The queen is so fierce

Chapter 219 Fencing with the Master!

Chapter 219 Fencing with the Master!

Hearing Xu Shoujing's request, Ling Fuyu fell into a short silence, folded her arms to hold the ball, and tapped her forefinger lightly, as if she was considering something.

After a long time, she turned her head to look at Xu Shoujing's sincere expression, and said softly:
"What do you think, since I accepted you as a disciple, why did I neither teach you swordsmanship nor practice techniques, and have always adhered to laissez-faire?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at Su Huanqing next to him, and then replied:
"Because it was the master who wanted me to experience the hardships of the road of cultivation. If I come back to guide me at that time, the effect will be the best."

Ling Fuyu's beautiful eyes were stunned, and she glanced at Su Huanqing next to her. The latter pretended not to know, and looked around the scenery, she immediately understood:
"Huan Qing told you that."

Xu Shoujing snorted and didn't know how to answer, so he could only laugh dryly and touch the back of his head to hide his embarrassment.

Ling Fuyu sighed, stared at Xu Shoujing's handsome face for a moment, and said solemnly:

"Huan Qing is true, but it's only one of the reasons. As for the second reason... I thought you would understand the essence after going through some things, but now it seems that your cultivation of xinxing is still far away. not enough."

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, nodded slightly, and said respectfully:

"Master, please advise."

Ling Fuyu's deliberately raised face softened a bit. She took out an ordinary-looking long sword from the hem of her large neon robe, and looked up at Xu Shoujing's peach blossom eyes:
"Remember the question that the teacher told you at first? What is your 'sword'?"

On the night when he accepted Xu Shoujing as his apprentice, Ling Fuyu once asked him to think carefully about the direction of the sword he had built.

Some sword cultivators focus on the word 'quick' and kill the opponent before the opponent makes a move;

Xu Shoujing did not give an answer at the time, because he thought that no matter how much bells and whistles, in fact, it is inseparable from 'getting stronger'.

Whether it is fast or slow, big or small, short or long, any sword move doesn't matter, as long as the opponent's blood is spilled on the ground, that is the correct direction for sword repair.

Even now Xu Shoujing thought so, so he told Ling Fuyu all his thoughts.

Ling Fuyu shook her head after hearing this:
"These thoughts of yours are still on the surface... In this case, let me ask in a different way. Jing'er, what are your moral aspirations?"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, but this time there was no confusion. He decided his ambition a long time ago:
"Although the journey of immortality is long, the disciple is willing to be a chivalrous person all his life, protect the people he loves, and slaughter the evil that should be killed. He does not seek fame for thousands of years, but seeks the stability of Jiuzhou."

If Jiuzhou is not stable, it means that the final teaching has succeeded, then it is not sent...

"I wish you could keep your word."

Ling Fu Yulian stepped on the soil lightly, holding a simple long sword, walked directly in front of Qianchi Waterfall, and turned to face the two disciples:
"Jing'er, pull out your sword and try to see if you can hurt your teacher without using your spiritual power."


Xu Shoujing didn't hesitate, and Yanqian's painting boat, which was as white as the moon, unsheathed on the spot, and strode toward the open space where Ling Fuyu was.

Zhao Fuyao just absorbed the Moonfall Immortal in his body yesterday, and it will take quite a while to refine it, so he has no time to guide his cultivation.

At present, the only person who can teach Xu Shoujing how to use the sword is Ling Fuyu alone. Xu Shoujing will not delay his becoming stronger because of his inexplicable hypocrisy. time.

After the master and apprentice were ready, Su Huanqing also arrived slowly, holding the silver sword in his arms, and quietly watched the battle.

The sound of the waterfall scouring the rocks reverberated in my ears.

The soil under the feet is quite moist, and without using too much strength, the soles of the feet will sink slightly. If it develops into a situation of fighting swords, the speed of both sides will be affected to some extent.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, turned his wrist, and held the sword in his backhand instead, staring intently at Ling Fuyu's rugged figure, as if trying to find some flaws.

In contrast, Ling Fuyu looked much more elegant, her slender fingers lightly wrapped around the hilt of the sword, and she held the light sword in front of the towering placket, as if she didn't use much effort at all.

Time passed minute by minute, the cold wind rustled at the top of the mountain, a white mist filled the air, and the vision became a little hazy.


The wet soil was trampled away, and after several failed eye attacks, Xu Shoujing finally made a move.

He maintained the posture of holding the sword in his backhand, keeping the posture of his entire body very low, his legs interlaced with afterimages, as if he had transformed into a hungry cheetah, trying to devour the glamorous Taoist nun in front of him.

Ling Fuyu lightly frowned at Liu Ye's eyebrows, but didn't say anything. She braked silently and stood in the original position of holding her sword.

Su Huanqing saw Xu Shoujing rush forward, a trace of worry flashed in her clear eyes, and she secretly said: I'm afraid this kind of reckless head-on collision with Master will not gain much...

In the blink of an eye, Xu Shoujing had come directly in front of Ling Fuyu, but instead of rushing out his sword, he suddenly pushed the freed palm forward and hit Ling Fuyu's chest.

There was never a distinction between men and women on the battlefield, and Ling Fuyu didn't think there was anything wrong with Xu Shoujing's palm when she arrived. She took a step behind the lotus feet, and the light sword was behind her back, avoiding the palm with the subtle gap between her body. .

Xu Shoujing never felt that he could hit with this palm, and after a miss, there was no pause, and he made a change in the blink of an eye.

Xu Shoujing considers himself a person who has no rules in battle, and all his tactics focus on an 'unpredictable'.

At the moment of 'pushing and dodging' with Ling Fuyu, the painting boat that Xu Shoujing was holding in his backhand was well hidden by his shoulders.

Looking at it from Ling Fuyu's perspective, it happens to be a blind spot of sight. The effect Xu Shoujing wants to achieve is also the gap in perspective at this moment.


The silver light rose from the ground, and the sword edge cut through the air, creating a wave of air.

Xu Shoujing's vertical cut must not be concealed, and at the moment of the shot, he was ready to pursue it.

But just when he was about to retract the sword and swing back to the starting stance to deal with the next collision, he suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and the long sword in his chest and hand received a huge impact at this moment.

The angle of view turned world-shaking, I don't know why... Only the blue sky and white clouds were left in sight... and two white balls that were big enough to cover their faces.

"—" Xu Shoujing blinked, feeling the strange feeling of his body immersed in the wet soil, and he still didn't realize what happened.

At this moment, Ling Fuyu walked to Xu Shoujing's side, tapped the other end of Xu Shoujing's neck with the long sword, and then mentioned that the other end was inserted, and said softly:
"So you're dead. Did you feel anything?"


Xu Shoujing still couldn't see Master's face, was silent for a moment, and could only stare at the two big groups and ask:

"Master, you just... pushed me down with your palm?"

Ling Fuyu nodded, lifted the hilt lightly, and carried the long sword behind her back:

"In the swordsmanship practiced by the master, everything is controlled by stillness, and the emphasis is on the arrival of the descendants and the arrival of the ancestors. In the case of not using spiritual power, but only using sword moves, you have indeed concealed the master's sight, but it's a pity I knew from the beginning that the sword is your ultimate move, so I won't be deceived at all."


Xu Shoujing suddenly realized that he always wanted to take advantage of "loss of vision" to catch a surprise, which is commonly known as "killing reaction", but he ignored that from the moment he held the sword, it was impossible for Ling Fuyu to not be wary of the sword in his hand. direction.

The reverse is also the same. When Xu Shoujing failed with a single blow, he was always on guard for Ling Fuyu's next sword move, but ignored her subsequent push.

"Do you still want it?" Ling Fuyu looked down at Xu Shoujing, pulled him up, and flicked his fingers to wash away the mud on the back of the white robe.

Xu Shoujing heaved a sigh of relief, lowered the lower plate, and resumed the starting stance of the sword move:
"Of course, the disciple's strength has not been exhausted!"

Ping ping pong pong, clang clang clang.

The sound of swords colliding echoed on the top of the waterfall, leaving a lot of footprints on the wet soil, and every once in a while, a human-shaped groove would disrupt the arrangement of those footprints.

The white feather bird was frightened by the sword qi that flew from time to time, and flapped its wings to find the next Zemu.

Su Huanqing moved a chair and sat beside her to watch the battle quietly. When her future husband and master took a break, she silently stepped forward to deliver water to Xu Shoujing to wipe the sweat.

The stars are scattered, the sun and the moon are flowing, and the evening comes unconsciously.

Half of the evening at dusk dyed half of the clouds in the sky, and the sparks from the metal impact on the waterfall were still flying.

After lying in the mud for the unknown number of times, Xu Shoujing looked at the magnificent fiery clouds, his sturdy chest was undulating due to panting, but he was a little suspicious of life.

The sword-to-sword confrontation lasted a whole day, and Ling Fuyu followed the phrase "the descendants send, the ancestors arrive" from beginning to end. No matter how clever Xu Shoujing was or what unexpected actions he made, Ling Fuyu would not face it. Change color for static braking.

The results were basically the same. In most cases, Xu Shoujing was turned upside down.

The silt that used to only make people feel uncomfortable, for the current Xu Shoujing, he has become accustomed to using this thing as a 'bed'.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing did not stand up immediately this time, Ling Fuyu put her sword into the sheath, walked slowly to the front of her apprentice and pulled him up.

Ling Fuyu flicked her fingertips lightly, very skillfully washing away the mud on Xu Shoujing's clothes with water-based spiritual power, and then very gently tidying up the neckline and folds for him.

Hmm...not really like what a master would do.

"Can't you figure it out? Why are you racking your brains and trying your best, but you can't touch me with that sword?"

Xu Shoujing hesitated and nodded.

Ling Fuyu put down the plain hand that was arranging Xu Shoujing's collar, raised her head slightly, and stared at her apprentice's eyes:
"Back to the original question, what do you think Jian Xiu is?"

Xu Shoujing did not directly draw conclusions in his heart like last time, but fell into contemplation.

He used to think that he understood it, but now after playing with the master for an afternoon, he found out that he understands a hammer.

Ling Fuyu seemed to have long expected that Xu Shoujing would feel confused, and there was no surprise in her eyes, she reached out and held Xu Shoujing's big hand holding the sword:

"Sword cultivator, it's not just the person who holds the sword. The sword and cultivator are not complementary existences, they are one body. Your flesh will affect your sword, your cultivation will affect your sword, and your morality. It will also determine the style of your sword use."

Saying that, Ling Fuyu held Xu Shoujing's big hand, facing the side, and waved gently from left to right.

The white sword energy swept away without any pause.

Ling Fuyu released Xu Shoujing's hand and continued:

"Jing'er, you seem to have a misunderstanding in your practice. You regard both 'cultivation' and 'sword repair' as a simple means of strengthening. But don't forget, practice is not just as simple as 'strengthening'. "

Xu Shoujing listened ignorantly, but he probably understood that Ling Fuyu wanted to tell himself that "what kind of monk has what kind of style of sword use".

But... Cultivation is not simply to become stronger, and sword cultivation is not simply to become stronger, what does this mean?
Ling Fuyu seemed to have read what Xu Shoujing was thinking, and replied softly:
"Cultivation is not the way to become stronger, but the way of cultivating the mind. Although it is an immortal method, you can't pretend to be an immortal in everything you do. To be an immortal, be a human first. If you blindly pursue to become stronger, you will lose your true heart. , the cultivation base has become empty, but the cart before the horse is turned upside down."

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, then said:

"Master, are you trying to tell me... I'm in a hurry?"

"Yes." Ling Fuyu nodded.

Starting from getting a way to cultivate by reading yourself through the Rong Lingzhu... No, or from earlier, at the moment when he established his Taoism in Wanyao Mountain, Xu Shoujing fell into a kind of psychological circle of "must become stronger quickly". .

It's fine when he can't practice alone. Ever since he was able to run Zhou Tian by himself, Xu Shoujing has been immersed in the cycle of fortune-telling, day and night.

In order not to worry Aunt Chu and the others during the day, Xu Shoujing had to pretend that nothing happened, and continue to be a heartless 'sexer'.

Oh, erotic is not fake.

In fact, it's not that Xu Shoujing is impatient, because there are too many mountains in front of him right now.

It goes without saying that if Xu Shoujing did not have the power to stop everything before the group of lunatics implemented their plan, the entire Jiuzhou would fall.

Also in the Eastern Imperial City, Aunt Chu almost died on the spot in order to protect her, which also made Xu Shoujing extremely eager to become stronger.

And... when he traced back through the memory of blood, the biological mother of this life in the fire forest forest, everything she left behind, requires Xu Shoujing to reach a certain level of cultivation before it can be unlocked.

With the accumulation of various reasons, this has caused Xu Shoujing to be too anxious to become stronger now.

It's just that he usually hides it very well and doesn't make people around him worry unnecessarily.

Xu Shoujing never imagined that Ling Fuyu's insight into his thoughts, which were hidden deep in the heart of the lake, was actually discovered by Ling Fuyu through an afternoon of fencing.

"...Master, what do you think I should do?"

Xu Shoujing closed his eyes. At this moment, he was no longer a "savior" who was as heavy as Mount Tai, but a teenager who was at a loss in the face of his teachers.

Ling Fuyu patted Xu Shoujing on the shoulder, her bulging clothes swayed with her movements, and said sternly:

"It's a long way to go. No matter what you are carrying on your back, your cultivation will not be accomplished overnight. Today, you will come to me for advice directly like this, which is also a proof of your urgency."

After a pause, Ling Fuyu turned her head to look at the long sword in Xu Shoujing's hand:

"Your talent in kendo is unquestionable. My set of 'posters and ancestors' may not be suitable for you. I can teach you how to practice swords, but what kind of swords will you use in the future? After all, it depends on you."

Xu Shoujing let out an "um", but for some reason he was relieved, as if the mountain that had been pressing on him had been removed.

Those responsibilities didn't disappear, it was just that they were no longer overwhelmed compared to before.

That is, from this moment, Xu Shoujing put aside those unreasonable thoughts about Ling Fuyu, and completely treated her as a teacher.

A real master should not only teach one trick and one style, that is to learn to fight; a real master should teach his disciples how to be a human being, and give guidance to his disciples in a timely manner, instead of blindly teaching them superficial skills.

At first glance, the disciples seem to be making rapid progress, but they do not understand what "inner strength" is, and one day they will run into a wall because of their xinxing.

There is no doubt that Ling Fuyu is a qualified teacher, at least Xu Shoujing thinks so now.

Since then, Xu Shoujing's first real "cultivation" has come to an end.

The three walked to the cabin together. On the way, Ling Fuyu asked aloud:

"Jing'er, what happened, why are you so eager to come to me?"

Xu Shoujing hesitated for a while, but decided to tell Ling Fuyu about the attack of the Eight Sects Union without any concealment.

After Ling Fuyu heard this, Liu Ye's brows were slightly wrinkled, her head was deflected, she glared at Su Huanqing next to her, and said sternly:
"Why didn't you say something so important earlier?"

Xu Shoujing was also a little curious. Although Ling Fuyu had an old wound from her soul, she was also known as a great power in the Moon Realm before she fell into the realm. If this news was released, it would still be somewhat deterrent.

What's more, Ling Fuyu's disease of the soul is no longer in a state of almost hopeless despair like before.

If what Cang Yin said was true, somewhere in Jiuzhou, there should still be the 'Heaven Soul Spirit Spring' preserved from the age of the gods.

As long as you have survived the calamity of the alliance of the eight sects, relying on the background of the Changhe Su Clan, it is not entirely impossible to find that mysterious spring from Jiuzhou.

Xu Shoujing figured out these truths on the spot, Su Huanqing couldn't have imagined it completely, so why did she hide the fact that the Su Clan in Changhe was about to face a catastrophe?

Su Huanqing's reaction was very strange under the gaze of the master and the apprentice.

She seemed to be trying to avoid something, silently turned her gaze away, and said in a low voice:
"Master, there is no need to get involved in the affairs of the Changhe Su Clan."

Hearing this, Ling Fuyu was immediately dissatisfied:

"Qing'er, what are you talking about? Wei Shi Zai is your master, and he came to Tiannan Continent with serious injuries a few years ago. It was also the Changhe Su Clan who took me in. Now that disaster is approaching, how can Wei Shi stand by his side? Watching the fall of Sudu, how can you watch the fire from the other side and ignore it?"

Su Huanqing pursed her lips and stopped talking.

Seeing her thoughtful reaction, Xu Shoujing couldn't care less in his heart. Just as he was about to ask another question, his head was struck by lightning, and he was stunned on the spot.

He suddenly understood why Su Huanqing insisted on excluding Ling Fuyu from the affairs of the Changhe Su Clan.

If Xu Shoujing guessed correctly, Su Huanqing should have thought of a disrespectful method just like himself.

But this is also the only method that can theoretically 'create' the Crescent Moon Realm on the spot to deter the eight sects from joining forces.

Now I really can't find the Heavenly Soul Spirit Spring to restore Ling Fuyu's spirit and let her return to the Moonlight Realm.

But when you didn't know about Tianhun Lingquan at first, what was the only way to treat Ling Fuyu?

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the stars are shining.

When the time came to night, the cold wind blew on the three of them, walking and walking, but one of them stopped.

Xu Shoujing stood there, his eyes widened, and his whole body froze.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 Huh...Ling Fuyu, I want to write her as a strict and strict female teacher, and then for the sake of "righteousness" or something, the classic "marriage first and love later", it will gradually develop into a scene of master and apprentice fighting for husband.

(End of this chapter)

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