The queen is so fierce

Chapter 222 Arrangements Before the Battle

Chapter 222 Arrangements Before the Battle
The clouds rolled, lightning flashed and thundered. Outside the light blue barrier, the roars of the Tianyuan Sect disciples came and went, but the Changhe Su disciples inside the barrier seemed particularly quiet.



Five arm-thick dark chains were pulled into the air, and a fifteen-foot-high jade pagoda was pulled up in the center of Sudu.

With the Jade Tower as the center, the roofs of Sudu in all directions are erected with huge ballistas that can increase the offensive of spiritual power.

The disciples of the Changhe Su Clan quickly shuttled through the uninhabited streets, without a word of useless speech, everyone was mentally preparing for the bloody battle they would face in the near future.

After Xu Shoujing returned to Sudu, he used his pupil technique to roughly look around, and his eyes finally stopped on the newly erected jade pagoda in the center.

The whole body of the Jade Pagoda has the texture of white jade, and the surface is smooth and without traces. Under the reflection of the moonlight, it looks like a stick rising from the ground, and it still glows.

The tower was held by five dark chains and barely kept its balance. At the junction of the top of the tower and the moonlight, a viewing pavilion-like platform could be faintly seen.

There seem to be two graceful backs on the platform, bulging forward and backward...

Xu Shoujing stared at the bulging buttocks for a moment, his bright golden pupils went out, he took out the long sword from his waist and threw it forward, stepped on it, and went straight to the top of the Jade Pagoda.


On the observation deck of the Jade Pagoda, two mature women with different looks are chatting with each other.

Chu Shuwan put on a dark green elegant dress with long black hair like a shawl. Under the light of the frosty moon, her luxurious figure was even more demure and dignified, and she looked like a noble lady from a famous family.

It is a pity that the words spoken are not as generous as they appear.

"I heard Jing'er say it last night, what kind of mirror are you trying to get, right? Now the Su family doesn't know where the mirror is, so what are you doing here?"

When she said this, Chu Shuwan's eyes were always fixed on the light blue barrier in the distance, as if she was talking about a trivial matter casually.

Yu Zhiqiong was stunned for a moment when she heard the words. After a while, she seemed to realize that Chu Shuwan was still living yesterday's 'sound-stopping magic circle stealing fishy', her long and narrow fox eyes narrowed slightly.

She folded her arms with one hand and held up her bulging placket, covered her mouth and said with a coquettish smile:

"Senior Sister Chu, if you say this, you will be seen outside. The Tianwen mirror is entrusted by the family, and it is just to fulfill its obligations. But I stayed because of your precious Jinger. Is it not welcome by senior sister? "

Since you called Jing'er Jing'er, it's impossible to welcome her, right?
Chu Shuwan pouted and said nothing.

To be honest, with such a huge gap in combat power now, having a strong female cultivator like Yu Zhiqiong to help is somewhat of a blessing in disguise.

But Chu Shuwan just couldn't like a vixen like Yu Zhiqiong. She had never called Xu Shoujing Jing'er before. In order to run on her, she deliberately said it in front of her.

What else is there to 'do your family's obligations', you can deceive a pure passerby who doesn't know anything about it.

But Jing'er said that Yu Zhiqiong's relationship with Tianya Yu's family is not good, and it's not possible for the Tianwen mirror to be for the sake of the sect, but for the sake of his own status.

Of course, at the moment of the overall situation, Chu Shuwan is not a woman who doesn't know the general situation, so she just complained about these words in her heart, and didn't say it out to make trouble.


The blade broke through the wind, and on the platform with only two women, a third voice sounded:

"Aunt Chu... er, Aunt Yu, why are you here?"

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw that Xu Shoujing was rushing over, she quickly stepped forward and said:

"Jing'er, where did you go? Rong Yue and Qiu Xuanji have already gone to the Sanjiang Shouyun Array."

"Take care of things a little bit."

Xu Shoujing looked behind Chu Shuwan, but did not see the figure he was looking for, so he wondered:

"What about Huan Qing and Big Brother Su?"

Chu Shuwan glanced at him helplessly, and then tapped the jade floor with her heel:
"Everyone is guarding below. This jade pagoda is the eye of the Sanjiang Shouyun Formation. If the people of Tianyuan Sect really break through the barrier, then this jade pagoda is the last line of defense."

The Sanjiang Shouyun Formation and the Sanjiang Great Formation of the Obstruction Method are essentially one. If the formation eye is destroyed, the face of the Changhe Su Clan that has been hidden for thousands of years will be completely revealed under the sky.

It was originally a disadvantageous game. If Sanjiang's natural danger is lost again, then you can prepare to reopen.

Xu Shoujing nodded, hesitated, and asked aloud:
"How is the battle now?"

Before Chu Shuwan could speak, Yu Zhiqiong stepped forward and took over the words:
"The number of Tianyuan Sect did not meet expectations. The total number was less than 5000. There was only one Elder of the Crescent Moon Realm leading the team. Immortal Tu Yu and another Crescent Moon... and the eight allied forces were not present."

Xu Shoujing frowned, not knowing why:

"Fake attack? Or was it simply sent by Tu Yu to test us?"

Yu Zhiqiong shook his head with a solemn expression:

"If it's just a test, the price that Yuanzong paid that day is too high. It's been about half an hour since Tianyuanzong launched the first round of offensive, and now there are less than [-] of the [-] disciples left. ."

Xu Shoujing widened his eyes and said inexplicably:
"What is the Tianyuan Sect trying to do? What's the point of blindly sending the disciples to death... They already have three Crescent Moon Stages. If they want to forcibly break through the formation, they still need to go around such a big circle?"

Chu Shuwan raised her hand and knocked on Xu Shoujing's forehead, and said speechlessly:
"Su Ren said that even in the Crescent Moon Realm, there is no way to forcibly break through the Sanjiang Shouyun Formation by brute force. Even if you do enter the interior, you will suffer a lot of injuries. That is also a trap we set in advance. When counterattacking with the magic weapon."

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing lowered his head and glanced at the catapults erected on the roof, as if he had understood something:
"It turns out that it is no wonder that so many large instruments have been moved out, but..."

The words were interrupted here, and he tilted his head to look at Chu Shuwan and Yu Zhiqiong, wondering:

"Aunt Chu, Aunt Yu, what are you doing here?"

The implication is that everyone else is working, so what kind of fish are you two fishing here?

Chu Shuwan widened her almond eyes, stretched out her small pink fist and slapped Xu Shoujing's chest lightly, and said angrily:

"What are you thinking? Is auntie that kind of person? This is the eye of the Sanjiang Shouyun Array. If Venerable Su is still there, he should be in control of the entire array. But in this form, do you think there is still more? Is it more suitable for someone to control the eyes than Auntie?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then nodded angrily.

Chu Shuwan belongs to the Wood of Five Spirits, majoring in the way of formation, and her talent for formation has even been praised by the ancient Shenlong Jiuxiao. At present, there is really no more suitable candidate than her in the entire Changhe Su clan. .

Xu Shoujing turned his inquiring gaze to Yu Zhiqiong, who smiled and said calmly:
"Senior sister's formation is really powerful, but there are almost no other fighting methods, so I will stay to protect her."

Chu Shuwan pulled the corner of her mouth and turned her head to the side without denying it.

Xu Shoujing did not speak, and did not want to participate in this kind of 'sister palace fight' drama, and talked about business with a serious face:
"Why don't we just stay in the big formation and do nothing? Can we attack the outside from the inside of the big formation?"

Although the biggest advantage of Sanjiang Shouyun Array is the integration of offense and defense, the monks inside do not have to do anything, just wait for the attacking party to be exhausted, or all die.

But this time, the strong enemy he faced was the Tianyuan Sect, and there was still the Crescent Moon Realm in the place, so just waiting... I always felt like I was sitting still.

Hearing Xu Shoujing's question, Yu Zhiqiong shook his head and replied:

"This is the flaw of the Sanjiang Shouyun Array. Although the offense and defense are integrated, there is actually not much difference between the inside and the outside. If the disciples of the Su Clan want to go out, they must untie the Sanjiang Shouyun Array... But that is undoubtedly suicide. ."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Why is this formation not as convenient as Longyumen's Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens?However, the difference in strength between the two formations itself is quite large... and it is not comparable.

Chu Shuwan frowned. She thought that Xu Shoujing wanted to run outside to kill the enemy, and said solemnly:
"Jing'er, don't mess around. This time the enemy is really strong, so just stay here and don't go anywhere."

Xu Shoujing agreed, and said with a light smile:

"Okay, I'm not going anywhere, Aunt Chu, we will fight the enemy together and die together."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment. She thought that Xu Shoujing would, as usual, take this admonition into the left ear and the right ear out of nowhere.

Xu Shoujing's character has always been that he would rather put himself in danger than let them risk even half a point, and he didn't even consider his combat power at all.

Why is this bastard so straightforward this time?

Seeing Chu Shuwan's expression of doubt, Xu Shoujing reached out and squeezed her cheek that seemed to be able to squeeze out water, and said with a light smile:
"Why do you look like you don't trust me? I really didn't plan to hide it and face the difficulties by myself."

With a "pop", Chu Shuwan knocked off Xu Shoujing's chaotic hand and said, "No big or small."

Then he stared at Xu Shoujing's handsome face for a long time. Seeing that his face was calm, what he said did not seem to be fake, he said in surprise:
"Why did you suddenly figure it out?"

Xu Shoujing blinked, recalling what Ling Fuyu had taught him, and said slowly:

"It was true that I was too anxious before, and always carried some responsibilities that I was temporarily unable to shoulder on my shoulders... Actually, it was totally unnecessary, because I still have you guys."

Under Yu Zhiqiong's stunned gaze, Xu Shoujing embraced Chu Shuwan's too luxurious body, slowly lowered her head, and kissed her delicate red lips.

The four lips parted, and the original pair of stunned eyes turned into two pairs.

Chu Shuwan had been completely stunned by Xu Shoujing, she couldn't tell what he wanted to do, her familiar face was stunned for a while, looking a little cute.

Xu Shoujing had never seen Aunt Chu like this before, and there was a hint of novelty in her watery peach blossom eyes. She licked the corner of her mouth and couldn't help but want to take another sip.

Seeing this, Chu Shuwan woke up like a dream, and quickly struggled to escape from Xu Shoujing's arms, with her jade hand on the other's chest:

"What...what are you doing, Jinger, fighting...don't mess around, what if the Crescent Moon Realm outside really rushes in..."

Xu Shoujing sighed: "Because there may be a fierce battle next, I don't know if I can survive...I want Aunt Chu to give me some encouragement."


Chu Shuwan muttered these two words in her mouth, her almond eyes were erratic, and she secretly glanced at Yu Zhiqiong next to her eyes.

Yu Zhiqiong rolled her eyes and turned around silently, as if Quan didn't see it.

Chu Shuwan breathed a sigh of relief, took a step forward quietly, stretched out her hand to hook Xu Shoujing's neck, and pointed her toes...


There was a loud noise over the Changhe Su Clan Mountains, causing the two to freeze in place.

Xu Shoujing and Chu Shuwan's eyes suddenly changed, and they immediately looked at the source of the explosion.

I saw thousands of long swords flying in the sky at the top of the sky, and inside the light blue barrier, one by one, like an intercontinental missile, locked on a shirtless middle-aged man.

Xu Shoujing's pupils shrank suddenly: "That sword formation... it's Xiaoxiao, isn't she not here to help..."

Between the clouds and mist, the light blue barrier color was a little sparser, and a middle-aged man with a shaggy face squeezed in from the barrier.

The middle-aged man was naked, his clothes were almost scum, his body was soaked in blood, his eyes were bloodshot, and only his hem was barely wrapped around his body. From his appearance, he seemed to have reached the limit of dying.

But the moment he entered the barrier, he still seemed to be madly laughing up to the sky:
"Hahahaha! It's not what I expected!"

Although Jinglong is a complete lunatic, as long as it is about combat, he has not thought about it carefully.

After the first two attempts to break the Sanjiang Shouyun Array with external force failed, Jinglong began to think about other feasible ways.

The spiritual power supply of Sanjiang Shouyun Array comes from three big rivers that run through Tiannan Continent. It is unrealistic to stop them.

However, since the source of the supply of spiritual power has been known, the total amount of spiritual power supplied to the barrier must be able to be calculated from the three great rivers at the same time.

Jinglong would be bounced off by the barrier every time by himself, because when he tried to break through the great formation, the power of the Three Rivers would conduct itself, rushing towards him from every corner of the barrier.

The previous failures have already revealed the price of the delusional and tough Sanjiang.

So, Jinglong thought carefully, since he couldn't force down all the power of the Three Rivers, wouldn't it suffice to weaken some of it?

This is why Jinglong knew that the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect were dying, so they kept attacking the barrier from the front.

As long as they don't stop attacking, the power of the three rivers will definitely be involved in the front part. At that time, he will forcibly break into the large formation from the other end, and then it will be a matter of course.

As far as the result is concerned, although he suffered a lot of injuries, he was still successful.

"Senior brother, it seems that when you arrive here slowly, you can only see the piles of corpses hahaha!"

Jinglong screamed in the sky and was about to fly down to destroy the eyes of the Sanjiang Shouyun Array.

He had just moved half a step, and suddenly stopped in the air, his bloodshot pupils narrowed slightly, his tone was gloomy and cold:
"It seems that the senior brother has something to say. The Changhe Su Clan really has colluded with the evildoer."


The golden ripples swept across the starless night sky. Thousands of long swords of different styles slowly revealed their swords from the ripples, and the sharp swords were all aimed at Jinglong.

Nangong Xiaoxiao sat on a large giant sword, her two snow-white calves dangling constantly in mid-air.

Hearing Jinglong's words, Nangong Xiaoxiao snorted coldly and said disdainfully:
"Don't compare this girl with ordinary monsters, this girl is an auspicious beast, understand?"

Jinglong's big hands were empty, and he rubbed out a ball of dark thunder, his eyes were unruly:
"A mere beast in the silent period dares to be arrogant in front of this deity. Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"
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 Calvin is in bad shape, let’s make do with this chapter... sorry

(End of this chapter)

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