The queen is so fierce

Chapter 232 The first wave has not settled, and the other

Chapter 232

In the clean and cold night sky, Immortal Tu Yu's body was floating among the clouds.

The robes on his body were torn to pieces, the pupils that lost focus were slack, and the flesh on the lower abdomen was charred black, revealing a large hole that could be seen through.

He Xuan cautiously approached the body of Immortal Tu Yu, stretched out his palm and wrapped it with spiritual power, and carefully surveyed it.

To die is definitely to die, and to die completely, the spiritual veins of the body are cut off, and there is no sign of regeneration of the meridians.

There was no reaction in the spiritual platform, and there was no trace of escape from the soul. It seemed that even if the soul of the full moon period was full of that sword at close range, it would be impossible for the soul to be destroyed.

Is that kid a monster?
After confirming that his senior brother could no longer die, He Xuan, who was a good junior brother, breathed a sigh of relief, and his nervous nerves relaxed.

He turned his head to look at where Xu Shoujing was. The young man who just made the act of killing the powerful Xianyue was now sandwiched between two young women with different looks, his expression looked very embarrassed.

After using "Ji Ye" for the second time, before Xu Shoujing had time to check the condition of Immortal Tu Yu, Chu Shuwan had already rushed over, hugging this unconscionable person and kneading for a while.

It's not to touch his chest, it's just to pat his face, anyway, just to see if he's hurt anywhere.

While checking, I kept thinking in my mouth:

"Tell me about you, you can only think of this method every time. You have to scare your aunt to death. When you were in the Jade Pagoda, I thought you learned how to behave..."

Xu Shoujing was speechless. After a while, he couldn't stand Chu Shuwan's 'grieved eyes' offensive, so he had to look at Qiu Xuanji for help.

Qiu Xuanji's reaction was also very simple, her clear phoenix eyes glanced at his fairly tough body, and said calmly:
"Are you feeling unwell?"

Xu Shoujing touched the back of his head, pretending to be relaxed and saying:
"I wouldn't be standing here if I had something to do, I'm sure I'll be fine now."

Of course 'temporarily' is fine.

In fact, before Xu Shoujing used Ji Ye for the second time, he was ready to 'stun on the spot'.

Back then, Canghaijing used such a knife to directly become a living dead for half a year.

Now that the realm is forcibly raised, the power of the "extreme night" increases, and the consumption required should also be much larger.

But after it was actually used, Xu Shoujing discovered that Linghai had indeed been taken out of time. Just like last time, physical strength, mental strength...almost all the energy that could sustain his life and activities were forcibly taken away, and he became the "Ji Ye". "nutrients.

Xu Shoujing also really felt that his whole person had entered a 'depressed state'.

The head is foggy, a bit like a fever, and the whole body has no strength. A little movement of the fingers will cause a lot of sweat, and the speed of the brain also declines like a cliff; trying to restore the spiritual power, the dry spirit sea is completely non-stop.

It's as if the nerve center and the body have a fast 200ms delay, literally, like 'the world in a picture frame'.

Although his physical condition is already so bad, it is not surprising when he will faint, but Xu Shoujing did not faint.

There are many possibilities that can be thought of, such as returning to the light when he was about to die, or the hidden passive of the bloodline of punishment, or maybe he is so talented that he can't die even if he wants to die.

However, after pushing the delusional strike brain for a few hard turns, Xu Shoujing limited the reference range to the only possibilities.

——The unsullied body of Nirvana.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing tapped his head slightly annoyed.

He had never learned anything about this knowledge.

In the past, he only thought about how to get on the path of cultivation, and the realm of Nirvana, which is elusive and unattainable, was not within his scope of study at all.

Even if he has read the relevant books, he just flipped through it 'crashing'. With his current thinking ability, he couldn't recall it at all.

"Jing'er, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you?"

Seeing Xu Shoujing frowning all the time and not saying a word for a long time, Chu Shuwan couldn't help but start to worry.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and under the stunned gaze of the two women, he reached out and tapped his head again, scolding secretly:

"It's really changed...Aren't Aunt Chu and Xuanji both from the Nirvana realm? Just ask them if they don't?"

Xu Shoujing did not hesitate, and directly asked two questions:
"What is the immaculate body of Nirvana?"

Hearing this, Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji were stunned for a moment, and they looked at each other, both seeing the puzzlement in each other's eyes.

This has just ended a war, why did Jinger suddenly start asking academic questions?
I think so, but the second daughter is a 'high student' of Longyumen, so answering this kind of question is still easy to grasp.

Qiu Xuanji hesitated and explained in a low voice:
"Nirvana, as the literal meaning is, is the second rebirth of a monk. The first time is to transform into a mortal body, that is, to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body after forging, and to transform into water in the ten realms."

Xu Shoujing nodded, his expression slightly stunned.

I remember that in the hut of Dali Zimo, with the help of Zhao Fuyao, for the first time, he absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to quench his body.

Seeing Qiu Xuanji stop, Chu Shuwan pursed her red lips and said:
"The body without scale refers to tempering the six most important bones of a monk, so as to achieve the state of 'no scale in the body, clear and bright in the spiritual platform', and the unity of body and mind with heaven and earth, and the unity of body and the Dao."

After a pause, she glanced at Qiu Xuanji and added:
"In the Nirvana state, all six bones must be tempered before it can be called a non-stained body. Like senior sister who tempered five bones and then entered the realm, it is not considered a non-stained body. As for me, I am now in the late stage of Nirvana. , With the current training speed, it is estimated that at most five bones will be tempered when Chongxiao, and there is no hope for Wugou's body."

If Xu Shoujing realized something, since Wugou body needs to temper six bones, then he can still stand and speak now, it is definitely not because of 'false entry'.

Not to mention six, he couldn't temper even one of them, so he definitely wasn't the Wushou Body.

"However, the most ideal state is naturally a clean body, but a clean body is not necessarily a good thing for a cultivator."

Qiu Xuanji interjected at the right time: "Six bones are flawless, and the speed of communicating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be much faster than ordinary people, but for monks who specialize in single attribute, it will actually slow down the speed of transforming spiritual energy."

This is not difficult to understand, Xu Shoujing understood it at the time.

Fully tempering the six bones means that the five elements in the body will be synchronized with the Tao of Heaven.

From the birth of the heaven and the five elements to the present, the five elements have always been in a state of 'absolute balance'.

Balance means stability.The more balanced the power of the five elements is, the faster the speed of gathering spiritual power. For a monk like Fa Xiu, who will consume spiritual power with just one attack, it is undoubtedly a 'quick recovery blue' buff.

It is a pity that the vast majority of Dharma practitioners, because they are born with a tendency to the five elements, are unable to specialize in all the five attributes to the end.

This will inevitably lead to 'ice monks', 'fire monks', 'earth monks', etc., full-time magicians of a certain attribute.

Qiu Xuanji and Ling Fuyu are the best examples. One side is the fire of the phoenix that can burn even the soul, and the other side is the extremely cold ice that can freeze the space.

If you want to stand out in a certain aspect, it will definitely break the balance that has been maintained for a long time. In this case, it is not a rational choice to pursue balance.

After thinking about it, Xu Shoujing sighed. He understood the Nirvana realm, but this problem could not be solved...

He still didn't know why the second use of Ji Ye didn't affect him at all.

It is still within the time limit of "Pure Soul Ice Coffin". If the time limit expires, all the previous actions will be backlashed on the spot... Wouldn't it be sent?

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing felt a deep toothache, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he chose this by himself, and it was only natural to bear the cost...

"Jing'er, why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Chu Shuwan asked with a frown.

Xu Shoujing waved his hand, just as he was about to talk about his own mental journey, but out of the corner of his light suddenly caught a glimpse of several warships 'quietly' approaching, his eyes narrowed.

It will be about three to five minutes before the battle ends here. There has been no movement for such a long time, and Ba Zong should indeed come over to check the situation.

"The people from the Eight Sects are here, Aunt Chu, Xuanji, let's evacuate with Tu Yu's body first." Xu Shoujing said with a serious face.

Now the three of them are all in a 'battle damaged' state. If this was missed by the soldiers of the Eight Sects, it would be the biggest joke in the history of Jiuzhou.

"Shocked! The young man who killed the Immortal Venerable with two swords died at the hands of an unknown passerby! What is this..."

Chu Shuwan nodded, raised Xu Shoujing's arm, and said softly:

"Well, Jing'er, I'll support you."

Qiu Xuanji didn't even bother to argue about this, she turned around expressionlessly, her phoenix eyes swept around in the night sky:
"I'll take Tu Yu's body with me..."

As soon as the words fell, a man in a robe appeared in front of the three with a refined smile, and on his shoulders was the corpse of Immortal Tu Yu.

"Hehe, no need, I'll take it for you."

"(⊙⊙)" Xu Shoujing.

"(_)" Chu Shuwan.

"( ̄_ ̄)" Qiu Xuanji.

At this moment, Xu Shoujing had only one question in his mind:
Who is this dude?
He Xuan was very fond of Xu Shoujing, who killed his senior brother with two swords, and even thought that he had extraordinary courage, great courage, and careful thought... Anyway, the future is promising.

Seeing the strange expressions of the three of them, He Xuan didn't feel embarrassed, he smiled and said:
"Isn't this seat talking? I'm on your side."

Xu Shoujing frowned tightly, tilted his head slightly and said:
"How can we trust you?"

He Xuan sighed, not knowing how to explain, and said speechlessly:

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me now. I will prove in the future that my brother and I... Immortal Venerable Tu Yu are not the same. As for now..."

He pointed to the disciples of the eight sects who came from a distance, and said in a low voice:
"You have no other choice. The encirclement of the Eight Sects is far deeper than you think. I don't know how you got in, but in your current state, without my help, it is impossible to get out.

Uh... Unless you can use the sword that killed Senior Brother Tuyu again, I just thought I didn't say it. "

"..." Xu Shoujing.

How about I'm still standing here talking nonsense with you?
To be honest, neither Qiu Xuanji nor Chu Shuwan wanted to believe the stranger in front of them.

He Xuan did not attack them in the battle just now, but just watched secretly.

But he didn't help Jing'er either!

In case it is a slap in the face, just looking at the weather vane of the winner, then the trust given now is equivalent to stabbing yourself with a sharp blade in the future.

After a brief hesitation, the two women didn't say much, but just tilted their heads to look at Xu Shoujing, the meaning was obvious, and it was all up to him to decide.

Xu Shoujing didn't think as far as Aunt Chu and the others, it's better to say that it's useless to think about such long-term things right now. As the saying goes, live in the moment.

If they don't rely on Hexuan, it is unknown whether they can go out or not, and there is no chance of being stabbed in the back.

Time was running out, and the voices of the eight disciples' conversations could be faintly heard in his ears. Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"lead the way."

He Xuan smiled and nodded: "You won't be disappointed by today's choice."


Branches under the moon, the sky is getting brighter.

A young woman is sitting on a swing in the yard in a daze. She is wearing a slim dancing dress, her long hair is loose, her face is painted with light makeup, her front and back are curved and enchanting. Also yawned.

As soon as Xu Shoujing landed in the yard, he saw the big guy who possessed Ranxi playing on the swing, and couldn't help but be stunned:

"Senior, aren't you going to sleep?"

'Ranxi' tilted his head and glared at him, and said angrily:

"This emperor helped you for the corpse of the demon clan. Before you brought it back, this emperor went to bed, and the corpse was moldy?"


Xu Shoujing was powerless to refute, so he had no choice but to greet He Xuan, who was following behind, and quickly put the body down so that Her Lady Queen could 'appreciate' it.

He Xuan was speechless, he came to seek an alliance, why did he suddenly become a 'subordinate treatment'.


He Xuan had many complaints in his heart, but he honestly put Tu Yu's body on the pile of hay and silently stepped aside.

He didn't know Ranxi, and he couldn't see why this ordinary little girl could be called 'senior' by Xu Shoujing.

But there is one sentence that makes him very concerned - "dead corpse".

The demon race has been extinct for nearly ten thousand years. The entire Jiuzhou's concept of this race is basically as few words as mentioned on the ancient scroll, and even the demon race doesn't even know what it looks like.

But listening to this little girl's tone, why does it seem like she has seen the demons with her own eyes?
And... I don't know why, as soon as I heard the word "Demon Race", the picture that appeared in He Xuan's mind was exactly the purple eyes of Immortal Tu Yu, which seemed to be digging out all the desires in his heart, which meant bewitching. Full.

Seeing 'Ranxi' squatting beside Tu Yu Xianzun's body, rolling his eyelids for a while, poking his head for a while, and looking like he was in the 'autopsy', it would not end for a while.

Xu Shoujing turned to look at Aunt Chu and Xuanji, and said softly:

"Xianzun Tuyu is dead, and the eight sects are headless, and they won't attack for a while. Why don't you go and rest."

Chu Shuwan shook her head, pretending to be relaxed and said with a smile:

"I'm tired. It's okay. Senior sister and I want to accompany you."

As he said that, he pushed Chou Xuanji with his elbow.

Qiu Xuanji glanced at her and nodded silently, but her clear eyes were clearly worried.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing couldn't help laughing bitterly. He knew that Aunt Chu and the others were worried that after the time limit for the soul-purifying ice coffin had expired, he would probably die on the spot because of the backlash.

...To be honest, the possibility is not zero, but there is no way to solve it right now.

Just when Xu Shoujing hesitated, Her Lady Queen, who had been doing an autopsy for a long time, slowly got up and said indifferently:

"No, it's not him, the aura of the Demon Race is no longer on this Human Race."
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(End of this chapter)

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