Chapter 210
Are ghosts and demons the resentment of ancient immortals?

Hearing Xu Shoujing's guess, Su Huanqing was obviously stunned for a moment, then frowned:
"You mean, the immortal clan did not suddenly disappear in the Tianzhu era, but all of them died?"

Xu Shoujing did not answer immediately, but looked back at Senluogu and confirmed that Elder Yongyan should not be able to catch up in a short time.
"I didn't say absolutely, just a guess..."

He tilted his head to look at Su Huanqing and said in a low voice:
"Do you know about the demon calamity that happened in Yuliangzhou last year?"

Su Huanqing nodded. Although Yuliangzhou was ranked at the bottom of the entire Jiuzhou, there was still some news about such a big event.

Xu Shoujing scratched his head in embarrassment: "Actually... the culprit who started that demon calamity was me."

"..." Su Huanqing blinked, not knowing how to respond.

Xu Shoujing coughed dryly and brought the topic back to the right track:

"The matter of Yaojie involves a lot, and I can't tell you clearly for a while. I told you this purpose mainly to tell you that the ghosts and monsters of Yaojie... are actually the resentment of the human race."

Su Huanqing's eyes narrowed slightly, this time she was really surprised.

Humans and demons have been incompatible since ancient times. Even in Yun Aozhou, where the race is the most harmonious, there are not a few things that discriminate against each other.

This all shows that even after tens of thousands of years, in terms of race, neither the human race nor the monster race can really let go.

But now suddenly there is a sentence: people can actually become demons.

You know, a large part of the tragic shemale love in history is because of different races and it is too difficult to breed.The shemale and demon hybrids have a lower probability of winning the bid than going to the brothel to give birth to a healthy baby.

According to this statement, are the shemales actually homologous?

how is this possible.

Of course, based on Su Huanqing's trust in Xu Shoujing, he didn't doubt the authenticity of this matter at all, he just asked:

"Why did you become a ghost?"

Xu Shoujing spread his hands and curled his lips: "I don't know the exact reason. Anyway, during the thousand-year demon calamity, the human race's grievances after death eventually turned into ghosts and demons, bringing a catastrophe to Jiuzhou."

After a pause, he said solemnly: "Cangyin Longzu said that Tiangong betrayed Yaoyao and tried to use the heaven and earth spiritual power of the three realms to create a 'new heaven', but it failed. How can the traitor of Tiangong still be It's not clear, but the entire immortal race has disappeared into the long river of history, this is something that has been determined."

Su Huanqing understood and pondered:
"You mean...because Tiangong made his own decisions and wanted to create the way of heaven, and as a result, the entire immortal clan was implicated. Those immortal clan who died innocently resented, turned into ghosts, and were buried in the ghost realm with the Tiangong ruins?"

"Well, that's about it."

Xu Shoujing responded casually, looked into the distance, thought about it, and said:
"However, this conjecture is also unreasonable. For example, the ghosts and demons in Yuliangzhou, obviously the source is the resentment of the human race, but their strength is not much different from the ghosts and demons of the immortal races resentment in Senluo Valley. Too balanced..."

Su Huanqing tilted his head: "Do ghosts and demons have to be linked to their strength before death?"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, pinched his chin and pondered.

Just like what Su Huanqing said, ghosts and demons, such a mysterious variant of the demon race, were born out of the common sense of monks.

If it is said that ghosts and demons were born out of resentment, would their strength be related to the magnitude of resentment?
Then again, if anyone's grudges after death can be turned into ghosts, wouldn't Jiuzhou be engulfed by ghosts long ago?
There must be nothing wrong with ghosts being born out of resentment... But there must be a condition missing that Xu Shoujing doesn't know about.

After thinking for a long time and unable to come up with an answer, Xu Shoujing sighed and put the matter aside for the time being.

The main reason is that Xu Shoujing has no time to think about the 'three elements of ghosts and demons' anymore, and he is about to face a fierce battle.

Even if the cultivator didn't use his sword, his speed on the road was absolutely comparable to that of an ordinary person.

While the two were talking, unknowingly, they had reached the front of the Lingqiao; through the wide illusory light bridge, a white-bearded old man in a yellow robe was waiting quietly in place.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, caressed the amber Qiongyu around his waist, stuffed various colorful medicinal herbs into his mouth, and handed them to Su Huan to clear a few, and then drew his sword out of the sheath:
"Let's go, all the conspiracy and tricks are useless now. We have to pass no matter what. If we can't pass, we will die... Success or failure is here."

Su Huanqing took the medicinal pill and stuffed it into the sandalwood mouth very rudely, but because the mouth was too small, the cheeks on both sides suddenly became bulging, but she still responded with an "um".


wow wow wow-

The turbid Kuroshio scoured the cliffs on both sides of the river, and the illusory light bridge has become a little dim. I am afraid that in an hour at most, the spiritual bridge will be completely closed.

Elder Wen Han lightly stroked his white beard and looked at the rolling tide below, as if the old monk had entered into meditation, plain and pure.

Boom - boom - boom.

There was the sound of footsteps landing on the Lingqiao.

Elder Wen Han's mind moved slightly, and before he opened his eyes, he already knew who was coming, and smiled lightly:

"Xu Chou... No, Xu Shoujing, this is the first time you and I have officially met, right?"

Xu Shoujing landed smoothly and returned to the Tiannanzhou area. The strange feeling of being restrained in the ghost area suddenly disappeared, but he couldn't be happy, just said solemnly:

"So what? Because this is the first time we meet, you will let me go because I am a junior?"

Elder Wen Han shook his head indifferently: "Why say such an obvious thing."

"Also, if your Tianyuan Sect can let me go, there will be a ghost."

Xu Shoujing was silent for a moment, still a little unwilling to give up, and asked aloud:
"I know that my grievances and grievances with the Tianyuan Sect cannot be separated. Since I dare to appear in front of you, I have no plans to leave. But..."

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Shoujing knew that he would make Su Huanqing angry, but he still took a chance and asked:
"Su Huanqing has no grievances with Tianyuanzong, let her go and I will stay."

As soon as these words came out, Elder Wen Han was stunned, and he was just confused by Xu Shoujing.

Su Huanqing's expression dropped sharply, so she immediately pulled out Xueluo Wenyue, stood beside Xu Shoujing, and expressed her intentions with her actions.

"Can you listen to me once..." Xu Shoujing was very helpless.

"No." Su Huanqing replied expressionlessly.

"You want to die with me that much? If you die, what's the use of my life?" Xu Shoujing became angry, why is this girl so brainless, it's better to die than live!
Su Huanqing tilted her head and stared straight at Xu Shoujing without any scruples. After a moment of silence, she acted as a repeat Ji:

"If you're dead, what's the point of my life?"


Xu Shoujing was speechless for a while, and looked at those clear and beautiful eyes, and clearly saw the stubbornness of the other party who was not sure of giving in, as well as the secretly hidden anger in his heart.

Su Huanqing is not a person who is good at expressing emotions, but it does not mean that she has no emotions.

On the contrary, Su Huanqing's mind is very sensitive, so she is very angry at Xu Shoujing's repeated attempts to abandon her and face danger alone.

Know that you are willing to sacrifice yourself, that you are great, that you are lofty!I also know that you want your woman to be safe...

But in this kind of mortal situation, you are still thinking about the whole set. Are you taking her Su Huanqing too lightly?

After knowing that you might die, and leaving without any psychological burden... What kind of woman do you think I am?
"This is the last time." Su Huanqing said stubbornly. "I don't want you to drive me away in the future..."

Xu Shoujing sighed helplessly, and was completely defeated by her: "Yeah...this is the last time."

Maybe it's really going to die, where's the next time.

far away.Elder Wen Han was standing like a big boss, waiting for Xu Shoujing to come up to see him.

...As a result, after waiting for a long time, the two of them actually ignored him, and the couple who took care of themselves quarreled.

Elder Wen Han has black lines all over his head, what do you mean?
I've seen a peerless boss like Jidan, and I have a vision, so I don't think of the Chongxiao realm as a great master, right?
It's so disrespectful!

Elder Wen Han jumped the cross tendons in front of his forehead, took a deep breath, and said with a stern face:

"Xu Shoujing, neither you nor the little girl from the Su family can leave today."

Xu Shoujing held a sword in one hand, frowned and said:
"I understand that the Tianyuan Sect is so obsessed with me, but why does it have to be a son of the Changhe Su Clan? Is Immortal Tu Yu crazy?"

"Jie Liangzi?"

Elder Wen Han's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had reacted to something, and muttered to himself:
"Also, the two of you have stayed in the ruins of the Tiangong for so long, it is naturally impossible to know what happened to Tiannanzhou now."

"What did you say?" Xu Shoujing did not hear clearly.

Elder Wen Han laughed, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes:
"Killing a person from the Changhe Su Clan now is not a 'believer'."

Xu Shoujing felt inexplicable after hearing this, and wanted to test out a few words. He took the opportunity to use his pupil technique to find the flaws, but Elder Wen Han urged him easily:
"Xu Shoujing, are you finished? If you don't attack again, don't blame the old man for making the first move!"

Seeing that the pulling was not effective, Xu Shoujing's hand holding the hilt became stronger and stronger, the ink-colored spiritual power surrounded the surroundings, and the arrow was on the string, how could it not be fired!

Xu Shoujing stepped on the red flame, wrapped in purple thunder, and the sword hung like a black sword, flying out like a cannonball.

Su Huanqing formed a tacit understanding with him without a word. When Xu Shoujing flew out, Su Huanqing held the long sword and waved it gently forward.

A dazzling ice fog covered the entire land, and the moisture in the surrounding air quickly froze and turned into fine ice crystal particles that danced with the cold wind.

From Elder Wen Han's line of sight, it seemed like a heavy rain of frost was falling, and the fog covered the front line of sight, let alone Xu Shoujing, he couldn't see anything.

However, such a blinding method is still too tasteless in the face of the Chongxiao Realm.

Even through the layers of ice fog, Elder Wen Han's eyes never left Xu Shoujing's body from beginning to end, but he himself did not make any special moves, as if he was deliberately waiting for Xu Shoujing to make a move.

Xu Shoujing expected this outcome, and was not disappointed.He crossed his right hand holding the sword across his chest, making a slashing stance.

The left hand grabbed the void, and condensed a group of purple thunder wrapped around the fire...

"biu...biu! biu!"

Bounce like rain!

Elder Wen Han saw several small purple thunderballs tangled in flames flying out of the ice fog. The expression on his face did not fluctuate, and he raised his big hand in the air.


The small purple thunderball hit a wall of air that was invisible to the naked eye, turned into smoke, and dissipated.

"Useless work."

Elder Wen Han pouted in disdain, and when he raised his head again, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Xu Shoujing, who had been caught in his field of vision just now, has disappeared at this time. Instead, there is a trace of spiritual power that looks like a brush and ink.

The ink-like trace drew a large arc, and went all the way to the back of Elder Wen Han.


"On it!" Elder Wen Han then raised his head suddenly, and with a big gesture, released a huge palm phantom.

The illusory palm phantom is directly opposite, as expected, Xu Shoujing hangs in the air, his whole body leans, providing a body space for the slashing of the sword in his hand.

"Useless struggle."

Elder Wen Han didn't care about Xu Shoujing's sneak attack, and he was about to meet Xu Shoujing's slash by controlling the illusory big hand.

On the way to the hand, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and the spiritual power that was revealed outside froze along the chill, and he was still trying to invade his heart.

Elder Wen Han's eyes narrowed, but he found that Su Huanqing had crossed the ice fog and came to him, trying to use all his spiritual power to block his heart with one blow.

Since then, an absolutely unreasonable choice appeared in front of Elder Wenhan.

Go deal with Su Huanqing first, then the back of his neck will definitely be cut off by Xu Shoujing, a genius in kendo. With that unknown strange spiritual power, maybe he can really break the defense.

But if you deal with Xu Shoujing first... the deterrence of the spirit of extreme cold should not be underestimated, that is the ultimate ice that can be frozen together with blood and spiritual power. With Su Huanqing's full firepower, it is not impossible to take a step forward. Freeze his heart.

It has to be said that Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing are natural partners to quickly make such joint skills without any communication at all.

more importantly……

Out of 1 people, you can't meet one freak who can hurt people across borders, so why do they still gather together?
Elder Wen Han thought rather depressedly, in order to avoid accidents, he could only be forced to temporarily cancel the Void Hand technique and put his hands together instead.


A crisp slap sounded, with Elder Wen Han as the center, the shock of spiritual shock quickly spread.

Xu Shoujing didn't expect that in such a critical situation, Wen Han would actually be able to react and make a change. Together with Su Huanqing, he couldn't dodge and flew out.


The smoke and dust rose, and the sight was covered by blood.Xu Shoujing spat out a mouthful of blood, and quickly stood up to block Su Huanqing.

Xu Shoujing used [-]% of the force to cut the sword just now, leaving two points to adapt to the situation.

In order to make up for the gap in realm, Su Huanqing froze Wen Han's heart and poured almost all the spiritual power of his body into that palm. The situation must be much worse than his.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although Su Huanqing also stood up with the support of the sword, it didn't look like he could fight again in that state.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, adjusted the chaos of blood energy, and then stepped out, intending to fight with the 'Bi Tian Yi Jian' that defeated Yuan Qing.

However, Xu Shoujing had just gathered the ink-colored spiritual power on the sword, when an illusory big hand suddenly appeared beside him, without any forward movement, and suddenly came——


The painting Fangyan came out of his hands, rotated a few times in mid-air, and slanted into the ground.The distance is not too far, but it is impossible for Xu Shoujing to take it back.

Elder Wen Han approached slowly, calmly saying:
"It's useless, the old man dared you to make a move first, because you can't beat me no matter what. The old man remembers that you still have a secret method to temporarily improve your cultivation, right? I'll give you another chance, you might as well try it out. Don't hurt the old man."

Xu Shoujing clutched his stiffened right arm, his eyes wandering, as if he was weighing something.

The soul-purifying ice coffin is indeed a choice, but even if the cultivation base is improved, at most it is only the strength of the peak of the Dragon Gate Realm, and there is still a large realm gap between it and the Chongxiao Realm.

What's more, if the soul-purifying ice coffin can't solve Elder Wen Han within time, or escape... Once the side effects come, there is really no hope of survival.

That being said, the chances of survival right now are pretty slim.

Huan Qing lost his fighting power, and his only weapon was gone.

Xu Shoujing did not think that only physical techniques and a few painless techniques could cause substantial damage to Elder Wenhan.

How to do how to do?
Open the soul-purifying ice coffin, and then use the sword of Bitian with all your strength to fight for a future?
It is difficult to say whether it has been effective or not. After all, since Elder Wen Han dared to say it, he must have taken precautions.

Before that, first of all, he didn't have a sword that could use Bitianyijian!

stomping on...

Elder Wen Han was approaching step by step, and he kept exuding a strong spiritual pressure from the Chongxiao realm.

Seeing Xu Shoujing being indifferent, he said with a smile:
"Isn't there any way? The old man just wants to see you feel powerless and can only die in despair, so he will deliberately let you take the lead... I didn't expect you to give up so quickly. It's boring, really boring."

Xu Shoujing's blood was surging so violently, you knocked my sword flying, and you put me here and say I'm boring?
However, he only dared to complain about these words in his heart, saying it just to speed up his own death.

Hiss... Are all people with high cultivation bases psychopaths?
I like to watch other people die in despair... Then you can just go to the Uncanny Valley.

Qiang Qiang——

Su Huanqing bit her thin lips tightly, her physical strength was gradually exhausted, and she couldn't resist the spiritual pressure of the Chongxiao realm for too long.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing felt anxious in his heart, what should I do... Or should I just open the soul-purifying ice coffin?The question is is it useful...

Damn, if the sword didn't fly... the sword?

Xu Shoujing seemed to have thought of something, and quickly patted the amber on his waist, the aura particles scattered and condensed, and finally turned into a four-footed sword.

The sword body of the black great sword is attached to the scabbard formed by countless small stones.

At the moment of seeing this great sword, out of the instinctive reaction of the strong, Elder Wen Han sounded the word 'danger' in his heart.

He didn't even dare to continue to speak out to stimulate Xu Shoujing. With a wave of his robe, he was about to slap Xu Shoujing with his illusory hand, leaving no room for him to take a breath.

Xu Shoujing did not expect that Elder Wen Han, who had a peaceful face just now, actually said that he would change his face when he changed his face.

Okay, let me continue to shoot?fraud!
As soon as Xu Shoujing gritted his teeth, his spiritual energy soared, and he desperately tried to draw the black sword.

Please, Brother Jian, Master Jian... If you don't scabbard, I'm really going to die!
It's a pity that the black sword still doesn't give face, it seems to be integrated with the stone scabbard.

Seeing that the illusory hand is approaching, Xu Shoujing has not made any progress in drawing his sword, and the result of the battle seems to be a foregone conclusion.

At this moment, the illusory big hand suddenly disappeared.


Without any warning, a bright red flame crossed the sky and slammed into Elder Wen Han's body.

Elder Wen Han didn't even have time to shout out, and the whole person flew out.

Xu Shoujing was a little stunned, not knowing what happened.

Soon, the scene around him began to change.

The ice fog melted in an instant, and the ice layer turned into water trails.

The air was as hot as a desert heat wave, and all vision was hazy.

The glamorous woman in a long red dress, like a fairy descending, slowly fell from the air.She is surrounded by a bright red flame, and a little bit of the lotus feet will bloom a red lotus, which is extraordinary.

I saw the woman's graceful and luxurious face, and the imposing manner of the emperor.Xu Shoujing didn't know who was coming, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said in surprise:

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 I'm so busy today... I almost didn't finish the update, and I didn't have the energy to check the typo. Please help catch the bug, I'll change it later...

(End of this chapter)

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