The queen is so fierce

Chapter 214 Yu Zhiqiong's Intention

Chapter 214 Yu Zhiqiong's Intention
The major sects of Tiannan Continent jointly attack Sudu?
After Xu Shoujing heard it, his first reaction was that it was unlikely. The Changhe Su Clan, as a long-standing hidden clan, should have no means of self-protection even if the patriarch was absent.

But seeing that the seriousness on Yu Zhiqiong's expression didn't seem like a fabrication, Xu Shoujing thought about it carefully, raised his head and asked:

"Changhe Su Clan does have a lot of background, but now that Su Zun is not there, it shouldn't have any effect on other sects. Is it necessary to kill them all?"

Yu Zhiqiongyu put her hand on the table, and lightly tapped the table with her delicate fingers, but said:

"Normally, it's naturally unnecessary, but who gave the Changhe Su Clan something worthy of their jealousy."

"Something worthy of their jealousy..."

Xu Shoujing pondered for a while, but had no clue at all.His understanding of the Changhe Su Clan was entirely based on Su Jin's narration, and he could say that he didn't know anything about it.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xu Shoujing couldn't find a 'bait' worth mobilizing the power of a continent, so he could only say tentatively:

"Could it be the Sanjiang Great Array?"

"Of course not." Yu Zhiqiong rolled his eyes at him.

Although the Sanjiang Grand Array is indeed a bit high-end, it is nothing more than an illusion formation. How could it have a value worthy of the sects of a continent scrambling to exterminate their clan?
Yu Zhiqiong probably thought that Xu Shoujing might really not know, after pondering for a moment, he said solemnly:
"The sages of the Changhe Su clan were the middlemen who preached to the spiritual world from the ancient Tiangong."

Xu Shoujing nodded, he heard Su Jin blowing this matter, it was indeed a matter of ancestral glory...

Um?its not right.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, he knew the secret of the Changhe Su Clan because Su Jin once wanted to take him as a disciple and used this as bait to recruit him.

But... how did Yu Zhiqiong know?

Before Xu Shoujing could recover from the surprise, Yu Zhiqiong put down her beautiful legs and continued:
"You should also know that there is no connection between the ancient heaven and the spiritual world, and the immortals disappeared too suddenly. It is obviously too difficult to spread the Tiangong avenue with just a mere mortal. So, the immortals gave The ancestor of the Su clan is a magic weapon that can shake the entire Jiuzhou..."

At this point, Yu Zhiqiong paused, and while observing Xu Shoujing's expression, he finally revealed the purpose of running all the way to Tiannanzhou:

"Heavenly Mirror."

Xu Shoujing's face gradually darkened, and his tone became slightly alienated:
"So, you came to Changhe Su Clan to get that celestial mirror?"

Hearing this, Yu Zhiqiong gave a wry smile, and then sighed:

"I knew you would react like this... I won't lie to you, half of the reason I came to Changhe Su Clan was for the Tianwen Mirror."

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked at Xu Shoujing's eyes. There was no more charm and provocation in her eyes, and she said very seriously:

"I also admit that I want to get the Tianwen Mirror because of the battle of the Yu clan. However, there is another reason..."

"What's the reason?" Xu Shoujing frowned.

Yu Zhiqiong looked at him solemnly and said word by word:

"The celestial mirror must never fall into the hands of the final teaching."

Xu Shoujing's head went blank after being bombarded by the words "End Yanjiao", and he never thought that he could hear the news of End Yanjiao from Yu Zhiqiong's mouth.

Seeing Xu Shoujing hesitating to speak, Yu Zhiqiong gradually relaxed, and her expression returned to her usual charming and charming appearance.

She lifted her foot slightly and kicked Xu Shoujing's calf, and said leisurely:

"Do you want to ask, why do I know about the final teaching?"

What else could Xu Shoujing do, he could only quickly nod his head.

Anyway, women can read minds, I have long known.

Yu Zhiqiong thought for a while, and said in a low voice, "I can't explain it to you right now. The only thing I can tell you is that I'm on your side, and that's all I'm hostile to."

"..." Xu Shoujing was speechless.

Isn't that the same as saying no?

However, after Yu Zhiqiong's interruption, he wanted to understand a lot of things, and without hesitation, he asked directly:

"You said that the Tianwen Mirror cannot fall into the hands of the Zhanyan Religion, so the one who instigated the major sects in Tiannan Continent to besiege the Changhe Su Clan is actually the Zhanyan Religion?"


Yu Zhiqiong seemed to remember something, she frowned slightly and replied:

"Accurately speaking, it was the Tianyuan Sect and the End Yan Sect who got on the line and learned about the existence of the Tianwen Mirror. Originally, the Tianyuan Sect and the Changhe Su Clan did not violate the river water.

Even if Su Jin died, he would just leave the Changhe Su Clan to fend for himself.There is absolutely no need to waste the sect's heritage, and go all out just to destroy a worthless sect. "

Xu Shoujing nodded, he thought so before, but with the existence of the celestial mirror, everything that happened now makes sense.

"In the end, what was the use of the tattoo mirror that day? Even the ultimate teaching wants to get it?"

Yu Zhiqiong Yingying's beautiful eyes froze slightly, but she remembered that she forgot to tell him the most important thing.

After thinking for a moment, she said:

"At the end of Tianzhu, Tiangong once planned to gather the spiritual energy of the three realms to create the way of heaven."

Xu Shoujing nodded calmly, with a curious expression on his face, but he was actually shocked.

No... I just learned about Tiangong's creation of the Dao of Heaven from Cang Yin not long ago, and it took a lot of effort... How did I get to you? It's just like the gossip and gossip spread on the street. ...

Maybe Xu Shoujing concealed it well this time, but Yu Zhiqiong didn't see anything and continued:

"Tiangong's attempt to create the Heavenly Dao naturally failed, but at the end, they extracted a trace of Daoyin from the Heavenly Dao... The Daoyin of the incomplete Heavenly Dao is the predecessor of the Tianwen Mirror.

The Tao of Heaven is the most complex and simple existence in the world. It is order, common sense, time, space, five elements, and reincarnation... As long as there is a rhyme of the Tao, preaching to the spiritual world is as simple as eating and drinking. "

Xu Shoujing suddenly didn't understand, and couldn't help but ask:
"Since the Tianwen Mirror is so against the sky, why doesn't the Changhe Su clan directly use it to develop the sect? If the Changhe Su clan becomes stronger, there will be nothing to do with the Tianyuan Sect."

Yu Zhiqiong shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to use it, it's that I can't use it. Although it is incomplete, it is also the rhythm of the Dao of Heaven. A group of monks who can't even reach the Xuan Ye Realm, what can they use to understand the Dao? The ancestors of the Su family can use it. Preaching is entirely due to his guidance and talent from the Immortal Race."

So, the Tianwen mirror is useless in your hand, right?
Xu Shoujing groaned inwardly, and suddenly understood what Yu Zhiqiong said at the beginning of the sentence, "The mirror of the celestial pattern cannot fall into the hands of the ultimate teaching".

If the Tianwen Mirror was just robbed by Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, he would most likely be the same as the Changhe Su Clan, offering it as an offering from his ancestors. Ash.

But if the leader of the end of the night, who has already reached Xuan Ye, gets it...the consequences would be unimaginable!

When Yu Zhiqiong saw Xu Shoujing's expression of understanding, she knew that he had understood what he meant, and immediately pursed her red lips deliberately, and said Jiao Yong:

"Know that Auntie is for you, right? I just gave my Auntie a face... Without Su Jin's deterrence, the Tianwen Mirror placed in the Changhe Su Clan is just an ominous thing that will lead to the annihilation of the family.

But if it is entrusted to me for safekeeping, forgive him Tianyuanzong has 1 guts and would not dare to offend the Tianya Yu clan. "

Seeing what Xu Shoujing wanted to say, Yu Zhiqiong raised her hand to stop him, and continued:
"Of course, as Auntie said earlier, I admit that I have selfishness and want to use the Tianwen mirror to let myself continue to climb up in the Yu family.

However, little villain... If you still want to continue to fight against the End Yanjiao, you must not let Yu Chao be the next head of the Yu clan. "

Yu Chao... Xu Shoujing almost forgot about this person. When Yu Zhiqiong mentioned it, he thought that such a person had been stabbed by him.

Xu Shoujing asked aloud: "Why is this? Because after he becomes the head of the family, he will come to retaliate against me?"

"It's not just that... I can't tell you right now. In short, the Tianya Yu Clan's interior is not as peaceful as water. Those power struggles are definitely no less than those of the Dali Dynasty."

Yu Zhiqiong paused and said:

"Yu Chao itself is irrelevant. What matters is the faction behind him, and they must not be allowed to be in power."


There were slight footsteps on the deck, and it was estimated that the two who were dragged away came back.

Yu Zhiqiong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately waved his hand to remove the soundproof shield, and immediately got up and said:
"Speaking of which, I will stay in Changhe Su Clan for two or three days. If you think about it, go to the people of Su Clan to discuss whether you should give me the Tianwen Mirror... or keep the last trace of stubbornness. , and the Tianyuan Sect will fight to the end."

Xu Shoujing nodded, but fell into contemplation.

Sensing that the moonlight at the door was obscuring a shadow, Yu Zhiqiong walked to Xu Shoujing's side, pressed his knee against his thigh, and licked the corner of his mouth with a wink:

"It's so late and you haven't left yet? Do you want to sleep with your aunt so much?"

The sound of breathing outside the door suddenly intensified, as if reaching the edge of a volcanic eruption.
Walking out of Yu Zhiqiong's room, Xu Shoujing didn't notice the resentment on the deck at all, and was immersed in his own world.

Regarding the Tianwen Mirror, it is only Yu Zhiqiong's one-sided word.

Taking [-] steps back, even if Yu Zhiqiong's remarks about the Tianwen mirror were all true, Xu Shoujing did not think that the Changhe Su Clan would be willing to hand over the Tianwen mirror, even at such a moment of life and death.

In fact, if the Changhe Su Clan's position was changed to Xu Shoujing, he would probably not be so entangled at all, maybe he would give the Tianwen Mirror away on the spot.

Ask yourself, Xu Shoujing is of course interested in peerless magic weapons and the like, but he doesn't just need them. He can even temporarily 'give up' from God's Pure Punishment, what else can't be parted?
As the saying goes, keep the green hills and not be afraid of running out of firewood.

Xu Shoujing always believed that as long as he was still alive and practiced for ten or eight years, sooner or later he would be able to get back what belonged to him, so why bother fighting for this momentary anger.

What's more, for Xu Shoujing, no treasure can compare to Zhao Fuyao's help to him... Yaoyao is his greatest treasure.

By the way, Shaoyao, I have to give her the Moonfall Immortal Soul...

Xu Shoujing was freed from his contemplation, looked up, and found that he had actually walked to the edge of the deck of the floating boat, one foot was outside the floating boat, and he was about to step on it...

The floating boat that Yu Zhiqiong sent was probably a 'craft' rather than a 'commodity'. Compared with the bells and whistles that Meng Yi sent him, it was more practical.

For example, the glyphs surrounding the deck before, on this pontoon, are almost all functional runes.

Just now, Xu Shoujing unconsciously stepped on a rune of 'Yijian Takes Off', and the guardrail in front of the deck automatically opened, leaving room for him.

However, Xu Shoujing didn't plan to take off at all, and he was still immersed in his own world just now, so he didn't even realize that the guardrail was opened.

Walking and walking... Stepping out of the void with one foot, even if you exert a little force, I am afraid you will fall into the clouds.


Xu Shoujing panicked for a while, and in order to avoid falling, he subconsciously grabbed the dark shadow he saw out of the corner of the eye as support.

Who knows, and then there is a murmur:

Hearing the familiar voice, Xu Shoujing was slightly taken aback.
"Hey~ you're still addicted, aren't you!"

With a "snap", Xu Shoujing's hand was opened, and a burning sensation filled the back of his hand, and more importantly... His body completely lost his balance as a result, and he fell headlong into the sea of ​​clouds.

"Ah! Jing'er!"

The woman exclaimed and seemed to finally realize what she had done. Seeing that Xu Shoujing was almost lying in the air, she quickly wanted to grab his hand.

The two hands intersected in the air, and the woman pulled Xu Shoujing to the floating boat with all her strength, so as to prevent him from falling.

At this moment, Xu Shoujing, who was still in a state of ignorance just now, evoked a smile on the corner of his mouth, stepped on the side of the floating boat, and exerted a little force——


The woman did not expect that Xu Shoujing would make such a move, and when she was completely unprepared, the soles of her feet slipped and she fell into Xu Shoujing's arms.


The moonlight is quiet, silver like frost.

The sea of ​​​​clouds was smashed into a hole, and a spiritual power intertwined with red and purple circled.

The rippling clouds and mist dissipated, revealing a pair of beautiful people who were intertwined with each other.

The young man who was pressed down was very handsome, his eyebrows were like thick ink, his eyes were like stars, and there was always a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth. He slowly stretched out his arms to hug the woman in the green dress who was 'pitted' by him:

"Aunt Chu."

The woman in the green skirt was lying on his chest, her beautiful face revealed a hint of pink, her soft blue silk was slightly messy, and the tie around her waist was half untied by a salty pig's hand, and the curve was charming and charming. It becomes particularly conspicuous in the marshmallow-like sea of ​​clouds, and there is a bit of holiness in the temptation of maturity.

Ahem, just the kind of holiness you think.

Hearing Jing'er calling her name, Chu Shuwan covered her head and got up, and Ru Xingmei's eyes turned from confusion to anger and embarrassment.

She slapped off the big hand that was messing around her waist, glared at Xu Shoujing, then turned her eyes to the side, and said coldly:
"What else are you called auntie? Don't you have a new auntie? People come from thousands of miles to send you a floating boat. Why don't you come to see me if you don't go with them?"

Xu Shoujing blinked his eyes, feeling a little inside.

A lot of things happened during this time, and even if Aunt Chu was jealous, he felt that something was missing.

"Hehe, Aunt Yu and I are not what you think." Xu Shoujing sat up and hugged Chu Shuwan with a smile.

Chu Shuwan struggled symbolically twice, looked at the long river illuminated by the bright moon on the sea of ​​clouds, and said sourly:

"Do you think I'm a fool? It doesn't matter to you, why are you still opening the soundproof circle below?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Seeing this unconscionable silence, Chu Shuwan seemed to have found a vent, and pushed Xu Shoujing down, her apricot eyes widened, and she said angrily:

"I've done it all, and it's still like being a thief. Are you afraid that others will hear it? If you have the ability to call it out in front of the old lady, I also recognize it!"


Then you may have to discuss this with Aunt Yu.

Seeing that Chu Shuwan might not finish talking, Xu Shoujing felt a tingling in her scalp, and went around her waist, holding the untied tie in the palm of her hand and gently pulling it.


The cold wind blows, and the cool feeling travels on the skin.

Chu Shuwan seemed to have noticed something, and hurriedly struggled, trying to get up from Xu Shoujing.

It's a pity that Xu Shoujing didn't give her this chance at all, his eyes grabbed Chu Shuwan's waist with a smile:
"Aunt Chu, take it off..."

"Go away!...Oh~ I was wrong, Jinger...don't be here..."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 This volume is about to have a big battle. I will write some daily interactions with female characters to buffer my emotions.

  When this chapter was published, it was 4300, now it is 4600, um... I will give you 300 words for free.

(End of this chapter)

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