The queen is so fierce

Chapter 229 Demon Mixed Blood, Queen Demon Empress

Chapter 229 Demon Mixed Blood, Queen Demon Empress

half an hour ago.

The white-bearded old man stroked his white beard lightly and turned his sword with his back, completely staying out of the way, admiring the funny look of 'the wolves besieging and killing a single phoenix'.


There is no warning, just like the darkness of the night comes early.

A black sword gang quickly fell from the sky, like a meteor, tearing the formation that the disciples of the Sword City outside the sky had maintained for a long time in two.

The disciples of Tianwai Jiancheng and Qiu Xuanji, who was locked in the center of the sword formation, were stunned at the same time. The brain didn't even have time to process this sudden information, and the second sword qi came as promised.

Whoosh whoosh—

The dark black shadow jumped sideways between the disciples of Tianwai Jiancheng repeatedly, and a heart-piercing scream would sound every time it passed.

I saw the blood-stained sword immortal in white, after killing a disciple of the Heavenly Sword City, he used his falling body as a springboard, dashed forward to the next target, sealed his throat with a sword, and went back and forth.

In the blink of an eye, most of the disciples of Tianwai Sword City had been beheaded, and the sword formation, which was known as one of attack and defense, was also destroyed.

After a few back-and-forths, the next target was the elders of Tianwai Jiancheng who personally passed on Fu Xingguang.

Among the disciples of the entire Tianwai Jiancheng, Fu Xingguang was considered to be the best in the ranking, otherwise Zongmen Dabi would not have sent him.

After the initial surprise, Fu Xingguang quickly recognized the person's true face and exclaimed:

"Xu Shoujing!"

Fu Xingguang and Xu Shoujing had a fight once, and he knew that his strength was not comparable to him, and immediately wanted Yu Jian to escape.

It's a pity that he just came up with this idea from the bottom of his heart, and before he had time to act, the long sword wrapped in the ink-like spiritual power arrived as promised.

Fu Xingguang tried his best to dodge, but compared with the speed of the sword, it was like a plane and a snail. He could only beg for mercy by instinct:
"Master Xu, I don't want to come either, it's Master..."

Ru Mo Jianqi cut his throat mercilessly, Fu Xingguang's expression froze, and his shrunken pupils gradually lost their color.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...


Fu Xingguang's head rolled down like a ball, and the headless corpse plunged into the sea of ​​​​clouds in the blood.

Xu Shoujing took the opportunity to grab his long sword and put it under his feet, barely supporting his body with his swordsmanship, and glanced lightly:
"From the moment you stand on the battlefield, you must have the consciousness of being killed."

While saying this, the picture in Xu Shou's mind was exactly what Bai Zhuang looked like before he died.

There is no doubt that everyone in the Changhe Su Clan was forcibly pulled into this war, without any reason to support it, just to fight to survive.

Murderers are always killed.

This is true, but someone like Changhe Su who was forced to fight should also accept this sentence and die so unreasonably?

Xu Shoujing got rid of the blood on his sword, looked at the few disciples of Tianwai Jiancheng, and waved his hand coldly:
"Come on together."

The white-bearded old man was furious on the spot, the sword was not sheathed, but dozens of invisible sword gangs shot out:

"Presumptuous! How dare you kill the people of my Heavenly Sword City!"

Xu Shoujing pouted, without even turning his head, and said casually:

"So what if you kill it?"

He will be so calm, not because he has the confidence to easily be able to easily present Jian Gang in the Chong Xiao realm.

No need to block.


The monstrous flames that were enough to annihilate the entire night sky turned into a phoenix and swallowed the sword gangs that shuttled through the air.

"What!" The white-bearded old man was shocked. He spent at least [-]% of the sword gang just now, the purpose was to obliterate that ignorant kid, but he didn't expect to be blocked so cleanly.

Most of the disciples of Tianwai Sword City were beheaded by Xu Shoujing, which also meant that the sword formation they were proud of was no longer effective.

Losing the restrictions of the sword array, Qiu Xuanji, who had been tied up just now, can be described as a phoenix who broke free from the bird cage and returned to the sky, and nothing could stop her from 'flying'.

A dozen feet apart, Xu Shoujing and Qiu Xuanji glanced at each other, then turned around to face their opponents.

Xu Shoujing and Qiu Xuanji have only been together for two short years, but the tacit understanding brought by living together in the dragon bed for a long time makes them unconditionally trust both sides.

Xu Shoujing has never lost among his peers, no matter how talented the opponent is, no matter how many intrigues and tricks he uses, he can always find a chance to win by relying on the 'power of heaven's punishment'.

In the same way, Qiu Xuanji is in the same realm. As long as it is a head-on confrontation, don't make small moves, even if it is one enemy and two.

Needless to say, the next time we hold hands, it will be after the battle and come back in a victorious position.

There were only two elders who were rushed to Tianwai Jiancheng this time, and after one Fu Xingguang died, only Chang Ying was left.The rest can't be said to be stinky fish and rotten shrimp... but the level is really not good enough.

Chang Ying's ability to fight alone is not even as good as that of Fu Xingguang. Seeing Xu Shoujing flying with his sword drawn, he immediately grabbed the clothes of a disciple beside him and threw him over:
"Hurry up and stop me!"

The monk who was regarded as an abandoned child showed despair, and symbolically drew his sword to resist, but what responded to him was...


The silver light fell, and the head rolled.

Xu Shoujing is considered to be a 'head shaver' today, and whenever he draws his sword, he must be 'separated'.

When the other monks saw this, they were afraid that they would not be regarded as abandoned sons, and hurriedly fled.

Xu Shoujing wouldn't give them a chance to live. Just seeing a few people fleeing for their lives, the jet-black sword qi on the sword suddenly retracted and turned into Zi Lei and Hong Yan.



"Help... help..."

The screams came one after another, and the few remaining Tianwai Sword City disciples were either electrocuted into coke or burned into coke. Anyway, it was inseparable from the 'coke'.

But for a moment, there was no one around Chang Ying.

Xu Shoujing looked at him blankly, and lightly waved the long sword in his hand:

"You are a sword cultivator, then don't use others as weapons, take your sword and fight me for life and death, instead of flinching like now."

Chang Ying gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Shoujing for a while, sighed as if giving up, and said with a wry smile:
"Everyone has a time when they don't want to die, and I believe you are the same."

"Maybe." Xu Shoujing did not deny it.

Chang Ying knew that he had no way out, took a deep breath, clenched the long sword in both hands, and rushed out almost trembling:


His eyes have the desire to live, and the fear of death, but more is to obey the teacher's words and come here to regret.

If you hadn't followed, maybe you wouldn't have to die...

Xu Shoujing looked at him blankly, and when he was almost five feet in front of him, the painting boat slanted by his side swayed lightly—

The moonlight was like frost, the silver light flashed, and the two passed by.

Without any disparity, Chang Ying fell into the sea of ​​​​clouds like his brothers and sisters, and eventually turned into a small black spot and disappeared.

When he came, there were dozens of disciples in Tianwai Jiancheng, but now there is not one left.

Xu Shoujing looked down at the sword in his hand. He was just beheading the enemy as before. Whether it was the feeling of swiping the sword to separate flesh and blood, or the mental state of killing the enemy without leaving future troubles, nothing changed.

But for some reason, he always felt as if something had changed subconsciously.

Xu Shoujing stopped to think, he didn't want to get caught in the indifferent tangle of 'whether it was the right person to kill'. Since the other party held the sword, he must have the consciousness of being killed, and he couldn't blame others.

Shaking his head, Xu Shoujing looked up in the direction of Qiu Xuanji, where the battle was almost coming to an end.


The white sword energy collided with the monstrous flames and was swallowed up in the blink of an eye, disappearing as if it had never existed.

I don't know how many times such a scene has happened in just a few minutes.

The sword gang was launched with an unstoppable momentum, and then was easily swallowed by the fire phoenix... Repeated again and again.

The white-bearded old man finally couldn't hold it anymore, the long sword in his hand hung down weakly, panting.

What's up with this flame?When did the old man's sword energy become so weak...

Qiu Xuanji seemed to see through what he was thinking, she stretched her jade hand forward and snapped her fingers lightly.


The crimson flames grew stronger, as if trying to burn the night away.

"Don't you know? Whether it is spiritual power, spiritual energy, divine soul... As long as it exists, my Phoenix Fire can burn it to ashes."

The indifferent voice slowly spread, and in this endless night sky, it was like an emperor holding a gold-gilded dragon chair high, and sentenced the guilty minister to death.

The white-bearded old man looked up at the sky weakly, the sword in his hand fell weakly, just like his mood at the moment, he fell into the sea of ​​clouds without a trace.

The blazing flames struck, but the white-bearded old man was no longer in the mood to dodge.

A flame that can even burn the soul... Immortal Venerable Tu Yu didn't say it before...

How does this win?
The fire-bathing phoenix spreads its wings and growls, sweeping across the sky where the white-bearded old man is.

When the flames dissipated, the long night was empty.

After Qiu Xuanji made sure that the spirit of the white-bearded old man dissipated, he gently waved and called Huofeng back.

The fire phoenix circled around her for a while, turning into a dark red mark, wrapped around Qiu Xuanji's flawless white wrist.


At this time, Xu Shoujing Yujian flew to her, and before Qiu Xuanji could respond, she came up and gave her a bear hug.

Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes were slightly startled, and after hesitating for a while, she put her arms around Xu Shoujing's back and said softly:

"You'll be fine."

Xu Shoujing chuckled lightly and let go of his hand: "It's fine if you're fine, what about Aunt Chu and the others?"

Qiu Xuanji tilted her head to look at the battleships at the front, and gestured with her eyes:

"Shuwan and Junior Sister Yu have gone to the front, while Rongyue and Su Huanqing are still fighting the disciples of the Eighth Sect below."

Xu Shoujing looked up at the largest floating battleship, and said in a low voice:

"We've been fighting for so long, and Immortal Tu Yu hasn't made any moves yet. It feels a bit strange... If he simply wants to annihilate the Changhe Su Clan, or capture the Tianwen Mirror, wouldn't it be faster for him to do it himself?"

Qiu Xuanji nodded and agreed:
"I just noticed something was wrong, so I wanted to go over and investigate. However, it may have been detected by Immortal Tu Yu's consciousness, and before he got close, he was stopped by the people from Tianwai Jiancheng."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then his watery peach blossom eyes revealed a bit of annoyance, and he hooked his hands and patted the curve behind Qiu Xuanji.


The crisp voice sounded out of thin air, accompanied by the red gauze thin group with ripples.

If it was Chu Shuwan, she would probably have turned into an 'angry kitten' by now, opening her mouth as a warning of "no big or small".

However, Qiu Xuanji just tilted her head, her clear phoenix eyes revealed doubts, and she didn't seem to understand why Xu Shoujing hit herself.

Qiu Xuanji is relatively slow in some aspects, or she is naturally dumb. She doesn't feel that Xu Shoujing does this kind of thing to herself. strangeness.

Xu Shoujing deliberately made a straight face and said coldly:
"You can guess that Immortal Tu Yu has an intention, and he took a risk to investigate, but his body is not good, isn't this courting death?"

Qiu Xuanji's eyes were slightly startled, and she frowned and said:
"I didn't plan to go deep, I just took a look at the periphery. If Immortal Venerable Tu Yu really catches up, I also have the confidence to use the fire of the phoenix to escape."

Xu Shoujing covered his forehead and shook his head, sighing:
"There is no absolute in everything, such a messy plan, it is absolutely impossible for me to execute it..."

As soon as this statement came out, the air in the vicinity became a little colder.

Qiu Xuanji's red lips parted slightly, and Gu Jing Bubo's phoenix eyes were a little stunned:
"Are you serious?"

Who is Xu Shoujing?Badass's endorsement.

No matter how flawed the plan is or how powerful the enemy is, as long as there is a chance of winning, he will risk his life without any scruples.

Chu Shuwan often complained about this incident, and Qiu Xuanji always had this understanding when she was kidnapped from the Dali Palace by Xu Shoujing.

Is such a seemingly wise and reckless man actually preaching to her to mess up?
It really fulfilled that sentence - are you serious?
Of course Xu Shoujing was serious, he had never been so serious before.

He can ignore the consequences, because it is he who is injured and life-threatening.

But others are different. If Xu Shoujing was not there, he would not even know what happened.

The feeling that this kind of situation is completely out of his control is actually very frightening, which is why he has always been reluctant to let Chu Shuwan and the others face danger before.

Although he knew that whether it was Qiu Xuanji or Chu Shuwan, the strength on the bright side was actually much stronger than himself.

Xu Shoujing sighed, and said what should be preached. Continuing to hold on to it is of no use to change the status quo. Everything seems to have returned to the original point.

To end this meaningless war, the only way is to cut off the head of the initiator of the war - Immortal Tu Yu.

Now the strongest combat power of Xu Shoujing's forces is undoubtedly Qiu Xuanji, but Qiu Xuanji is definitely not the opponent of Immortal Tu Yu.

If you want to play a surprise, Qiu Xuanji's most powerful spell, but the speed can't keep up, it is not suitable for assassination.

The next best thing is that he imitated Zhao Fuyao's "Extreme Night".

The power of "Extreme Night" should not be inferior to that of "Tianzhe·Shenyin·Phoenix Flame", and the dodging space is also very small.

But if it is not a sneak attack, but a head-on battle, with the combat experience of Tuyu Xianzun, it must not be difficult to find a way to escape.

Only sneak attack!
There is still one question left, how to get close to the ship shrouded in the divine consciousness of Immortal Tu Yu and launch a surprise attack?
Xu Shoujing was pinching his chin in thought, when suddenly, a woman in a light-colored dancing dress came into view.

A pair of purple and red pupils shone brightly in the night sky.

She looked at Xu Shoujing indifferently.

"I can help you get close to the human in the crescent moon realm, but you have to promise this emperor a condition."

Xu Shoujing blinked: "Ranxi...No, senior...Aren't you unwilling to help us humans?"

'Ranxi' turned his head, turned a blind eye to Xu Shoujing's question, and said to himself:

"The Tuyu boat you mentioned has the aura of the demons. This emperor is a mixture of demons and demons. Originally I heard that the demons have been wiped out... Do you understand what this emperor means?"

Xu Shoujing nodded suddenly and replied:

"Understood, senior, you want to see if there are any fish that slipped through the net... um, survivor."

"It's good to know, this emperor is not here to help you."

'Ranxi' tilted his head and glanced at Xu Shoujing again, hesitated, and said:

"This emperor can only help you once, and then this emperor will fall into a deep sleep, and Ranxi will not be able to wake up in a short time. So the condition for this emperor to help you is that you will take care of this equipment while neither of us is awake. Body."

Seeing that Xu Shoujing began to show the expression of 'Of course I'm fine', 'Ran Xi' narrowed his eyes and said with a light bite of silver teeth:

"If you dare to do...that kind of thing to Ranxi's body, when the emperor wakes up, even if he spends his whole life, he will kill you if he chases him to the ends of the earth."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 Too sleepy... I may not be too detailed to check the typo, compared to quantum reading, these two chapters are both, everyone finds typos and typos to catch bugs, I woke up and corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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