The queen is so fierce

Chapter 213 An Acquaintance Visits

Chapter 213 An Acquaintance Visits

The torrential rain gradually subsided, the human voice gradually faded away, and the chirping of the spirit birds reverberated in the corners of the streets and alleys again.

The silver moon is like a hook, emerging from the dark clouds that are about to disperse, and the stars are dazzling, lighting up the whole night sky.

Su Huanqing lay in Xu Shoujing's arms and cried for a long time, until she exhausted her physical strength unconsciously and fell asleep deeply.

Xu Shoujing felt that the breathing of the beautiful woman in his arms gradually stabilized. He bent his arms through the blue skirt, hooked his legs and wrapped his back, hugged Su Huanqing horizontally, and walked towards the backyard according to his vague memory.

Passing through two or three doorways, a maid who was wiping her tears saw her, and hurriedly gave Xu Shoujing a salute.

It was absolutely impossible to just throw Su Huanqing on the bed because of the heavy rain just now.

However, Xu Shoujing didn't take advantage of the danger, put Su Huanqing in the wing, instructed the maid to change her clothes, and then walked back to the courtyard alone.

Here, there is someone he must meet.

Most of the mourning disciples outside the Su Mansion had been sent home, and the mourning hall in the main hall was obviously not suitable for rituals.

Xu Shoujing didn't discuss with the other party in advance, but he felt something and came to the hall in the backyard alone.

As soon as he entered the door, Su Ling, dressed in white, had been waiting for a long time.

In fact, when Xu Shoujing was still with Su Huanqing, the two had already made eye contact once, but under the circumstances at the time, it was inappropriate to say anything, so they reconciled in this way.

Su Ling was obviously a lot more excited than before. Seeing Xu Shoujing coming, he immediately took a few steps closer and said very worriedly:

"Brother Xu, my cousin she..."

Xu Shoujing shook his head, his gloomy face eased a little, and replied:

"She's fine, just fell asleep, and now the maid is dressing her."

Hearing the words, Su Ling immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Jin had an accident, the previous patriarch disappeared, and Su Ren went out to practice again.If Su Huanqing was hit too hard and felt like a heart-sealing lock, then Su Ling would really collapse.

Xu Shoujing took a look at the furnishings in the back hall, and there was almost no change from the last time, except that the people had changed.

After a long silence, he couldn't help but ask:

"After I left, what happened? Why did Venerable Su..."

Su Ling's face was bitter, and while walking out, he said:
"It's a long story... Big Brother Xu, just come and see..."

Speaking, Su Ling's expression was a little hesitant, hesitantly said:

"This person... you should also know him."

"I know?"

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and immediately followed.

It wasn't far from what Su Ling said. The two walked out of the backyard gate and arrived at the destination cabin not long after.

What Xu Shoujing didn't expect was that the 'person' Su Ling said was not a living person.

The cabin is obviously a temporary construction, and there is a rush of energy everywhere, and some of the rivets on the wooden boards have not been fully hammered in.

There is a layer of chalcedony silver grass on the ground. In terms of appearance, it looks similar to the food and grass fed to horses after drying. It is very normal and not surprising.

When Xu Shoujing was still practicing day after day in Longyumen, he had read the introduction of this herb in the medicine book of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It is said that the chalcedony silver grass is bathed in the moonlight for thousands of years and washed by the pure and pure river water, and can only be taken at the end of the river that is full of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

As for the effect, it seems to be... temporarily locking the soul?
It can make the soul of the dead human race not leave the body within three days, and through some relatively partial spells, it can also make the spiritual body manifest and conduct temporary dialogue.

At first glance, it seems to be quite powerful. Talking to the deceased is simply an artifact for handling cases in modern times.

Unfortunately, the matter of 'locking the soul' is inherently immoral.

Locking the soul means that the soul cannot follow the way of heaven and enter reincarnation, which is equivalent to preventing the deceased from reincarnating in the six ways. In a sense, using this kind of grass is like a vicious revenge.

Thinking of this, the question in Xu Shoujing's heart is even bigger, who is this dead, and would rather the other party become a ghost, but also lock him?

Soon, Su Ling revealed the answer to Xu Shoujing.

After seeing a human face buried in the chalcedony stone and silver grass, Xu Shoujing's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said the other person's name almost subconsciously:
"Su He!"

Of course, Su He, who had already become a dead man, would definitely not be able to respond.

Xu Shoujing rubbed his forehead, a little confused about the situation:
"Why is Su He here? Does Venerable Su's death have anything to do with him?"

Su Ling let out a long sigh, thought about it carefully, and said slowly:
"It's a long story, but after you left, Brother Xu, I immediately went back to Sudu to report... At first, the uncle just scolded you casually, and then continued to read, as if he didn't take it seriously.

But the next day, the uncle flew out in a hurry. I asked him what he was doing and ignored me.After that... Uncle was sent back together with Su He's body. "

Su Ling scratched his head, the sadness in his eyes did not diminish, but there was a little more distress:

"It all happened so suddenly, and we don't know what happened to the uncle. Finally, after discussing with other clansmen, we decided to investigate what happened to the uncle through Su He. It's a pity..."

Su Ling turned to look at Su He's body that had already passed through the two stages of 'hardness' and 'softness', and sighed:

"This guy has already broken the jar. No matter what he asks, he doesn't open his mouth. He looks like a dead heart. We even found all kinds of dusty instruments in the warehouse and used them, but Su He just refused to open his mouth. ."

Xu Shoujing nodded thoughtfully. After a while, he seemed to feel something, and said in astonishment:
"Wait... Four days ago, when did you use chalcedony silver grass for Su He?"

Su Ling raised her head and glanced at the position of Wanwan Gouyue, and answered with a little hesitation:
"It's time to be ugly, so it should be the day before yesterday."

"Isn't that only one day left?"

Xu Shoujing smacked his head, thought over and over again, turned to look at Su He, and said solemnly:

"Anyway, let's call out Su He's spirit body first and have a look."


Su Ling did the same immediately, raised his hand to make a mark on his chest, and immediately extended his sword finger to float a little.

The next moment, the sky above Su He's body became ethereal, and it didn't take long for a light blue shadow similar to Su He himself to appear in front of the two of them.

Su He, who was in a spiritual state, hung in the air, his head lowered, his eyes were blank, and his body did not move at all, as if he had lost his soul in an empty shell... No, he was originally a soul.

Xu Shoujing pinched his chin and looked at it for a moment, then turned on the pupil technique to observe for a while.

Rather than saying that Su He is 'heart ashes', it is better to say that... his 'thinking ability' itself has been taken away.

Soul was destroyed?This is the mysterious figure who brought the corpse back. They had long expected that Su Ling and the others would use chalcedony silver grass?

No matter what he said, Xu Shoujing believed that the death of Su Zunzun was definitely inseparable from the final teaching.

Apart from his daughter Su Huanqing, the only thing that can make Venerable Su so hurried is the revenge of his wife's death.

Xu Shoujing closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then slowly opened his eyes and said calmly:
"Su Ling, go and prepare a pot of mercury, a box of dragon soul grass, two pots of snake blood, and... spiritual medicine and fairy grass related to the soul. Prepare as many as possible."

After finishing speaking, Xu Shoujing looked at him very seriously, and warned again: "Tomorrow morning, be sure to bring it... I have a way to get Su He to speak."

Su Ling was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Su He, who was like a corpse, and asked subconsciously:
"any solution?"

Xu Shoujing stretched out his index finger and tapped twice on his head:
"Just ask here."

The method he said was naturally referring to the forbidden spell that Qiu Ji used on him.

Soul Filling Array.


After making an appointment with Su Ling, Xu Shoujing walked out of Su Mansion alone.

After so many things happened, he was not in the mood to jump over the wall at the moment, and it was rare to directly open the door of Su Mansion.

The Su Clan's disciples had long since been dismissed, and the entire street seemed empty, except for the sound of the cold wind blowing.

Xu Shoujing sighed and was thinking about where to find Aunt Chu and the others. Although Su Jin's matter was important, he still had the mission of handing over the Moon Falling Soul to Zhao Fuyao.

But before taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped in place.

The quiet moonlight sprinkled on the bluestone bricks, and only a woman stood proudly in the dim street.

The woman stood where Xu Shoujing left, her fiery red dress and her hair swaying in the wind.The ribbon on the waist is drawn with phoenix lines with gold thread, and the tall and sexy figure shows luxurious curves.

At this moment, Qiu Xuanji, compared to the majestic Empress Dali, is more like a woman who is looking forward to her husband's return home. She is less graceful and pompous and has the aura from the superior, but she is more gentle and jade-like. Dignified and demure.

Xu Shoujing stopped in place for a long time, as if he had woken up from a dream, he returned to his senses, forced a smile, and hurriedly greeted him:
"Why are you still waiting for me?"

Qiu Xuanji stared at his eyes, and was silent for a while:
"Wait for you, how are you going to find me? Yuliangzhou's Longxun card can't be used in Tiannanzhou."

"..." Xu Shoujing had forgotten about this one.

However, even Su Huanqing, who was born and raised in Tiannanzhou, had never used such a thing as the Longxun brand, which also caused him to forget to go to the whole Tiannanzhou brand after he came to Tiannanzhou.

Xu Shoujing coughed dryly: "What about Aunt Chu and the others?"

Qiu Xuanji pointed to the sky and said calmly, "On the new floating boat."

"A new floating boat?" Xu Shoujing was slightly taken aback.

The old floating boat has been destroyed along with the space since the belt that Aunt Chu gave her was broken.

If I remember correctly, that thing is still a limited-edition model bought by Meng Yi's old team for a long time, something from Tianyu Firm...

Before Xu Shoujing could break away from his thoughts, Qiu Xuanji hesitated and said:
"Someone is looking for you, and the floating boat is a gift from her."
The tip of the nose was filled with an elegant fragrance, and the cabin was only lit by two candles, which seemed a little dark.

Xu Shoujing sat upright, with both hands on the table, looking at the charming woman across from the table, but a few drops of cold sweat broke out.

The woman was wearing an indigo cloud skirt, which was a little heavy, but her figure was not concealed at all. The hip and waist lines were almost perfect, and the bulging placket had an exaggerated arc.

She sat quietly in the chair, her long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, like crescent moons; her cheeks that were so ripe that they could squeeze out the water had a somewhat strange blush, and there was always a playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

As long as I see her, I immediately think of the charming appearance of the other party, and my heart is itchy like being scratched by a kitten.

However, for Xu Shoujing at the moment, more experiences are like sitting on pins and needles.

After a long time, probably seeing that Xu Shoujing didn't hold back a word for a long time, the woman exchanged her beautiful legs, her hands resting on her cheeks, and Yingying smiled:
"It's been so long, why didn't you speak?"

When the words fell, she didn't seem to notice at all. The lotus feet hidden under the table gently pressed against Xu Shoujing's gradually numb calf, and moved up and down.


Xu Shoujing shivered smartly, and he even heard his own saliva.

But the reason that made him shiver all over was not the familiar and charming woman in front of him, but...

Xu Shoujing tilted his head quietly and looked at the position of the sliding door of the cabin.

The bright white moonlight spilled into the cabin through the crack of the door, and four pairs of eyes with different expressions were locked on him.

Among them, the two most resentful are still burning with the flames of wanting to cut people with knives.

Xu Shoujing didn't dare to look any longer, he silently turned his head back, quietly pushed off the little foot that was touching his leg, and said sternly:
"Master Yu, I'm here to find this junior, what's the matter..."

"Huh? How did I tell you before? To be called Auntie, Shishu is too ugly." The woman licked her bloody red lips, and her eyes became even more provocative.


Xu Shoujing felt that a certain line of sight behind him had evolved from 'wanting to kill people' to 'wanting to scatter ashes'.

"Then... Aunt Yu." Xu Shoujing sighed and said speechlessly, "Didn't you return to Yun Aozhou with Jiao Shuang?"

In front of Xu Shoujing, Yu Zhiqiong stretched lazily, showing her beautiful figure, and said with bright eyes:
"Why, after returning to Yun Aozhou, I can't come to you? Do you dislike Auntie so much?"

At this point, Yu Zhiqiong's expression suddenly changed, from a rambunctious woman to a reclusive and resentful woman.

She gently supported her watery cheeks and sighed faintly:
"I'm still old, and I've become a woman with a yellow face. When you were in Zi Mo before, you were seated by me in front of Shuang'er..."



There was a sound of someone being dragged away from the door.

Xu Shoujing was lying on the table, only feeling that her scalp was numb, and she would be forced to ask questions by Aunt Chu and Sister Rong Yue afterward...

Can we make it clearer, can that be called a seat?Obviously there is still a bed board!

"Giggle...Little bastard, I haven't seen you for a year, your skills haven't improved much, but there are a lot more women, and they're still jars of vinegar."

Seeing Xu Shoujing's face full of hopelessness, Yu Zhiqiong covered her mouth and laughed softly, her words full of ridicule.

Xu Shoujing doesn't want to pay attention to her, it's not all your doing.

After a while, Yu Zhiqiong's charming smile stopped, she glanced sideways at the direction of the cabin door, made sure everyone was almost gone, and then tapped the table.

In an instant, a light apricot soundproof formation rose out of thin air, completely blocking the entire cabin.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously covered his body.

This aunt doesn't really want to touch me, does it?

Do I need to make the bed first?
However, after Yu Zhiqiong completed the soundproof formation, all the charming smiles and seductive actions just disappeared like deception, with a very serious expression:

"Little villain, in fact, I can't appear in front of you right now, this time is completely compelled."

Xu Shoujing blinked, slightly confused, "What do you mean?"

"You must leave the Changhe Su Clan immediately." Yu Zhiqiong said sternly. "It won't be long before the sects in the forefront of Tiannan Continent will come out and attack Sudu together."
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(End of this chapter)

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