The queen is so fierce

Chapter 212 The Bad News of Sudu

Chapter 212 The Bad News of Sudu

In the west of Tiannanzhou Continent, Tianyuanzong ran from the ghost realm to Tiannanzhou, almost directly crossing the entire territory.

Fortunately, Elder Yongyan was busy reporting Xu Shoujing's matter this time, and he didn't care about the disciples he brought over.

There are many mountains and peaks.

There are many floating islands of different styles floating on the sky, and most of the buildings built on the floating islands are mainly 'red spirit wood', which are characterized by fast gathering of spiritual energy and strong wind resistance. .

From the lake secret road under Tianyuan Mountain all the way up, through the narrow and steep mountain road, and finally stop in front of the boulder engraved with the three characters of 'Tianyuanzong'.

When Elder Yongyan returned to the sect, he found that most of the sect disciples were already ready to go. Not only did they put on the uniformly distributed robes, but the fairy weapons in their hands were also upgraded by several grades.

He tilted his head and glanced at some of the disciples who were still sharpening their knives and refining alchemy.

No, the news of Xu Shoujing must be reported to the Sect Master immediately!
Thinking like this, Elder Yongyan didn't even pay attention to the disciples who ran forward to salute. He stepped on the spiritual energy and soared into the sky, heading straight for the highest floating island above the sky.

The building on the highest floating island has only a magnificent hall. Through the window paper, you can faintly see the flickering candles and a shadow full of black gas.

Yong Yan knelt down and bowed down the stairs, and said in a low voice:

"Sect Master, Xu Shoujing ran away."

The silhouette of the figure in the hall paused for a moment, followed by a surge of spiritual pressure that was enough to bend the ten thousand-year-old spiritual tree.

With a "click" sound, no one touched the door, but it opened naturally.

A shoe covered by a Taoist robe crossed the threshold, Elder Yong Yan looked up, and Immortal Venerable Tu Yu walked out with a gloomy face.

Through the crack of the door, you can faintly see a dark heavy gun enshrined on the indoor spiritual platform.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu glanced at Elder Yongyan, looked straight ahead, and said coldly:

"The deity sent you to go with Wen Han, just to ensure that nothing goes wrong... No matter how many Xu Shoujing's methods are, he is only a Dragon Gate Realm. Is it possible that he can fight back across two realms, and Wen Han?"

Elder Yongyan shivered for a while, while secretly observing the expression of Immortal Tu Yu, he said carefully:
"Wen Han... died in battle."


Sure enough, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu exploded on the spot, and said with wide eyes angrily:

"You two wastes were really killed by a Dragon Gate Realm?"

"No no! Of course not!"

Elder Yongyan burst out with a strong desire to survive, shaking his head frantically:
"Originally, Xu Shoujing was already in his subordinate's pocket... But halfway through, a Qiu Xuanji came out. The fire of the phoenix can burn the soul with one hand. I can't help, I can only watch Wen Han die in battle..."

Immortal Tu Yu had black lines all over his head, turned his head to look at Elder Yongyan with a messy face, and raised his hand to stop him:

"Make it clear, what is Qiu Xuanji? Is she in the Moonlight Realm?"

"Uh..." Elder Yongyan shook his head and whispered: "Not long after entering Chongxiao..."

Immortal Tu Yu asked again: "Then what kind of god-killing magic does she have on her body? It's more powerful than Xu Shoujing's gun?"

Elder Yongyan hesitated for a while, but still shook his head:

"Qiu Xuanji majors in magic, and he has never seen a magic weapon near him."

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu was immediately angry: "I can't stand by my body, and I'm not a great power. You two Tianxuan stage, even a junior who has just entered the world, can't do anything, but you dare to come back! "

Elder Yongyan squatted back a few steps in fright, and quickly waved his hand:
"No, Sect Master, listen to my explanation!"

Immortal Tu Yu folded his arms coldly: "I want to see how you can explain it to me."

Elder Yongyan breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and said in a low voice:

"The name Qiu Xuanji... Sect Master, don't you feel a little familiar? For example, six years ago... one against two or something..."

"No." Immortal Tu Yu snorted coldly, his face gradually darkened: "This is your explanation?"

"..." Elder Yongyan.

Well, the Nirvana Realm's record of crushing with one enemy and two is really worth boasting about on the average cultivator, but for the Crescent Moon Realm, it's just an optional joke, and it can't be on the table.

Alas, there is still a generation gap.

Elder Yongyan gritted his teeth and changed his explanation:
"Then Qiu Xuanji was able to kill people by leaps and bounds when he was in the Nirvana realm. You may have never heard of the Sect Master, but I have often heard about it when I go out to protect the disciples. Qiu Xuanji has extraordinary talent. She also once mastered the fortune of a dynasty, and the most important thing...she is a disciple of Longyumen!"

Immortal Tu Yu's pupils condensed slightly, and the severe cold on his face gradually eased, he pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice:

"You said... that Qiu Xuanji is a disciple of Longyumen?"

Elder Yongyan secretly thought that he had saved a small life, and slowly said:

"It is absolutely true, and the condition for her to worship Longyumen is to marry Xu Shoujing as his wife."

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu raised his brows and was amazed:

"It's really rare that there is such an old-fashioned sect... If what you said is true, considering the characteristics of the hidden world, Longyumen should not be fabricated, but really exists."

The point is here... Elder Yongyan nodded secretly and said solemnly:
"Sect Master, what should we do? Are we going to attack the Changhe Su Clan?"

Immortal Tu Yu glanced at him and smiled indifferently: "Why not? No matter whether his Dragon Jade Sect exists or not, what does it have to do with my Tianyuan Sect taking the Changhe Su clan?"

...what's the matter?
Elder Yongyan was stunned, and secretly said: Sect Master, have you lost your memory?The Xianwu of the young master of the sect is still being offered to you in your house. Before, Xu Shoujing was put to death again and again. If Longyumen really exists, I will ask you for an explanation even for the sake of face.

What's more... the Changhe Su Clan that you are going to attack now, although it is an inevitable trend to decline, but they are still married to each other anyway, so you can just fight it regardless, is it really okay?

Elder Yongyan couldn't guess the mind of Immortal Tu Yu, hesitated, and said tentatively:

"Sect Master... You are not afraid, the Changhe Su Clan invites Long Yumen as foreign aid?"

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu was calm and composed, and did not take Elder Yongyan's words to heart at all:
"This time is different from the past. As long as the 'that' adult is there, even the illusory Dragon Jade Gate, with the power of Xuanyang Realm standing behind it, is nothing but a handful of dust, an existence that can be wiped out."

That... lord?
Elder Yongyan's eyes were full of doubts, and he began to understand what Immortal Tu Yu said.

However, Immortal Tu Yu obviously didn't want Yong Yan to understand. Seeing the silence of the other party, he just coughed lightly:
"You don't need to understand the specific details. The plan to attack the Changhe Su Clan remains unchanged. We will set off tomorrow after Hexuan and Jinglong arrive. You can go down."

Elder Yongyan's heart was shocked, and he secretly thought that this time the suzerain had paid his own blood, and he was bound to exterminate the Changhe Su clan...

Elder Hexuan and Elder Jinglong were the pioneers of the Tianyuan Sect who founded the sect together with Immortal Tu Yu. The so-called 'One Door Sanxianyue' refers to these three.

If you just won a Changhe Su clan, there is no need to call out all the details of Tianyuan Sect.

Previously, the Tianyuan Sect seemed to check and balance with the Changhe Su clan, but it had nothing to do with the Sudu Sanjiang Great Array at all, but more because of Su Jin's own deterrence.

Now the only deterrent of the Changhe Su Clan is not, this time, it is inevitable that they will be cut down by the roots...

Elder Yongyan only regarded himself as a melon eater, and bowed to Immortal Tu Yu again, and retreated silently.
boom -

The top of the sky was clouded with thunder and fog, and under the shroud of torrential rain and haze, the blue-colored Sudu became a dead city where the sun could not see the light of day.

The houses on the street were closed, and there were many white lanterns hanging from the corners of the eaves. From the exit of the Three Rivers Great Array all the way to the mountain leading to the Su Clan of the Changhe River, there was not a single person on the way.

After a lapse of nearly fifty years, Xu Shoujing's heart was a little heavy when he once again set foot on the old land of the Changhe Su Clan.

Qiu Xuanji didn't explain too much to him, but as long as he saw the unusual atmosphere in Sudu below, he could roughly guess what was going on.

On the contrary, Su Huanqing, who has always been more sensitive, just kept his head down and flew forward at this time, and did not question the strange sight of Sudu at all.

Did you not notice it?Or... I vaguely guessed it, but I didn't want to face it.

Xu Shoujing couldn't grasp Su Huanqing's thoughts at the moment, he hesitated for a long time, but still did not disturb.

The three were speechless all the way, crossed the mountains, and finally landed on the bluestone road of the Changhe Su Clan.

Like Su Du, there is no half-person figure on the street.Not only that, the alchemy room, the artifact refining room, and even the guards who were guarding the door on shift were all closed early.

Now, even if Su Huanqing hurried to see Su Jin again, it was impossible for him to completely ignore the unusual sight of the Changhe Su Clan.

She tilted her head to look at Qiu Xuanji and asked in a low voice:

"What about the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan?"

When the words fell, although Su Huanqing tried her best to keep calm, it was a pity that her stiff facial expression completely betrayed her mood at the moment.

Qiu Xuanji raised her eyes and looked forward: "It's all in Su Mansion."

Su Huanqing nodded, and now he is no longer wielding his sword. Compared with the hurried look just now, he is even slowing down his speed a little bit.

Seeing Su Huanqing's appearance, Xu Shoujing felt a little unbearable, hesitated for a moment, and planned to go up to explain a few words to her.


He just opened his mouth when he was stopped by Qiu Xuanji beside him.

Xu Shoujing looked at Qiu Xuanji slightly suspiciously, who stared into his eyes and shook his head silently.

The meaning is also obvious.

In the end, it's up to her to face it herself.

Xu Shoujing understood this truth, and also knew that speaking at this time would not have any effect. Although he was a little unwilling, the hand that was only half-raised was slowly put down.

The road from the Changhe Su Clan's gate to the Su Mansion is not long, no matter how slow it is, it won't take long.

When they reached the familiar alchemy street in front of the Su Mansion, there were finally dense figures.

However, unlike the last time when people were crowded to watch Xu Shoujing fight, this time almost all of the Su disciples were dressed in white clothes, wearing hemp and filial piety, and bowed their heads deeply in the direction of the Su residence.


There were faint cries of female cultivators and young disciples in the crowd, and several male cultivators of the Su clan who refused to show their weakness were secretly wiping their tears.

Su Huanqing's footsteps were very heavy. She didn't even know what her expression was now. Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar people in front of her, she stopped for a long time without saying a word.

"Ah... Su, Senior Sister Su, woo woo..." Someone found the three of Xu Shoujing, so they cried even more fiercely.

Qin Xuanbing heard Su Huanqing's name and immediately got out of the pile of white-clothed disciples.

She trotted all the way to Su Huanqing's side, with tears on her face, Pear Blossom said with rain:

"Senior Sister...Senior Sister, Venerable Su, he..."

Su Huanqing didn't answer, and even the expression on her face didn't change. It was so cold that people wondered if she was a ruthless woman who didn't even have psychological fluctuations when her father died.

But her breathing was the exact opposite of the indifference on her expression. She was hesitant in a short time, walking through the crowd almost step by step.

Xu Shoujing followed behind without saying a word, while Qiu Xuanji stayed where he was and watched the two leave.

The outside of the Su Mansion was crowded with disciples of the Changhe Su Clan, but inside the Su Mansion, only members of the Su family could enter.

As soon as he crossed the threshold, a scent of chrysanthemum came to his face.

Xu Shoujing saw that the main hall where he had been a guest was arranged in a solemn and solemn manner, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

White flower curtains, flower cards on the wall, spirit tables and black gauze, and a pile of enshrined items.

The most important the unusually conspicuous word 'Liberation', and the very rushed spirit card below.

"Spiritual position of Su Jin, the thousandth and twelfth Patriarch of the Su Clan in the Changhe River"

boom -

The momentum of the torrential rain seemed to be getting bigger again, and the dazzling thunder lit up the dark Su Mansion.

Su Huanqing stood in the courtyard, soaked in rain, her thin gauze revealed her complexion, and her jet-black hair stuck to her cheeks and the corners of her mouth...

She didn't care about her appearance, she just stared at the spiritual card, not saying a word, not saying a word, and the silence was so worrying.

At this moment, Su Huanqing suddenly remembered what Jiang Rongyue had said to herself.

"Even a cultivator doesn't have as much time as you think."

"Things that you take for granted in your daily life are likely to disappear suddenly one day..."

"Just pass by once and maybe never see each other again."

At that time, Su Huanqing also replied, "I remember it", but now she realizes that she didn't remember it at all, and didn't even do it at all.

Su Huanqing has never had the concept of 'parents' since childhood.

Although the elder brother is often mentioned in front of her, for Su Huanqing, the word 'father' is dispensable before the age of 20.

Therefore, when Su Jin returned to the Su clan to inherit the position of the patriarch because of his injury, Su Huanqing would be so indifferent to him.

Since you have ignored me for more than 20 years, why are you still treating me so well?
Su Huanqing has always thought this way and did the same. She thinks that she doesn't need to reconcile with Su Jin, and it is enough to continue living as before.

But just half a day ago, Xu Shoujing told her that Su Jin was not the person you imagined, and everything he did had difficulties.

Su Huanqing never doubted that Xu Shoujing's words were true or false. She was just a little hesitant and helpless. It turned out that the person who had been wrong was herself...

It was because she was angry that she never gave Su Jin a chance to explain; it was also because she kept her face straight and did not give Su Jin the respect of her father once.

However, that's it, Su Jin is still doing her best to be nice to her, and she was even called a 'daughter slave'.

Today, the misunderstanding has finally been revealed, and the father-daughter relationship can finally be taken to the next step.

The result is...

"I never even called you Dad..." Su Huanqing said hoarsely.

She couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears on her face.

"...I don't have a chance to call you dad again, do I?"

Su Huanqing finally collapsed, her body softened, and she almost knelt on the ground with a posture of about to faint.

"Huanqing!" Xu Shoujing reacted immediately, and immediately stepped forward to support her.

Su Huanqing leaned passively in Xu Shoujing's arms. She seemed to have finally found an outlet, and those repressed feelings flowed out with tears.

"Why...why tell me that..."

She buried her head on Xu Shoujing's shoulder and thumped his chest one by one.

"If you don't tell me that...I won't...I won't woo..."

Xu Shoujing hugged Su Huanqing's delicate body tightly, and the benefits of wet body brought by the rain were quite charming, but he didn't appreciate it at the moment.

Every punch on his chest was so light that he couldn't even feel the impact; but every punch was so heavy that his chest was stuffed with pain.

The torrential rain continued, and the noise of the rain covered up a little weeping.

Xu Shoujing lowered his eyes and didn't say anything to comfort him. He just hugged Su Huanqing quietly until she stopped crying.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 It's a little bit literate, ha... It's really hard to write this chapter well. This is an important turning point for Su Huanqing, but unfortunately I can't control it well with my writing skills...

  By the way, when this chapter was published, it was 4200, and when it was finished, it was 4600. That is to say, I made you spend 400 words for nothing, which is some compensation for the delay... I'm sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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