The queen is so fierce

Chapter 221 The Inheritance of the Changhe Su Clan

Chapter 221 The Inheritance of the Changhe Su Clan

The moonlight is like frost, and the night is dust-free.

In the extremely dark cabin of the ship, a slender straight knife with silver light like snow was suspended on the table, and the spiritual power of ink like handwriting was continuously injected into it, and it turned into pure white in a blink of an eye.


The tip of the silver light long knife touched the ground, making a crisp sound, and then fell to the side.

Xu Shoujing stepped forward and picked up the long knife, held it in his hand and looked at it, then turned to look at the woman in the white dress on the bed with her eyes closed, and said in a low voice:

"If I wield 'that knife' with all my strength this time, what are the chances of dying?"

Zhao Fuyao slowly opened his eyes and let out a breath of turbid air.Hearing Xu Shoujing's words, a hint of hesitation flashed in his mirror-like eyes, and he pursed his lips and said:
"With your current physique, at most, you will be seriously injured and coma like before. If you are serious, you may fall into the realm, and it is unlikely that you will lose your life."

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he still had his life, no matter whether he fell from the realm or lay in bed for the first half of the year, sooner or later, he would have a chance to make a comeback.

"But, this is based on the premise that you don't use the secret technique that the descendant of the ancient demon gave you."

Xu Shoujing was slightly taken aback: "Why is this?"

Zhao Fuyao stared into his eyes and said in a deep voice:
"No accident, the predecessor of the descendant of the ancient demon should have come from the mysterious world. No matter what kind of magic, the magic of the mysterious world has the same characteristics. That is... it will constantly drain the physical potential of the caster, so In this way, the power of the spell is stronger."

Xu Shoujing frowned lightly, and asked sideways, "Isn't it a good thing to squeeze the limit of potential? The development of potential increases the upper limit, and the cultivator should become stronger and stronger."

"That's right under normal circumstances." Zhao Fuyao replied. "But don't forget, with your current strength, there is absolutely no way to unleash the full power of 'Extreme Night'.

You used Yao Ye Senluo to simulate the extreme night, which is very reluctant. Coupled with the secret technique of the mysterious realm, it is tantamount to two heavy pressures on your body... At that time, it was not just as simple as falling into the realm. . "

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing fell into a brief silence, as if he was thinking carefully.

After going down the mountain, Su Huanqing immediately rushed to the border line of Sudu for support, but he came to Zhao Fuyao's room alone, just to let Yaoyao help him simulate the wavelength of her spiritual power once again.

Xu Shoujing's own comprehension of 'Bitian Yijian', even though the inspiration came from 'Ji Ye', it is not really Ji Ye after all, and there is a big gap in the consumption of destructive power and spiritual power.

The spiritual power consumed by Bitian's sword can be compensated by filling two bottles of 'blue crystal spring water' in advance.

But the consumption of Ji Ye is not at all easy to make up for by taking some medicine.

Xu Shoujing still remembers very clearly that when he fought against the enemy Jiuxiao in the Broken Dragon Mountain Range, he cut out Jiye with the cultivation of the Water Transformation Realm.

Only then did he get ready to swing the knife, and even in the first half of the swing, the thread called 'consciousness' in his brain was broken.

Whether it is spiritual power, physical power, vitality, mental power... Xu Shoujing, as a human race, all the power in his body that can be called 'energy' was taken away at the moment of swinging the sword.

What happened after that, and what kind of power the sword caused... Xu Shoujing himself didn't know. Get a glimpse.

Xu Shoujing is currently in the Dragon Gate Realm, or the Dragon Gate Realm where he has never cultivated his destiny. He is separated by two major realms. It is a fantasy to want to face the Moon Realm head-on.

The only thing he could get his hands on was probably the 'Ji Ye' that imitated Zhao Fuyao.

This is where Xu Shoujing is troubled now. If he wants to cross two realms, he has no room to keep his hands.

If the Tianyuan Sect is not repelled, not only will he die, but everyone from the Changhe Su Clan, Aunt Chu, Xuanji, Sister Rongyue... all will die.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, raised his hand and put Yao Ye Senluo into the scabbard, and threw it into the amber belt.

He turned to look at Zhao Fuyao, as if to keep her from worrying, and forced a smile:
"I've come to this day. In fact, I'm pretty lucky. It's not that easy to die."

Zhao Fuyao's remarks are irrefutable. The road to immortality is always going against the sky, and Xu Shoujing is not the daughter of destiny who is favored by heaven and common sense. Luck is just an excuse for self-comfort.

Do you think that the chance of dropping treasures will be higher if you fill up your luck?African blood is eternal, this is the truth!

Xu Shoujing saw at a glance that Zhao Fuyao didn't believe in him, but he didn't care, just explained one more sentence before leaving:
"Don't worry, there aren't that many Sanjiang Shouyun formations in the Changhe Su Clan. I'm going to simulate 'Ji Ye' ahead of time, and just leave a hole card for myself... Who would throw out all the hole cards when they have nothing to do."


The sliding door of the cabin was covered, and there was a burst of rapid footsteps on the deck outside the door, followed by a surge of air, as if something was rising into the sky.

After a long while, the Feidu pontoon hanging high on the top of the sky returned to its tranquility.

Zhao Fuyao sighed and sat cross-legged again, ready to continue refining the Moonfall Immortal Soul.

She just closed her eyes, as if she felt something in her heart, and didn't make any other moves, she said with a light frown:
"Aren't you going to help?"

The voice fell, ripples rippling in the empty room, and Nangong Xiaoxiao, who was wearing a long apricot dress, walked out on tiptoe.

Nangong Xiaoxiao secretly observed the change in Zhao Fuyao's expression, and said carefully:
"The disputes caused by their human race due to greed... have nothing to do with me."

Zhao Fuyao put down Yun Gong's hands and glanced at her indifferently.

It was at this sight that Nangong Xiaoxiao was so frightened that her hair almost exploded, and she hid behind the chair like a frightened bird:
"I'm not going to help... You're not going to destroy me!"

Zhao Fuyao shook his head, his abstinent face was very calm:
"With the current strength of this emperor, not to mention killing you, if you want to kill me in reverse, it's as easy as the palm of your hand,"

"..." Nangong Xiaoxiao.

You all began to call yourself "the emperor", and said it was not a threat?

Usually in front of Xu Shoujing, I have never seen you put on airs like this...

Seeing Nangong Xiaoxiao's unremarkable appearance, her acting skills are soaring to the sky, Zhao Fuyao's temperament is definitely not interested in playing this kind of trick with her, and he poked the ground and said:
"You stay by his side and do nothing, and you never show murderous intentions to me. You are not attracted by some squid skewers, you want to get an answer from me and him, right?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao's shivering body froze, and her expression suddenly froze... Zhao Fuyao guessed right, but her fear was basically true, mainly because her DNA moved and she couldn't control it.

"Wanyi is not Xu Shoujing's ancestor."

Zhao Fuyao glanced at Nangong Xiaoxiao, waited for her to finally show an unexpected expression, and added:

"Wanyi is Xu Shoujing's biological mother, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao, like being struck by lightning, grabbed the hem of her skirt with one hand, and said hesitantly:

"He...he belongs to his elder sister...but why did you say that your elder sister might be his ancestor?"

Zhao Fuyao didn't change his face, and said in a low voice, "Because at that time he hadn't turned his spiritual power into the power of divine punishment, and I'm not sure whether he is the descendant of Wanyi's descendants."

Saying that, Zhao Fuyao tilted his head to look at Nangong Xiaoxiao, and said a little strangely:

"There are members of Wanyi's clan with the physique of Heavenly Punishment, but only she can cultivate the power of Heavenly Punishment. When Xu Shoujing broke through in Wanyao Mountain, he cultivated the power of Heavenly Punishment in front of you. Instead, I'm curious that you can't see it."

"..." Nangong Xiaoxiao.

This girl is not from the god-punished family, who would know such a thing?

Nangong Xiaoxiao was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and seemed to accept the reality.

She raised her head and glanced at Zhao Fuyao's profile, and said carefully:
"Xiao Jingzi is my elder sister's son, and you have developed such a relationship with him. What are you going to do?"

Zhao Fuyao raised her jade hand slightly, and the white porcelain teacup on the round wooden table appeared in her hand. She slowly brought it to her mouth and took a sip.

Nangong Xiaoxiao felt a "squeak" in her heart, and was secretly shocked. She didn't expect that she had only obtained the Moonfall Immortal Soul last night, but Zhao Fuyao had already condensed his spiritual power with his broken body.

Zhao Fuyao pondered for a long time, his tone lukewarm:
"It's been tens of thousands of years. If Wanyi is still alive, I will tell her everything that happened in the Heavenly Palace back then."

"..." Nangong Xiaoxiao.

Where is the point!

You used to call Xu Wanyi a junior sister, but she will become a mother-in-law in the future!


Nangong Xiaoxiao frowned and found that things were not simple.

the truth?What truth?
When Wei Jing launched the Spirit Summoning War, she was a young child Cheng Huang who had just been born, and she only heard the elders in the family say about Tiangong, how abhorrent Immortal Clan Heaven and Earth are, monopolizing the spiritual energy of the Three Realms, arrogant and unreasonable, really Don't leave a way for demons...

Then the lord of the strange realm, Jidan, launched the 'Battle of the Summoning Spirit', and the name was set as 'Duotian'.

However, there was no comparison between the deceitful environment and Tiangong's combat power at that time. The situation was almost one-sided. Jidan was sealed at the beginning of the fight, and Tiangong was basically "cleaning up the remnants" for the remaining 20 years.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was also destroyed by Tiangong because of 'cleaning up the remnants of the party'. When she was still an immature child, she ran to the spiritual world to survive and met her sister Xu Wanyi.

As long as it is a person who came from the Tianzhu era, no matter who has the impression of Tiangong and the Empress of Tiangong, they must be 'unpardonable', 'ruthless', 'kill without blinking'.

No one would think that Zhao Fuyao was a good person, all living beings were afraid of her existence, and fear almost became instinct.

This is why, as soon as Nangong Xiaoxiao sees Zhao Fuyao, she will tremble like "DNA has moved".

But... listening to Zhao Fuyao's remarks just now, is there really something hidden behind what happened ten thousand years ago?
Seeing Zhao Fuyao in front of him, his eyes closed, he didn't seem to care that she would violently attack.

Nangong Xiaoxiao is speechless and autistic at the same time, how confident is this? ——

Jiuxiao Shenlei shuttled between the clouds, the wind whistled past, and a huge wave was set off at the intersection of the three rivers.

Dozens of floating warships hovered in the air, and the pitch-black gunholes extending from the hulls erupted with colorful spiritual brilliance, shooting straight on the light blue barrier at the end of the three rivers.



Layers of ripples rippled on the surface of the huge blue barrier, spreading every shelling and offensive in all directions.

"Elder Jinglong has an order! Those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy! Those who stop privately will be killed without mercy! If the Sanjiang Shouyun Formation cannot be breached within an hour, they will be killed without mercy!"

The indifferent voice of the leading disciple of Tianyuan Sect resounded through the sky, and the disciples who were preparing to evacuate below trembled, and everyone froze in place.

Although when they were called out by that madman, Elder Jinglong, they had more or less the awareness that it would evolve into this, but when they actually came to them, they realized that every step forward requires great courage. .

That lunatic Jinglong doesn't care about their lives at all, he's letting them die!
I don't know how long it took, a Tianyuan Sect disciple picked up the long sword with tears in his eyes, turned around and charged towards the light blue barrier:

"Crush...Crush! Break the barrier and kill the Changhe Su Clan!"

His voice was hoarse, and his eyes were full of fear and despair.

When the rest of the disciples saw it, many people trembled and picked up their long swords to keep up with the disciple.

Just when the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect were about to run to the edge of the light blue barrier, a strong light shone on the surface of the barrier.

Whoosh whoosh—

The disciples of Tianyuan Sect, who were a little behind, seemed to have suffered a heavy blow, and their bodies turned into a 'bow' shape, and flew out in the direction they came from.

The disciples of the Tianyuan Sect in the front row, especially the one who cried bitterly, were directly crushed into flesh by the strong light after a "boom".

Seeing this scene, the hearts of everyone in the Tianyuan Sect dropped to zero, and their bodies were terribly cold.

There is no doubt that the strong light just now must have come from Sanjiang Shouyun Formation.

The Sanjiang Shouyun Array is not a blinding method like the Sanjiang Great Array. Its terrible point is that the people inside do not need to do anything at all, and the formation itself is in a state that can be attacked and defended.

Any offensive from a distance will be resolved by the barrier, and any cultivator who wants to rush in with his fleshly body will be crushed into flesh.

Even if he exhausted his spiritual and physical strength, he was lucky to escape the strong light and enter the Sanjiang Shouyun Array.

What they will face is the Changhe Su disciples who are ready to meet the enemy and are in a state of perfection.

The most important thing is that no matter how high the formation breaker's cultivation base is, there is no way to destroy the Sanjiangyun defense formation from the outside world.

The Sanjiang Shouyun Array is derived from nature, and apart from the eyes of the array, there is no need for artificial structures to provide spiritual power.

In other words, if you want to make the Sanjiang Shouyun Formation useless from the outside world, the first thing to consider is not how to break the formation, but how to drain the three big rivers that run through Tiannanzhou.

As early as when Elder Jinglong led the team, he tried various methods, such as forcibly cutting off the river for a period of time, or rushing into the formation by brute force.

Unfortunately, neither method was successful.

Forcibly cutting off the three big rivers, even if Elder Jinglong is in the Crescent Moon Realm, he can only support it for a short quarter of an hour, and it has no effect on the big formation.

He reckoned that there may be only the power of Xuanyangjing who has the ability to 'change the world', and may be able to completely stop the skills of the three great rivers for an hour or two, and then the Sanjiang Shouyun Formation will be self-defeating.

Jing Long himself must not be able to do this.

As for the second method, this was the first method Jinglong tried, adding a spiritual shield to his body and forcibly flying into the Sanjiang Shouyun Array.

It's a pity that no matter how many times he flew, the strong light would not cause him to be seriously injured, but every time without exception, it bounced off at all angles without any dead ends.

In this way, the ancient great formation that can even defend against the Moon Realm, except for the Changhe Su Clan, not even the Tianyuan Sect has ever owned it.

Jinglong couldn't help but want to start killing for a long time. He was interrupted by Sanjiang Shouyun again and again like now. To vent and not vent.

So, Jing Long was so angry that he decided to let the disciples of Tianyuan Sect rush in. Even if he used his life, he had to find a way to open a hole.

"Go! Kill the Changhe Su Clan!"

The cold wind rustled, and there was not a single star in the dark night.

A burly man in a torn robe stood on the top of the floating battleship, looking at the disciples of Tianyuan Sect who were crushed into flesh one after another, and said gloomily:
"A bunch of trash."

Jinglong rubbed his hands, turned his head slowly, and fixed his sharp eyes on the mountains of the Changhe Su Clan, as if he had other ideas...
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(End of this chapter)

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