The queen is so fierce

Chapter 216 The truth of Su Jin's death

Chapter 216 The truth of Su Jin's death

Dawn hour.

The warm light of the rising sun sprinkled on the mountains, and the mountains were misty and cloudy, and the dim yellow color dyed half the sky.

The river flowing down from the top of the mountain range of the Changhe Su Clan scoured the jagged rocks, and a group of Su Clan disciples with a sad expression walked along the river.

Sudu, who had been silent all night, re-emerged a few wisps of smoke.The patrolling disciples in green robes, Yu Jian hovered in the sky, ordinary people also set up stalls on the side of the road, and the street seemed to have returned to its former hustle and bustle.

Xu Shoujing put on a long white robe, holding a sword, and the amber inlaid on his belt glowed darkly.Compared with the dressing up of knights passing by in the past, he is more like a prince with a noble stomach, with a bit of freedom in his extravagance.

He walked the streets of Sudu like watching flowers on a horse, but in the end he sighed again and again.

The people of Sudu do not know what will happen next, and most of the ordinary people got their life back on track after mourning yesterday.

If Tianyuan Sect leads people to break through the Three Rivers Great Array, I am afraid this place will not be as peaceful as it is now...

Passing through the neighborhood streets, Xu Shoujing walked to the foot of the Su Clan in the Changhe River, and several Su Clan disciples came towards him carrying a human-shaped sack.

However, the leader was unexpectedly not Su Ling, but the eldest son of the Su family, Su Ren, who had been absent for a long time.

Xu Shoujing stepped forward quickly, bowed his hands in a salute, and said curiously:
"When did Brother Su come back?"

Su Ren Oak was obviously much more stable than Su Ling. After returning with a fist, he said slowly:
"Last night Yin Shi... I heard everything from Ling'er. The materials that Brother Xu needs have been prepared, and I hope Brother Xu can find out the cause of my father's death."

Xu Shoujing didn't dare to guarantee this, so he could only say: "Do your best."

The spiritual materials needed for the Soul Immersion Array are not unusual. Judging from the list kept in the dungeon after the capture of Qiu Ji, even Yuliangzhou, which is mainly ordinary, can gather the materials, not to mention Changhesu. 's.

The point is to find a space that is absolutely quiet and will not be disturbed. Just find a quiet room in the Su Clan in Changhe, but everyone has already descended the mountain, so there is no need to go back.

After thinking about it, Xu Shoujing and Su Ren decided to go to the towering ancient tree on the outskirts of Sudu to perform the ritual of the Soul Filling Formation.

Walking on the road, Su Ren's words were obviously much less than last time. Xu Shoujing glanced at his side face, hesitated, and asked aloud:

"Brother Su, I don't know... How is Huanqing now?"

Su Ren's footsteps paused, as if awakened from a dream, his pupils focused on highlighting, he laughed softly:
"This morning, Immortal Venerable Fuyu rushed over to accompany Qing'er, so there should be no serious problem."


Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and finally remembered that he had not had time to talk to Ling Fuyu when he returned from this trip.

It seems that after investigating the cause of Su Zun's death, he will go to Huanqing's place.

The small hills of the towering ancient trees have not changed much from the last time I saw them. The branches and branches are still as strong as arms. The dense branches and leaves are falling with the wind, and a cyan blanket is spread on the lawn.

Xu Shoujing found a similar open space, turned around and waved to the disciple who was carrying Su He's body:
"Just put it here."

Seeing this, Su Ren wanted to step forward to help, but Xu Shoujing waved his hand to indicate that he could do it, and then slowly dragged Su He out of the sack.

Xu Shoujing spread the newly installed chalcedony stone silver grass in the sack on the ground as a straw mat, and then let Su He lie on it, calling out his spiritual body according to what several Su disciples said.

The light blue glare rushed out, circulated in the sky several times, and finally condensed into an illusory shadow that was the same as Su He.

Xu Shoujing stared at Su He's spirit body for a moment and sighed inwardly. Of course, it was no different from yesterday.

Su He's spirit body floats above his body, his eyes are empty and indifferent, no matter what others say or do, he will turn a blind eye.

It's obviously a soul... but it behaves like a lost soul.

"How about it, can it be done?" A questioning voice came from behind.

Xu Shoujing looked back and nodded, seeing Su Ren's worried look, he bent down and grabbed a handful of white ash, sprinkled it on Su He's body, and said:

"It's also the first time I've used the Soul Imbuing Formation. After all, Su He is dead, and he won't know until he has tried it."

Hearing this, Su Ren hesitated and did not bother Xu Shoujing any more.

In order to avoid misremembering the ingredients, before looking for Zhao Fuyao last night, Xu Shoujing also specifically asked Qiu Xuanji to confirm the spiritual materials needed for the Soul Imbuing Array.

The spiritual material is actually very good, and it is not a problem for the Changhe Su Clan.

The most difficult thing is the implementation. If Xu Shoujing remembers correctly, Qiu Ji stabbed his heart with a dagger and used his blood as a sacrifice to open the way of memory in his blood.

Of course, different people must discuss it on a case-by-case basis. It would be so difficult for Xu Shoujing to fill his soul, mainly because his soul was already sealed by the white-skirted woman in the sea of ​​​​fire. If you want to fill the soul, you must first tear the seal. Open a mouth.

There is no need for Su He to be so troublesome. His soul is pure and clean, not to mention sealed, and even consciousness does not exist.

Imbuing the soul is definitely no problem... but whether it can be traced back to memory depends on the destiny.

It took nearly half a column of incense time to arrange the formation. After all the preparations were done, Xu Shoujing walked to Su He and slowly pulled out the painting boat Yanqian.


The straight sword, which was as white as the moon, was unsheathed, and the body of the sword reflected Xu Shoujing's profile.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, put the blade in the palm of his hand, and swiped lightly—

The dense blood beads emerged from the scramble, and finally turned into a blood line.

Xu Shoujing kept his left hand spread out, and recklessly painted the boat with smoke light, got rid of the blood that was still attached to it, and then retracted the sword into the sheath.

In the distance, Su Ren saw Xu Shoujing's sudden self-inflicted mutilation, Meifeng frowned slightly, and asked for unknown reasons:
"Brother Xu, this is..."

Xu Shoujing clenched his left fist, letting the blood drip down from the palm of his hand, and smashed it on the frame of the formation with a slap, and replied in a low voice:

"Ritual needs, don't worry about it."

Su Ren nodded knowingly and stopped interrupting.


The crisp sound like a rattle reverberated out of thin air, Xu Shoujing's blood dripping on the outline of the formation seemed to come alive, and he hurried along the complicated and complicated lines, but in a short time, the lines of the entire formation were dyed. red.

Almost at the same time, Su He's spiritual body turned into a light blue dazzling light, as if he wanted to escape from the Soul Imbuing Formation, flying around in the sky.

Unfortunately, whenever it rushed to the boundary line of the Soul Filling Formation, it seemed that there was a wall of air standing there, and it couldn't break through no matter what.

At this moment, with a "thorn" sound, the entire Soul Imbuing Formation emitted a dazzling red light, and a triangular ring formation composed of blood patterns rose up, forming the second floor with the Soul Imbuing Formation actually drawn on the ground. structure'.

Each corner of the triangular ring array is condensed with aura. They spun, tossed, and contracted, and finally broke out an amazing suction force, sucking the spiritual body that Su He wanted to escape into, and turning it into a blood sphere together.

Xu Shoujing heaved a sigh of relief, and threw the painting Fang Yanqian to Su Ren, while he sat down cross-legged, using his sword finger as a mark, to seduce the blood ball to his head.

"Then, Big Brother Su, if you are optimistic about this place, I will come when I go."

Su Ren held the painting Fang Yanqian in his arms and nodded: "Be careful in everything."

Xu Shoujing smiled lightly: "I will bring the truth back."


Consciousness plunged into darkness.
When he woke up again, Xu Shoujing found himself in a pure white space.

Nearby is nothingness, nothing exists, like an end at the end.

"This is Su He's soul memory? It shouldn't be... Could it be that his memory was really destroyed?"

Xu Shoujing got up from the ground and tentatively stretched out his hand around him.

There is no obstruction such as an air wall, and you can go from all directions.

This is troublesome, this empty space has no end in sight, and there is no direction... Even wandering around, I have to worry about whether I have returned to the starting point. How can I find it?
"Wait, why am I looking for it?"

Xu Shoujing slapped his head sharply, and after realizing it, he secretly cursed himself for being stupid.

This empty space is nothing else, but the soul of Su He, even if all memories are cleared by unknown means, there must be traces left in the depths of the soul.

That's why, those who have amnesia can remember it again.

Even if it is to enter the reincarnation of the six realms and cleanse all the information in the soul, after successful cultivation, it is not impossible to retrieve the memories of the previous life.

Is it possible for people to delete things that cannot be completely erased even by the Dao of Heaven?
Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, his sword fingers swiped in front of his eyes, and the water-like peach blossom eyes changed, turning into a bright golden color.

Xu Shoujing still doesn't know what effect Cang Yin Tong's Spirit Vision has, because he doesn't have time to learn at all.

But Jiuxiao Tongshu is something he has used every day this year. Although it is incomplete, it should not be a problem to use it to survey the trajectory of spiritual power in the atmosphere.

Sure enough, in the originally empty space, with the opening of the spiritual vision, a long white ribbon appeared, like a burning ghost fire, the temperature was cold to the heart.

found it……

Xu Shoujing always felt that these rootless white fires were a little familiar, but he didn't have time to think about it now. With clues, he naturally continued to investigate without delay.

Following the white fire silk all the way, in the empty space with nothing, some fragmentary pictures began to appear.

Unfortunately, those pictures are like those inconspicuous glass scum in the corners of the mirror after the mirror has been dropped on the ground. It is impossible to see the information from it.

Xu Shoujing is not discouraged, the fragments have already appeared, will the big fragments still be far away?

His idea was right. After walking for about half an hour, a diamond-shaped fragment the size of a palm finally appeared in front of him.

This size has reached the level where you can see the picture.

Xu Shoujing stepped forward, carefully placed the diamond-shaped shard in his hand, and looked down without closing the pupil technique.

A picture of unknown meaning was playing in the diamond-shaped fragments, surrounded by collapsed ruins, and a broken crystal ball rolled down under the throne that was mostly buried by gravel.

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly and murmured, "This is the remains of the Immortal King? So this happened after I killed Su He last time?"

I want the memory of the presence of Venerable Su... It's useless to show me these...

Xu Shoujing sighed and felt that this piece of debris should not be what he was looking for, and immediately prepared to throw the pieces away and continue to look for the next piece.

However, he just raised his hand, and he didn't know what he saw in his sight. His pupils shrank suddenly, and almost reflexively grabbed the diamond-shaped shards back again, his tone was full of inconceivable:

"...How could Venerable Su be there!"

In the picture of the diamond-shaped fragments, Su Jin, who was wearing a green robe, rushed to the door of the hall for some reason, and then began to look around.


The picture is interrupted here, and the diamond-shaped fragments are stuck for a while, and they start to play back from the original throne.

Xu Shoujing was so angry that he almost wanted to drop the pieces. It was just like those broken chapter dogs reading novels. It was clearly at the most critical time, and suddenly he typed four words-to be continued, let you wait until tomorrow.

"Forget it, let's find the next piece." Xu Shoujing sighed, put the pieces back in place, and continued to explore along the white fire ribbon.

On the way, Xu Shoujing kept thinking about one thing: why did Venerable Su appear in the ruins of the Immortal King?
He did tell Venerable Su about the ruins of the Immortal King, but the useful and useless ones have been destroyed. What value is there for Venerable Su to run over?
After all, this is Su He's memory, indicating that Su He has been waiting in the hall of the Immortal King Ruins.

Does he know that Venerable Su will go?Or... Venerable Su was the one who seduced him?
It's true that Su He joined the sect of the end, but Venerable Su is not stupid. How could he be in such a hurry because of a bait casually thrown by an outsider?

Xu Shoujing sighed, no matter what he said, after he found all the pieces, he would finally have an answer.

Just thinking about it, another piece of debris appeared in front of him.

The scale of the fragments this time is quite large, and it can be used as a body mirror. Of course, there should be a lot of pictures included.

Xu Shoujing stepped forward slowly, reached out to the fragment and tapped it, a layer of ripples rippled on the surface of the fragment, and immediately began to play the screen.

Opening lightning strike.

Everything in sight was obscured by the raging rootless white fire. Su He's two hands kept stirring on his face, as if he wanted to put out the burning white fire.

This action of his also caused the pictures in the fragments to be more or less covered by his hands, and coupled with the interference of the rootless white fire, it was almost impossible to see what was happening in front of him.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Su He, you are really causing me trouble if you die. Anyway, you are going to burn to death. Can you keep your eyes open and take a good look at what happened to Venerable Su?
Do you know how much you can save me by taking one more look?

Xu Shoujing thought depressedly, he thought he was going to find the next piece, but he didn't know if Su He was burned to carbon, and he fell to the ground with a shake.

The picture in the body fragment also turned into a state of looking up, the rootless white fire gradually dissipated, and the picture that had just been covered up was re-displayed in front of him.

Su Jin knelt down on the ground, his normally full face turned pale, his pupils gradually dilated, and he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

At his chest, a large, withered hand penetrated through his heart, and in the palm of his hand held a mass of cold and rootless white fire.

Xu Shoujing trembled as if his DNA was touched, and hurriedly followed the hand and looked back.

A man who covered his face with a gray robe, put his mouth close to Su Jin's ear, and seemed to say something in a low voice.

The moment Su Jin finished listening, his expression froze, and then he became furious, wanting to fight back against the gray-robed man desperately.

At this moment, the man in gray robe suddenly pulled out the hand inserted in Su Jin's body, and brought out a series of blood beads in the air.

Su Jin was half-kneeling on the ground, roaring with a ferocious expression, but unfortunately these fragments did not have their own sound, it looked like a pantomime, and had no idea what they were talking about.

The gray-robed man didn't care about Su Jin's roar, he just shook off the blood on his hand, and on the back of his hand withered like a dry branch, there was a tattoo of a tail-eating three-headed dragon.

Xu Shoujing swallowed his saliva, and secretly said: There is no mistake, this is the symbol of the end of the world, and Qiu Ji also has a tattoo.

As expected, Su Jin, whose soul was broken, was no match for the gray-robed man at all.

After an earth-shattering collision, he was defeated and fell to the ground on the verge of death. With endless unwillingness and regret, he was trampled by the gray-robed man and broke his throat, and was completely buried together with his soul.

At the same time, Su He also seemed to have reached the limit, his eyelids opened and closed, and he almost fainted.

The last scene before the picture fell into darkness was when the gray-robed man walked towards Su He, not knowing what he saw, he suddenly knelt in one direction, his eyes were full of surprise and panic, as if he did not expect the other party to appear here. .

At the same time, a long snow-white leg stepped into the field of vision.


The screen stops there.
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(End of this chapter)

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