Chapter 227
The smoke of gunpowder filled the air, the stench of charred corpses choked the nose, and the air became very thin.

After the baptism of the falling meteors that were dense like violent storms, the wreckage of houses that were blasted to pieces was everywhere.

Xu Shoujing had just landed, and his keen sense of battle made him faintly hear a faint sound of breathing.

Turning his head to look, in the collapsed ruins not far away, there is a human-shaped shadow vaguely buried.

Carbonized wooden beams and stone bricks were piled up, and nearly half of the body was burned, only one arm and a bloody head were exposed.

Xu Shoujing hurriedly ran over, used the painting boat and light smoke to open up a lot of gravel, and dragged him out gently.

Before preparing for the battle, all the mortals, women and children were transferred by Su Ren to the high mountain of the Su Clan in the Changhe River, and those who stayed behind were all the disciples who were preparing for the battle.

The remnants brought by Jinglong were stopped in the outer city of Sudu, and the people in the inner city must be the people of the Su family.

Xu Shoujing found an open space for him to lie down, took out the medicine pill from the amber belt and gave it to him, and then used general-purpose spirit herbs to treat the burns.

As for the rest...he's not a full-time nurse, so I really don't know what to do.

Xu Shoujing was in a bit of trouble. His power of divine punishment was not suitable for treating others, and the effects of the several elixir he had just used were very small.

Even if you want to find a monk with excellent medical skills, Sudu is in chaos now, and it is not clear where the enemy is hiding. There is also a "falling meteor" in the sky that will pose a threat at any time.

Under such circumstances, running around with a half-dead person will not only affect his own fighting, but also likely kill the Su disciple on the spot.

But if you just leave him there, it's no different from chronic death.

Xu Shoujing furrowed his brows, staring at the thousands of warships ten thousand feet high in the sky, extremely distressed.

At such a time, what would happen if it was a transmigrator from a previous life novel?
The life and death of others have nothing to do with me. I can do so much, and it is my best to do it. Turn around and leave?

Or are you unwilling to give up any of your lives and want to live with everyone?

"You are... Xu Shoujing, right?"

A weak and hoarse voice sounded, it sounded like the throat was blocked by blood and water, and it was about to be suffocated.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and immediately mobilized the relatively soft "Rong Lingzhu·Wind" to penetrate into the body of the scorched disciple:
"It's me, you know me?"

Su's disciples were all cooked from the right shoulder to the left waist, their heads were even more bloody, and their voices were hoarse and muffled, making it impossible to distinguish their identities.

"I'm Bai Zhuang..."

"Bai Zhuang?"

Xu Shoujing's eyes froze slightly, and his impression of Bai Zhuang was still clear.

The first time he came to Changhe Su to look for Su Huanqing, Bai Zhuang was still guarding the gate with a fat foodie named Ji Yan, and he just let him go after a fight.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and increased the output of cyan spiritual power:

"Hold on, I'll save you."

Bai Zhuang couldn't open his eyes, couldn't see where Xu Shoujing was, he could only raise his arm by feeling, as if he wanted to raise his hand to stop him, and said weakly:

"Forget body, I know it.'s no help."

Xu Shoujing's breathing stagnated, and the moment he heard 'it's not saved', for some reason, he saw the shadows of Aunt Chu and the others from behind Bai Zhuang.

If one day, the person who died in front of him was not an acquaintance like Bai Zhuang who had only met a few times... Or rather, it was Aunt Chu lying in his arms, persuading him to stop doing useless work with a smile on his face.

If there is a day, can you accept the powerless self?

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and forced a smile:
"What nonsense, I have suffered more serious injuries than you, and I walked before the gate of hell. Wouldn't it be better to lie down for half a year? You are at most a month... It seems too short. Then three months , will surely heal."

Bai Zhuang pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty and said bitterly:

"The spirit sea is exhausted, the five elements are disordered, and the meridians are broken... I don't have the physical quality you have to use up all the spiritual energy of my body at one time and continue to move. There is no way to immediately find an immortal doctor with superb medical skills... What do you think, How am I going to live?"

Xu Shoujing was silent. He opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't reveal it.

Saying something that doesn't hurt or itches to comfort him, can it be of any use?
What Bai Zhuang said was all about the cruel status quo, and his reason also told himself that if you want to find a chance to win in this sect war, what you should do now is not to stay here and waste time, you should immediately rush to the frontal battlefield and find a way. Use "Extreme Night" to inflict heavy damage on Immortal Tu Yu.

"Pfft..." Bai Zhuang suddenly laughed, although very reluctantly.

Xu Shoujing looked at him suspiciously.

Bai Zhuang sighed and laughed in a low voice:
"Xu Shoujing... don't put on such an uncomfortable expression, it's not suitable for you at all."

" I have it?"

"Yes." Bai Zhuang smiled and nodded, "This kind of thing will be tangled, it seems that you are definitely not suitable to be the suzerain in the future..."

The words stopped here, but Bai Zhuang's smile gradually disappeared, and his eyes became more serious:

"Xu Shoujing, I'm already mortal. Senior Sister Su and Senior Brother Su are waiting for you. You don't have time to waste time here, do you?"

Xu Shoujing was silent. In fact, he knew this kind of thing better than anyone else.

But he was afraid that he would compromise this time, and faced with the same thing in the future, he might give up and struggle early.


While Xu Shoujing was stunned, Bai Zhuangming was paralyzed, and he didn't know where the power came from, and punched Xu Shoujing in the stomach.

It didn't hurt or itch, and the strength was so light that it seemed that only the clothes could be removed, but Xu Shoujing was shaken by the punch.

Bai Zhuang's hands hung weakly on the ground, his voice hoarse and unable to say a word:

"Please... don't worry about me, this dead man, save the Changhe Su Clan, I know that only you have the possibility of causing a miracle... Please..."

Seeing that Bai Zhuang was dying and wanted to drive him away, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, his eyes became firmer, and he stood up slowly, as if he had made a decision.

Xu Shoujing made a sword tactic with one hand, and the painting Fang Yanqian automatically unsheathed and hung aside.

He stepped on it with one foot, and after stabilizing his body, he didn't look back, and said sideways:
"I will defeat the Tianyuan Sect and save the Changhe Su Clan."

Clouds covered the moonlight, and in the darkness, I don't know what kind of expression Bai Zhuang made, just because he felt that the fist that he had always clenched was loosened.


Xu Shoujing nodded, and lowered his center of gravity on the sword.

Bai Zhuang quietly looked at Xu Shoujing's leaving back without saying a word.

Until the thick white clouds dissipated, the moonlight lit up the ruins again.

On Bai Zhuang's burnt and bloody face, two tears slowly left, and the fist that had been released shortly after was clenched again, with such force that it trembled slightly.

He looked at the starless sky, at the thousands of despairing floating battleships, and was speechless for a long time.

Xu Shoujing stayed for less than 5 minutes, but the decision made in just 5 minutes could decide a person's life or death.

After an unknown amount of time, a choked murmur echoed:

"I don't want to die..."
When people are killed, they die.

Whether it's dying in a scramble for opportunity, dying in a boring fight, or losing his life inexplicably in a war, no one can cry about injustice.

Because, this is a matter of course, and it is also an absolute order—an iron law set by Heaven.

Xu Shoujing has witnessed too many deaths.

Some were killed by him himself, some by him indirectly.Most are innocent, but some are innocent.

In the calamity of Yuliangzhou, the Wei soldiers who were swallowed up by ghosts and demons have different positions. Everyone has their own masters. If they join the army, they may die in battle. This is their own choice. sense.

The Dali soldiers who were implicated in the demon robbery and died can only say that they were unlucky, and they had been reminded to retreat in advance. Who is to blame for their slow running?

As for the matter of Longquan Town... it has nothing to do with Xu Shoujing, it is entirely the handwriting of Yan Yanjiao. In a sense, he also saved some of the people of Longquan Town, let alone any sense of guilt.

Xu Shoujing always felt that, as a human being, he should be very open to the death of others. As long as it wasn't for Aunt Chu and the others, he probably wouldn't take it to heart.

But now he realizes that he seems to be wrong.

Those who died in the past are irrelevant because I have nothing to do with them at all.

Death has always pervaded all corners of the world. Maybe when you have a cup of tea, countless corpses will be carried by black people.

But Bai Zhuang was different. He had known him before.

The death of someone you know is completely different from the death of someone you don't know.

This kind of feeling is like when you go to the gate of the community to buy the cold noodles from the roadside stalls every morning.

The owner is a kind aunt. She greets you every day, chats about home and work, and occasionally sees you lose weight and will give you a sausage and chicken fillet, saying that it is to make up your body.

It wasn't until one day that the stall disappeared and I found out that the kind aunt passed away last week.

Is it someone you don't know?Certainly, after all, he didn't even ask his name.

But can you say it doesn't matter?Certainly not.

Familiar life, familiar people, the disappearance of one of the two will make people unacceptable for a while.

Xu Shoujing felt this way now. Not long ago, he was competing with Bai Zhuang at the door.

When he was fighting with Su Ren, Bai Zhuang was still bragging to himself with Ji Yan, and he was about to become a brainless fan.

It's only been less than two months, things are right and wrong, those daily routines have been destroyed as if they never existed.

Insufficient consciousness, this is not an optional competition between sects, this is war.

Once the war is launched, if one of the parties is not completely eliminated, the chain of hatred will never be cut again.

The cold wind rustled, and the smoke of gunpowder swept across the ruins of a large house, and the sound of fighting between spell bombing and swordsmen was faintly heard.

Xu Shoujing keenly caught this movement, and immediately moved his back foot, lowered the hilt of the sword, and dashed forward for a while, hanging in the air.

In the center filled with gunpowder smoke, a dazzling red light rose to the sky along with Feng Ming.

A beautiful woman in a fiery red dress walked in the air with the aura of deterring the world.

Around her, dozens of sword cultivators holding long swords danced in the wind. At first glance, the sword qi and sword gangs were flying randomly, but in fact they were all carrying out the orders of a white-bearded old man who was also walking in the air.

The white-bearded old man was wearing a milky white robe, the black cloth pattern ran down the neckline, and the surface was outlined with a golden sword pattern.

The imposing manner that he has experienced for a long time is not lower than that of Qiu Xuanji. It is like the thousands of sword intents hidden in the scabbard. Just a little glance will be torn into pieces by the sword energy.

The white-bearded old man dragged the silver-white long sword with one hand, with a somewhat appropriate smile on his old face. It seemed that he did not intend to take action by himself, but only ordered his disciples to slowly consume Qiu Xuanji.

Xu Shoujing's eyes sank slightly, but he recognized the origin of this group of people.

It's not because their uniforms are familiar, it's just that among the dozen or so sword cultivators, there is a person he knows - Fu Xingguang, who fought once in the ring in Donghuang City.

This group of sword cultivators is one of the three giants of Tiannan Continent, the disciples of Tianwai Sword City... No wonder they were able to send the Chongxiao Realm to fight against the Xuanji Chamber.

Qiu Xuanji probably hadn't fully recovered yet. He rushed over when he saw the movement here. The Phoenix Fire just released was obviously a bit weaker than when he fought against Jinglong.

If that's the case, it shouldn't be stumped by a group of young monks in the Dragon Gate realm. Just snap your fingers and AOE will blow it up?
The problem was with the white-bearded old man. He didn't plan to take action because of his cultivation, but just standing beside him was enough for Qiu Xuanji to be vigilant.

Coupled with the sword formation that integrates attack and defense in Tianwai Jiancheng, Qiu Xuanji will definitely lose accuracy if he wants to increase his power, and it is not difficult for the disciples of Jiancheng to cooperate with each other to avoid.

But if Qiu Xuanji reduced some of his power for the sake of accuracy and speed, the disciples of Tianwai Jiancheng could unite to resist and resist.

Under such back and forth attack and defense, Qiu Xuanji couldn't break free, and his spiritual power was not enough to use the "Tianzhe·Shenyin·Phoenix Flame" that seriously injured Jinglong, and the situation suddenly fell into a rigid state.

Xu Shoujing was so angry that his teeth were itching, the dead old man was stunned, and he made it clear that he used his own Xuanji to practice swords for his disciples.

It's really Wuji who opened the door for Wuji, and he's homeless.

Xu Shoujing has rushed over, how can he watch this group of people bully his own family.

Before no one noticed him, he lowered the hilt of his sword again and rushed to the sky above Tianwai Sword City.

Before cultivating to the Nirvana state, if you want to fly only with the body, the spiritual power consumed is not generally large.

Xu Shoujing intends to use all his spiritual power to attack, and naturally it is impossible to waste spiritual power to fly.

So far, Xu Shoujing is one of the few swordsmen who can shock the world with his sword skills, except for the 'borrowed' Ji Ye, there is only Bi Tianyi sword left.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, held Huafang Yanqian in his hand, and fell down following Newton's instructions.

Although the consumption of "Bi Tian Yi Jian" is not as good as that of "Ji Ye", it is not small, and there is no need to self-destruct to deal with this group of people.

About [-]% should be enough...

Thinking like this, Xu Shoujing leaned the painting Fang Yan on his shoulders, and the surrounding of the body began to fill with spiritual energy, and the speed of falling became faster and faster.


"Xingguang, Chang Ying, don't worry, it's enough to consume her slowly. Chongxiaojing is not so easy to deal with, be careful."

The white-bearded old man instructed with a smile at the corner of his mouth, with two walnuts turning in his hand without a sword.

"Disciple obey!"

In fact, Fu Xingguang was already tense, and he was covered in sweat, not to mention, facing the burning of the Phoenix Fire, it took most of his spiritual power to resist just wiping the edges.

However, after all, there are a lot of them, and Qiu Xuanji's state is not complete. After spending a little more time, it should be over...

While Chang Ying and Fu Xingguang thought so in their hearts, they set up their sabres to prepare for the next round of attack.

At this moment, a jet-black sword light penetrated the entire battlefield:

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 What is war?

  I've always wanted to discuss this topic before, but the first volume was a bit off-topic, and the entire Yuliangzhou couldn't expand the topic of "war".

  It was not until the Changhe Su Clan and the Tianyuan Sect had to die that I finally had the space to paint the war in my eyes.

  Whether the two sides of the war are correct, I have never given an answer, and there is no way to give an answer.

  But whether the war is correct, my attitude in the text is very obvious.

  War will take away "our familiar daily life", and war may kill "familiar people".

  As for "death", that's another topic.

  In this fast-paced era, there is not much pen and ink for this kind of plot. If you want to write such a thing in a whole volume, it is estimated that it will be too heavy and no one will read it.

  In this way, a chapter is interspersed a little, and only one character is used to describe it, and there is still too little to reveal... But I can write it, and I am very satisfied.

  After all, this is a web article, and there is no way to expand it too much.

(End of this chapter)

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