The queen is so fierce

Chapter 231 2 Polar Nights

Chapter 231 Two polar nights

He Xuan fanned away the thick white smoke in front of him, slowly lowered his right arm covering his eyes, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"This is……"

The entire sky was divided into two halves, and a sea of ​​clouds as soft as cotton candy split open in the middle, leading to the Su Clan, the long river below.

Is this really something that Longmen Realm can do?
He Xuan was stunned for a moment, suddenly woke up, and began to look around:
"By the way, what about Senior Brother? Shouldn't he really be dead..."

If he took the blow all by himself, it would not be surprising that he would be wiped out on the spot without any precautions.

But it was not He Hexuan who took the blow from the front, but the modern Sect Master of Tianyuan Sect, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, who was famous in all directions.

Is my brother really dead?

He Xuan asked himself this question in his heart again, and quietly opened his soul perception, looking for the trace of Immortal Tu Yu in this night sky that can be called nothingness.

At this moment, two graceful figures, one green and one red, appeared.

One is a beautiful woman in a dark green long dress, her black hair is coiled into a woman's hairpin, her face is so moist that water can be squeezed out, but her eyes are red, full of anxiety, her cultivation is worse than what can only be said Well, to be able to cultivate to Nirvana at the age of more than 30 is considered an outstanding person among ordinary monks.

The other woman in a long red dress is amazing. First of all, she is half a head taller than the beautiful woman in the green dress. She has long black hair and a shawl. She has sharp phoenix eyes. Just standing there makes people feel it. The strong aura of his superiors.

It seems that he is not yet forty years old, but he has already passed the threshold of the Chongxiao Realm. If he is replaced by the pretentious old immortals in Hengyangzhou, he will probably be envious.

"Where's Jing'er? He passed out after using this trick last time. Don't you fall down..."

"Shuwan, calm down, Jing'er won't think about retreating completely, he should..."

Before Qiu Xuanji finished speaking, his eyes suddenly met He Xuan, who was observing secretly, and both sides were stunned in place.

"The effect of the realm is gone."

Qiu Xuanji thought of this first, without any hesitation, she stepped in front of Chu Shuwan with her jade feet, clenched her slender hands lightly, the fiery red tattoos surging as if they were alive, and the fire of the phoenix was ready to go.

When He Xuanjian saw this, he panicked and waved his hands quickly:
"Don't! Don't, you are not my opponent!"

Qiu Xuanji's phoenix eyes were cold, without the slightest fear, she began to gently rub her jade fingers, and was about to snap her fingers out.

"..." He Xuan.

It's bad, how can it still arouse the spirit of victory...

No one is free to talk about the difference in strength?This time it's good, but it's exciting.

He Xuan scolded himself secretly and stated his position:

"I have no plans to fight you, I am on your side..."

However, this sentence did not make Qiu Xuanji shake in any way, but instead gave her a sense of vigilance that "this Tianyuan Sect elder likes to talk nonsense and play tricks".

Chu Shuwan, who was next to her, also came back to her senses and began to rub the picture of the Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens with her hands. It seemed that she planned to fight to the death here.

"..." He Xuan.

Why are these little girls so angry, is it so difficult to listen to the old man?

He Xuan suddenly got into trouble. If he really started a fight, these two would definitely not be his opponents, but it would be meaningless to win the fight. He also wanted to join forces with the other side to stop Senior Brother Tu Yu.

But if they don't fight, they won't listen to people's words, or they might think they are playing some tricks.

After thinking about it, He Xuan finally decided to start the fight, but he had to control the intensity a little, so as not to get hurt and it would be difficult to cooperate later.

Both sides have their own thoughts, and a fierce battle is about to begin.

At this moment, the shadow hidden in the depths of the thick smoke suddenly let out a roar.


This heart-piercing roar ran through the sky, and the terrifying spiritual pressure shook the sky, and at the same time attracted the eyes of the three people who were extremely nervous.

I saw that Immortal Tu Yu, who seemed to be an immortal on the surface, was in a state of embarrassment at this time. The goose-yellow robes all over his body were torn and smashed, and blood seeped from the cracks in the cloth. whole body.

The pupils were crazy like a demon, the whites of the eyes were covered with bloodshots, and they were pulled diagonally from the right shoulder to the crotch, and a bloody wound was shocking.

For such a terrifying injury, a mortal would have died a long time ago, but for the Crescent Moon Realm, it is not a serious injury to the extent that it can be repaired with just a little bit of spiritual power.

However, Immortal Tu Yu showed no signs of treating his injuries at all. After he emerged from the thick smoke, he maintained a trembling appearance, and it was not surprising that he fell into the sea of ​​clouds at any time.

After a brief daze, He Xuan suddenly discovered an astonishing fact and murmured:

"Senior brother, he's already so embarrassed that he can't even heal this little injury?"

Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan glanced at each other. The tacit understanding they had grown up together since childhood made them quickly understand what the other party wanted to do at this time.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

The figure of Feihong rose up into the sky, the temperature around her was like a deep volcanic purgatory in the blink of an eye, and the phoenix in flames hovered beside her.

This time, Chu Shuwan didn't let Chu Shuwan release the Hidden Dragon in the Nine Heavens first to contain her, but directly used Qiu Xuanji as the main attacker to take the lead in releasing her big move.

In the judgment of the two women, the current Immortal Tuyu does not need to be restrained. Instead of wasting time to give the other party a reaction, it is better to just do it in one step.

One dragon and one phoenix, shuttled across the sky in the blink of an eye, and the front and rear pinch attack cut off Immortal Tu Yu's approach and retreat.

He Xuan's eyes were slightly in admiration. The combination skills of the two women were already terrifying enough at the beginning. I didn't expect that after consuming so much spiritual power, they could still release combination spells no less than that at the time.


He Xuan thought that his senior brother was already dead, and he didn't need to take any more shots at all.

But at the moment when the fire-bathing phoenix and the wind-treading dragon jointly attacked, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, who was still dying, suddenly tore off his shirt and roared with a ghastly face:
"This deity is Tu Yu! He is the leader of the righteous path in Tiannan Continent! How can the stream of Nirvana and others be bullied?!"

The majestic spiritual pressure spewed out, shaking the Phoenix and the Wind Treading Dragon away.

The change came too suddenly, Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan didn't have time to react, and at the same time they were sent flying out by the spiritual pressure.

On the other side, seeing Immortal Tu Yu's momentum change at the moment, He Xuan looked shocked and said to himself in disbelief:

"How is this possible... How can Senior Brother still retain so much spiritual power? This... This is..."

The spiritual pressure around Immortal Tu Yu revolved, and finally condensed into a purple square plate with a radius of several hundred meters. The blood at the wound erupted like a fountain, which can only be described as an amazing amount of blood.

"Dao Enlightenment Domain!" He Xuan's face sank, and he wanted to retreat.

Although it's not complete, it's just a prototype, but this is indeed the "realm of enlightenment" that can only touch the threshold of Xuanyang Realm.

It is also Xuanyang Realm, whether there is a realm or not directly affects the relationship between the two.

At the peak of the full moon period, Immortal Tu Yu realized the "realm of the self", which was almost an epoch-making event in the entire Jiuzhou.

Originally, he couldn't beat Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, but now with two Crescent Moon Stages, he might not be able to beat him.

"Why does it happen at such a time..." He Xuan was sweating coldly and almost wrote "distress" on his forehead.

Is it because he was slashed to the brink of death by a sword from the Dragon Gate Realm, and he was blessed by misfortune between life and death, but instead he became enlightened?

What the hell is luck...

In mid-air, Immortal Tu Yu took back all the purple stance he had released into his body, the split wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his pale face gradually turned rosy.

Immortal Tu Yu took a deep breath towards the sky, and lightly shook his big hand, he transformed into a refined robe again, and there was a hint of coincidence hidden in his dark purple pupils:
"This is the realm... The deity has finally reached that level. It seems that the deity has to thank Xu Shoujing for that, but it's a pity that he was forced to use that earth-shattering sword skill with his meager cultivation. The dead lights are gone, I don’t know where I died, hahaha…”

"...That seems to disappoint you."

A familiar and disturbing voice rang in his ears, and Immortal Tu Yu's arrogant laughter stopped abruptly.

He slowly turned around and looked in the direction of the source of the sound, only to see a handsome sword immortal in white clothes standing between Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan, leaning against Mingyue, holding a sword in one hand, the sword intent was threatening.

"You're not dead!" Immortal Venerable Tu Yu's pupils shrank, and the big hand hidden under the large robe clenched tightly, and the bone joints made a "click" sound.

He Xuan was also shocked. When Xu Shoujing used the sword that split the sky, he was watching as dark as he was now.

The sword that splits the sky is so powerful that it is too big to think that this is a sword skill that Longyumen can use. For the same reason, even if it can be used, he can't seem to have no consumption at all. So weird.

If that sword is really free to use, then Immortal Venerable Tuyu doesn't have to fight, so let's just surrender. Whether you are in the Xianyue realm or Xuanyang realm, is it possible that you can still take more than a dozen swords in a row?
Not to mention more than a dozen swords, one more sword is probably enough.

In the middle of thinking, He Xuan frowned slightly and found that something was wrong. His eyes were fixed on Xu Shoujing's feet, and his pupils gradually widened:

"Wait...that's walking in the air?"

Walking in the air is an ability that can only be mastered by the Nirvana Realm. If the Dragon Gate Realm wants to go to the sky, it can only rely on external magic tools other than Yu Jian.

He Xuan's face was full of disbelief, and he muttered to himself:

"This kid... Did he temporarily break through on the battlefield?"

In midair, Immortal Tu Yu also noticed this phenomenon, but after all, he is a big man of the full moon period, and the information he sees should be more thorough, and his voice is low:
"Using the secret method to forcibly raise the realm...Aren't you afraid that the time limit will expire and the realm will fall back and devour yourself?"

clack clack-

Xu Shoujing threw off the ice chains on his body, and the frostbite marks on his arms were still fresh.

The sound of "bang" turned into aura particles and dissipated.

Hearing the words of Immortal Tuyu, Xu Shoujing clenched his fists, feeling his body much more relaxed than before, and said in a low voice:
"I am so weak that I can only think of this way to kill you, so I have no plans to regret it."

As early as when Xu Shoujing made a breakthrough in Eastern Imperial City, he found a way to instantly replenish all his spiritual power.

If monks want to break through the bottleneck of the realm, they need a huge amount of aura to support, but these auras did not disappear out of thin air, they only temporarily became a 'bridge to broken mirrors'.

At the moment of breaking through the realm, the 'bridge' lost its function and collapsed as it should, and the spiritual energy that had been dyed into the color of the monk could not return to the five elements of heaven and earth, and they could only follow the spiritual vein of the monk and turned into a part of the spiritual sea.

To put it simply, at the moment of breakthrough, even if the spiritual sea is empty, it can be directly resurrected with full blood and join the battle again.

Before implementing the plan to kill Tu Yu, Xu Shoujing faintly felt that if he only used one sword, even "Extreme Night", he might not be able to kill Tu Yu completely.

Using the "Pure Soul Ice Coffin" to create a 'false broken mirror' is the 'second sword' he prepared.

Of course there is a price, and it's a lot.

'False broken mirror' is not a real broken mirror after all, and the risk is far greater than usual.

Under normal circumstances, if a cultivator can progress smoothly, he must meet the requirements of breaking the mirror in all aspects such as physique, spiritual power, and soul. The foundation must be good enough to break the mirror without risk.

Of course, except for the risk of catastrophe, the cultivator can't control the matter of heaven.

What Xu Shoujing is doing now is equivalent to forcibly pouring the spiritual power of Nirvana into his body in Dragon Gate.

Just imagine, if you insert a big stick into a small hole that was originally small, will it not be broken?
Even if the physical fitness is good enough and it is not broken in the first time, it will at least hurt!
Xu Shoujing is in such a state now, even if it looks no different from the past, it is entirely because he has been refining his body all year round, and under the blessing of the Nine Tribulations Prison Body, his physique is no better than ordinary people.

Once the "Soul Purification Ice Coffin" expired, Xu Shoujing returned to the Dragon Gate Realm, and the illusion brought by the Nirvana Realm cultivation after the 'false entry' no longer worked.

These temporarily concealed problems will be fully exposed.

Chu Shuwan was worried about hurting Daoji before, but it wasn't an alarmist, it really had a chance of becoming a crippled person.

Not to mention, Xu Shoujing has to use "Pole Night" again on this basis, which is super doubled.

After sorting out these thoughts, He Xuan forgot that he was observing in secret, and was amazed:
"This're too bold!"

Although it was a special period, he dared to gamble his future cultivating career at such a critical juncture, just to effectively obliterate Immortal Tu Yu.

This courage, first of all, is not something that ordinary people can possess.

If this son does not die, he will definitely become a hero who will influence the general situation of Jiuzhou in the future!
Thinking of this, He Xuan sighed with infinite emotion and praised:
"The future is terrifying..."

This sigh was not too big or not, but it just passed into the ears of several people facing each other above.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu turned his eyes slightly, and subconsciously looked away from the corner of his eye, looking towards the place where He Xuan was.

At this moment, Xu Shoujing made his move.

It was a stalemate for so long, for this moment of hesitation.

Xu Shoujing held the sword in his left hand and pressed the demon saber behind him in his right hand.
"Aunt Chu, Xuanji, don't take action..."

This time it was really not Xu Shoujing being a hero. In the first two confrontations between Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan, the consumption of spiritual power was no less than his, and now there is not much left.

Forcing a shot might even become a hostage of Immortal Tu Yu, but Xu Shoujing didn't have the chance to release "Ji Ye".

The difference between Xu Shoujing and Immortal Tuyu was nearly fifty feet, but to Xu Shoujing, the fifty feet seemed as close as two or three steps.

Although it was temporary, after the 'false entry', Xu Shoujing clearly felt that his body seemed to be relieved of layers of burdens. Something that can only be done through experience.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Shoujing had already rushed to Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, and the long white sword held in his left hand immediately shot, and lifted it up to his left shoulder, the demon sword in his right hand could not bear it.

"Without that sword, do you think that getting a false Nirvana realm with the help of external force is the opponent of this deity?"

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu looked disdainful, not even moving a finger, a wave of spiritual power erupted in his body, and with a "bang", Xu Shoujing's sword was blown away.

Xu Shoujing was calm in the face of danger, he was waiting for this moment.

While the painting Fang Yanqian was shaken, Xu Shoujing lightly stroked the amber on his waist, and the jet-black aura particles came out with the five fingers, condensing into the shape of a sword.

Immortal Tu Yu was always on guard against Xu Shoujing's "extreme night". He didn't miss this moment. The big hand under the thick sleeve robe turned from static and immediately grabbed Xu Shoujing's left hand holding the sword.

"You won't be able to use the 'second sword' now." Immortal Tu Yu sneered, and then tried hard to break Xu Shoujing's left hand.

However, even when all his moves were seen through, Xu Shoujing didn't have any nervous expression, and even laughed:
"Who told you that it was the 'Second Sword'?"

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu froze for a moment, then glanced at the sword in Xu Shoujing's left hand, his pupils shrank.

What Xu Shoujing was holding in his left hand was not the silver sword that used "Ji Ye", but a pitch-black great sword wrapped in countless rubble.

The pitch-black sword and the strange silver sword both exude an aura of 'the power from heaven and earth', so Immortal Venerable Tu Yu could not recognize it immediately.

It's a pretense!

Sensing that something was wrong, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu immediately wanted to return to the defense, but unfortunately it was too late.

Xu Shoujing raised his right hand that had been hidden for a long time, and Yao Ye Senluo's dazzling silver light reflected on Tu Yu's profile.

"This is the second sword!"


There was no pause in the blade, and it penetrated the heart of Immortal Tu Yu.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment, and the white light representing "nothingness" lit up from Immortal Tu Yu's body, lighting up the blood vessels and veins of his whole body, like a sparkling lantern in the night sky.

Immediately after...


The pure white light once again penetrated the night sky, slicing the entire darkness, and the moon was eclipsed by its light.

"Second Polar Night."


Next to the waterfall in Changhe Su's high mountain, in a dim and silent cabin.

The plump Taoist nun was lying on the bottom of the bed, the planks were removed and thrown aside, and the layers of soil were dug up, as if she was looking for something.


The white light penetrated the night sky, and the earth-shattering sound caught everyone's attention, including Leng Yan, who was lying on the bottom of the bed.

It's the second time.

Ling Fuyu raised her head and looked at the gradually dissipating white light through the window, frowning slightly, but she accelerated the speed of chopping off the clods.
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(End of this chapter)

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