The queen is so fierce

Chapter 224 Tian Zhe·Shen Yin·Phoenix Flame

Chapter 224 Tian Zhe·Shen Yin·Phoenix Flame

"Let's start the second round! If you have any ability, just use it, the deity will accompany you to the end!"

Jinglong is worthy of being the ancestor of the Crescent Moon Realm. After a few words, the momentum of the battle madman shocked the scene.

The moment he saw the purple-black curved sword of thorns, Xu Shoujing twitched the corners of his mouth. He didn't expect that such a character who looked like a reckless man was actually a sword cultivator.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid?"

Jinglong held the thorny curved sword against his shoulder, and the sharp barb pierced into the muscle, and a little blood flowed out. He didn't notice it, and laughed blindly:
"If you don't go up...then the deity is welcome!"

When the words fell, Jinglong retreated a position, the broad thorny curved sword pointed at the sky, and the purple and black thunder surging, turned into endless spiritual power, and gathered on the sword.

The purple-black thunder is getting bigger and bigger, like a giant sword phantom that splits the entire night sky.

And this very incongruous giant sword was held in Jinglong's hand like a brother, ready to go.

Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan were the first to react, and at the same time they said:

"Hurry up!"

The people present were not idle, and they reacted as soon as they were reminded.

Nangong Xiaoxiao covered with hundreds of silver swords, and hugged Xu Shoujing to dodge nearly fifty feet in a row.

Needless to say, Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan were the first to react, so they couldn't stay where they were.

Yu Zhiqiong, who is comparable to the second daughter's cultivation, also avoided the distance with her own magic weapon.

The Su Huanqing brothers and sisters, who were still on their way here, sensed something was wrong from a distance, and immediately stopped to avoid them.

Jinglong grinned, not taking the dodging of these people to heart, holding the Lingtian giant sword formed by the purple and black thunder in his hand, he slashed forward without any hesitation.

A huge purple-black crescent swept across, dividing the entire Su Clan in two.

Every time Purple and Black Thunder arrived, a house would shatter, a stone bridge would collapse, and the ground would turn to dust.

The speed of the crescent moon was getting faster and faster, until it hit the light blue barrier at the end and disappeared.


The light blue barrier covering the entire Sudu vibrated continuously, and huge water ripples rippled on the surface.

Looking back, where the crescent moon passed, in the neatly arranged houses of Sudu, there was a very abrupt 'ruin street'.

Su Ren's Yujian hung in the air, looking at the 'ruin street' that split the entire Sudu, his pupils trembled and his body trembled.

Not only because of the fear of the power of this sword, but also because of how many disciples of his Changhe Su Clan were buried in this sword.


Su Ren seemed to notice something, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't even care about the battle situation on Jinglong's side, so he hurried towards Su Du.

Just now, as the eye of the formation supporting the Sanjiang Shouyun Formation, the jade tower in the absolute center of Sudu was wiped out under the power of this sword.

The light blue barrier covering the sky is getting thinner and thinner. Those disciples of Tianyuan Sect who are dying and numb, just like seeing the hope of survival, they desperately rushed into Sudu:
"The barrier is open! Quick! Anyone who doesn't want to die will rush in with me!"

"Kill all the Changhe Su Clan!"

"Kill! I don't want to be the ghost of Elder Jinglong!"

A large number of disciples of Tianyuan Sect poured into Sudu. The disciples of the Su clan had not recovered from Jinglong's sword that destroyed the sky and the earth. They were caught off guard. The ballista fired back, and the formation collapsed instantly.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shoujing clenched his fists. He couldn't beat Jinglong, and with so many Tianyuan Sect disciples...

"Hey, Xiao Jingzi."

Nangong Xiaoxiao suddenly put Xu Shoujing down, the latter was caught off guard and almost fell, and quickly Yujian stabilized his figure.

"What's wrong?" Xu Shoujing raised his head and asked.

Nangong Xiaoxiao turned the flying sword into the warehouse, glanced at the invading Tianyuan Sect disciple, and said solemnly:
"I'll take your sister Rongyue and the little girl from the Su family to deal with the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect, so you don't have to worry about that there."

Xu Shoujing was slightly taken aback: "Is it okay?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao shrugged, her pretty face full of helplessness:

"After the confrontation just now, I understand that the effect of my stay here is not as powerful as your divine punishment; your sister Rongyue is similar to the little girl of the Su family, maybe even worse than me."

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and did not continue to be hypocritical:

"Then please, protect them both."

Nangong Xiaoxiao glanced at him, turned and left, thinking silently in her heart:
You don't need to tell me, I'll help you too, you're my sister's son...


Sudu, which was quiet not long ago, is now plunged into boundless chaos.

The sound of swords and soldiers rubbing against each other, the sound of houses collapsing, the bombardment of spiritual power ballistas... all kinds of sounds mixed together, no different from the mortal war.

And the culprit of all this, Jing Long, like a normal person, threw off the thorns and curved sword, with only the proud look of 'Xiaolu Yishou' in his eyes:

"Isn't it scary at this level? The deity hasn't enjoyed enough... eh?"


Before Jinglong's words were finished, the void under his feet was surging, and a cyan circular rune formation lit up out of thin air.

"This is... a magic circle with the soul of the dragon?"

When Jinglong saw the five-clawed dragon on the azure array, he immediately recognized the opponent's true body.

Just as I was about to get up and fly away, a dragon roar resounded through the nine days:

The dragon-shaped rune lying on the magic circle is like coming to life. The dragon claws clawed on the plane of the magic circle and slowly climbed out, and the 2D turned to 3D in an instant.


Jinglong was not afraid to laugh, and instead he held the sword in both hands, his feet stepped on the void like flat ground, and after a short dash forward, he met the five-clawed Qinglong head-on.


The illusory figure of the five-clawed blue dragon raised the dragon's head high, facing the moonlight to condense a storm in his mouth, seeing Jinglong swooping forward, he sprayed it out without hesitation.

Dragon Breath!

Normally, this level of storm dragon breath is enough to blow hundreds of Dragon Gate cultivators away.

It's a pity that Jinglong is the ancestor of the Crescent Moon Realm, and he is also a fighting madman who only likes to be tough.

Seeing the dragon breath rushing towards his face, Jing Long not only did not mean to avoid it, but the excitement in his eyes became stronger and stronger.


The cyan storm dragon breath was split into two, each deviating from its original direction and passing Jinglong.

"It's not Jinger's ink-colored spiritual power, why can he split spells..."

Chu Shuwan frowned, and when she saw the dragon's breath being split open, she immediately changed the seal method and made adjustments to the magic circle.

The five-clawed blue dragon closed the entire abyss mouth with the force of clenching its teeth, forcibly stopping the dragon's breath.

Before Qinglong Xuying could make the next move, Jinglong seemed to be teleporting, dragging the thorny curved sword and flying before the dragon head of the five-clawed Qinglong.He laughed and raised his great sword:

"too late!"


The trajectory of the sword formed by the purple and black thunder swept across, and the virtual image of Qinglong was like a movie rewinding and stuck. It solidified in the air for a moment, turned into aura particles, and disappeared.


At the same time as the phantom of the blue dragon dissipated, Chu Shuwan was hit hard, her thin lips were stained red with blood, her jade hand clung to her chest, and her face showed a sullen look.

Jinglong held a sword in one hand, glanced at Chu Shuwan who was shaky in the distance, and said in a disdainful tone:

"The formation of the formation is a bit level. After entering the formation, there is indeed no way to hide. Unfortunately, the power is too weak, and the deity does not plan to hide at all."


As if in response to his "power is too weak", the temperature behind Jinglong heated up without warning.

The air was scorched by the fire of the phoenix, and it was transpiring and blurred as if it stretched out from a large desert.

The dazzling fire light lit up the whole night sky, and the phoenix of lust spread its wings and soared, wearing a flame armor, straight to Jinglong's face.

A trace of surprise flashed in Jinglong's eyes, and he sneered:
"Oh? Compared with the previous power, it has increased a lot. Unfortunately, the flaws are too large. This kind of spell can be avoided by the deity..."

Before the words fell, a charming smile came from the Su Clan's high mountain:
"It's hard to say."

Jinglong frowned, and in a blink of an eye, a charming woman in a sexy dress patted the rock wall, and an apricot-colored spiritual power circled around him.

Almost at the same moment, the cliff that was just destroyed by Jinglong seemed to be reborn. Countless huge rocks flew towards Jinglong, and one after another seemed to have a magnetic force, attaching to him, making people move. Must not.

In midair, Xu Shoujing, who was looking for the opportunity to use his sword, was stunned.

Holy crap... the sky star explodes.

No, why don't you clap your hands?A star that doesn't clap has no soul!
Jinglong was buried deep in the rock, and his limbs were like buried deep in a solidified cement pit, and there was no leverage point to break free.

It's just that this level is naturally not difficult for Jinglong, but it will take some time for him to break free from the rock's shackles.

Jinglong held the sword in his backhand, punched a hole in the rock layer with a punch, and tried to crawl out from the edge with his fingers.

The realm gap is too large, and it is still too difficult for Nirvana realm to restrain Xianyue realm.

Seeing that Jinglong was about to break free, Yu Zhiqiong clenched her teeth, her face was bloodless, but she still adhered to the technique and kept burying Jinglong in the deepest layer of the rock.

Even so, if Jinglong wanted to break free, it was only a matter of time. With Yu Zhiqiong's spiritual sea reserves, she couldn't hold on for long.

It was only a few seconds, but it was the best attack time Yu Zhiqiong won for Qiu Xuanji.

Qiu Xuanji was the one with the most combat experience among all the people present.

She did not miss this opportunity, the crimson spiritual power was condensed in the palm of her hand, her jade arm was flush with her shoulders, and a huge phantom of fire and phoenix appeared behind her.

The fire phoenix that had flown out before circled around and returned to Qiu Xuanji. Qiu Xuanji sacrificed most of the accuracy in order to increase the maximum power of the fire of the phoenix, but these are no longer the same after being imprisoned by the rock. question.

Qiu Xuanji leaned against the bright moon, wearing a red dress swaying in the wind, her phoenix eyes fixed on the rock ball, and Tankou lightly opened:
"Tianzhe·Shenyin·Phoenix Flame."

The phoenix roared like a weeping, and the phoenix flames pierced through the air!
The flaming phoenix phantom swooped down and exploded the moment it hit the rock ball.

The temperature condensed in this blow suddenly burst out. At this moment, the sun and the moon seemed to flow in the radius of a hundred miles, entering the midsummer season.

The flaming rock ball fell like a meteor, falling on the
The heat wave was like a tidal wave, swept away the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air, and it seemed that any creature would be roasted into coke as long as it dared to take a step.

This spell is already the strongest and most powerful fire spell that Qiu Xuanji can release at present. In addition, in order to succeed with one blow, she almost consumes most of her internal spiritual power.

Rao is Qiu Xuanji, who is already a great master of the Chongxiao Realm. At this moment, he is also a little weak. He is shaky under the washing of the heat wave, and he is about to fall.

Xu Shoujing had long expected this to happen, and Yu Jian flew behind Qiu Xuanji ahead of time and caught her.

"Are you okay?" Xu Shoujing asked softly.

Qiu Xuanji shook her head, her eyes did not escape from the cliff destroyed by the rock ball, she said solemnly:
"He's still alive."

Chu Shuwan leaned over, took a small transparent glass, poured milky white ambergris into her mouth, and said with difficulty:

"Jing'er, Senior Sister, how are you?"

"I'm fine, Aunt Chu, you are optimistic about Xuanji."

Xu Shoujing sighed, and handed Qiu Xuanji to Chu Shuwan, while he took out a few more milky white medicine pills and stuffed them into Qiu Xuanji's mouth.

Although Qiu Xuanji swallowed obediently, her face did not improve, she said weakly:

"At my level, general medicinal pills don't have much effect. I don't have any major problems, but the consumption of spiritual power is a bit too much, and it will be fine to recover for a while..."

Xu Shoujing hesitated, but did not continue to force his mouth.

He tilted his head and looked around, and found that Yu Zhiqiong had also crossed his knees, with a sullen expression on his face, as if he was recovering his spiritual power.


Xu Shoujing couldn't help but feel distressed. This was just a round of confrontation. It's hard to say whether Jinglong was injured or not. The strongest ones on his side are either dead blue or left with blood. How to fight this?
clack clack-

On the top of an ashes and charred cliff, a strange sound suddenly came from the depths where the huge rock was buried.

Xu Shoujing's heart froze, and before he could say more, Yu Jian immediately leaned over and flew:

"Aunt Chu, recover well and leave it to me next."

"Hey, wait for Jing..."

Chu Shuwan wanted to stop Xu Shoujing, but only halfway up her hand, Xu Shoujing threw a back to them and could never touch them again.
When Xu Shoujing arrived at the top of the cliff, the charred meridians had just climbed out of the rock pile.

At this time, Jinglong was just like the 'black toothpaste', except for the thorny curved sword that didn't change, the contrast between the inside and the outside was huge.

Seeing Xu Shoujing landing, Jinglong choked two breaths, clutching his chest and saying:
"Why are you alone?"

Xu Shoujing leaned the painting Fang Yan to his side, and there was only a cold color in his eyes:
"To deal with the old, weak, sick and disabled like you, one of me is enough."

Jinglong laughed out loud when he heard this, and swung the thorny curved sword sharply, and a rock beside him suddenly shattered.He looked at Xu Shoujing's eyes gradually cold:

"Are you looking down on this deity? That little girl just now has a really powerful phoenix fire, plus forcibly passing through the Sanjiang Shouyun Formation, I estimate that I can only exert less than [-]% of my strength at this moment, but..."

Jinglong wiped the black ashes from his face, and the coke on his majestic muscles also fell with a "click".He leaned the thorn curved sword in front of him and said coldly:
"Just in the Dragon Gate Realm, and you want to win the deity?"

Xu Shoujing adjusted his breathing rhythm, like Mo Lingli circling around his body:

"It's impossible to say."

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Shoujing slammed the ground of the tower, and the rock under his feet cracked instantly.

The next moment, his body turned into an afterimage, and the falling blade of silver light drew a silver line in the air, approaching Jinglong's face.

Jinglong's pupils shrank, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, and his bloodshot eyes were full of meaning:
"Have the ability to kill the deity!"
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 Team battles are really hard to write... The perspective of the main team battle is more difficult, the ordinary perspective is very confusing, and it is very comfortable to use the villain's perspective, but this will lack the portrayal of the protagonist group... In the end, it can only consume one wave and become the protagonist 1v1, create the conditions for single-kill to pretend to force.

  I know that because Mao jojo has no teamfights, it's hard to write!

(End of this chapter)

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