The queen is so fierce

Chapter 218 Fuyu grants the sword!

Chapter 218 Fuyu grants the sword!


Xu Shoujing suddenly opened his eyes, his strong chest heaving up and down, his back was soaked in cold sweat, and his whole body was a little dazed, and his brain was still immersed in what he saw and heard in the blank mirror just now.

Why did Su Jin go to the Immortal King Ruins?

No... Before that, what was more important was Su He and the people of the End Yan Sect, why did they set up an ambush in the Immortal King Ruins?

Xu Shoujing remembered very clearly that the colorless crystal ball that Su He was after at the beginning had been smashed into pieces by the gods, and there was no more spiritual charm in it.

If the purpose of the final teaching is the crystal bead with unknown function, is it necessary to go back now?

Putting aside all the above doubts, when the memory is about to end, the long leg that suddenly stepped into the picture is also very interesting...

Not to say how sexy that leg is, although it is.

"Brother Xu?"

But what made Xu Shoujing even more puzzled was that he had an inexplicable familiarity with that beautiful leg in his heart.

Where have I seen her?
"Brother Xu? What's the matter with you... Can you hear me?"

The gray-robed man's reaction was also very strange. He had an expression of "I have the advantage" before, but after that long leg appeared, he suddenly became terrified.

Obviously it can't be that the other party is too ugly and scared.

The situation that can be considered... it is nothing more than that the woman is a cadre of the final teaching, because of her status, or there is a gap in strength itself.

But even so, is it necessary for the gray-robed people to be afraid of that?
"Unless he made the decision without the knowledge of that woman," Xu Shoujing said suddenly for no reason.

"Xu..." Su Ren was caught off guard and choked for a moment. After reacting, his eyes were slightly startled, and he said suspiciously, "Woman? Did Brother Xu find the murderer of my father?"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing nodded, paused, and shook his head again.

"..." Su Ren.

Was it found, or not found?
Seeing Su Ren's dazed face, Xu Shoujing slowly woke up from his absence, clenched his fist and coughed dryly, and said solemnly:
"Unsurprisingly, the death of Venerable Su is inseparable from the Religion of the End, and the initiator was a guy in a gray robe."

With that said, Xu Shoujing's thoughts moved, and he used his spiritual sense to transmit his impression of the gray-robed man to Su Ren.

Su Ren was silent for a while, and there was not much change in his expression, and he seemed to be lost in thought.

When Su Jin's family had an accident back then, it was only natural that Su Huanqing had no impression of not having been born soon.

However, as the eldest son, Su Ren had already reached the age where he could remember things. Venerable Su did not hide the identities of those looters who killed his biological mother, Miao Ling, from him.

I don't know how long it took, Su Ren let out a long sigh, but his expression was a little tired. He raised his hand and bowed to Xu Shoujing, and said sternly:
"Brother Xu, if Su Ren survives this kindness, he will be rewarded by the spring."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that Su Ren had probably heard the news that Yu Zhiqiong deliberately spread, so he would say such pessimistic words.

Last night, Yu Zhiqiong thought that the method he proposed to overcome the robbery echoed in his ears, Xu Shoujing looked a little hesitant, hesitantly said:

"Brother Su, I have a proposal that may help the Changhe Su Clan to survive this disaster."

Su Renwei was stunned for a moment. He didn't fully believe Xu Shoujing's words, but said:

"Brother Xu, say it."

Xu Shoujing explained in detail the affair of Tianya Yu Clan and Yu Zhiqiong's proposal last night to let her take away the Tianwen Mirror, in order to break through the attempt of the End Yanjiao.

Unexpectedly, Su Ren sighed after hearing this, but shook his head.

Xu Shoujing knew what he meant by refusal, and frowned:
"Big Brother Su, no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, the lives of the clansmen are not as important. After the country recovers, if Tianya Yu does not return it, I am willing to take the responsibility and grab it back."

"That's not the problem." Su Ren sighed and smiled bitterly: "The Tianwen mirror is the secret treasure of my Changhe Su clan, but its existence is known only to the patriarchs of all dynasties. Even if I wanted to take it out, I couldn't find the Tianwen mirror. where the mirror is."

"...The secret treasure of the sect, this is also true."

Xu Shoujing nodded slowly, as if thinking about something, his pupils shrank suddenly.


Only the patriarch of the Su clan knows the location of the Tianwen Mirror, and it has been the case in all dynasties... In this case, why did you kill Su Jin in order to get the Tianwen Mirror?
This logic doesn't make sense...

Could it be that the End Yanjiao thought that even without the key figure Su Jin, they could easily find the Tianwen Mirror from the mountains in Sudu?
What's more, whether the Tianwen Mirror is in Sudu is a mystery...


Xu Shoujing's breathing suddenly became much heavier, he subconsciously raised his hand and grabbed Su Ren's shoulder, and said in a heavy tone:
"Brother Su, is Venerable Su really dead?"

Su Ren frowned slightly. Although he didn't understand why Xu Shoujing asked this question, he thought it over carefully and replied:

"It shouldn't be fake. Su Ling took me to see my father's body. My father's body has multiple fatal wounds, and his spirit has long since dissipated."

Xu Shoujing nodded, having no objection to this, and continued:
"Su Zun's spirit is indeed no longer in his body, but... is he really dead?"

This is almost equivalent to making it clear, Su Ren hesitated for a moment, and said:

"Are you trying to say that my father's soul was just taken away by the people who taught him to die. Although his body is dead, his soul is still there? But this is impossible. Ling'er had already checked it when he took me to see it. There are no six marks on the body, nor is there any trace of the soul being pulled away."

The so-called "six imprints" refer to the merits and rhythms accumulated by monks during their lifetime, and after death, they will become the 'queue cards' of the six reincarnations.

If there is no six imprints, either like Su He, he has become a wandering soul;

The first situation is basically impossible for Su Jin to happen.

With Su Jin's Xianyue Realm cultivation base, forcibly stripping him of his body and turning him into a wandering soul is basically equivalent to "giving the prisoner the key to the prison", and he can escape as he pleases.

Then there is only the second situation that can be considered. At the moment of Su Jin's death, his soul was also shattered by the gray-robed man.

In the end it is still a death.

In fact, Xu Shoujing is very clear about these principles, but it is on the basis of these principles that he dares to make such a bold conjecture.

"Brother Su, you forgot something."

Xu Shoujing tilted his head to look at Su He's body, and said solemnly:
"Being able to clean up Su He's soul recollection so cleanly, even without the means of self-inflicting [-] yuan, such as the Soul Filling Formation, there is no usable information... The way that the gray-robed man majored must be related to the way of the soul. It is inseparable from the relationship. In addition to the damage to the soul of Su Zun, I want to fight against him..."

Su Ren took a deep breath and continued:

"I'm afraid I'm at the mercy of it, I can only watch it, but I can't do anything."

Xu Shoujing nodded, that's what he meant.

Su Ren sucked in a breath of cold air, his eyes wandering uncertainly:

"So... my father may have been secretly robbed by the End Yanjiao in order to know the whereabouts of the Tianwen Mirror?"

As expected of the number one disciple of the Changhe Su Clan, he immediately analyzed the key words from Xu Shoujing's words.

After trying to understand the reason, Su Ren sank his hands towards Xu Shoujing, and this time his thanks must be more sincere:
"Brother Xu, whether my father is really alive or not, thank you for giving me hope."

Xu Shoujing scratched his cheeks a little embarrassedly. He just didn't want Su Ren to face the next battle with the thought of dying, so he analyzed a lot, hoping to inspire his uncle through the fact that Su Jin was still alive. .

Having said that, Xu Shoujing basically had the answer in his heart whether Su Jin was dead or alive.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's "Oh, I'm not as good as you said", Su Ren hesitated and said:
"Brother Xu, Qing'er and Immortal Fuyu are in the back mountain of Su Mansion. I want you to talk to Qing'er about what happened just now. Hope is better than despair."

"Of course there's no problem with that." Xu Shoujing agreed immediately, paused, and asked in confusion, "Where is Big Brother Su planning to go?"

"While Brother Xu was in a coma, the spies have already come to report, and the Tianyuan Sect has gathered eight sects to come and destroy my Changhe Su clan." Su Ren sighed. "There are many big sects such as Tianwai Jiancheng and Luohu Temple. They will arrive in three days at most. I have sent a letter to Qinger about this. Next, I will take my disciples to reinforce the Sanjiang Great Array. Xu Brother you..."

Tianwaijiancheng... If I remember correctly, it should be the force to which Fu Xingguang belongs.

Unexpectedly, a group of reckless men who can only play swords will also participate in this kind of intrigue.

Xu Shoujing forced a smile: "Brother Su, don't worry, leave Huanqing to me."

The turbulent current washed over the rocks, stirring up clusters of white foam.

At the top of the waterfall, which is flying down three thousand feet, there is a hut built of rocks, wooden boards, spiritual patterns, and magic tools.

The silence outside the house was like a deep forest in the middle of the night, and there were only two breathing sounds inside the house, one after another as if competing with each other.

"Guguji... Guguji..."

The tailless white-feathered bird circled in the air and finally landed on a dry tree trunk.

The white-feathered bird hooked the branches with its ingenious and cute little claws. Through the hollow cross window, it looked at the two women sitting cross-legged in the house, and tilted its head slightly.

What are these two clean white monkeys doing?
It didn't take long for the sound of footsteps that didn't leave the ground from far to near, and there was also a bit of panting after exerting too much force.

Xu Shoujing passed through the thick fog between the mountains and forests, climbed the mountains, and finally came to the top of the back mountain of Su Mansion.

He asked the maid of the Su residence, and it seemed that this was the fixed practice place for Su Huanqing and Ling Fuyu.

Xu Shoujing had just climbed to the top of the mountain, and before he had time to knock on the door of the house, the voice inside seemed to feel something, and immediately reprimanded:
"Jing'er, don't open the door!"

Then there was a rustling noise.

Xu Shoujing's raised hand froze in mid-air, and a big question mark appeared on his head.

This...this...the orange in the orange?

Xu Shoujing began to doubt life.

When the sound in the house stopped, the closed door opened.


Ling Fuyu came out with a somewhat unnatural expression while tidying up the neckline of the broad robe.

Su Huanqing, who followed behind her, also looked down at her toes, and she was a little flustered in her actions.

"?" Xu Shoujing.

Seeing the apprentice's puzzled expression, Ling Fuyu coughed lightly to ease the embarrassment, and immediately supported her 'Master Yan' style, and said solemnly:


Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, and without detouring, went straight in:

"Master, what were you and Huan Qing doing in the house just now?"


Ling Fuyu was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect this kid to be unable to open the pot and lift it. Although his eyes were still embarrassed, his expression was vaguely angry.

She was a very old-fashioned person, and it was conceivable that she was asked such a question by her apprentice.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Su Huanqing quickly inserted himself between Xu Shoujing and his master, and explained aloud:
"Where do you want to go? Master is just washing the meridians for me. With my current cultivation level, the spirit of extreme cold has blocked the spiritual meridians to such an extent that the speed of my cultivation will be affected if I don't unclog it... It's just that you suddenly run away. Come here, Master and I were frightened."

The main thing was that he was afraid that he would open the door on the spot, and it would really become a 'lucky pervert' incident.

Xu Shoujing blinked. He didn't really doubt that Su Huanqing and his master 'Tie Tie', but simply asked what they were doing. Unexpectedly, the other party misunderstood.

Looking around, Xu Shoujing also noticed the unnatural look on Ling Fuyu's face, and only then did he realize that his filial piety had deteriorated in his speech just now, so he hurriedly changed the subject:

"Master, it was the disciple who offended me just now, but I have something important to tell Huan Qing."

Ling Fu Yumeifeng frowned slightly and turned around to make room for Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing.

Xu Shoujing heaved a sigh of relief, facing Su Huanqing's doubtful eyes, and told her his conjecture that Su Jin was not dead.

Sure enough, after Su Huanqing heard this, her clear eyes lit up:

"Are you serious?"

Xu Shoujing smiled slightly: "I dare not say 100%, I'm [-]% sure."

At the moment when the words fell, Su Huanqing threw himself into Xu Shoujing's arms, hooked his neck hard, and whispered:

"Jing... thank you."

Xu Shoujing was also very happy that Su Huanqing had recovered, raised his hand and patted her back lightly, and said softly:

"I didn't do anything, just reasoned a little... no need to thank you."

"Even so, I still want to thank you."

Su Huanqing let go of her hands, and those beautiful eyes that were as clear as the surface of a lake gradually rippled slightly.

Looking at each other, Su Huanqing pursed her thin lips, and slightly raised her chin, as if to dedicate herself to Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing felt something, hooked her right arm around her waist, and slowly bent down...

"Cough cough."

Just when the two were about to have an emotional fusion, a somewhat blunt voice sounded in embarrassment.

Hearing this voice, Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing separated like an electric shock, only then remembered that there was an "outsider" present.

Su Huanqing turned her back, her ears were slightly red, and her jet-black hair was wrapped around her fingertips, and she didn't seem to dare to look back.

Xu Shoujing's face became thicker, he turned around and walked to Ling Fuyu, and said with a dry smile:


Ling Fuyu's expression was very strange. She stared at Su Huanqing's back for a few seconds, and then stared at Xu Shoujing for a moment, pursing her lips, before she stopped talking.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing did not hide it, and said bluntly:
"Master, I'm with Huan Qing."

Ling Fuyu pursed her lips, of course she knew that the two of you were together, even an idiot would know.

Normally, seeing that her two apprentices are finally married, she should be happy as an elder...

But as long as she thinks that Su Huanqing had given her a red line before...

It's not all messed up!

Xu Shoujing didn't know that Ling Fuyu thought so much, but when he saw that Ling Fuyu didn't speak, he began to think about another purpose of his own.

The alliance of the eight sects will arrive in a few days, and Xu Shoujing's current strength is definitely not enough to watch.

Having said that, it was not his style to just wait and do nothing.

Xu Shoujing hesitated and said:
"Master, this time out this time, the disciple in the sword has a little insight, can you ask Master to give some pointers?"

Even if it's only a little bit inconspicuous, we must seize the time to become stronger.

Not just for Huan Qing, but also for himself.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 Immediately this volume will be a decisive battle, and I want to write daily to calm down my emotions.But isn't it a bit too casual to write like this, it seems that Xu Shoujing is sloppy and has no sense of tension?

  But if you're too nervous, and you're too tired to watch... This paragraph is so hard to write.

(End of this chapter)

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