The queen is so fierce

Chapter 223 Fighting the Crescent Moon

Chapter 223 Fighting the Crescent Moon
A beast in the silent period?

Nangong Xiaoxiao was sitting lazily on the generous flying sword, dangling her legs leisurely.Hearing this, his face suddenly turned red with anger, and steam kept coming out of his head.

brute?People are riding yellow!It's Rui Beast!The worst thing is that he is half a vixen, how can he say something like 'beast'...

Have you ever seen such a beautiful beast!
Nangong Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, smoothed her undulating chest, and said coldly:
"Then hope you won't be defeated by 'beasts'."

As soon as the voice fell, the jade finger swiped lightly in the air.


In the dark night, thousands of silver lights suddenly appeared, and golden ripples surged.

All kinds of long swords popped out from the golden ripples, as if they were awakened, and synchronously pointed their swords at Jinglong.

"Just a sword formation, but also want to help the deity?"

Jinglong smiled disdainfully and tore off his tattered shirt, revealing his bronze-colored skin and well-defined muscles.


Purple-black thunder wrapped around him, transforming into a black-purple shield.

Nangong Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes, flipped her sword fingers, and drew an arc in mid-air.


Hundreds of silver-white long swords of different styles pierced through the sky like meteors, rushing towards Jinglong with bursts of air.

There was a sound of "Boom", the air wave shook the sea of ​​clouds, and the bright moonlight shone again, and Jinglong, who was naked, still stood in the sky.

Jinglong wiped the blood on his face and looked down at Nangong Xiaoxiao below, his eyes gloomy and terrifying:
"Who exactly are you?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao jumped up with his sword in his hand, and raised his chin slightly:
"Nangong Xiaoxiao."

Jinglong waved his big hand lightly, a burst of purple-black light flashed, and the sword marks on his face and body dissipated.

He looked at Xiao Chenghuang with a look on his face, and after a while, he sneered:
"It's the deity who looks down on you, but that's the end of it."

Nangong Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

The last time her sword formation was useless, mainly because her opponent was Jiuxiao, the king of the ancient dragon clan, and it could also be said to be a nobler branch of the demon clan.

Nangong Xiaoxiao's sword formation is specifically aimed at the human race. Each long sword has a unique 'human attribute'. Even if the first one is blocked, there are thousands of others that are ready to go.

In dealing with Jinglong, a human race with no AOE spells, the effect is particularly outstanding.

Jinglong also suffered a loss. The protective shield he erected with confidence did not work at all in front of the sword formation.

But why is he not worried at all about overturning?

"With this deity as an opponent, do you still have time to distract yourself!"

The air was shaking for thousands of miles. Jinglong was still far away from the edge of the sky just now, but at this time, he had already appeared in front of Nangong Xiaoxiao. The thunder was in the palm of his thick palm, and it was about to hit her in the face.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was shocked, and she didn't think about what happened in this short moment, allowing Jinglong to cross the distance of [-] meters.

Before he could continue to think deeply, Nangong Xiaoxiao hurriedly leaned back, avoiding the purple thunder in Jinglong's palm at the last minute.

Nangong Xiaoxiao lay down among the clouds, controlled a flying sword to catch him on the way down, and then looked at Jinglong.

Jinglong couldn't get a hit, and he didn't stop on the spot. His body maintained the inertia of the shot and hit the high mountain cliff.

"Boom", the gravel and smoke rolled down.

Jinglong pulled out his hand that was sunk deep into the cliff, turned his head slowly, and looked at Nangong Xiaoxiao, who had just woken up from a fright.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was not good at melee combat, so naturally he would not let Jinglong get close, and immediately folded his hands together, the golden ripples in the night doubled in an instant.

"Useless! Useless! Useless! Hahahaha!"

Jinglong looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, showing the true character of a fighting madman, smashed the mountain beside him with one palm, hid his body with falling rocks and smoke, and started ejecting!
Nangong Xiaoxiao didn't dare to care so much, so he mobilized half of the flying swords to defend him, and the other half of the flying swords followed Jinglong like an intercontinental missile.

Jinglong turned a blind eye to these flying swords, the purple thunder in his palm grew bigger and bigger, and his body turned into a dazzling light.

In an instant, two completely different spiritual lusters danced in the dark night sky.

At first glance, Jinglong was pressed step by step and was always at a disadvantage.Nangong Xiaoxiao did not exert much effort to control Feijian, just like watching fire from the other side.

But in fact, Nangong Xiaoxiao spent almost all of his energy just to make Feijian follow Jinglong's flight path.

She knew very well that once Feijian was chased by Jinglong, what she would face next would be Jinglong's unstoppable blow.

Although Nangong Xiaoxiao has a library of flying swords specially designed to deal with the human race, but after all, the gap between the two is too great. She can keep scraping, but she must not take even a very slight blow from the opponent.

Unfortunately, Nangong Xiaoxiao still underestimated how crazy Jing Long was.

It is true that the anti-human sword formation can hurt Jinglong, but his fighting style has never been concerned about 'would be injured'.

Jinglong laughed wildly, dragged the two groups of Zi Lei behind him, and rushed towards Nangong Xiaoxiao together with those flying swords who were chasing after them.

Nangong Xiaoxiao secretly thought that it was not good, and she didn't even have time to make a change, she tapped the blade with her toes, and her figure burst back.

Just when Nangong Xiaoxiao had no way to escape, and being crushed on the head was about to become a reality.


The monstrous red flames went from far to near, and once again smashed Jinglong on the cliff of ten thousand feet.

Qiu Xuanji was wearing a dark red gauze skirt, her long hair was loose, and she was pure and lustful.

Nangong Xiaoxiao turned her head to look, and found that the person who came was Qiu Xuanji, and hurriedly reminded:
"Be careful! It won't hurt him at that level!"

In fact, without Nangong Xiaoxiao's reminder, Qiu Xuanji didn't take Jinglong lightly, and she snapped her fingers forward before Jinglong, who was trapped in the cliff, could make a move.


The fire this time was several times larger than the one just now. The entire sky was lit by fire, and the stars, including the moon, were eclipsed.

The fire phoenix slammed into the cliff, leaving a large black mark, the gravel powder slanted down, and the temperature even melted the immortal spar embedded on the cliff for thousands of years.

"Hahaha, is this the fire of the phoenix that can scorch the soul! Senior brother honestly doesn't deceive me, it really is strong enough!"

There was a wild laughter in the sea of ​​​​fire, and Jinglong pushed aside the layers of fire with the purple thunder gauntlet, and walked out leisurely.

Qiu Xuanji and Nangong Xiaoxiao's expressions sank at the same time, their eyes both heavy and unexpected.

This is the current maximum firepower of Qiu Xuanji, is it actually unscathed?This is still when he forcibly crosses the barrier and his body is already damaged. the power of the Crescent Moon Realm?

Of course, Jinglong couldn't be unscathed. Nangong Xiaoxiao's sword formation and Qiu Xuanji's phoenix fire had undoubtedly caused a certain amount of damage to him.

However, this person has a flawed personality. The more injured he is, the more eager he is to fight and the more excited he is.

In the early years, when Jinglong was still cultivating in the sect, his cultivation had not yet reached the current level.He was often beaten in the middle, broke several ribs, and dislocated his arm, without even noticing it.

hurt him?If you can't ask for it, it's better to say that if you can't get hurt, Jinglong will be very disappointed.

"Do whatever you can."

Jinglong stepped on a huge rock on the shattered cliff, squinted at the two people who were motionless in mid-air, and said slowly:

"If you guys are out of luck, then it's my turn!"


Like a muffled thunder, the black and purple thunder turned into a dragon, dashing away the layers of sword formations, approaching Qiu Xuanji, who was hanging in the air.

Nangong Xiaoxiao turned pale in shock. He didn't expect that the speed at which Jinglong avoided her flying sword was not his limit.

This time, it's almost to the point where she and Qiu Xuanji can't fully capture it!

Nangong Xiaoxiao reacted immediately after being absent for a short time, the jade hand quickly formed a seal, and the thousands of flying swords turned their heads, starting from Qiu Xuanji's position, and facing Jinglong.

In any case, Jinglong cannot be allowed to get close to Qiu Xuanji. She is still a 'sword-wielder'. Qiu Xuanji is a pure mage.
In the face of the invasion of thousands of flying swords, Jinglong is no better than dodging. He knows that his 'thunder shield' can't stop these special flying swords, so he simply doesn't resist them. Feijian separated his flesh and blood, and blood spilled into the sky.

Qiu Xuanji never liked to sit still and wait for her death. The moment she saw Jinglong rushing towards her, she had already called out the phoenix to spread its wings, and the red flame turned into a tattoo on her arm.

The lines of fire were intertwined and tossed, and a huge phantom of fire and phoenix gradually appeared around Qiu Xuanji.

A phoenix roar broke through the sky, Huofeng flapped the wings of the fire, followed Qiu Xuanji's jade hand, and stepped forward with a palm.

"Good come!"

Jinglong let out a loud shout, and the spiritual pressure shook the last few flying swords around his body, and the purple-black thunderbolt that wrapped around his body became more and more stateful, condensing into a thunder-wrapped Jiaolong soaring among the clouds.


The phoenix sings for nine days, and the dragon soars into the clouds.

The purple-black thunderbolt collided with the bright red blazing sun, two completely different spiritual powers confronted each other, and the air waves caused by the spiritual pressure swept across a hundred miles.

Nangong Xiaoxiao wanted Yujian's support, but before her flying sword approached the huge energy center, it would be blown away by the wind and waves caused by the spiritual pressure.

Red and Black were still at a stalemate, which lasted less than ten seconds, Jinglong still had a arrogant grin on his face, but Qiu Xuanji secretly raised his brows, and the jade hand who was maintaining the Phoenix Fire shrank subconsciously.

"What's the matter? Is it only to this extent? This is not enough?"

Jinglong sent out three consecutive interrogations. Seeing that Qiu Xuanji couldn't answer, he grinned, raised his free left hand high, and the purple-black spiritual power in his palm surged, condensing a cloud of dragon purple thunder, which was suddenly poured into it. In the spiritual power group in front of him.

Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes were slightly condensed, and she wanted to withdraw from the center of the spiritual vortex with her fighting instinct, but unfortunately the other party would not give her this chance.

Just listening to the loud bang of "Boom", the two energies that were close to evenly matched suddenly changed to a one-sided posture.

The purple-black Jiaolong overwhelmed the fire phoenix, and the thunder swirled thousands of times, directly blowing up the mountain of the Changhe Su Clan, and Qiu Xuanji also flew out.

Jinglong didn't chase after him, and took back the phantom of the dragon. He glanced at Su Du, who seemed to be stable, and laughed wildly:

"But that's the case! The Changhe Su Clan is just like that! Senior Brother He Xu does it, I, Jinglong, alone are enough today!"

As he spoke, Jinglong folded his hands together, purple and black thunders emerged, and a huge dragon formation covered the sky.

In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the moonlight was obscured, and the entire Changhe Su Clan fell into darkness.

"No...he wants to summon thunder to blow up Sudu!"

Nangong Xiaoxiao saw Jinglong's intention and immediately wanted to control the flying sword to disrupt the runes of the magic circle.

But for some reason, those flying swords suspended in the golden ripples seemed to be chained, and it was difficult to advance half a step.

"What's the matter..." Nangong Xiaoxiao was anxious and angry, constantly adjusting the output power of spiritual power, but Feijian didn't respond, and couldn't even take it back.

Jinglong was sketching a huge thunder formation. He seemed to have noticed Nangong Xiaoxiao's movements. He glanced at him and said proudly:
"It's useless, within the range of the 'Three Yin Feng Yao Lei', your flying sword will be tethered by the magnetic field, and if you can't control it, you can just wait to die. Don't worry, the deity will let the entire Su Du be buried with you. ,Hahaha--"

Jinglong was still laughing wildly when a strange voice suddenly came from behind:

"No wonder I suddenly can't control my sword."

"Who!" Jinglong's eyes narrowed, and someone could hide his breath to such an extent that he didn't even notice when he came behind him.

Jinglong was forced to stop sketching the Three Yin Sealing Demon Thunder, and rubbed a purple-black thunderbolt in his palm. Without turning his head, he patted the source of the sound by feeling.


The trajectory of the spirit is like a brush sprinkled with ink, and the moonlight long sword is wrapped around the red flame, purple thunder, and blue wind, leaving a bright crescent in the air.

The purple-black thunderbolt collided with the four-color swords, and the result was natural... The crescent crescent instantly collapsed, and the purple-black thunderbolt had no obstacle and slammed straight on the cliff.

Jing Long did not expect that someone who could calmly approach him would be so vulnerable, but instead he was surprised and stunned for a moment.

It was this short stupor that gave Xu Shoujing a chance to use his sword.


The sound of the sword is like Jiuxiao, and the qi is like the moonlight.

The silver light turned into a thread, and it staggered past Jinglong's side.

This sword is too fast, and from the sword, the slash, and the sword, there is no picture in the whole process, only a ray of light shines at the edge of the field of vision.

When Jinglong came back to his senses, he found that there was warmth coming from his neck, he raised his hand and wiped it, his hands were bright red!

is blood!

After a pause of about three or five seconds, as if it had been stuck for a long time, the air wave caused by the slash just now came.


The sword energy spreads across the sky, and the air waves spread out like a circular plane.

Xu Shoujing didn't have a sword, and with his cultivation, he couldn't walk in the air. He wanted to pretend to be forced to slowly withdraw his sword, but his body fell down following Newton's instructions.

Seeing this, Nangong Xiaoxiao hurriedly flew over to catch him, Xu Shoujing felt the softness behind him, and said embarrassingly:
"sorry to bother you……"

Nangong Xiaoxiao snorted, but the soft weed holding Xu Shoujing tightened a bit.

Returning to the sky, Jinglong pressed his severed throat and wanted to say a word, but only hot blood came out of his throat. He had to use his spiritual power to stop the bleeding and slowly heal his neck.

Although the Crescent Moon Realm won't kill you with a single sword, it will take a lot of physical and spiritual energy to repair such a fatal injury.

Don't look at Jinglong touching it with his hand. In fact, compared to the beginning, his state at this time is hard to say that he is prosperous.

After treating his throat, Jinglong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned to look at Xu Shoujing who had just returned to the sky, and squinted slightly:

"Are you the Xu Shoujing with black spiritual power?"

Xu Shoujing still had to use a sword, so he couldn't fly independently, and the painting style of staying in Nangong Xiaoxiao's arms all the time was weird, but he still said stiffly:
"it's me."

"You, very good!" Jing Long grinned, and there was no lack of gloom in his eyes.

He looked around the lineup that had undergone tremendous changes. In addition to Xu Shoujing and Nangong Xiaoxiao, there were also two more mature women with different demeanor. stance.

Looking down, two people from the Changhe Su Clan, a man and a woman, were rushing towards him with a large group of disciples.

Jinglong took a deep breath, holding his big hand empty, the purple and black thunder turned into a thorny curved sword of equal length.

He raised his chin slightly, looking at Xu Shoujing and everyone's eyes full of rebelliousness:
"Let's start the second round! Do whatever you can! The deity will accompany you to the end!"
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 Don't you want to change the style of writing recently? What I wrote before suddenly became very verbose. I didn't write much arguments and conclusions in this chapter, and I deleted most of the comments.Colloquial words like "somewhat, really, actually, originally, originally, always" were also deleted when unnecessary.I don't know if it will be more comfortable to look at.

(End of this chapter)

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