The queen is so fierce

Chapter 211 Qiu Xuanji's Strength

Chapter 211 Qiu Xuanji's Strength
Qiu Xuanji's red clothes fluttered beside Xu Shoujing, and the two of them had been together for a long time...not counting, they had not seen each other for a month, so naturally there were a lot of things that they wanted to talk to each other about.

However, due to the current situation of the enemy, it was finally simplified into a sentence.

"Are you okay?" Qiu Xuanji glanced at Xu Shoujing up and down, her sharp phoenix eyes slightly worried.

Xu Shoujing supported Su Huanqing and shook his head softly:
"You're here, of course it's fine."

Qiu Xuanji didn't answer, but fixed her gaze on Su Huanqing expressionlessly, her eyes cold and scrutinized, as if she wanted to see through her.

Good guy, this is coming with a dismounted horse.

Feeling the momentum from the emperor, Su Huanqing pursed her thin lips, and for some unknown reason, her pretty face suddenly turned pale, and she swayed and lay in Xu Shoujing's arms.

Xu Shoujing was startled, and quickly hugged Su Huanqing's fragrant shoulders, took out a few pills from his belt and handed them to her:
"Is it consuming too much spiritual power? Eat two Qi Hui Dan..."

"I can't move..." Su Huan replied in a clear voice.

Xu Shoujing's face was speechless, how could he not see that these two women were arguing, but... opening a harem is about a bowl of water, if he dares to favor someone at this time, he might suffer later. myself.

I don't see anything, I don't know anything, you go on.

"Open your mouth." He sighed and handed the medicine pill to Su Huanqing's mouth.


Su Huanqing, who was usually very 'disobedient', parted her thin lips quite obediently at this time. After holding the medicine pill, she also sucked Xu Shoujing's thumb for a while, before she put the medicine pill into her mouth. .

During this period, her eyes always stayed on Qiu Xuanji's body, as if to retaliate against the 'disapprove' just now.

"..." Qiu Xuanji.

Cold on the outside and charming on the inside, this Miss Su family is also sullen, just like Shuwan.

Qiu Xuanji glanced at her lightly, but did not take it too seriously. As the owner of Xu Shoujing's first blood and a well-deserved 'old lady', how could she possibly be emotionally moved by this kind of innocuous provocation?
Jinger, wait for me on the bed.


Elder Wen Han, whose robes were charred and his forehead stained with blood, crawled up in embarrassment in the rubble buried in the rubble.

Elder Wen Han majored in 'Invisible Art' and was particularly sensitive to potential crises.

That's why, after seeing Xu Shoujing take out the big sword, he suddenly changed his face and wanted to obliterate the other party on the spot.

Nirvana washes the marrow, washes the body without dirt; focuses on the stars, and points the unity of the soul.

To put it simply, the physical quality of Nirvana will be directly raised by a large amount, which is equivalent to 'reborn'.

And every time a star lights up in the Chongxiao Realm, it means that the five senses, spiritual consciousness, spiritual sea, veins, etc... The perception of heaven and earth will evolve to an unparalleled level.

This is especially true for someone like Elder Wen Han who specializes in this way.

But why... why didn't he feel any signs of that woman's magic?
Elder Wen Han didn't even realize that he was hit by a spell until he was knocked out.

That woman... what is the origin?
Elder Wen Han wiped his scorched face, wearing a robe, of course he would not be directly burned into a mummified corpse, but it was the first time that he was so embarrassed.

"Who the hell are you!" Elder Wen Han lowered his voice, secretly suppressing his anger.

With foreign enemies ahead, the intrigue between women must be put aside first.

Qiu Xuanji leaped forward and blocked in front of Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing. The domineering demeanor of the Empress Dali showed, and she said:
"Longyumen, Qiu Xuanji."


The moment he heard the name, Elder Wen Han was stunned for a moment, subconsciously panicking:

Could it be that Longyumen was not fabricated by Xu Shoujing, but actually existed?Did the sovereign guess wrong?

However, after hearing the three words 'Chou Xuanji', Elder Wen Han frowned slightly, feeling a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere...

Suddenly, Elder Wen Han seemed to think of something, his pupils shrank sharply, his fingers trembling and he said:
"Chou Xuanji... Chou! You are the emperor of Yuliangzhou, the Empress of Dali, Qiu Xuanji! He entered Nirvana at the age of thirty, and is known as the invincible one!"

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly surprised, but he didn't expect that his Xuanji was so famous in Tiannan Continent that even the elders of Tianyuan Sect had heard of it.

Elder Wen Han's expression became puzzled again: "But... didn't you disappear a year ago?"

In this regard, Qiu Xuanji seemed to have long thought of a way to deal with it, and without any hesitation, replied in a low voice:
"When I was a child, I traveled far across the oceans and went to Longyumen to seek longevity. However, the threshold of Longyumen is very high. One of the conditions for the master to accept me as a disciple is to make a marriage contract with Xu Shoujing. Now he has reached the marriageable stage. When I am old, I will pass on the throne and marry into the Xu family."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

I do not know how?
Also, if Lao Kui knew that you arranged him like this, he would cry...

under the same sky.Kui Dao, who was drinking tea under the bare dragon bodhi tree, sneezed abruptly, rubbed his nose, and wondered:
"It must be Xiao Xuzi chewing my tongue behind my back, stinky boy..."

Xu Shoujing said he was wronged.

Don't underestimate the gold content of Qiu Xuanji's words, it revealed three very confusing news.

'Out of the ocean' is equivalent to 'Longyumen is not located in Yuliangzhou, which is dominated by mortal dynasties', and its location is far away. For such a behemoth as Longyumen Xu Shoujing, he could only kneel and lick his head.

This time, it directly overturned all the previous guesses of Immortal Tu Yu, and made the illusory existence of Longyumen once again become mysterious.

Sure enough, Elder Wen Han's expression became hesitant. If Longyumen does exist, it is still a hidden great sect with a profound background... Wouldn't killing Xu Shoujing affect the current plan?
After all, Xu Shoujing also has a marriage contract with Su Huanqing of the Changhe Su Clan... How can this boy be so lucky to marry two beautiful girls at the same time, he also has a background.

kill?Elder Wen Han did not think that he could afford to be blamed by the peerless sect.

do not kill?Then go back and wait to be killed by Immortal Venerable Tu Yu.

After thinking over and over again, Elder Wen Han decided to take Xu Shoujing back first and let Immortal Tu Yu make the decision.

In case Long Yumen really came to the door to find an explanation, he would throw the pot to Immortal Tuyu in advance and run away.

After figuring this out, Elder Wen Han put away his hesitant look, turned to glance at Xu Shoujing, and snorted coldly:
"Boy surnamed Xu, you are lucky. I won't kill you for the time being, just come with me."

Qiu Xuanji frowned slightly. She didn't expect that at this point, Tianyuanzong still refused to let Jinger go, and immediately released the spiritual pressure, and said coldly:
"My husband, it's not your turn to catch him."

Elder Wen Han was stunned for a moment, then his expression became impatient, and he sneered:
"Little girl, do you think that if you succeeded in attacking the old man once, you can really be evenly matched with me? Just because of your cultivation base that you just crossed the Heavenly Power Period?"

Before the Nirvana Realm, the gap between the small realms was actually not that big. Although it was difficult to kill someone by leaps and bounds, it was not so difficult to achieve.

But after reaching the Nirvana Realm, every small realm is equivalent to a layer of heaven and earth; every time a new bone is tempered in the Nirvana Realm, it is a rebirth.

The same is true for the Chongxiao Realm. There are a total of seven stars, and the number of stars lit up means the rank of the soul.

Elder Wen Han is now three stars, and the power of his soul has reached a level comparable to that of his body.

As for Qiu Xuanji, who had only just entered Chongxiao, he only lit up one star.

No matter how you look at it, it was a battle with no difference. The successful sneak attack just now could all be attributed to the 'amazing talent'.

Even Xu Shoujing felt a little guilty, and began to think about how to pull out that big sword.

The client, Qiu Xuanji, didn't even notice it. Facing Elder Wen Han's alarmist words, she just raised her palm lightly.

Crimson spiritual power rushed out from the fingers of the jade hand, and a dazzling red lotus descended from the sky.

The red lotus is wrapped around the fire wire, spinning and jumping in mid-air.In the slowly unfolding flower heart, there was a long chirping of birds:

A phoenix composed of flames spread its wings to the sky, and after circling around, it turned into a dark red tattoo on Qiu Xuanji's pure white right arm.

Xu Shoujing on the side was a little stunned, what is this?Phoenix tattoo?Wasn't it a red lotus before...

Elder Wen Han didn't take it too seriously, he just sneered:
"I won't cry without seeing the coffin. If that's the case, don't blame the old man for showing no mercy."

The voice fell, Elder Wen Han put his hands together, and with a 'smack', an illusory figure as high as ten feet was called out behind him.

The phantom figure is wearing a simple armor, holding two large giant swords, his eyes are hollow, and his steps are heavy, as if a sword can split a whole mountain range!

Xu Shoujing was stunned once again, damn it, you can still summon Suzuo... have to find a way.

After all, there is a big gap between Qiu Xuanji and Elder Wen Han, and Xu Shoujing is afraid that she will suffer a dark loss if she goes up to it. …

However, perhaps it was because he knew the bottom line too many times, and Qiu Xuanji had an insight into Xu Shoujing's thoughts without even looking back.

She turned her back, raised her hand to stop Xu Shoujing's movements, and said in a flat tone:

"Jing'er, you don't have to shoot, I'm enough myself."

The words fell, and regardless of Xu Shoujing's stunned eyes, the lotus feet lightly stepped forward on the ground.

bang -- bang --

The illusory armored giant follows in the footsteps of Elder Wenhan.

He saw that Qiu Xuanji actually dared to face the enemy, his face sank, and he snorted coldly:
"I don't know how high the sky is, the little girl, the old man will teach you today, what is..."


Before he could finish speaking, a crisp snap of his fingers interrupted Elder Wen Han's words.

Immediately afterwards, the phoenix ming resounded through the sky one after another, and the phoenix in flames turned into a straight line, heading straight for Elder Wen Han's face.

Elder Wen Han's face darkened. Fighting with juniors is a headache. Do you understand what pre-war etiquette is?

"The chicks don't know how high the sky is. Do you think the same trick will take effect a second time?"

Elder Wen Han sneered, and the action of clasping his hands together turned into a fist and hammering the palm, and then the sword pointed to the sky.

The phantom armored giant seemed to feel something, and immediately bent down and protected Elder Wenhan's body with those huge palms.

If the fire of the phoenix continued to fly like this, it would undoubtedly hit those illusory hands, and the attack this time would be easily resolved.

However, just as the fire of the phoenix was about to collide, the flames that were clearly dead seemed to suddenly have life, making a ninety-degree upward turn at the extreme distance.

The phoenix flame that originally shot at Elder Wen Han turned to the eyes of the illusory armored giant.

"Not good!" Elder Wen Han was suddenly shocked, and secretly said that this little girl actually saw the flaws of her own practice, and immediately changed the way of sealing, and wanted to return to defense.

It was a pity that it was too late, how could the speed of the Phoenix Fire allow him to change his moves again and again?
I saw that the flame that was so hot that it could melt the mountains and rivers shot into the eyes of the illusory giant without any hindrance.


Almost at the same time, the illusory armor giant and Elder Wenhan covered their eyes in pain.

That's right, this is the Achilles heel that Elder Wenhan has concealed for a long time.

The 'invisible technique' is actually the realization of the power of the soul, turning it from a spiritual power into a substantial physical attack.

Of course, while the power is huge, the price is also very obvious.

The embodied spirit and human body are 'empathetic'.

Just as the Nirvana Realm will temper the six unsullied bones, for the figurative doll of the invisible technique, every time a star is lit in the Chongxiao Realm, a part of the soul will be strengthened.

Elder Wen Han is currently in the Tianxuan period, lighting up three stars in total, and the strengthened parts are "Tianquan - Hand", "Tianshu - Leg", and "Tianxuan - Torso".

Except for these three parts, other parts are actually very fragile.

It's not that exaggerated to say that it will be broken when touched, but at least if you want to cause substantial damage to it, it should not be too easy.

Elder Wen Han felt that the water in his eyeballs was evaporating. Although he repaired the damage with his spiritual power, the severe pain that pierced his heart lingered for a long time. There was only one thought left in his mind:
How did she know?
Elder Wen Han loosened his eyes, and there were still traces of burns in his eye sockets. He controlled the shadow of the illusory armor to cover his eyes and said with gnashing teeth:
"I didn't expect you to be able to do this...Little girl, the old man looks down on you, but then you don't want to get any more cheap from the old man!"

Qiu Xuanji looked at him blankly and shook her head: "The fire has been planted, you have already lost."

When the words fell, he snapped his fingers lightly again.

Elder Wen Han subconsciously squatted on defense, but after waiting for a long time, he did not see the fire of the phoenix flying towards him.

It's like it's just a snap of your fingers... and nothing happens?
Just as this idea arose, Elder Wen Han was slapped in the face.

Qiu Xuanji did not throw another flame, but his eyes were getting hotter and hotter for some reason.

That scorching heat has been climbing down the nerves of the eyes, like hundreds of millions of heart-eating worms, constantly burning Wen Han's blood, meridians, and even spiritual power.


Elder Wen Han spit out a mouthful of blood, and the body defense of Chongxiaojing was self-defeating, and the huge armored figure also dissipated with the wind.

Qiu Xuanji saw the opportunity, put her hands together, and snapped her fingers several times.

This time it was a real phoenix fire. Dozens of flames swept across the sky, and hit Elder Wen Han without any obstruction.



Elder Wenhan roared in the flames, and the fire engulfed the entire area.





With every snap of his fingers, the heart-piercing wail of a centenarian reverberated.

The number of finger snaps was still superimposed, but the wailing gradually disappeared.

I don't know how long it took, the flames in the sky were extinguished with the wind, and apart from the scorched black of the land, not even the ashes were left.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, walked slowly to Qiu Xuanji's side, and said blankly:
"Xuanji... Your flame can actually burn the soul..."

Hearing Jing'er's voice, the iceberg on Qiu Xuanji's face instantly melted, she turned around slowly, and said softly:

"I learned it after I entered the Chongxiao realm."

"If you don't tell me, I forgot."

Xu Shoujing blew his daughter-in-law without any ambiguity, and said with admiration:

"It's only been a month since you've been in retreat. If those old guys who have been in retreat for decades know that they will be mad, it's because you have a strong talent."

Qiu Xuanji gave a soft "um", turned her face and looked to the side, feeling a little embarrassed to be praised.

"Speaking of which." Xu Shoujing put away his thoughts and said sternly: "Why did you suddenly run to Hongxi Mansion? Where are Aunt Chu and the others?"

Qiu Xuanji replied: "Shuwan and the others are all in Sudu now. I actually left the customs as soon as you left. Seeing that you haven't returned for a few days, I was worried that something would happen to you, and I asked Su Ling about your whereabouts."


It seemed that Su Ling would not be able to keep his mouth shut, but it was good, this time he was saved by his 'untrustworthiness'.

"All in Sudu? Why?" Xu Shoujing asked with a frown.

Before Qiu Xuanji could answer, Su Huanqing had already stepped forward and interjected:
"If that's the case, then we don't have to go to the Eastern Imperial City, let's go back to Sudu directly."

When the words fell, she had already stepped on the flying sword first, and was about to fly high into the sky.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing had no choice but to smile and shook his head dumbly:
"It's more urgent than me. It seems that resolving the misunderstanding with Venerable Su should not be a problem..."

Hearing Xu Shoujing's words, Qiu Xuanji froze slightly, and subconsciously wanted to say something.

But after opening her mouth, she didn't seem to know where to start. After hesitating for a long time, she finally endured it.

...let them confirm for themselves.

Su Huanqing was already riding the wind with his sword, and Xu Shoujing definitely couldn't fall, so he ran to pick up his painting Fang Yanqian, and chased after him with Qiu Xuanji.

Of course, Qiu Xuanji didn't need to use the sword to walk directly in the air, which was so terrifying.


far away.

Elder Yong Yan and his party who came here happened to witness the whole picture of Elder Wen Han being burned to ashes... He didn't dare to come out, afraid that he would follow his senior brother.

Yong Yan's scalp was numb as he watched Xu Shoujing and his party leave, recalling the news of 'Dragon Yumen', he said solemnly:
"It seems that I have to report to the Sect Master."

It's definitely not that he dare not go out and fight.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 I want to write about the feeling of the Colonel burning Rust, but I don't know how... I'm so tired today, it hurts to death, everyone, please help me catch bugs, I'm sleeping

(End of this chapter)

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