The queen is so fierce

Chapter 225 Left a sword

Chapter 225 Left a sword

What is your kendo?
When he heard this question again, Xu Shoujing thought about it carefully, but still couldn't give Ling Fuyu an answer immediately.

Even now that he was confronting Jinglong, he still didn't see clearly how he should go in the way of kendo.

"Sure enough... Only the kendo that can kill the opponent is good kendo."

Xu Shoujing put aside his thoughts, rubbed the sword with his hand and attached Rumo spiritual power, stepped to Jinglong's side, and first tentatively swung a sword.


The bright white long sword was stuck on the hook of the thorny curved sword, and it didn't move at all whether it was advancing or retreating.

Jinglong held the sword in one hand and inserted the curved sword of thorns into the ground, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth:
"This is the end?"

Xu Shoujing made psychological preparations in advance, but at this time he was not seen again. After a short observation, he immediately took the next step.


Jing Long blocked the fist that suddenly slammed into him, his eyes were slightly stunned:

"Aren't you Jianxiu? Are you still using your hands?"

Xu Shoujing was too lazy to answer him, the sword was stuck, and he was still struggling to use the sword or the hand?


With both hands occupied, Xu Shoujing simply used Jinglong as his pedal, resting on the ground with his feet, and his toes drew an arc forward like hooks.

Jinglong has never liked to dodge, even if he is seriously injured at the moment, his fighting style and self-esteem do not allow for 'fear' behavior.

At the moment of capturing Xu Shoujing's backward kick, Jinglong slanted abruptly, trying to resist the blow with his stiffer shoulders.

Xu Shoujing guessed that Tie Hanhan would never hide, and when the whip leg of the inverted moon hook was about to fall, it would run the Nine Tribulations Prison Body at maximum power.


The weight of the mountain is comparable to that of a mountain, and the huge impact shattered the ground on the top of the mountain.

With the sound of "click, click", with the two as the center, dense cracks like a spider web spread.

Jinglong snorted, but he didn't expect that Xu Shoujing's kick, which didn't even have spiritual power, could be so powerful that it shattered his ribs and part of his internal organs under hard resistance. .

Seeing a successful blow, Xu Shoujing did not dare to relax for a moment. He knew that he could still be strong and evenly matched at present.

He can still win by surprise now, and if he slowly recovers, the situation will become one-sided.

"This kid...!" Jinglong choked out a mouthful of blood, inserted his five fingers into the flesh and blood of his chest, and repaired the shattered internal organs with purple and black thunder.

Xu Shoujing took the opportunity to draw back his painting boat, and using Jinglong's shoulder as a pedal, he threw a back flip in the air, landing precisely.

Then he attached his hand to the spiritual power like ink, and wiped the white sword body. In an instant - purple, blue, red, and black, the four completely different spiritual powers circled and entangled, and finally condensed into a dazzling white light.

Bitian Yijian!
At the bottom of Xu Shoujing's Immortal King Ruins, the ultimate sword skill that he comprehended on his own was far less powerful than the original 'Ji Ye', but it was indeed the strongest sword skill he could produce at present.

In addition, after obtaining Chu Shuwan's wind, Qiu Xuanji's fire, Jiang Rongyue's thunder... three kinds of powers of Fusion Spirit Orb after "double cultivation" many times, it can be used together with the power of God's Punishment to make " The power of Bitian Yijian is even higher.

Xu Shoujing's movements were smooth, and he was ready in the blink of an eye, and he was about to swing his sword.

Jing Longyan saw that it was too late to completely repair his body, so he could only temporarily give up using spiritual power to connect the meridians, and instead condensed the little remaining spiritual power on the thorny curved sword, intending to confront Xu Shoujing.

At the moment before swinging his sword, Xu Shoujing was full of breath, and he was ready to decide the winner in this confrontation.

Suddenly, a simple and wide Taoist robe broke into the edge of the field of vision, and Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment.

"What are you hesitating about?"

Jinglong seemed to be enthusiastic, seeing Xu Shoujing suddenly stop when he was about to swing his sword, his blood pressure rose, and roared red-faced:
"Hesitating in battle will kill you!"

When the words fall, he will take the lead with the thorns curved sword.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

If you hesitate, you will lose, right?

Seeing Jinglong watching the big sword rush towards him, even though the opponent was seriously injured, there is still a big gap in his cultivation base. At this time, he should be calm and concentrate on what he has, just to kill him with one blow.

However, at this moment, Xu Shoujing maintained the posture of raising his sword over his head, Junxiu's face gradually relaxed, he sighed lightly, and a reassuring smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Such a bizarre scene, no matter how stupid, should see that something is wrong.

Although Jinglong acted recklessly, he was not without a brain at all.

Unfortunately, before he could react, the temperature of the mountain top that had been scorched by Qiu Xuanji's phoenix fire suddenly dropped.


Jinglong paused for a while, as if he stepped on something. Looking down, he found that the top of the entire cliff had turned into an ice and snow.

If it is said that Su Huanqing's extreme cold aura is "frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye", then the extreme cold spirit of her and Xu Shoujing's master, Ling Fuyu is—

Inadvertently, he was already in the center of the extremely cold world.

The glamorous Taoist nun, dressed in simple and elegant clothes, walked in the air, caressing the air in front of her with her jade hand, and said calmly:

"Jing'er, leave me alone and continue to do what you should do."

"Yes, Master."

Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh of relief. Originally, he had the same concerns as Qiu Xuanji. He was afraid that Jinglong would dodge the blow with all his strength, and all his physical and spiritual energy would be wasted.

But after Ling Fuyu arrived, this kind of worry could be completely ignored.

Jinglong's eyes were gloomy and he wanted to move his feet, but the ice on the ground wrapped around his body like vines.

With every breath, the cold as if washed by the extreme north, will flow through all corners of the body along the trachea, not only the blood vessels and meridians, but also the surging purple-black thunderbolt.

Ling Fuyu's soul is damaged, so it is not appropriate to use spiritual power to force action, but it is okay to use some magic to restrict Jinglong's actions.

Ling Fuyu was here to help, not to hold her back. Naturally, she knew the truth. After releasing "Mi Xue World", she had been monitoring Jing Long's every move in the air.

She believed that as long as Jinglong ate a sword from Man Jinger's front, in his current state, he would never be able to retreat completely.

It was such a severe situation, and for some reason, Jinglong smiled instead of being in a hurry, with that arrogant and deliberate smile, as if he had seen a child with a toy.

Jing Long pulled out the giant sword of thorns and inserted it in his feet without hesitation.


Blood splattered three feet high, and the black night snow was dyed red.

Ling Fu Yuwei in the air was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that at such a critical juncture, Jing Long, a dignified man in the Crescent Moon Realm, came up with a simple self-harm.

Jinglong didn't care, he pulled out the big sword with a smile on his face, raised it to the other foot, and fell heavily.


He got out of trouble with his feet, and before the ice began to spread again, Jinglong dragged his feet that had been penetrated through the two blood holes and moved forward. With light force, his thumb and toes flew out a few meters away.

But Jinglong himself still didn't care, leaving a long and narrow bloodstain on the ice, walking towards Xu Shoujing step by step.

Ling Fuyu was in such a state of mind, and after being slightly surprised, she immediately turned her spiritual power to stop Jinglong's pace.

Xu Shoujing was still just a young boy after all, and such a horrifying scene appeared in front of him, no matter how much he told himself not to care, he couldn't help but move his eyes to take a look.

...What is this new century style of play?

Jinglong walked with a limp, the thorny curved sword was dragged on the ice and the sound of "huahua" sounded, with a crazy laugh on his face:
"How can you understand the way of the deity... No matter what kind of intrigues and tricks are used, or the means of wicked ways, the deity will be defeated from the front at all costs!"

When Jinglong walked to the front, Xu Shoujing slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and gave Ling Fuyu an indistinct look, the latter realized something and flew away slightly.

"Break it head on? I wish you could beat it..."

As Xu Shoujing muttered to himself, he turned his wrist abruptly, and held up the painting boat Yan Qian, which was over his head, to capture the thousands of rays of light, condensing it into the brilliance of ink and white.

When everything was ready, Xu Shoujing opened his eyes. Next, he would use this "sword" to bury the powerful men in the Crescent Moon Realm.


Jinglong roared and swung his big sword, and the monstrous weather that had been suppressed for a long time rushed out. Purple and black thunder spread all around his body, and the thunder rolled, accompanied by the thorny curved sword.

Xu Shoujing didn't hide at all, instead he held the sword with both hands, and slashed out against the purple and black thunder.


The two swords collided, the vigorous energy dissipated the surrounding air, Mobai and Zihei swirled and moved, the swords and soldiers seemed to stick together after being intertwined, and no one wanted to leave.

This is the purest power confrontation without skills, swordsmanship, tactics...all external incentives.

Once one party can't support it, all previous efforts will be lost, leaving him only defeat and death.

At first glance, in this situation, Jinglong should be at a disadvantage.

Jinglong had already overdrawn his spiritual power, and there was still an extremely cold aura in his body that was freezing his spiritual veins all the time.

All the disadvantages are in sight, and most of the disadvantages are his own fault.

But... maybe it's the answer to the previous sentence "No matter what conspiracy or trick, he will defeat him head-on."

Under the high-pressure competition, Jinglong became more and more courageous, and placed the two swords that were still standing together, but at this time, they gradually tilted in the direction of Xu Shoujing.

The painting Fang Qianyan had almost stuck to Xu Shoujing's chest, the hook of the curved sword of thorns was hanging on his neck, and a drop of blood slipped down the sharp corner.

Jinglong saw the opportunity, clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, overturned Xu Shoujing's long sword, and then used inertia to slash at his neck:

"Boy, you are still too young!"

The outcome is already decided... just from the looks of it, it seems to be the case.

However, at the moment when the painting Fang Yanqian was picked apart, the corner of Xu Shoujing's mouth slightly evoked a graceful amplitude, as if he was saying:

"Everything is as I expected."


The silver frost long knife pierced through the flesh, and a string of hot blood was sprinkled on the ice surface.

Jinglong's pupils shrank suddenly, and the thorny curved sword leaning beside him froze in place along with his arm movements.

Xu Shoujing held Yao Ye Senluo and penetrated into Jinglong's heart little by little, and the dazzling pure white light flowed into his body along the blade.

In the blink of an eye, flesh and blood, meridians, blood, spiritual power, and even spirit, anything tangible or intangible, were disintegrated and turned into an empty "nothing".

Xu Shoujing said expressionlessly:

"To kill you now, it is enough to simulate the spiritual power of [-]% shaking."


When the words fell, he pulled out Yao Ye Senluo, and Jing Long fell to the ground.

The surface of the silver knife did not leave any blood stains, and it slowly grew bright under the moonlight.

That's right, Xu Shoujing has been preparing for so long, not preparing for 'Bitian Yijian', he knows that he wants to kill the Crescent Moon Realm only by himself... Even the wounded Crescent Moon Realm is very difficult.

That's why they set up a trap after Bitian Yijian and used the "simulated spiritual power" of the Celestial Emperor to completely obliterate Jinglong.

"Ji Ye" can't be used at all. As Jing Long is now, using "Ji Ye" on him is completely a bull's knife for killing chickens, overkill.

Moreover, the price of that thing is too high. Once it is shot, there will be no follow-up. Now that the Su Clan has not stabilized, it is not a wise choice to die so early.

Simply extracting a part of Zhao Fuyao's spiritual power from the 'simulated polar night' is far from being as simple as it sounds.

All of this is thanks to Ling Fuyu's help in delaying the time, allowing Xu Shoujing to have time to try and make mistakes slowly.

Everyone's spiritual power has unique characteristics, the most typical is Xu Shoujing's "power of punishment", which can cut off the five elements.

Secondly, it is the extremely cold aura of Ling Fuyu's master and apprentice, or Qiu Xuanji's phoenix fire can burn the soul, etc...

After using Zhao Fuyao's spiritual power directly this time, Xu Shoujing could understand why her magic power was so powerful.

Zhao Fuyao's spiritual characteristic is nothing but "nothing".

As the daughter of heaven, the daughter of the common sense of the world, what she possesses is the power to turn everything into nothingness, how ironic.


Xu Shoujing was rummaging through Jinglong's body for trophies when Ling Fuyu fell gracefully and asked aloud:
"Why didn't you let the teacher take action just now?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses. What Ling Fuyu asked about was before the battle with Jinglong, he used his eyes to signal the master to step back.

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, as if relieved, and said with a light smile:
"Because I want to give Master an answer."

"Answer?" Ling Fuyu frowned slightly.

Xu Shoujing nodded, looked up at his palm, and said slowly:

"Master didn't ask me, 'What is my kendo?', that was my answer just now."

Ling Fuyu did not interrupt him and listened quietly.

"Actually, it's no different from before... If I insist, my confusion is probably eliminated."

Xu Shoujing pulled out the painting boat and slashed it lightly, but did not clench it tightly, and let the saber fly out like that:
"Defeating all conspiracies head-on, suppressing with absolute power... This is Jinglong's swordsmanship, so my way is probably the opposite of his."

Xu Shoujing lightly touched the amber ruby ​​on his waist, and the silver knife that was put into his belt shortly after was in his hand. He covered the knife with his body and stabbed forward:
"No matter what means... as long as I kill the enemy, protect the people I love, so that they will never face danger... This is my swordsmanship."

After speaking, Xu Shoujing put away the two immortal weapons, turned to look at Ling Fuyu, and scratched his cheeks embarrassedly:

"Master, you are still satisfied with such an answer... Master, what's the matter with you?"

Xu Shoujing dared to guarantee that what he said just now had absolutely no rebellious thoughts.

But I don't know why, when I turned around, I saw Ling Fuyu's face was strange, and her ears were slightly red, as if...

It's like being confessed in person!
Ling Fuyu clung to her Taoist robe, for fear of exposing it to her apprentice as a welfare, her cold face was extremely embarrassed, and her mind was full of:

Protect my loved ones so they never face danger.

Ling Fuyu didn't want to think about it, but unfortunately she made a decision that went against human relations, and now it's completely out of habit of thinking.

In addition, Xu Shoujing just now forced Ling Fuyu to retire under the circumstance that it was true that Ling Fuyu could make a move.

Doesn't this justify the sentence - "Let them never face danger"?

What does this villain want?
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 The role of Jinglong is not well written... Maybe it will be more three-dimensional if I add some memories, but I don't have that much space. I mainly want to create the impression of 'Berserker' and 'Wu Chi who goes his own way', tsk, I didn't write it well anyway,
(End of this chapter)

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