The queen is so fierce

Chapter 226 Master, do you have back pain?

Chapter 226 Master, do you have back pain?

"Master, your face is so red, is it because the extreme cold aura was used too much just now, was it frozen?"

"No... ah, yes."


Xu Shoujing tilted his head, since he was given serious guidance, he completely regarded Ling Fuyu as a master, and did not think deeply about the strange reaction at this moment.

Xu Shoujing hesitated, then frowned and asked:

"Master, why are you here? Did you notice the movement from Jinglong..."

"That's it..." Ling Fuyu said with her eyes dodging.

The movement of Jinglong's forcible rushing into the formation was great, but it really had nothing to do with the reason why Ling Fuyu came here.

Ling Fuyu made up her mind completely in her heart and planned to 'serve her disciples with her own body', so she came to the front of the battlefield specially.

In fact, even if there is no psychological problem of Su Huanqing in this battle with Tianyuanzong, it is best not to participate in the objective analysis of Ling Fuyu.

Not only was Ling Fuyu's soul damaged, but also because it was essentially a battle between two forces.

Just like Yu Zhiqiong stayed, but she only helped on her own behalf.

If you use the name of 'Tianya Yushi' without authorization, it may play a part in a time, but it will be followed by a lot of complicated and troublesome intrigue.

The same is true for Ling Fuyu. The monks who are suitable for practicing extreme cold aura searched all over Jiuzhou, and she also found Su Huanqing alone.

In the same way, the inheritance of the extreme cold aura should also be very rare.

The cultivation of extremely cold aura is several times more difficult than ordinary attributes, and Ling Fuyu can still cultivate to the crescent moon state at the peak period, if it is not supported by any sect, it is not realistic.

Most of the sects, which are not visible and leaky, do not like to be associated with the outside world. Ready-made examples include Longyumen and Changhe Su.

Why did Ling Fuyu come to Tiannanzhou injured, and why? She has never returned to the sect for so many years, there must be her own reasons.

If he made a move at this time, whether he could beat the three Crescent Moon Realm, the news of "the female immortal who can use the extremely cold aura" will definitely spread all over Jiuzhou.

Ling Fuyu's incognito in Tiannanzhou will undoubtedly be exposed... What will happen after that is unknown.

Ling Fuyu never talked about these truths with Xu Shoujing, and she and Su Huanqing only occasionally mentioned them when they remembered the past.

However, now that she has made up her mind to stop thinking about the consequences, it is not her character to continue dawdling.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's eyes becoming more and more puzzled, Ling Fuyu cheered herself up in her heart, raised her head slightly, and looked directly into her apprentice's eyes:
"Jing'er, what do you think about... being a teacher?"

Xu Shoujing blinked, although this sounded strange, but he really didn't think about that, he hesitated a little, and replied:
"It's good, thanks to the teacher's previous advice, I was able to strengthen my swordsmanship."


Ling Fuyu was silent for a while, she was already embarrassed enough to say something that was not in line with her identity, but she didn't expect that the villain didn't understand the meaning.

Isn't there a lot of women around him?Why don't you understand a woman's heart at a critical time...

Ling Fuyu patted the chest of the bulging robe, spit out the orchid lightly, put her hand on the back of the waist, put the other hand to her mouth, and gently held a finger:
"Jing'er, I'm a little uncomfortable as a teacher, come and help me..."

His tone was stiff, his cheeks flushed, and it was obvious that he really wanted to pose a very enchanting pose.

Unfortunately, this aspect also requires some talent. In Yu Zhiqiong's words, there is no need for such deliberate actions at all.

But let the daoist nun who has always been glamorous do it... It looks a bit like a pregnant woman holding her lower back, which is quite strange.

Xu Shoujing thought so too, but he was called by the master, and he couldn't justify if he didn't respond.

He didn't even touch Jinglong's body, he quickly stepped forward to support Ling Fuyu, hesitated, and said doubtfully:

"Master, your back hurts?"


Ling Fuyu blinked, thinking that her suggestion might be too subtle, but Xu Shoujing did not understand.

After thinking about it again and again, Ling Fuyu raised her hand and pushed Xu Shoujing away, and took a few steps forward under the gaze of the other party's confused expression.

The ground had just been smoothed by the Purple Black Thunder and the Bitian Sword. It was all stone powder, and there was no element that could be tripped over.

It was on such a soft and flat ground that Ling Fuyu was 'tripped' very deliberately and leaned back into Xu Shoujing's arms:
"Ah...Jing...Jing'er, hurry up and become a teacher."

Xu Shoujing watched Ling Fuyu fall to the ground inexplicably, and three question marks appeared on his head and walked side by side.

But he still took a step forward and took Ling Fuyu into his arms.

Feeling the tough chest behind her, Ling Fuyu's elegant eyes rippled for a while, even through the thick robe and neon clothes, she could feel her shoulders tense, presumably she was extremely nervous.

To put it bluntly, Ling Fuyu has been alone since she was born. After hundreds of years, she is still a single old Taoist nun. Not to mention contact with men, those who dare to approach have already turned into ice cubes, how can she have experience?
No matter who it is, when faced with the unknown, it is difficult to be calm.

The same is true for Ling Fuyu. The moment she lay down in Xu Shoujing's arms, her face became uncontrollably hot, as if a layer of ants had crawled across her back, causing it to be unbearably hot.

Especially thinking of Xu Shoujing's identity, Ling Fuyu felt sorry for Su Huanqing, and even more sorry for herself.

This feeling made her want to flee immediately, overturn all the decisions she just made, and continue to be a responsible master.

Ling Fuyu raised her front feet in confusion, as if she wanted to leave Xu Shoujing's arms.

His feet were half lifted, but he couldn't fall down.

On the way down the mountain, the scene of Su Huanqing crying in Xu Shoujing's arms flashed across Ling Fuyu's mind.

"Before, I wanted you to cultivate with Master, and I wanted you to save Master...because Master is my only family in my mind."

"Master attaches great importance to human ethics and morality. It was a last resort. Now we have found other ways to heal Master, and we have also forced her to sacrifice herself... I can't do it."

It's not surprising that Su Huanqing would think so.

Rather, it is precisely because her mind is so delicate and sensitive that she wants to avoid her beloved master from blindly sacrificing herself.

Because Su Huanqing knew very well that if she really used the 'Su family' and herself as a reason, she would ask Ling Fuyu.

Taking Ling Fuyu almost as her daughter, she might really force herself to commit herself to Xu Shoujing and save the Changhe Su clan.

This kind of thing... Su Huanqing will never allow it, especially now that he has found the method of 'Heavenly Soul Spirit Spring'.

Ling Fuyu's thoughts were just the opposite. She knew Su Huanqing's thoughts, and she couldn't stand idly by.

Ling Fuyu took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes narrowed, this time she didn't twist anything, turned around, and let herself lie completely in Xu Shoujing's arms.

Wenxiang Nephrite was in his arms, but Xu Shoujing didn't have the slightest ripple in his heart, and tilted his head:


Ling Fuyu bit her thin lip lightly, her jade fingers hung up against Xu Shoujing's chest and swayed back and forth, her cheeks were hot and she said:
"Jing'er, as a teacher... No, I want to tell you something."

Well, it's all like this. Besides, there is no difference, it's obviously fake.

Xu Shoujing vaguely guessed that the master was trying to say something explosive, "Gulu" swallowed and said dryly:

"Wh...what's the matter?"

Ling Fuyu's breathing quickened involuntarily, and her cheeks, auricles, and the white swan neck were dyed pink.

"Jing'er, I...I think..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Xu Shoujing interrupted her stubbornly as if thinking of something.

"Master, is your waist still alright? Why don't I take you back, the battle in Sudu should be over by now."


Ling Fuyu looked at Xu Shoujing with a sincere face, opened her mouth, and felt ashamed.

What kind of master is she... The apprentice is obviously not ashamed, but she actually wants to tease the apprentice.

After a short period of guilt, a nameless fire filled Ling Fuyu's heart lake.

I usually see Jinger molesting those little girls quite handy, why is it her turn to be so well-behaved?
You move your hands!It is really impossible to take a step back, just move your mouth!

how?Seeing that she is too old, 'Ren Laozhuhuang' can't see her?
Thinking of this, Ling Fuyu didn't want to continue shrinking in Xu Shoujing's arms, and silently pushed the 'wood' away.

Seeing that Master was no longer pretending to be weak, Xu Shoujing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Shoujing's emotional intelligence has not yet reached the level of 'wood', and if he can't tell what kind of calculus Ling Fuyu is playing... Then the large number of harems behind him are considered a vain strategy.

If it was before he met Su Huanqing, such a glamorous Taoist aunt came to post it, Xu Shoujing would definitely not ask for it.

But now Su Huanqing's intentions are very clear, Xu Shoujing will never allow him to hurt her because of his whim.

More importantly, Ling Fuyu definitely didn't do all kinds of...emmm, weird behaviors because she liked him.

If you push the boat like this, it is tantamount to taking advantage of Ling Fuyu's good intentions, and Xu Shoujing's conscience will not survive.

This is not hypocritical. After all, Xu Shoujing and Ling Fuyu haven't been together for a long time, and they don't have enough emotional foundation to support them to take that step.

What is the difference between 'building a dual-cultivation relationship' in such a hasty manner and those who ran to open a room when they first met in the previous life?
What Xu Shoujing hated the most was self-deprecating things.

Just when Xu Shoujing was immersed in the wild thoughts in his mind, the master's suspicious voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Jing'er, have you guessed what your teacher plans to do?"


Xu Shoujing's expression froze for a moment, and then he waved his hand in front of him and said:

"What are you going to do? What are you talking about, Master?"

Ling Fuyu stared at Xu Shoujing's eyes, who looked calm.

At first glance, Xu Shoujing was very stable and did not reveal any flaws, but in fact, he was panicking to death, and his back was soaked in cold sweat unknowingly.

Ling Fuyu had basically concluded that Xu Shoujing was pretending to be stupid. Since the other party pretended not to understand, she didn't plan to hide it.

Go straight!Let you avoid it!

Ling Fuyu took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she planned to be ruthless.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xu Shoujing immediately opened his mouth to change the subject.

However, before that—

"Jing'er shut up, stay honest and don't go anywhere. I have important things to tell you for my teacher, so don't interrupt."


Xu Shoujing was choked a lot, but Ling Fuyu didn't expect Ling Fuyu to directly use her identity as a master to suppress herself, and the excuse she thought up was blocked all of a sudden.

No, it was checkmate directly!
Now, let alone interjecting Ling Fuyu, even if he wanted to escape, he had nowhere to go, but in the name of his master, he was ordered to "don't go anywhere".

Seeing Xu Shoujing staying where he was, Ling Fuyu nodded with satisfaction and adjusted her mood, so that she would not feel so shy about the next words, she said slowly:
"Jing'er, the Crescent Moon Realm you killed just now is definitely not the entire force of the Tianyuan Sect. Now that the army is overwhelmed, there is no cultivator who can compete evenly. It will be difficult for the Changhe Su Clan to survive this test."

At this point, Ling Fuyu paused, turned her head and said:
"It just so happens that I know that there is a Crescent Moon Realm that can easily suppress the suzerain of Tianyuan Sect."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

I know, and I also know that that person is you.

"But... that Crescent Moon Realm is a little injured now and needs your help to heal..."

Having said all this, Ling Fuyu's expression twitched again, in order to avoid night long dreams... Bah, in order to avoid thinking again.

Ling Fuyu took a sharp breath, her beautiful eyes were firm, and she was completely in a stance.

do my best!

Xu Shoujing's heart thumped wildly, almost holding his breath. Seeing that Ling Fuyu was about to speak, he subconsciously closed his eyes and did not dare to listen to the next words.

"Jing'er, you don't have to treat me as a master tonight, I'm yours..."

Ling Fuyu's voice is shy, nervous, and more, it is the guilt that comes from the bottom of her heart after breaking the long-established three views of morality.



Ling Fuyu's voice was obscured by the explosion that rang through the night.

Xu Shoujing opened his eyes subconsciously, and the first thing he saw was Ling Fuyu's frozen expression.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Xu Shoujing hurriedly turned his head and looked towards the source of the explosion just now, his watery peach blossom eyes were covered with a bright golden color.

On the top of the sky dome of the starless night sky, the hook-like bright moon blends with the sea of ​​clouds, and thousands of floating battleships are soaring in it.

The floating battleships were placed on the muzzles on both sides, and they dropped countless 'falling meteors' towards Su Du.

The meteors all over the sky exploded like fireworks, breaking through the layers of air, and falling into the city capital of Sudu with hot sparks.

boom boom-

The falling meteorites smashed big pits one after another, and Sudu's houses were tragically implicated, like dominoes, one after another collapsed, and Sudu almost turned into a city of ruins.

Few of the psionics placed on the roof even survived the ballista, and the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan were lucky to be able to evacuate.

The most serious thing is that after cleaning up the remnants brought by Jinglong, Su Ren just instructed his disciples to re-raise the jade pagoda of the Sanjiang Shouyun Array, which was also destroyed again in this 'Meteor's offensive'.

Without the Sanjiang Shouyun Array, the Changhe Su Clan would not be able to face the alliance of the Eight Sects at all.

If you want to build the jade tower again, the other party will not give that time at all.

Xu Shoujing finished analyzing the battle situation in a short time, bent down and took off Jinglong's Qiongyu ring, handed it to Ling Fuyu, and said in a tight voice:
"Master, your body is not suitable for participating in this kind of melee, you go back to the back mountain first, and Huan Qing and I can handle it."

The voice fell, and before Ling Fuyu could respond, Xu Shoujing kicked the painting boat on the ground into his hand with his foot, and made a sword move.

"Hey... Jing'er, wait a minute, I'm a teacher..."

Ling Fuyu chased after a few steps, her raised jade hand seemed to want to grab Xu Shoujing's back, but after a while, she could only fall weakly.

It was Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing's good intentions not to let Ling Fuyu participate in this struggle for interests, but this indifferent kindness would probably cause her to lose two important disciples.

Ling Fuyu is old-fashioned, but she doesn't want to lose the only... the only two relatives more than the outdated rules.

Needless to say how to choose?
"Jing'er, I'm sorry... I can't do as you wish."

Looking at Xu Shoujing's leaving back, Ling Fuyu muttered to herself.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
(End of this chapter)

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