ghost realm has the influence of the Kuroshio magnetic field. If the spiritual power is not turned into magic, it will dissipate when it leaves the body five feet away. This is also the reason why Xu Shoujing can't fly with his sword.
Before he could think more, Elder Yongyan was not prepared for this unexpected blow at all. In his desperation, he did not suppress his own cultivation, and the green spiritual energy burst out between his hands.

In the end, the Chongxiao realm is the Chongxiao realm. Xu Shoujing's sword is perfect in terms of timing, speed, and strength, but under the absolute suppression of the realm, it is still no match for a casual spiritual explosion.

The painting Fang Yanqian suddenly lost its impact, and rotated a few times in mid-air, and finally slanted between the rock crevices.

Elder Yongyan suddenly returned to his senses, then realized what he had just done, and panicked:
" can you control the sword?"

Xu Shoujing glanced at him, raised his hand and pulled the silk thread in his hand, and started painting Fang Yanqian again.He shrugged:

"I don't have a sword, I throw my sword."

"..." Elder Yongyan.

In fact, the routine is still the same routine, first use a fancy spell as a blindfold, and put the real ultimate move in the back.

Simple and effective, anyone can think of it, but it is hard to prevent.

When Elder Yongyan thought that he had been fooled twice in a row, his anger could not describe his mood at the moment, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Xu Shoujing!"

Xu Shoujing picked up Su Huanqing again, tilted his chin toward the Senluo Valley cliff, and said with a light smile:

"You'd better take care of yourself, the fate is not seen, the juniors bid farewell."

Saying that, Xu Shoujing jumped to another rock in one step, and in just a few breaths, he opened a considerable distance.


The roar of Zhenshuo's sky was incessant, and Elder Yongyan was sweating profusely. When he looked up, a dark shadow dragon head appeared on the top of the cliff in Senluo Valley.

The huge dragon claws clawed at the edge of the cliff, and the crimson pupils were tightly locked on Yong Yan, who had just exploded with the strength of the Chongxiao Realm.

Elder Yong Yan was forced to be helpless, and immediately ordered the disciples of Tianyuan Sect to retreat, while he was full of firepower and met the black shadow dragon head-on.


"Xu Shoujing!!!...Jing...Jing...!"

Angry roars and echoes echoed for thousands of miles, reaching the ears of Xu Shoujing, who had just walked out of Senluo Valley.

Xu Shoujing put down Su Huanqing, looked back at the dark Senluo Valley, and sighed:
"Sure enough... the 'demon spirit' said by the senior surnamed Yu did not refer to the Azure Silver Dragon Ancestor underground in the Tiangong, but the resentful ghosts of Senluo Valley, especially the dragon that was just attracted by Yongyan. …”

Su Huan was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand how Xu Shoujing's thinking got here, and asked:
"What did you say?"

Xu Shoujing's eyes were a bit complicated, recalling what Cang Yin told him about [-] years ago, and slowly expressed his guess:
"These ghosts... or these resentments should be the immortals who died in the ancient Tiangong."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 I have carefully reflected on why the creative passion has been low recently:
  First, it must be because of the use of love to generate electricity. This is a commonplace, and the solution is also mentioned, skip it.

  Second, the feeling is related to the change of creative thinking. In fact, after reading the previous article, I can clearly feel that there is something I want to express behind the article... Not now, all the ideas are based on how to please readers. If you want to be cool, just go to fight monsters and upgrade, pull the hatred of the villain, seconds the villain, and kiss the heroine... very soulless.It's not that it's wrong to write this way, but because I'm too afraid of making mistakes, I've picked out a lot of the thoughts I want to express for you, which are very empty shells... This, I haven't figured out what to do for the time being, let's talk about it.

  Third, it is also a commonplace issue, there are a lot of trolls.Normal people usually don’t speak anymore. If they don’t like it, they just click x. Only the trolls will stay and write small compositions.I understand the reasoning... But I have been forced to accept negative information, and no matter how strong the psychological construction is, it will be somewhat uncomfortable.

  To sum up, please praise me!praise me!praise me!

(End of this chapter)

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