The queen is so fierce

Chapter 230 The split sky

Chapter 230 The split sky (Zero should have another chapter)
"But, even if you used to be very strong, now the senior uses Ranxi's body..."

"Do I need your reminder? You don't need to worry about how the emperor does it, you just need to use your fastest speed and highest explosive power to find a way to rush to the main ship. As for the perception of consciousness and the rest of the guards , this emperor will solve it."


"What are you 'ah'... don't look at me with that look of disgust, be careful that this emperor is now... forget it."


Afterwards, Xu Shoujing and Chu Shuwan reunited, and together with Qiu Xuanji, the three discussed their respective divisions of labor and what might happen after they actually rushed to the main ship.

At first Xu Shoujing was still puzzled, that the senior of the demon race used Ranxi's body, and the spellcasting should be subject to considerable restrictions.

For example, Xu Shoujing used Yao Ye Senluo to simulate the extreme night, which seems to be powerful, but it is actually less than [-]% of Zhao Fuyao's heyday.

It was not until before the execution of the plan that Xu Shoujing saw the ice chains bound around Ranxi's body that he suddenly realized.

Pure soul ice coffin.

I forgot about this one. Speaking of which, this thing was originally taught to Xu Shoujing by 'Ranxi', and it makes no sense that she wouldn't know it herself.


Xu Shoujing saw the smallest "field" he had ever seen.

The diameter is less than three meters. If it wasn't for 'Ranxi' whispering "the field unfolds" before casting the spell, Xu Shoujing would simply regard it as some kind of spell to conceal his breath.

No way, it's mainly a matter of comparison objects.

The first time Xu Shoujing saw the realm in a real sense, he witnessed the collision between the two peerless powerhouses, Donghuangli and Jidan.

On one side is the chaos and disorder reflected in the red sky, and on the other side is the gray-white space where the air seems to be frozen.

I don't know if it's because of the Xuan Yejing. Those two domains directly filled up the entire 'Illusory Gallery space', it was like changing the world.

In comparison, the field of 'Ranxi' is much barren.

Fortunately, Xu Shoujing's point of view has always been "small is no problem, as long as it can be used".

After 'Ranxi' finished placing the domain, he instructed, "After killing, remember to leave the body to this emperor." After that, he yawned exhaustedly and left.

Xu Shoujing, Chu Shuwan, and Qiu Xuanji stayed in the ultra-small field. Because it was too small, he could only hug from left to right, try to fit his body and move forward slowly.

The realm was like an ambiguous bubble in the water. Wherever Xu Shoujing went, the bubble followed and locked the three of them firmly.

Looking outside through the bubbles, on the neatly arranged floating battleships, the monks of various sects meticulously patrolled the surroundings, and even a mosquito would be beaten to death by random sticks.

But only turned a blind eye to this small bubble.

When he was about to fly directly in front of the main ship, Xu Shoujing began to draw his sword to prepare, but Chu Shuwan held his hand.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Chu Shuwan with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

Chu Shuwan's expression has never been so serious before, staring at these unscrupulous eyes:
"Jing'er, if you follow the steps you said, you can indeed let Tu Yu take over your "extreme night".But Tu Yu is not Jiuxiao after all, can you guarantee that you can solve him with one sword? "

Xu Shoujing touched his head and silently staggered his gaze.

ensure?Who can guarantee this.

Immortal Tu Yu is not a Chinese cabbage, so the probability of killing him with one sword is lower than the probability of picking up fifty cents on the street.

After all, not many people use cash anymore.

Xu Shoujing's plan is very simple, and if you insist that it is not even a plan, it's just a copy of Jinglong's time.

Aunt Chu's "The Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens" alone might not be able to cause any actual damage to Immortal Tuyu.

However, as a control spell, Jiuxiao Hidden Dragon Diagram is extremely good. Just stay in it for a while, and you have to face the attack of the majestic dragon.

The spells between the masters are often just a few tenths of a second away.

Use Jiuxiao Hidden Dragon to buy time, and leave the rest to "Tianzhe·Shenyin·Phoenix Flame".

The fire of the phoenix can burn the soul, spiritual power, aura, and even spiritual power.

Even if the strong Yu Xianzun eats this trick head on, it will definitely be weakened a lot.

At that time, it will be the turn of "Pole Night" to appear.

As for whether Ji Ye can kill Immortal Tuyu with a single sword... Xu Shoujing reserves this answer for the time being.

Don't ask, just don't know.

If there is really only 'one sword'.

Xu Shoujing had already made a decision in his heart, but if he said it, he would definitely be opposed by Aunt Chu, so he simply made an excuse.

He was about to perfunctory, but the eyes he had just staggered met with Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes that seemed to be able to read people's hearts.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and his first reaction was a little guilty, feeling that what he was thinking seemed to be seen through.

Then, my mind suddenly became clear.

Why hide it?Isn't this different from before?

Because I didn't want them to worry, I chose to face the danger alone, but I didn't know that this would actually make Aunt Chu and the others worry even more.

If you have really made a plan, you can just say no. Aunt Chu will not make trouble unreasonably in front of the big situation, and she will definitely understand herself.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing suddenly realized, took a deep breath, and said slowly:

"You can't kill with one sword, so I plan to..."

This time Xu Shoujing did not have any reservations, and conveyed all his plans and ideas to Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji.

After Chu Shuwan heard this, she was silent for a moment, then said solemnly:
"What if I hurt Dougie?"

Xu Shoujing knew she would ask this, and turned to look at Yunjian:

"The most important thing now is to get through this level and live... Daoji, I believe that I will be able to make up for it in the future."

I heard that double repair is very good?

Chu Shuwan sighed and spread her hands helplessly:

"You've made up your mind, what else can aunt say?"

"Aunt Chu..." Xu Shoujing was so moved that if it wasn't for the wrong timing, he almost couldn't hold her back.

Yes, what a simple fact, how could he forget it?
Just like when Sister Rong Yue said to herself, "Sister supports all your decisions", as long as it is the conclusion he has come to after careful consideration, Aunt Chu has no reason to disagree.

As before, unilaterally thinking that Aunt Chu would disagree, or put all the responsibilities on herself, and in the name of 'don't let them face danger', to do some gambling behaviors without authorization, that's just another way. An escape in a sense.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing's thoughts were unprecedentedly transparent, and he smiled bitterly:
"I'm so self-righteous..."

"Jing'er, what did you just say?"

"It's nothing, wait for the moonlight to get darker, and let's get started."



Things went very smoothly. Xu Shoujing cut off the floating battleship with one sword, and released the Bitian sword before Immortal Tu Yu could react.

Bitian Yijian was naturally easily resisted by Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, but he also won a few tenths of a second.

One link is linked, and the links are interlocked, and "Nine Heavens Hidden Dragon" and "Tianzhe·Shenyin·Phoenix Flame" follow one after another.

I have to say that Domain is worthy of being the strongest spiritual skill learned by cultivators. Even if it is impossible to exert its full strength due to realm restrictions, the effect is already very strong.

Immortal Tu Yu didn't notice Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji's forward movements at all, until the moment before they were hit, he faintly sensed the enemy's direction with his powerful consciousness, but there was no chance to dodge.


The cyan dragon phantom soared into the sky, a huge envelope wrapped in a hurricane, and swung towards Immortal Venerable Tu Yu who had just received Bitian's sword.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu's expression sank, and he raised his big hand lightly, blocking it with a shield made of spiritual energy.

Qiu Xuanji saw the opportunity, and the "Tianzhe·Shenyin·Phoenix Flame" that had already been prepared spread his wings and shouted.

The fire-bathing phoenix and the wind-treading dragon were intertwined with each other, the wind and the fire merged, and the blazing waves rolled endlessly, sweeping the entire sky.

At the center of the scorching flames, Immortal Tu Yu wanted to expel the winds that hindered his actions first, but these winds merged with the fire of the phoenix, and he couldn't shake off these strange flames that could burn the soul.

The higher the cultivator's realm, the greater the impact of the damage on the soul.

If it was just an ordinary flame, it wouldn't matter even if Immortal Tu Yu carried the burning out, but this was the fire of the phoenix, and the damage to the soul was almost irreversible.

After going back and forth, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu could only be forced to stay where he was, and use his spiritual power to isolate the Phoenix Fire, so as not to suffer too much damage.

Time passed minute by minute, and the firepower of the Phoenix Fire, under the blessing of the Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens, lasted abruptly for a quarter of an hour before it stopped.

Seeing the flames dissipate and the darkness of night reappearing in the field of vision, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, secretly running his spiritual power, and wanted to smash the two threats behind him into pieces with one palm.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

Not far from Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, a long sword glowed with silver light, shining bright white light in the night sky.

That white light is getting stronger and stronger, and from a distance, it looks like an excessive light bulb has been lit in the sky at night, which is very dramatic.

But this is all secondary, from the moment this white light appeared, it seemed that the whole world was quiet.

That is a kind of frustration that people are born with.

From ancient times to the present, the thickness of the mountains and rivers of history is also the nothingness that destroys everything.

"how come……"

All the attention of Immortal Tu Yu was on the fire of the phoenix. He didn't take Xu Shoujing in his eyes at all, and he didn't think that a boy from the Dragon Gate realm could make any waves.

But it is such a small dragon gate realm that he has ignored, and the coercion displayed at this moment far exceeds everyone present.

Xu Shoujing stood with a sword in one hand. He could clearly feel that his physical strength was being continuously taken away, and the spiritual power in his body was even more disordered. The long knife in his hand seemed to be a huge black hole, extracting everything from him.

"Not good!" Immortal Venerable Tu Yu's eyes widened, and he immediately wanted to dodge out of the range of the white light.

His instinct told himself that he must not take this knife hard, even if the other party was just a little cultivator in the Dragon Gate Realm.

"too late!"

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu had only just taken a step, and Xu Shoujing's long sword was already swung down.


The dazzling white light condenses into the sword gang that splits the sky. Wherever the white light sword gang goes, whether it is the spirit of heaven and earth, people, air, everything is wiped out.

This shocking movement interrupted the rhythm of the entire battlefield, and countless disciples who were at war, and disciples who were patrolling the battleship, all cast their gazes towards the White Light Sword Gang.

I saw that the thick sea of ​​clouds was separated by a huge opening, like a continuous canyon crack, and through the gap of the sea of ​​​​clouds, you could clearly see the smoke of Sudu.

Just above the sea of ​​​​clouds, as long as it is parallel to the battleship in the crack, without exception, not even half a piece of wood slag is left.

"What happened?"

Su Ren unconsciously stopped the sword in his hand, and the black-faced monk opposite him also put down the vajra.

The two even forgot that they were fighting for their lives and just stared blankly at the completely divided sky.

Su Huanqing froze the enemy who was in a daze, turned her head to look at the pure white sky, and frowned slightly:

"This is……"

Jiang Rongyue cooperated with the thunder method to blast the frozen enemy, then glanced at the pure white sword gang, and said helplessly:

"It should be Xiaojing... I don't know where he learned the sword skills from."

Whoosh whoosh—

Gold ripples surged, and thousands of weapons of different styles penetrated the eight disciples who were paralyzed in midair.

Nangong Xiaoxiao stepped on the sword's edge lightly, and the apricot skirt fluttered to the ground.

Hearing Jiang Rongyue's self-talk, she shrugged and said unintentionally:

"This is probably the first time you've seen "Ji Ye", Xiao Jingzi is still using a degraded version, the real "Ji Ye" is much more terrifying than this. "

The "Pole Night" of that woman's heyday directly changed the situation of the War of Summoning Spirits, destroying nearly [-]% of the demon clan in the whole strange realm.

People in the Tianzhu era would shiver just by hearing the name of the Goddess of Heaven. This is the biggest reason.

Jiang Rongyue blinked and asked curiously:
"Xiaoxiao, are you familiar with this?"

"Uh...well, it's alright." Nangong Xiaoxiao's face froze, and she silently shifted her gaze.

She was not even one year old at the time of the Battle of the Summoning Spirits, so she had no impression at all. The horror of the "extreme night" was later told orally by the elders.

Seeing Nangong Xiaoxiao's absent-minded appearance, Jiang Rongyue tilted her head and didn't pay attention to it. She just raised her head to look at the split sky, and said faintly:

"Xiaojing used this "extreme night", it should be fine..."

Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then slowly put away her expression, and said softly:

"Who knows... But since he decided to use it, he should have the consciousness to bear the price. After all, it is not his own power, and even if he dies, he can't blame others."

As soon as he said the words, Nangong Xiaoxiao felt that two eyes were locked on him at the same time.

Needless to say, Jiang Rongyue's faint resentment eyes can make people feel hairy.Even Su Huanqing looked at her coldly, as if to say, "Can you speak? Can you see the atmosphere?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao did not expect that she would be warned by the steel straight girl "don't know the atmosphere". While secretly annoyed, she sighed helplessly:
"Don't worry, Xiao Jingzi's life is tough, and nothing will happen."

He is his sister's child after all, how could he die in such a place.

"I hope so..." Jiang Rongyue sighed, her apricot eyes looking at the sky full of melancholy.

If she is strong enough... can she help Xiaojing like Master and Uncle Qiu? ——
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 It wasn't until the last seven hundred words that I finally found the feeling of coding. The characters came to life again, and they were no longer my marionettes. Thanks to Sister Rongyue, Xiaoxiao, and Huanqing, they asked me to find them. back to myself.

  For the previous 3000 words, my head was blank, I didn't even know what I was writing, every word made me very irritable, and I was at a loss as to what to do next.

  This chapter is of average quality, but hopefully it will be the beginning of my 'Nirvana Rebirth'.

(End of this chapter)

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