Chapter 217
"Su Jin, you can only blame you for knowing too much... If you are less curious, maybe this deity will make you live longer."

The man in gray robe... Jing Li pulled out the palm that was inserted into Su Jin's chest, and Su Jin fell to the ground, looking like he was dying.

Su Jin's soul was already extremely unstable, but now because Jing Li's sneak attack has injured his vital points, it has become very difficult to even breathe.

Despite this, Su Jin raised his head grimly, his eyes that were calm as water in the past were now filled with a subversive hatred:

"It's you who killed Miao Ling..."

Hearing this, Jing Li was obviously stunned, and then a bit of surprise appeared in his pupils:

"You actually found this out?"

Su Jin struggled to stand up, looking at the rootless white fires floating in the air, gritted his teeth and said:

"I traveled all over the nine continents and found out the identities of those who hijacked Miaoling. Each of them has greatly improved their strength compared to when they were still in the sect... The answer is these white fires."

The rootless white fire is a magical power that only Jing Li has. Even if he is as strong as Dong Huangli, he cannot replicate it. On the other hand, I am afraid there is no more powerful identity proof than the inherent magical power.

Jing Li obviously only thought of this just now, and smiled with understanding:
"Since you have guessed it, you can't go back alive anyway, and the deity will not hide it from you. It was indeed that I sent someone to arrest you... If you were honest and captured, there would be no casualties."

Su Jin clutched his chest, the two negative states of blood surge and spiritual power disorder were superimposed at the same time, causing his head to faint, but he still insisted on gritting his teeth with tenacious willpower, and said solemnly:
"You spent so much time using Su River to lure me here, I guess you want to kill me, and then instigate the Tianyuan Sect to besiege me, the Changhe Su Clan, so you can profit from it and take away the Tianwen Mirror. "Unfortunately, you will never be able to do so."

The smile on Jing Li's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes became cold:
"What do you mean?"

Su Jin laughed, temporarily squeezed out some spiritual power to stop the blood, and said coldly:

"The Tianwen mirror is not in Sudu, and you will never find where the Tianwen mirror is."

Jing Li's face sank, but Su Jin unexpectedly guessed his purpose and was prepared for it.

But it's not a big problem, isn't the only person who knows the whereabouts of the Tianwen mirror right in front of you?

Let's deal with the enemies who are also in the Crescent Moon Realm. No matter whether the soul is broken or not, the spells of the Soul Search faction are useless.

However, in the practice of one, especially in the loose cultivation, a lot of methods have been developed to torture the soul after killing people and stealing treasures.

Jing Li was responsible for those 'dirty jobs' at the End Yan Sect, and he possessed only a lot more wicked and crooked spells than loose cultivators.

Right now, Su Jin is just a turtle in a urn, so he can catch him and slowly ask the whereabouts of the Tianwen Mirror.

Jing Li was thinking so, when Su Jin, who was dying just now, suddenly burst out with an unprecedented spiritual pressure.

No, not only the spiritual pressure, but the entire space of the Immortal King's Hall was enveloped by a light blue spiritual force, either as ferocious as chasing waves to empty, or as tranquil as a flat lake mirror.

"This is... the prototype of the realm..."

Jing Li frowned slightly, and silently released the white fire spiritual power to fight, but he secretly said in his heart: This Su Jin has been forced to understand the realm of Dao while his soul was injured.

The crescent moon is divided into upper and lower strings, but the relationship between the two is not up and down, but more similar to a front and rear parallel.

Regardless of whether it is the first to go to the top, or the first to go to the bottom, after all, it is necessary to cultivate the 'full moon'.

The only difference lies in the focus of the cultivator's own exploration of the way, namely yin and yang, good and evil, good and evil, light and darkness...

When the need for the Dao is put aside and the two phases can be balanced, the cultivator will be able to find a space where he can fully display his abilities from this narrow road like a single-plank bridge - the realm of enlightenment, that is, the realm of the self.

In other words, as long as the full moon is cultivated in the Crescent Moon Realm, it is possible to comprehend the realm of the self, and the next step is Xuanyang Pass.

Thinking of this, Jing Li narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a low voice:
"It seems that this deity still underestimates you, Su Jin. You have such talent. If it wasn't for the deity's design that hurt you, if you entered the hall of the Immortal King today as a Xuanyang realm, the deity really couldn't do anything to you."

Su Jin was silent, he no longer had the energy to answer Jing Li's question, just maintaining the semi-finished product field that he used for the first time almost used up the little bit of spiritual power he barely squeezed out.

"However, the Crescent Moon Realm is the Crescent Moon Realm after all. Even if you have the Dao Enlightenment Domain, you are not Xuan Yang's opponent."

Jing Li waved his hand towards the sky, and thousands of Baihuo seemed to have sensed it.


At the moment when all the rootless white fire entered Jing Li's palm, the scene in all directions was blurred for a while, and a drastic change took place in just a few moments.

Those condensed rootless white fires spun into the sky and scattered like fireworks in the night sky.

A sturdy white fire spirit pillar was formed at the landing point of each rootless white fire, surrounding the entire Immortal King Hall.

When the two fields collide, the one who suffers will be the weaker one.


Su Jin spat out a mouthful of blood, and the light blue field also dimmed a bit.

In front of the 'Purgatory Heaven Prison Lead', his domain that was originally as vast as the ocean was now like a little-known little stream, easily blocked by falling rocks everywhere.

Su Jin knew that the gap between the enemy and us was quite large, but even if he died in battle, he would never be captured alive... Only the Tianwen Mirror could not fall into the hands of the End Yanjiao no matter what.


Su Jin didn't know where to borrow the power, and a blue spiritual power erupted again, but compared to the last time, it was obviously much barren.

"Struggling to the death." Jing Li snorted coldly, raising his big hand and holding it in the air.


As if the mirror surface was shattered, the blue field that had been formed soon shattered, and countless diamond-shaped fragments flew in the air, turning into particles of light and dissipating.

Su Jin was desperate for death, knowing that the realm was broken, it was impossible, waiting for him to lose the ability to move.

At the moment when the domain was shattered, he roared and got up angrily, used the little remaining spiritual power as a pusher, and rushed towards Jing Li.

Jing Li was stunned for a moment, and reflexively wanted to retract the field.He didn't expect that at this point, Su Jin still has the spare energy to stage a desperate Saburo.

If you don't take back the realm, with Su Jin's current physical condition, the moment he encounters the 'Purgatory Heaven Prison', he will turn into ashes, including his soul.

Before getting the whereabouts of the celestial mirror, Jing Li would never let such a thing happen.

Jing Li withdrew from the cage, and Su Jin's front was unobstructed, but San Qi rushed in front of Jing Li, poked a ball of spiritual power with one hand, and was about to wave it down.

"Dangtang Venerable, it's really embarrassing." Jing Li shook his head.

He dismissed Su Jin's offensive effortlessly, and the latter stumbled to the ground.

Jing Li didn't stop, he stepped on Su Jin's throat and pressed down suddenly.


The sound of broken bones echoed in the hall of the Immortal King, Su Jin's pupils stared straight at the ceiling, gradually becoming absent-minded, and murmured in his mouth:

"Qing'er will leave it to you... Xu..."

Before the words were finished, Su Jin's head tilted, and there was no sound at all.

Seeing this, Jing Li flicked his fingers and threw a rootless white fire on Su Jin's body to burn, and when the white fire became solid, he took it back into his palm.

After doing all this, Jing Li glanced at Su He, who had long been regarded as a chess piece by him and was thrown aside, but he didn't care much, and turned around to leave:
"This is foolproof. That idiot Tu Yu should be able to easily take down the Changhe Su Clan, and I can too..."

"How can you?"

An indifferent and enchanting voice sounded behind itself.

At the moment when he heard this voice, Jing Li trembled all over, as if he had been immobilized, and stood motionless.


The footsteps are from far to near, each step is very light, but it naturally carries a touch of coercion from the superior.

Jing Li turned his head mechanically, the expression on his face extremely stiff.

A pair of long snow-white legs entered the hall of the Immortal King. In this era when women paid great attention to the festival, the owner of the beautiful legs didn't care about it. It seemed that he also wanted to show his figure through clothes.

The woman is quite tall, wearing a long black tulle dress that looks like silk pajamas; long black hair draped over her shoulders, with a hosta on her head. Apricot, thin lips bright red.

The most attractive thing is the pair of snow-white long legs extending from the gauze skirt, the thighs are plump but not plump, and the calves are well-proportioned but not thin.

In addition, she didn't wear any shoes, and her white and small lotus feet stepped on the gravel-covered floor without any obstruction. Miraculously, she was not stained or injured.

The woman walked in step by step, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, but the bewitching pupils were not smiling, and the cold was like falling into an ice cave.

At the moment of feeling the woman's icy gaze, Jing Li reflexively knelt on the ground and said bluntly:
"Teach... sect master... why are you here?"

If he remembered correctly, didn't this woman go out?

"You are opening the field below, and the deity will not notice it?"

The woman folded her arms, revealing her tall clothes and luxurious body curves. She glanced at Su Jin's corpse on the ground and sneered:

"Jing Li, you are very courageous, the deity just said to go out for a trip, and it hasn't left yet, you dare to open the teleportation array without authorization, and invite Su Jin to come over to design the strangulation... You still think the deity is the ultimate teaching. Master?"

Jing Li was in a cold sweat and didn't dare to look up at all. The survival instinct from living things told him that if he answered half a sentence wrong at this time, he would probably be wiped out by the woman in front of him on the spot.

Seeing that Jing Li didn't dare to answer, a red light flashed in Dong Huangli's pupils, and he looked around the hall of the Immortal King, and took a few steps casually like a walk, as if unintentionally:

"Back then, you betrayed Zhao Fuyao, obeyed her orders, and secretly planned to 'simulate the way of heaven'... Jing Li, do you want to use the same method to deal with me?"

"My subordinates dare not..." Jing Li looked at his toes, his eyes changed a lot.

Dong Huangli walked up to Su Jin's body, looked up, turned his back, and continued as if nothing had happened:
"She Zhao Fuyao can't see the situation clearly, that's her stupidity, do you think I'm as easy to deal with as her?"

Jing Li shivered for a while, and he didn't dare to be silent anymore. The grandfather in front of him really didn't have the ability to speak with Zhao Fuyao.

"Master, listen to your subordinate's explanation..."

Da da--

Before Jing Li had figured out how to make it up, he saw Dong Huangli lift up his lotus feet and lightly tap the floor twice with his heels.

In an instant, dark gray spiritual power filled every corner of the Immortal King's hall, and with a "click", the entire space made a dislocation-like sound.

Jing Li, a Xuanyang realm expert, was pressed to the ground and couldn't get up. Don't explain it out loud, even opening his mouth became very difficult.

Dong Huangli seemed to have done something trivial and didn't care at all.She turned around lazily, her tone indifferent:
"I don't look at the process, I just look at the results. When the deity just took in you traitors from the Heavenly Palace, you once ran around to kill Xu Wanyi and Xu Shoujing without the deity's permission. Do you think this deity really doesn't know anything?"

Jing Li made a "crack" in his heart and didn't dare to speak... but he couldn't speak either.

"Now that Xu Wanyi's life and death are unknown, the deity doesn't bother to care about her."

Donghuang paused for a while, a red light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly:
"If something happened to Xu Shoujing and it affected the 'time of the end', even if you die [-] times, you won't be able to make up for the loss to the Holy Church."

Jing Li was still shivering, and suddenly felt the weight on his body gradually lighten.He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself that he had passed the catastrophe, and said solemnly:
"Sect Master... Xu Wanyi was a last resort..."

Dong Huangli raised his hand to stop him from continuing, and said indifferently:
"You don't need to explain to this deity, it's just that you are afraid that the Five Elements Extermination Formation will be unraveled by the Heaven Punishment Clan, so you want to cut off future troubles. The funny thing is that even after tens of thousands of years, Zhao Fuyao is still a member of the Heaven Punishment Clan. It was rescued, your plan back then seems to be a joke now."

"..." Jing Li.

No one would have thought that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven would be able to spend such a long time without food or drink with the body of a mortal...

Xu Shi was too lazy to continue talking to Jing Li, Dong Huangli glanced at Jing Li coldly, raised a finger, and stroked lightly.


Jing Li had just stood up from the ground, and before he could stand firm, he felt that his left arm and lower body suddenly became very empty, and his body fell uncontrollably.

Until the face and the ground made a close contact, Jing Li's head was stunned. If he hadn't seen a large area of ​​blood flowing, he wouldn't even realize that he was injured.

Donghuangli's attack was almost silent, without any warning, and was cut together with the space where the target was located, with no means of defense at all.

This is... the Profound Night Realm of the Space Department, is it the final leader, Dong Huangli?
Although I knew she was a monster for a long time, I didn't expect that a small spell that I put at hand could be so powerful...

Dong Huangli blew lightly at his slender fingertips, then glanced at Jing Li, who looked like a piece of dirty membrane on the ground, and said softly:

"Including Xu Wanyi's matter, this is the second time you have acted without the permission of the deity. You don't have a third chance, understand?"

"This subordinate understands." Jing Li gritted his teeth and responded.I knew that this was an inevitable punishment, but I didn't expect it to be so severe that I was removed from two innate good fortune bones...

The congenital creation of bones is the physique that naturally forms after the nirvana state washes the six bones and achieves the unsullied body.

Its effects vary from person to person, but it is nothing more than a set that enhances physical fitness.

Putting it on the juniors, it may just be able to take an extra punch, or the forehead gap that can be hit a little bit more.

But in the confrontation of Xuanyang Realm, even if there is only a slight gap, it is very likely to die because of it.

Dong Huangli is cutting his life...

"As long as you know."

Dong Huangli ignored Jing Li, turned around neatly, and left the hall of the Immortal King.

Old man, do you really think I don't know what you're up to?
If it weren't for you being able to come in handy at the 'time of the end', the deity would have raised your ashes long ago.

Walking out of the Immortal King's Hall, Donghuang Lilian's feet lightly stepped on the void, all the way up, waving his hand to remove the rock illusion that confuses his sight.

The stars in the sky and the moonlight are accompanied, and on the top of the lonely cliff, a huge spiral tower with a height of a thousand stories goes straight into the sky.

Dong Huangli landed smoothly, looked up at the word "End Yan" at the entrance of the spiral tower, and walked in without hesitation.

Alright, time to pack up and see what jidan is up to.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 I'm in a bad state today...Every word is squeezed out, I really want to ask for leave...Everyone, please help catch bugs, go to bed early today, and change it tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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