The queen is so fierce

Chapter 228 Demonization of Demonic Qi

Chapter 228 Demonization of Demonic Qi (one more update at twelve)
The long night is silent, and the bright moon is in the sky.

On the huge floating battleship surrounded by countless small boats, Immortal Tu Yu, dressed in a pale yellow robe, sat quietly on the deck, his deep eyes reflecting the night.

When he just arrived at the Su Clan in Changhe, and saw Su Du in a mess, the first word that came out of Immortal Tu Yu's heart was "sure enough".

Jinglong lived up to his expectations, of course in a bad sense.

Completing the "Seal of Blood Calamity" requires a lot of casualties, literally, engraving blood on the ground of Tiannanzhou.

Immortal Tuyu had already thought about it. At first, he could not hold back and let the disciples of the Eight Sects Union go to attack the barrier of Sanjiang Shouyun Array.

The Sanjiang Shouyun Array can be attacked or defended. If there is no such thing as the Crescent Moon Realm's great powers to break the formation, no matter how many disciples they enter, they will just die.

The Su Clan of the Changhe River has been hidden from the world in all dynasties, and other sects have basically no understanding of the Sanjiang Shouyun Formation.

Even if they reacted incorrectly and wanted to evacuate in time, the "blood disaster" would have been completed, and the rest only needed the disciples of Tianyuan Sect to finish.

This plan is good... Who would have thought that Jinglong, that idiot, would lose his own life, but he even broke the Sanjiang Shouyun Array!
Without the Sanjiang Shouyun Formation, how would the disciples of the Eight Sects Unite die?

Do you expect the Changhe Su Clan, who lost Su Jin, to be evenly matched with the Eight Sect Alliances without relying on any external force?

There was no one on the deck, only a few disciples were arranged to guard the bow and stern.

Across the distance, several guard disciples were frightened by a cold snort from Immortal Tu Yu, and shivered all over their bodies.

The guard disciple looked back and found that Immortal Tu Yu, who used to be unsmiling in the past, has a cold face at the moment, and it seems that he will kill people in the next second.

Naturally, Immortal Tu Yu did not notice the psychological changes of the guard disciple, and even if he did, he would not care.

Immortal Tu Yu was thinking at this moment, how to accomplish the "Blood Disaster" delivered by End Yanjiao.

If he could be allowed to do it himself, things would be much easier.

But Immortal Venerable Tu Yu still needs to maintain the image of the leader of the righteous path, and there is no way to be this villain. Even if he can ignore the 'righteous image' and cause so many murders, it is not a good thing for cultivation.

Besides, in addition to the first word of "blood disaster", the second word "disaster" is equally important.

They all died in the same hands, so it can't be called a "blood disaster".

Jinglong's boring stuff, even if he dies, he will give him some problems.


A series of footsteps sounded on the quiet deck, and these footsteps brought Immortal Tu Yu's thoughts back to reality.

Immortal Tu Yu didn't look back, even if he didn't need to perceive it, he knew very well that there was only one person who would dare to approach him at this time.

"Junior Brother, what's the matter?" Immortal Venerable Tu Yu said solemnly.

Walking slowly was an elegant man in a pure white robe, who was the 'Hexuan', one of the three moons of the Tianyuan Sect.

Elder Hexuan's temperament is the most bland and the most 'normal' in the Tianyuan Sect.

Before the three of them were famous in Tiannan, the big brother Tu Yu gave the impression of being full of majesty, while Jing Long and others felt like fighting lunatics.

The temperaments of the two in front are quite extreme, and ordinary people can't guess their thoughts, and they don't dare to approach them at all.

Only Hexuan is different, no matter men, women, young or old, senior or senior, inner disciple or outer disciple, whoever sees Hexuan will calmly call out 'Senior Brother Hexuan'.

It's just because he really treats everyone equally, and he won't oppress people because of his status.

Staying with Hexuan is like following a teacher who treats others with humility, or a year-old friend who has a huge age difference but still respects each other like a guest.

This made He Xuan respected and loved among the disciples, but also made the previous sect of Tianyuan Sect very unhappy.

Identity is identity. If you don't have a rule, you won't have a square circle. If you don't even have a minimum rule, what will you use to calm your disciples?

He Xuan himself understood this truth, so after Tu Yu accepted all the affairs of the Tianyuan Sect, he left the sect to travel around the world and rarely showed his face in the sect.

As a result, a few years after Hexuan left, the atmosphere of Tianyuan Sect became worse and worse. Although he was the leader of the righteous path in Tiannanzhou on the bright side, he was spat on by many people in private. impression score.

Now that I think about it, if Tu Yu was accompanied by Hexuan when Tianyuan Sect went to extremes step by step, maybe it would not have evolved into what it is now.

Elder Hexuan recovered from his memory, looked at Tu Yu who had always turned his back on him, and sighed:
"Senior brother, stop it, it's not too late."

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu guessed that He Xuan must have come to persuade himself, and he did not take it seriously, so he could not deny:

"Junior Brother, after seeing you for such a long time, you are still indecisive as always. The sect battle is not a sparring between the juniors. Until one side is completely destroyed, the hatred will never stop."

Elder Hexuan was at a loss for words, why didn't he know this truth?But the point is...

"Senior brother! Now is not the time for the infighting of the human race. I just came back from Hengyang Continent. The demon clan over there and the demon clan in the East Desolate Continent have joined forces and have evolved into a force that cannot be underestimated. Now we will drive out the Changhe Su clan and kill them all. How is it different from cutting off an arm?"

Immortal Tu Yu stood up slowly, walked straight to the edge of the guardrail, and looked down at Sudu, who was surrounded by gunpowder smoke, his eyes were as indifferent as before:

"The battle between the two races, how could the situation of the battle be changed because of a mere Changhe Su clan? Junior brother don't have to worry too much, just follow the deity's words."

He Xuan looked incredulous, clenched his fists and trembled slightly:
"Senior brother, you have changed... Before I left, you were obviously not like this. You clearly said that you want to make Tianyuan Sect a 'Mirror of the Right Way', but the Tianyuan Sect I see now is worse than the evil sect and crooked way!"


He Xuan just finished speaking, a majestic momentum rushed out, he didn't have time to react, and the whole person was knocked to the ground.

With a "click", the deck shattered, wood powder flew, and half of Hexuan's body was buried in the deck, as if he was pressed against a mountain and unable to move.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu slowly turned around, his eyes were like torches, and the flames of anger were suppressed in his calm eyes.He said solemnly:
"Since the deity took over as the suzerain, the Tianyuan sect has skyrocketed from No.40 to seven, and firmly sits on the throne of the first sect in Tiannanzhou. Has the master achieved this honor? Has the previous suzerain achieved it? Who has done it in the past? arrive?"

He Xuan's bones were shaken by the "squeaky" effect of the spiritual pressure, as if spinning a road roller around his limbs, but he still relied on willpower to snort coldly:
"A false reputation deceives people..."

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu stood with his hands behind his back, without saying a word, the spiritual pressure on his body magnified again.


The deck made of thousand-year-old spirit sandalwood was blasted out of a big hole. Elder Hexuan fell along with the broken deck sawdust and fell to the lower level.

After a while, Immortal Tu Yu made a gesture of raising his hand.

The spiritual wind suddenly blew up, and He Xuan, who had no power to fight back, was lifted into the air like a hooking puppet.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu turned to look at him, and narrowed his eyes quietly:

"Junior brother, I haven't seen you for so many years. It seems that your cultivation has not improved much, and you are still standing in the waning moon period."

He Xuan was speechless. When he left Tianyuan Sect, he had just broken through the Crescent Moon Realm, and He Tuyu and Jinglong were bronze mirrors.

It has been so many years now, and Immortal Tu Yu is almost full moon. Although Jing Long said that he has some problems, he is still in the full moon period.

Among the three crescent moons of the Tianyuan sect, only He Xuan was still at the stage of entering the crescent moon, at least there was no progress in his realm.

On the road of cultivation, many people say that the level of the realm determines everything.

In fact, on the contrary, having an inextinguishable state of mind is more important than any powerful spells or high-grade exercises.

Tuyu Xianzun and Jinglong don't usually do much human affairs, but they are more self-centered and never feel that there is anything wrong with what they do.

It was because Hexuan was forced to leave the sect that he fell into a knot, and his state of mind could not keep up with his cultivation, and his realm naturally stayed where he was.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu saw through He Xuan's illness at a glance, lightly flicked his left hand and let go of him, squinting slightly and said:

"If you want to talk about brother teacher, you must first straighten your Taoism and then talk about it."

He Xuan gritted his teeth, he knew that a battle with the Changhe Su Clan was unavoidable, and since that was the case...

"Then Senior Brother, send me there, there is no Crescent Moon Realm to guard, and Jinglong has also broken the guardian formation. It is meaningless to continue the stalemate. Junior Brother is willing to guarantee his life, and complete the corrective action within a stick of incense. Changhe Su Clan's suppression."

He Xuan's idea was that the war was unavoidable anyway, so it would be better to let him fight and suppress it with absolute strength to minimize casualties on both sides.

The rest should be searched and searched, the Changhe Su Clan just lost their sect, at least most of the disciples saved their lives.

Normally, He Xuan's proposal is the scene that should be between the sects.

The strength has been crushed, who still fights offense and defense with you?It's not enough to just roll over it all the way.

It is a pity that Immortal Tu Yu's original purpose was not to deposit thousands of years of Sudu's heritage, but to complete the "blood disaster" of the End Yan religion.

"Impossible, this deity asks you to stay honest. It is for the deity's consideration. When you need to take action, the deity will inform you. Now you can just stay honest."

"Why is this?!" He Xuan couldn't understand completely.

Immortal Tu Yu was expressionless: "There is no reason, just follow the words of this deity."

He Xuan was in a hurry and wanted to get up and have a theory with Immortal Tu Yu.

But he just stood up, and his angry expression suddenly froze.

There was no star in the dark night sky, and the bright moon hanging alone in the sky acted as a backlight.

Seeing Hexuan froze in place, Immortal Tu Yu frowned slightly: "What are you looking at?"

He Xuan raised his finger and pointed to Immortal Venerable Tu Yu tremblingly:

"You... who are you?"

Immortal Tu Yu's indifferent expression solidified slightly, his eyes were slightly puzzled, and he said solemnly:

"Junior brother, you were beaten stupid? The deity is naturally Tu Yu."

He Xuan swallowed, looked at the purple pupils full of models, and said in a trembling voice:
"Senior brother... have you been possessed by something?"

Immortal Tu Yu frowned deeper, and his voice was flat:
"What is possessed? Junior brother, it seems that you are really being..."


Before Tu Yu could finish his words, he saw a black light like a brush sprinkled with ink shot up into the sky, and the floating battleship with a length of [-] meters was divided into two in the middle section.

The handsome and extraordinary Sword Immortal's white clothes are stained with blood, and the brilliance of the straight sword in his hand is comparable to that of Haoyue.

At the moment when the floating battleship broke, the sword immortal in white looked for the location of Immortal Tu Yu through Spirit Vision.

With the power of ink in his hand, he brushed the blade of the painting Fang Yanqian, and slashed forward with force—

The jet-black sword qi flew out like a crescent moon, and the turbulent turbulent waves ripped apart the wooden boards along the way, approaching Immortal Venerable Tu Yu.

Bitian Yijian!
Xu Shoujing was comprehended from the spell "Extreme Night" that destroys everything, and has an exclusive sword skill with a unique understanding!

But this is not the end. After the sword was cut out, the sword gang was still flying. Xu Shoujing had secretly stroked Qiongyu around his waist, and Yao Ye Senluo was in his hand.

Immortal Tu Yu's pupils shrank, and with the strength of his soul perception, he was completely unaware that someone was approaching the floating battleship.

How could Xu Shoujing cover his breath so cleanly?

Immortal Tu Yu is an old-fashioned Crescent Moon Great Expert. After a brief surprise, he quickly calmed down and raised his big hand unhurriedly.


There is no magic composition, and the shield formed simply by condensing spiritual power can easily block the sword energy of Bitian Yijian.

The so-called realm gap is like now, all efforts are nothing but dust.

Xu Shoujing didn't expect his sword to succeed in a sneak attack. For him, Bitian's sword was just a feint attack, and the real good show was yet to come...

"Xuanji! Aunt Chu!"

Xu Shoujing held Yao Ye Senluo high, his voice was so loud that his voice was almost broken.

Immortal Tu Yu's eyes narrowed, and he subconsciously spread his consciousness and expanded the detection range.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Before he could accurately find the target, the nearby air turned into a rolling heat wave, and the flaming phoenix roared in the sky and flew towards Immortal Tu Yu.

At the same time, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu suddenly unfolded a blue sky-covering magic formation on the soles of his feet.

The dragon pattern in the center of the circle seemed to have come to life, crawling out of the plane with nothing, and the huge dragon claws slapped him.

One dragon and one phoenix, two completely different spiritual powers intertwined and rotated, sweeping away the few remaining wreckage of the battleship.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu was just stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, there was no room to dodge.

The combination of dragon and phoenix, although the power of the dragon is not as powerful as that of the phoenix, it is so subtle that it can hold Tu Yu firmly in the formation.

No matter how strong you are, if you want to break through the formation, it will definitely take a few seconds.

The difference between victory and defeat is just a few seconds. The spell that could have been easily evaded by relying on Tu Yu's strength, had to take the blow of Huofeng head-on due to the magic circle.

What a "Dragon and Phoenix Tide", starting from Xu Shoujing's release of "Bi Tian Yi Jian" as a cover... No, maybe since he just came out, all the attack steps have been determined.

However, all these strategies must be based on 'not being discovered by Immortal Tu Yu'.

If there is no way to circumvent the detection of Divine Sense of Crescent Moon, whether it is to set up a magic circle trap or find a location in advance to prepare "Tianzhe·Shenyin·Phoenix Flame", it is only a matter of paper.

Xu Shoujing's surprise attack was ineffective, and the whole plan could only be ended hastily, and he might even lose his life.

This is also the point that Immortal Tuyu doesn't understand... How can they not be detected by divine consciousness?
Taking a ten thousand steps back, if they really have any miracle spells, they can bypass the inspection and detection.

Are all the people on so many nearby warships fools?Just let them in?

As for what happened next... All this has to start from when Xu Shoujing broke into Tianwai Sword City.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
Let's talk about the setting: "Blood Disaster" was also mentioned in the first volume, when Jiuxiao attacked the city. If you forgot, you can go back and take a look.

 After writing for a day, I deleted almost 7000 words. No matter how I write, the battle will be stretched, so I just skip it, I am afraid you will find it procrastinating.

(End of this chapter)

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