The queen is so fierce

Chapter 233 Demon Soul

Chapter 233 Demon Soul
a little while ago.

The old blue lanterns swayed gently on the candlesticks, and the cabin was not too big with only a layer of moonlight shining on it, and the interior was slightly dim.

The air was filled with a faint fragrance, the complicated silhouettes outside the window swayed, and the hull of the ship trembled with the sudden storm, making a "squeaky" sound.

A woman in a black dress sat on the bed in a daze, her slender legs were slanted on the floor, one could see that she was very slender; her thick red long hair was scattered on the quilt, and her smooth milk muscles were hazy and slender against the moonlight. .

The proportions of the facial features are perfect, as delicate as a porcelain doll, and with a pair of big eyes that are full of autumn water, although they are not as stunning as Qiu Xuanji and Chu Shuwan, they are also considered to be the most beautiful fairies among ordinary people. .

However, this eldest lady of the Tianyuan Sect, literally.Now it is like losing his soul, no matter how the ship swayed or how noisy the movement outside, he always sat on the bed motionless.

It was like a mechanical puppet that had not been connected to the command, with its empty pupils reaching the abyss, and anyone who walked in could easily kill her.

I don't know how long it took, the storm caused by the huge white light gradually stopped, the guards outside the window seemed to slow down, and the voices of discussions were introduced into the cabin through the window.

A bald-headed, half-shouldered, muscular monk climbed up from the sloping deck, looked at the night sky divided by white light, and said in a trembling voice:
"The white light just now... did you see it?"

"I'm not blind..." replied another monk in white with a sword.

The black-skinned monk's pupils trembled, and he refused to take his eyes back:

"It's just a change in the world. I'm afraid we won't be able to retreat if our Sect Master comes... Immortal Venerable Tu Yu is really scary..."

The sword-wielding monk in white was stunned for a moment, and said curiously:
"How do you know that Immortal Venerable Tu Yu did it?"

The black-skinned muscle monk glanced at him, pouted and said:

"Nonsense, use your brain before asking questions. That's the boat of Immortal Tu Yu, who else could it be? Mostly, the Changhe Su Clan sent a few assassins here, wanting to 'catch the thief first and catch the king', It was discovered by Immortal Tu Yu in the middle of it. In a hurry, Immortal Tu Yu didn't have time to worry about the severity of the attack... Then it evolved into what it is now."

The white-clothed sword-wielding cultivator nodded in understanding: "...That makes sense, then should we go over to see it?"

The black-skinned muscle monk glared at him and said angrily:

"Definitely not going. In case there are still remnants of the party, Immortal Tu Yu is busy cleaning up... A spell of this scale can make us return to the west with a little rubbing. Are you tired of living?"


The two were chatting 'hot', and there was another storm in the night sky that had been quiet for a long time.

With a "bang", the pure white sword gang ripped apart the entire sky again, which was only slightly larger than the previous one.

The battleships along the way seemed to have never existed, and were completely annihilated by the pure white sword gang; the surviving floating boats were also shivering in the turbulent air flow in the space, facing the danger of falling apart.

The black-skinned monk firmly grabbed the railing to avoid being affected by the storm, gritted his teeth and shouted:
"As I said, it's not coming this second time. If it passed just now, I'm probably dead!"

Jianxiu in white put his saber on the beam of the boat, leaned his back on the pedal to stabilize his body, and replied hysterically:
"It's too fast! It's not even half an hour!"

"Who knows! Maybe the enemy is not easy to mess with!"

In the violent storm, the two of them tried their best to communicate across the air, and the scene was once very comical.

At the same moment, Wei Ya, who had always been sitting reclining like a sculpture in the cabin, suddenly stood up at this moment, still standing still on the sloping floor, her empty pupils gradually turned into a bewitching deep purple color.


Under the impact of the turbulent airflow, the wooden board of the floating battleship made a creaking sound, and the teacup on the table rolled to the ground and shattered.

The purple meaning in Weiya's pupils became stronger and stronger, and two pea-sized tears fell down the corners of her eyes. She pursed her thin lips and whispered in a self-hypnotic whisper:

"Don't...don't come here...I'm human..."

- What is the difference between man and devil?

The mechanical voice, with a demagogic tone, echoed in Weiya's mind.

——The old suzerain always said that you should be indifferent to your ambitions, have no desires, but your father, as the leader of the right way, was easily swallowed by his own desires and became a slave for power.

"No...not..." The light in Weiya's eyes dimmed a bit, and the meaning of deep purple was almost filled.

——For the sake of power, he will not hesitate to dab the blood of the same family on his hands; for the sake of desire, the good and evil are upside down, and the reputation is mixed; for the sake of survival, he takes the lives of others for his own sake.

Wei Ya's breathing calmed down, her pupils were completely covered with deep purple, and her words coincided with the mechanical voice:
"You all said that the immortal way is to restrain one's self, think twice before killing, repent of indulgence, and don't lie on the road... all are high-sounding words."

At the end of the day, Wei Ya was still a girl on the surface, but her voice became a hundred-year-old old man, and the picture was very strange.


Suddenly, Weiya spat out a mouthful of blood, and her body was dyed with purple halo, as if something that had been suppressed for a long time burst out.

The overflowing deep purple brilliance wrapped Weiya, and the purple phantom gathered the aura of the nearby heaven and earth together, using this as nourishment to grow bigger and bigger, easily breaking through the cabin.


The arm of the purple phantom smashed the deck, and the huge legs penetrated the outer armor of the battleship, facing the moon with dozens of times the size difference.

Not long after the storm had stopped, the black-skinned monk and the white-robed Jianxiu were still discussing, "This is the second white light, do you want to go over and take a look?" Forced to recruit flying mounts.

The white-clothed sword Xiu Yujian was hanging in the air, and after finally stabilizing his body, he looked straight ahead, his pupils shrank immediately, and he said with trembling:
"This is... what... a demon?"

The black-skinned monk rode on the back of the griffin, looked at the behemoth that appeared out of thin air in front of him, and swallowed silently:
"Where does the demon clan have such a variety..."

Jianxiu in white turned around stiffly, his eyes frightened, and he forced a dry smile:
"Anyway... run away first."

"Say... that's what I said."

However, before the two could make other actions, the surrounding air suddenly rippled.

Deep purple smoke entangled the two of them, and the space seemed to be dislocated and ambiguous.

The disciples of Luohu Temple and Tianwai Jiancheng didn't even have time to let out their screams, and their bodies and souls were completely corroded by purple smoke and dissipated.

At the same time, a purple one eye was located on the top of the sky, slowly opening.


"No, it's not him, the aura of the Demon Race is no longer on this Human Race."

Hearing the meaningful words of 'Ranxi', Xu Shoujing pinched his chin and pondered for a moment, thinking in his heart:
"Senior said 'no longer', which means he was there? And 'this human race'... It seems that Immortal Tuyu is not an extinct demon race, it should be in a state similar to possession?"

Before Xu Shoujing came to a conclusion, Hexuan couldn't wait to ask:
"Not on the body? What does this mean? Isn't this the corpse of my senior brother? Little girl, please clarify..."

'Ranxi' frowned slightly, his eyes were extremely impatient, and Void flicked his fingers.

With a "dong" sound, a red mark suddenly appeared on He Xuan's forehead, and he staggered back involuntarily.

'Ranxi' glanced at him and snorted coldly:
"Show respect for this emperor, no big or small... little girl? A baby less than a thousand years old, dare to call this emperor a little girl?"

"..." Xu Shoujing & Hexuan.

Babies less than a thousand years old...

'Ranxi' kicked Tu Yu Xianzun's body twice with disgust, and said impatiently:
"There is indeed a demonic aura in the body of this human race, but not long ago, it seems to have been transferred according to the established route."

A big question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, and the meaning was unclear:
"Senior, can you... explain it in an easy-to-understand manner."

'Ranxi' looked disgusted: "I don't understand this and still want to marry my Ranxi?"

"...Senior, can you tell me the main point?" Xu Shoujing sighed, he actually understood the general meaning, and now he mainly wants to know the specific situation.

'Ranxi' ran on Xu Shoujing completely from his heart. Seeing that this kid didn't eat this set, he was not in the mood to continue. He snorted softly:

"This human race... is called Tu Yu? His soul must have been forcibly 'demonized' by someone, so he has a demonic nature."

Before Xu Shoujing made a sound, He Xuan had already stepped forward and cupped his hands:
"Dare to ask senior, what is 'demonization'?"

Having said this, anyone can see that 'Ranxi' is no ordinary little girl, and He Xuan's tone can't help but be a lot more respectful.

'Ranxi' did not answer this question directly, after thinking for a while, he asked:

"What do you think, what is the Demon Race?"

Chu Shuwan in the back thought for a while and answered first:
"Do what you want, go against the sky, be free from constraints, and dare to fight with natural enemies. This is the devil's way, and it's also an evil way."

Although there are only a few historical records of the Demon Race, there are a lot of words that belittle the Demon Race in the 'Mind Cultivation Textbooks' of the major righteous paths.

Most of the righteous way is about 'binding', to use 'reason' to restrain oneself.

For example, Kui Dao, the former sect master of Longyumen, said that he often said 'Meditation, calmness, indifference, this is a dull state of mind, and enlightenment is not far away. '.

...Although he was slapped in the face in the end, the sects with rich history basically believe in this set, which is exactly the opposite of the magic way of the demons.

Hearing this, 'Ranxi' sneered, his eyes quite disdainful:

"Your human race is the only race that has survived from the 'Battle of the Summoning Spirit' to today. I didn't expect that the more you live, the worse it used to be. The Dao does not distinguish between right and wrong, right and evil... Three thousand Dao can be proved, ten thousand Dao It can be repaired if you return to one! How come the evil demons say that they are crooked?"

Chu Shuwan pursed her lips, feeling aggrieved in her heart. She just recited the textbook, how could she be given such a reprimand?
Or by a little girl with no hair on the surface...

'Ranxi' looked around, saw that no one could answer, sat back on the swing angrily, and sighed:

"Since the time of the gods, the demons have been under the curse of heaven, and they will always act according to their nature. From your point of view, it may indeed be evil."

Xu Shoujing complained silently in his heart: My dear, this is the 'Wei Wu clan'...

'Ranxi' glanced at the body of Immortal Tu Yu, "When he has cultivated to his realm, his soul has been basically consolidated, and it is unlikely that he will be completely demonized. Therefore, the demonic nature that was poured into his body made him produce a spiritual soul. The simulation module can also be said to be a 'demon soul'. Judging from the fact that this human race has not been able to detect it until death, the mysterious character infused with demonic nature is very clever, at least the cultivation level will not be too low."

After a pause, 'Ranxi' continued: "Just now, the emperor also said that the blood of the demons was cursed by the heavens in the age of the gods, they will be faithful to their own nature, and the host of the demon soul will also subtly expand. own desires."

Hearing this, He Xuan frowned slightly, when did the senior brother get possessed by the demon soul?

Perhaps it was before the attack on Sudu was ordered, or it was before the big competition in the sect... Or, when the senior brother took over the sect, the unknown mysterious figure had already begun to use the senior brother Tu Yu to make arrangements.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain that the senior brother who took over the sect before and would push back against his incompetent junior brother, has now become a reputational effort.

Xu Shoujing lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked aloud;
"Senior, what does 'follow the established route' mean?"

'Ranxi' glanced at him, her crystal feet lightly pressed against the ground, and the swing swayed 'squeaky':

"Literally. The demon soul is an intermediate product produced by the mixture of the two after the failure of the demonized soul. It has no self-awareness and can only rely on instinct to act, potentially affecting the host's behavior.

But the demon soul and the host are not of the same mind. Maybe when you see that you use the weakened version of the female goddess Ji Ye, the demon soul has already started to withdraw, and then it is transferred to other 'containers' ahead of time by taking a certain moment as an opportunity. "

Xu Shoujing thought about it carefully. During the battle, the only chance for the demon soul of Immortal Tuyu to escape was after the first "extreme night". The period of the "Ice Coffin".

Since the Demon Soul relies on its nature and instinct to act, its self-consciousness comes entirely from the host's thinking.

That is to say, Immortal Tu Yu had actually been timid in his heart after seeing "Ji Ye" for the first time, and he was fighting with the "Dignity of the Crescent Moon Realm".

This kind of opponent who can fight and run is quite annoying to be honest. Honestly, just like Immortal Tu Yu, stand at attention and wait for being hacked, and there will be no so much trouble in the future.

Xu Shoujing scratched his head, his expression a little distressed:

"Then we must hurry to find out Tu Yu's demon soul, before he makes other moves..."


'Ranxi' stepped on the soil lightly, and the swing stopped instantly. She tilted her head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, her tone was flat:

"There's no need for that."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment and said puzzled:
"why is that?"

'Ranxi' sighed, with the expression 'how could my daughter fall in love with such a stupid man' on his face.

"Didn't this emperor just say that? The demon soul has no self-consciousness, and all his thoughts come from the host. Even if the demon soul finds a container in advance by instinct, the container will definitely not hold him. If you force a pot of boiling water to fill into a small cup, what happens?"

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly and said slowly, "The small cup will be filled soon... Then, the boiling water will overflow."

In an instant, Xu Shoujing widened his eyes as if thinking of something.

As if in response to his thoughts, there was a loud noise from the sky.


Dozens of warships were sunk by a huge purple phantom, and the fire was like a bright light in the morning, driving away the last piece of night.

'Ranxi''s smooth little feet lightly tapped, and with a "squeak" sound, the swing began to rippling again.She clenched the rope tightly, and the corner of her mouth evoked a pleasant smile:

"The demon soul has lost the soul of the host, leaving only the empty shell of demonic nature. The 'overflowing water' follows the most essential wishes and destroys everything in the vicinity."

'Ranxi' raised his chin slightly, looked at the handsome young man whose face was gradually ugly, and said quite happily:
"Then... what are you going to do next? With your body that was barely hanged by the "Soul Purification Ice Coffin", go to the extreme night of the female heavenly emperor again?Speaking of which, you still dare to do this this time, even if Xuan Yejing comes, you will not be able to return to the sky. "
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(End of this chapter)

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