The queen is so fierce

Chapter 220 8 Unions

Chapter 220 The Eight Sects Union
The sky is clear and purple, the clouds are not stained, the stars and the Big Dipper, and the moon hangs on the branches.

Between the rolling mountain ranges, a great river far above the human world rolled endlessly; the moonlight reflected the sparkling waves, and thousands of floating warships sailed through the sky, leaving huge shadows on the river.

Take a closer look, these floating battleships are not simply 'copy and paste'. Each floating battleship has a clear number, such as "Tianyuan One", "Jiancheng II", "Danxin III" in turn. Arrange on top.

Not only are the floating battleships different, but the configurations of the various disciples patrolling around the battleship are also very different.

The disciples of Tianwai Sword City all stepped on the flying swords, and there was a long tail of spiritual power behind the hilt.

The monks in Rahu Temple are relatively simple and rough. One black-feathered griffin is standard.

Among a bunch of monks who seem to be 'literati', they are relatively heterogeneous.

The last of the three giants, and also the eldest brother of Tianyuan Sect, they are more concerned about the appearance, they like to pretend to be 'immortal style and bones', and they equip their disciples with cranes raised in collective captivity.

Unlike the griffins in Rahu Temple, the griffins themselves have good fighting power, and even if humans and beasts are separated, they can fight on their own.

The cranes of the Tianyuan Sect don't have this extra function. Once the disciples of the sect are down, the cranes can only fly a few times in the sky and act as a 'reconnaissance chicken' in addition to eating melons on the side.

These three sects are the most prominent in the eight sect alliances. Just looking at the posture of the 'air fleet', even mortals can understand that these three are completely different from the other five sects.

For example, among the eight sects, except for the female cultivator, Danxinyuan, the sect disciples are average in cultivation, and usually 'open a shop' among the cultivators every day, you have to say whether they are useful... Yes, but it is not necessary to attack Changhe. For the Su Clan, it is undoubtedly useless.

Not to mention the Geshigu, Kaishantang, Chiyunxuan, and Xuelangzhai of passers-by and passers-by... The name is the cannon fodder sect.

However, they have come. The 'Eight Sect Alliance' is indeed much louder than the 'Three Sect Siege', and there is no need for the Tianyuan Sect to drive them back.

In this way, the Eight Sect Allied Forces drove along the river in a mighty manner, and at this speed, they could reach the Changhe Su Clan at the latest the day after tomorrow.

However, while the floating fleet was traveling, a crane suddenly deviated from the course and landed on the central main ship where Immortal Tu Yu was located.

The crane's claws had just touched the deck, and a sect disciple in a goose-yellow robe emerged from its back, hurriedly running to the main warehouse.

In the silent cabin, a long swaying incense surrounds.

Immortal Tu Yu sat on the chair of the Grand Master and closed his eyes and fell asleep. The big hand stretched out from his cuff kept twirling a wrench finger, as if he was thinking about something.

Weiya was dressed in a bright red dress, her red hair was fluttering, and her face was white. Compared with the previous arrogance, she was a little more mature and quiet at this time, and she didn't know what happened.

"Father, drink tea."

Weiya held the white porcelain teapot, bowed slightly, and filled the white porcelain teapot with clear tea.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu half-opened one eye, and didn't say much. He slowly put the white porcelain teacup terminal, covered his face with his sleeve, and took a sip from his mouth:
"Yes, your craftsmanship has improved. It seems that during this period of time, your xinxing has indeed improved a lot."

Wei Ya slowly raised her head, her ethereal eyes had no focus, like a walking corpse.After listening to Immortal Tu Yu's words, he just instinctively bowed and bowed.

blah blah-

A panicked footstep sounded from far to near, and the closed sliding door was knocked.

"Sect Master! It's not good!"

Immortal Tu Yu frowned, slowly sat up straight on the armrest, and waved towards the back room:

"You go down first."

"Yes." Weiya bowed again, like a maid, obediently withdrew.

When there was no more Weiya in the room, Immortal Tu Yu turned around, glanced at the sliding door blocked by magic, and pointed at the sword in front of him.


The technique applied to the sliding door shattered like glass, and then it opened automatically as if a pair of invisible hands pushed it open.

The disciple of the goose-yellow cloud robe did not expect Immortal Venerable Tu Yu to come to this hand, and still maintained the posture of lying in front of the door and knocking hard.

At this time, the sliding door was opened, and it was naturally knocked empty, the whole body lost balance, and one staggered and fell into the room.

Just as the Yunpao disciple was about to come into close contact with the ground, a gust of breeze caressed past him. He felt his body that had fallen down congealed, and when he opened his eyes again, his body floated in the air.

The Yunpao disciple immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and after reacting, he immediately bowed his head and thanked:
"Thank you so much for your help..."

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu loosened his fingers, put the Yunpao disciple on the ground, and asked impatiently:
"What happened? What a formality to be so flustered."

Only then did the Yunpao disciple react, with an anxious expression on his face, and hurriedly said:
"Sect Master, it's not good, Elder Jinglong he..."

Immortal Tu Yu frowned and found that things were not simple, so he pressed his throat and said:
"What happened to Jinglong?"

The Yunpao disciple was full of bitterness, peeking at Immortal Venerable Tu Yu's expression, and tremblingly said:
"Elder Jinglong took a group of disciples and rushed to the Changhe Su Clan without your permission... Now, it may have arrived by now!"

"Damn things!"

Immortal Tu Yu was furious, one piece smashed the table in front of him, and the tea was spilled on the ground, but the white porcelain tea bowl was not broken, and it rolled several times along the texture of the floor before it stopped worthy.

In addition to Immortal Tu Yu himself, his two junior brothers are also well-known in the Tianyuan School of Sanxianyue.

Elder Hexuan's temperament is mainly based on affinity, which is a rare type of 'true elder' in Tianyuan Sect. Although most cultivators secretly don't have a good opinion of Tianyuan Sect, Elder Hexuan's reputation has always been very good.

This time, Immortal Tu Yu ordered the extermination of the Changhe Su Clan and obtained the Tianwen Mirror, which was also opposed by Elder Hexuan.

But obviously, Elder Hexuan's opinion alone was of no use, and in the end he went with Immortal Venerable Tu Yu.

In comparison, Elder Jinglong is a simple irritable martial idiot.

The reason for not staying in the sect for a long time is not the same as Elder Hexuan's "can't stand the false atmosphere of Tianyuan sect", but simply that he wants to find someone to fight everywhere.

However, Elder Jinglong's Wu Chi and Ji Xiangjian are obviously not the same thing.

Although Ji Xiangjian is careless and heartless, and he still finds people to fight every day, he still has a ruler in his heart.

And what about Elder Jinglong?Maybe it's because his strength is too great, his actions have never been structured, he can do whatever he wants, and kill whoever he wants.

Ji Xiangjian will still fight evenly, and he doesn't bother to bully Mengxin who is not as strong as himself.

Elder Jinglong is completely different, even if he is an unarmed mortal, as long as he feels that it is helpful to his own practice, he will cut off the opponent's head without hesitation.

This is also in Tiannan Continent, no one can control him, and if it was other Intercontinental, the Zhengdao sect has long identified Elder Jinglong as a 'Magic Dao' and sent someone to kill him.

If it is not a last resort, Immortal Tu Yu is not very willing to use this crazy junior brother.

This time, Elder Jinglong will also be called, because he wants to call the famous "Sanxianyue" of Qi Tianyuan Sect to calm down the scene.

Who would have thought that the madman would go so far.

Immortal Tu Yu was speechless for a long time. I don't know how long it took before he waved his hand with a headache:
"The order goes on, the plan has changed, the marching speed will be increased, and you must reach the Changhe Su Clan before midnight tonight."

"Disciple obeys."

The Yunpao disciple bowed his hands in salute, walked a few steps backwards, exited the door, and hurriedly ran down to give orders.

Watching the Yunpao disciples leave, Tu Yuxian respectfully leaned on the Taishi chair, his eyes were as silent as water, and it seemed like a flame was quietly burning.

Elder Jinglong's unauthorized action undoubtedly interrupted Immortal Tu Yu's plan.

Don't look at the tens of thousands of floating warships in the night sky, the scale is extremely exaggerated... In fact, the eight alliances have not been fully assembled.

Although the Changhe Su Clan lost Su Jin, its status as a hidden world sect with a young history has not changed.

An inheritance that implements the ancient and modern, even if the disciples are not strong and average cultivation base is going downhill, but it does not mean that there is no background that can be used to fight against other places.

Whether it is Immortal Tu Yu or the people behind him, they all hope that this time, they can safely take down the Changhe Su Clan, and don't make trouble.

In this way, a large number of troops is indispensable.

According to Immortal Tu Yu's idea, tomorrow, on the way to the Su Clan in Changhe, the main force of the eight alliances can be assembled. Can win the inheritance of the Changhe Su Clan.

This was a pretty perfect plan... but now it was broken due to Elder Jinglong's arbitrary actions.

In order to prevent Jinglong from acting too recklessly, if the 'adult' was broken, Immortal Tu Yu had to change his plan and rushed to Changhe Su Clan ahead of time.

bell bell-

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu was still angry, and a crystal ball scattered in the corner suddenly lit up, but a cloud of remnants swirled into the sky, unfolding a deep picture.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu was stunned for a moment, then immediately bowed his head and said:
"Your honor."

At the beginning of the cloud and mist, there was no human figure in the picture, only a cluster of pale ghost fires burning alone.

Seeing Immortal Venerable Tu Yu showing great respect, the pale ghost fire's silently burning flames swayed gently, and he actually said:

"How's the Changhe Su Clan going?"

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu did not look up and replied:

"Something happened, and we haven't gathered enough people to break the Sanjiangyun defense formation. The junior and junior brothers have gone to Sudu alone."

The pale ghost fire sparked, and his mood seemed to become very bad, and said solemnly:

"Will the 'blood disaster' ordered by the deity have any effect?"

Immortal Tu Yu hesitated, shook his head and said:

"Rest assured, your subordinates have ordered to move forward at full speed, and you will arrive at midnight tonight."

"Is there enough people?" Pale Ghost Fire said coldly.

"Naturally it's not enough." Immortal Venerable Tu Yu paused, and before the pale ghost fire changed his face, he continued: "However, this subordinate will definitely make the 'blood disaster' happen smoothly."

"I hope so."

Pale Ghost Fire snorted coldly, not knowing what he thought of again, and added:
"You don't have to worry about the Tianwen mirror anymore. The deity has already been found, so you can focus on completing the 'blood disaster'."

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked:

Pale Ghost Fire glanced at him and sneered:
"It's okay to tell you. Although the specific location has not been fully excavated, the Tianwen Mirror will not be wrong in Yun Aozhou."

When the words fell, the pale ghost fire seemed to have finished talking about the important thing, and spit out sparks impatiently:
"Okay, before the twilight of tomorrow, the deity must see the news of the Changhe Su clan's annihilation, and the annihilation of the eight sects' alliance... Don't let the deity down."


The screen stops there.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu stared at the gradually extinguished crystal ball, the gloomy ice mist in his eyes changed, and said slowly:

"As ordered."
The moon was quiet, the moonlight shone on the rocks by the river, and a few nightingales sang around an old tree.

As long as Ling Fuyu lives in the Su Clan of Changhe, without special circumstances, she will basically rest in the log cabin at the top of Houshan Waterfall.

As disciples, Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing didn't have nowhere to sleep. Obviously, they couldn't squeeze into the same bed with Ling Fuyu.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xu Shoujing took Su Huanqing to leave and returned to Sudu on the way he came.

The two went all the way down the clear stream, and they were relatively silent on the way.

When the lights of Sudu Wanjia appeared in front of the field of vision, Xu Shoujing suddenly stopped in place with a very hesitant expression:
"Huanqing, if Master regains its heyday..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Huanqing turned around and covered Xu Shoujing's mouth with both hands, her clear eyes were full of struggle.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. He just mentioned it casually, and he didn't even finish it. How could he have thought that Su Huanqing's reaction would be so big.

"Don't force me, okay..." Su Huanqing let go of her hand and looked at Xu Shoujing with a bit of pleading in her eyes.

Xu Shoujing was silent for a while. To be honest, he still thought it was the most important thing to get through this hurdle, but he shouldn't ignore Su Huanqing's thoughts directly.

After thinking again and again, Xu Shoujing gently hugged Su Huanqing and said softly:
"Can you tell me why?"

Xu Shoujing didn't think Su Huanqing was a woman who didn't care about the situation and only acted on her sensibility.

Since she clearly expressed her refusal, there must be her reasons.

Su Huanqing held Xu Shoujing's shirt tightly, bit her lower lip, and murmured:

"Before, I wanted you to cultivate with Master, and I wanted you to save Master...because Master was my only family in my mind at the time."

Xu Shoujing nodded, did not interrupt, and waited quietly for the following.

"Master attaches great importance to human ethics and morality. It was a last resort. Now we have found other ways to treat Master, and we have also forced her to sacrifice herself... I can't do it."

Having said that, Su Huanqing's voice was filled with choked sobbing. She looked up at Xu Shoujing's handsome face, her eyes were red and gradually became wet:

"In the past, I asked Master to cultivate with you both for the sake of Master. If I ask Master to cultivate with you, it is for myself...for Sudu. I can't...I really can't..."

"Okay, okay, I understand." Xu Shoujing hugged Su Huanqing tightly, letting her lie down in his arms, trying to comfort her a little.

Feeling the sobbing body in his arms, Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh and could only pat her back lightly.

Ever since he knew Su Huanqing, Xu Shoujing had never seen any other expressions on the face of this Bingyu Fairy.

But after they were officially together, it was the second time that Su Huanqing cried in front of him.

Should it be said that she is happy that she can rely on herself?Still lamenting how unfair the world has done to her.

Xu Shoujing comforted Su Huanqing for a while, and gradually made up his mind.

The Crescent Moon Realm is about to call, what else does he have to hide?
It's time to 'copy' the Shaky Polar Night.


Just as Xu Shoujing hugged Su Huanqing and comforted her in a low voice, a fire suddenly flashed across the horizon in the distance.

The flame was like a meteorite, and it smashed straight in front of Su Du.

In an instant, the earth trembled, the red light filled the sky, and the shadows of hundreds of monks surrounded the Sanjiang Great Array.

Xu Shoujing saw that scene from a distance through his pupil technique. He glanced at Su Huanqing, who had sorted out his mind, and rushed down the mountain without stopping.

Didn't Su Ren say that, according to the intelligence of the spies, the Eight Sects Union would arrive at least the day after tomorrow?Where did these guys come from...

The two hurried down the mountain to meet the enemy, but neither of them found it, not far behind them.

A pair of beautiful eyes that seemed to contain thousands of entanglements were watching them silently from beginning to end.

Until the backs of Xu Shoujing and the two disappeared completely, those water-like eyes gradually became firmer, and it seemed that a very important decision had been made...
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 The quality of this chapter is a bit bad, but I'm not in the mood to code.I went in in the last chapter, it's too bullying, really, I don't think I wrote anything about crossing the line, and there are many people who drive on the high-speed train. I just wrote a little bit about the "lucky satyr" incident that constituted a comic effect, Still unsuccessful, block me directly.

  I didn't even dare to write 'person', I didn't move a few words on my limbs, and my clothes were all ripped apart.

  Really, speechless.

  Don't tell me again why the plot has been going on during this time, and there is not much daily life.

  Look at this, dare I write it?
(End of this chapter)

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