The queen is so fierce

Chapter 215 Just make up the last knife

Chapter 215 Just make up the last knife
The bright moonlight, through the hollowed-out plum window, sprinkled on the floor in front of the bed, as if covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

There are only two crystal lamps flickering in the spacious wing, and a low table is placed in the center, with all kinds of grotesque patterns carved on it.

A palm-sized white jade was suspended on the table, and the crystal blue light was like a ribbon, flowing gracefully into the eyebrows of the woman in the white dress.

Zhao Fuyao sat cross-legged, his palms clasped together and in front of his tall clothes. I don't know if it was because of the Spirit Emperor Jade. The snow-white skin, like the cream of winter, was gradually covered with a layer of pink. Suffering from patience.

At such a critical time, Xu Shoujing did not dare to disturb him at all. After Zhao Fuyao began to absorb the Moonfall Immortal Soul, he moved a wooden bench to the side and waited quietly for the good news.

According to Zhao Fuyao's previous explanation, the Linghuang Jade itself is just a relatively special piece of jade, and the Moonfall Immortal Soul locked in it is the life-long effort sealed by the Moonfall Immortal Venerable when he was dying.

The Moon Falling Immortal Venerable Gu Yao is the only survivor of the Age of Gods. From the aspects of the exercises, spiritual energy, Taoism she cultivates, it is fundamentally different from the newly developed immortal methods in the Tianzhu era.

Just like the current video sites, there was no restriction on uploading with you in the past, but now even if you upload it, you have to delete it, delete it, modify it, and go through the unreasonable rules of 'Heavenly Dao'.

This is also the reason why even if Immortal Venerable Moonfall survived, he could not escape death in the end.

Xu Shoujing rested his chin with one hand, looked at Zhao Fuyao's delicate face like a white jade, and couldn't help thinking:
I am afraid that after searching all over the nine continents, the only one who can refine the Moonfall Immortal Soul in the body, but will not be hunted down by Tiandao, is Zhao Fuyao, who is the 'Daughter of Tiandao'.

The branches under the moon, the time has come to the middle of the night.

Xu Shoujing was drowsy sitting on the stool, his eyelids seemed to be fighting, he probably couldn't hold it with a toothpick, his head tipped forward several times, and was pulled back by his body instinct.


The Linghuang Jade suspended in the air completely lost its luster, and the strength that held it up also dissipated, and it fell on the table without a sound.

Xu Shoujing woke up suddenly, he glanced at the dim Linghuangyu, and then turned his eyes to Zhao Fuyao, who slowly opened his eyes, and said anxiously:

"How is it? Is your body healed?"

Zhao Fuyao shook his head silently: "It's not that simple, the immortal soul left by the master only repaired the damage caused by your rampage in my body, and the five-element Taoist foundation that bears the grace of heaven and earth has not recovered."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

What he said is quite normal, why does it sound so strange?
Xu Shoujing suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and said with an unnatural expression:
"However, you shouldn't fall asleep every day now. What else do you need? I'll go back and ask you."

Zhao Fuyao was silent for a while, but shook his head:
"It's alright. I don't want to restore my cultivation. Now this body should be able to cultivate with you. When you advance to Xuan Ye, you can ask me to cultivate."

Xu Shoujing pouted, but did not show any 'ecstatic' expression, and sneered in his heart:
If Cang Yin hadn't told me so many things, I would have been deceived by you!

Xu Shoujing got angry when he thought of this, he strode up to Zhao Fuyao's side, and under the slightly stunned gaze of the other party, he bent down and stretched out his hand through the white skirt, hooked his legs and shoulders, and hugged her horizontally. He walked to the bed without hesitation.

Zhao Fuyao subconsciously hugged Xu Shoujing's neck to maintain balance. After she calmed down, she thought that Xu Shoujing was eager to 'double repair on the spot', and immediately said:

"No, it's still..."


Before Zhao Fuyao could finish speaking, he was thrown on the bed, his whole face buried under the quilt, but he could only make a "uuuu" sound when he wanted to speak.

She hurriedly held up her hands and tried to get up, but before she could lift her upper body, she felt her long legs hanging outside the bed being grabbed by a pair of strong and warm hands.

Zhao Fuyao wasn't the kind of little girl Jiang Rongyue was, and she certainly wouldn't be blushing and shy, and her whole body felt weak. There was a special reason why she wouldn't let Xu Shoujing get shot.

At least until Xu Shoujing reached her ideal state, she couldn't easily hand over her body.

Feeling that the big hands started to climb up, Zhao Fuyao immediately raised his knees, trying to use this strength to get up.

Who knows... that bastard behind her actually had this in the first place.


The crisp sound sounded after itself, and it sounded very elastic. You didn't need to look at it to know that the waves were repeated.

Zhao Fuyao's breathing suddenly froze. She never expected Xu Shoujing to do such a thing by herself. The mirror-like heart lake actually caused quite a wave, and her small ears turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

"Do you really think I'll do double cultivation on the spot? Am I that kind of person?"

Xu Shoujing's angry voice sounded from behind, and the tone sounded quite unpleasant.

Zhao Fuyao bit his lower lip lightly, the burning sensation behind him had not dissipated, and he always felt that there was a fire that had nowhere to go.

She hasn't said anything yet, yet you're still angry?

Zhao Fuyao hugged the quilt and covered his head, not wanting to pay attention to him.


Xu Shoujing climbed onto the bed, forcibly swayed Zhao Fu, who was a little awkward, and said solemnly:

"You're still not convinced, aren't you? I've heard Cang Yin tell you everything about you, and I'm not stupid. How can you not see that you want to sacrifice yourself and fulfill me?"

Zhao Fuyao's delicate body trembled slightly, and after being silent for a while, he slowly raised his head and blinked his bright eyes, full of bewilderment and confusion.

"You're still pretending!" Xu Shoujing suddenly glared and raised his big hand towards the back.

Seeing this, Zhao Fuyao reflexively rolled to the other side, his jade hand grabbed the edge of the quilt and brought it to the point where only a pair of eyes leaked out, almost fully armed, his phoenix eyes looked at Xu Shoujing shyly and indignantly.

"—" Xu Shoujing glared back resolutely.

The two were deadlocked for a while, Xu Shoujing first stopped in Bengbu, leaned on the bed with his legs, and sighed:

"Tell me, what did you plan to do when you lied to me for so long?"

Zhao Fuyao was silent for a moment, then whispered:

"The Heaven Punishment Clan has never had the Xuan Ye Realm, never before, nor will there be in the future. So..."

Xu Shoujing looked at her sharply: "So you want to sacrifice yourself so that I can achieve the Xuanye Realm?"

Zhao Fuyao's eyes dodged a little, and he crossed his arms and folded his knees, saying hard:

"What I said to you at first was not a lie. I was born with the power of heaven, and I am indeed the only one who can free you from the fate of heaven, and I am the only one who can make you step into Xuanye."

"Why don't you understand?" Xu Shoujing scratched his hair irritably.

Zhao Fuyao frowned slightly, and said, "What do I don't understand?"

Xu Shoujing sighed, climbed to Zhao Fuyao's side, grabbed the other's shoulders, looked at each other, and said seriously:
"I've said it many times before... I'm not practicing for the sake of practicing, I'm practicing for you, and without you, I'd rather not have this practice."

Zhao Fuyao didn't look away this time, his expression was calm, and he replied:

"Your words are contradictory. If you really want to be good for them, you must move towards the Xuan Ye realm. Only when you reach Xuan Ye can you fight against 'them'. Otherwise, everything will become nothing."

"It's you who don't understand."

Xu Shoujing resolutely replied, the watery peach blossom eyes did not contain the slightest confusion, and said solemnly:
"You keep telling me to do it for Aunt Chu and the others. Have you ever thought that you are also in the ranks of 'them'?"

As the words came out, Xu Shoujing's mouth twitched secretly, a little bit of hindsight.

Does this have the same nature as 'You are all my wings'?

When did he live like a scumbag?
Oh no, he was.

...Forget it, scum is scum, anyway, I don't plan to let anyone go.

Zhao Fuyao pursed his red lips, but his tone was a little guilty:
"……I do not deserve."

Xu Shoujing looked bewildered and said inexplicably:
"How can you not be worthy? You are my benefactor and my hope. I have been able to get to where I am today, all because of your original guidance... Of course, I also sacrificed my body for my luck."

Zhao Fuyao still shook his head: "I..."

"All right."

Xu Shoujing was too lazy to pull, and without waiting for Zhao Fuyao to finish what he wanted to say, he directly covered her mouth with his hands, stared at the other party's eyes for a moment, and smiled:
"Yaoyao, you said that only when I step into Xuanye, can I have the power to fight with the end of the teaching... Then you can see if this will work."

In Zhao Fuyao's slightly confused eyes, Xu Shoujing let go of her mouth and said solemnly:
"I help the Empress of Heaven to find the miracles in Jiuzhou, help her return to the peak, and join hands to fight against the teaching of the end."

Very childish, but unexpectedly warm words.

Xu Shoujing understands that if he wants to get something, he must sacrifice something, but he has always been a greedy person, which can be seen from the fact that he has never considered options other than 'all'.

Unconsciously, the sun and the moon alternated, and the dawn of the morning replaced the white moonlight, providing a bit of light for the dim room.

Zhao Fuyao was silent for a long time, then said quietly:
"This road... will be much more difficult than the road I gave you."

Xu Shoujing stepped forward and gently embraced Zhao Fuyao in his arms, his eyes full of love and tenderness, and replied softly:

"As long as you stay by my side, I can get through any hardship."

Zhao Fuyao was lying in his arms, the powerful heart beating echoed in his ears, and his heart was quiet like never before.

The two cuddled for a long time, Xu Shoujing suddenly didn't know what he was thinking, and asked curiously:

"Is the power of divine punishment really that powerful? Back then, I didn't have any spiritual power at all. I just injected the infuriating energy into your body. How could it actually destroy your Five Elements Dao Foundation?"

Zhao Fuyao's eyes drooped slightly, and she spent the whole night refining the Moonfall Immortal Soul in the Spirit Emperor Jade. How could she not get tired with her mortal body?She replied absentmindedly:

"What Cang Yin said to you is just what he thinks. Although I have the common sense of the world to help me, I can't go against the common sense of the world. That five-element cutting-off formation has been depleting my Dao foundation for tens of thousands of years. It was on the verge of collapse when it was rescued.”

"..." Xu Shoujing was at a loss for words, as if he had eaten ten pounds of lemons.

So, the forced kiss at the first meeting was equivalent to making up the last knife for Yaoyao?

Xu Shoujing shook his head and asked again:
"I understand the general situation, but since you sacrificed yourself from the beginning to fulfill my mind, why did you almost give up when you were in the southeast of Dali?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fuyao shrank his head in Xu Shoujing's arms, his face a little unnatural.

She didn't even know what she was thinking at that time. She was fascinated for a while and even thought, 'If he wants it, then give it to him'. She has no overall view at all.

Zhao Fuyao didn't want to answer this question, maybe it was to change the subject, or there was another purpose.

She slowly got up from Xu Shoujing's arms, and returned to her usual ignorant appearance, and said indifferently:

"The power of divine punishment in my body has been completely eliminated, but if I want to repair my Five Elements Dao Foundation, I need to find five most pure heaven and earth spirits."

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly and asked aloud:
"For example? Like the fairy grass that is nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

"No, 'spirits' are not living things like fairy grass and spirit beasts, but they are not dead things either."

Zhao Fuyao shook his head, Wei Shi hesitated, and said:

"Spiritual objects are transformed by the power of the five elements of heaven, and you already have one of them."

"I have it?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a while, and after searching his memory for a long time, he couldn't figure out when he got such a heaven-defying treasure.

Zhao Fuyao pointed to a sheathed silver sword leaning against the wall in the corner of the room.

Xu Shoujing turned his head and glanced, a question mark appeared on his head:
"Is Yao Ye Senluo a spirit?"

Zhao Fuyao nodded, paused slightly, and added:

"Accurately speaking, it is the spiritual wood transformed by the 'Will of Wood' in the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, and it has been made into a sacred weapon of the demon race. Wood belongs to benevolence, and it is the power of birth of all phenomena, so you can use it to simulate other people's spirits. force wavelength."

Xu Shoujing seemed to understand, but he didn't understand: "So, the other four things that were transformed by the will of the Five Elements may have been used for refining long ago?"

He tilted his head to look at Zhao Fuyao and asked:
"Is there a way to find their whereabouts?"


Zhao Fu shook his head in denial, hesitated, and then said:

"In the era of Tianzhu, there were only two of the Five Elements of Spiritual Artifacts, and it would be impossible to find all five of them. For example, the will of the earth, if it were buried tens of thousands of meters deep and the size of a Jiuzhou, you would How to find it?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It's broken, it's really looking for a needle in a haystack.

Zhao Fuyao lowered his head and pursed his thin lips: "So, my method is the safest. You still..."

"Stop stop stop... why did you start again."

Xu Shoujing was speechless, sighed deeply, and said seriously:
"If the will of the earth is really buried deep in the ground, even if I overturn the entire Jiuzhou, I will find it for you."

Zhao Fuyao was actually a little moved in his heart, but on the surface he was still calm:

"Perhaps, 'they' attacked you before you found all the five elements?"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing fell silent. It was not clear when to teach him how to act. What Zhao Fuyao said was not entirely impossible.

"I wouldn't let that happen." He had to promise as much as he could.

Zhao Fuyao knew that Xu Shoujing was stubborn, and it was useless to persuade him, so he followed his wishes.

At this point, the thoughts of the two can be regarded as standing on a united front.

The light of the morning light flashed Xu Shoujing's eyes, he turned his head to look at the rising sun rising in the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, his heart sank slightly, and he muttered to himself:
"It's morning."

It's time to go and see Su He. I haven't used the Soul Imbuing Formation yet, so it's hard to say whether it will work or not.

The tactics against the enemy also need to be discussed with Su Ling... The people from the Tianyuan Sect should not give them too much time to prepare.

Also, I don't know how Huan Qing is doing now...

Zhao Fuyao looked at Xu Shoujing's side face in a trance, raised his hand to caress it, but when he raised his hand in mid-air, it froze, and he finally put it down.

She sighed secretly and said softly:

"Go, I'm fine."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 Hmm... It's a headache. Some things in the later stage are not very good to write now, but if you don't write them, you only reveal a little bit of information as a foreshadowing, and it looks like a riddle. It's difficult~
(End of this chapter)

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