The queen is so fierce

Chapter 234 Ling Fuyu: What a waste chapter, come into the house with the teacher!

Chapter 234 Ling Fuyu: What nonsense, come into the house with the teacher!

Barely hanged by the "Pure Soul Ice Coffin"?

Hearing the words of 'Ranxi', Xu Shoujing didn't feel too surprised. The results he had predicted based on the existing theories were not bad. Instead, it felt like a stone fell.

This thing is like when the lottery is drawn, saying "how can I possibly win?", and I also know that the probability of winning is basically equal to none.

But when the lottery draws, my heart will still be tense, for fear of accidentally missing a digit in the number.

When the actual results came out, I found that I did not win the lottery.

Everyone has a fluke mentality, and Xu Shoujing is no exception. The difference is that he is very clear that he is a fluke mentality, but there is nothing he can do.

As for whether the words of 'Ranxi' are true or false... There is no need to analyze this point.

There is no need to deceive herself in the 'senior version of Ranxi', she said so, there must be a basis for it.Coupled with the obvious gloating expression of the senior version of Ranxi, combined with the attitude of facing himself all the time, the answer is self-evident.

Second, even if the senior version of Ranxi's words is exaggerated, in terms of the results, Xu Shoujing still has to bear the consequences of the 'second polar night' overload, at most the difference between sudden death on the spot and serious injuries in bed. The essence of the right problem has not changed.

Combining the above, that is to say, when the soul-purifying ice coffin loses its effectiveness, Xu Shoujing will not be far from the 'next time crossing'.

Xu Shoujing sighed, fortunately, despite his weakness, he forcibly maintained the "Soul Purification Ice Coffin". If this was lifted in the middle of the battlefield, even if he didn't die, he would only have half his life left, and any disciple of the Eight Sects could pick it up corpse.

Senior version Ranxi glanced at Xu Shoujing, as if seeing through what he was thinking, and hummed:
"This emperor should have told you before, right? It's best not to use the 'Soul Purification Ice Coffin' for more than a quarter of an hour. The longer you stay in the 'Soul Purification' state, the moment the soul returns to the body, the greater the side effects will be. "

Seeing Xu Shoujing's face stiffened, the senior version of Ranxi put on a calmly folded legs, an expression that is not too big to watch the fun:

"Look at how long you've maintained a 'soul purification state'? Originally, you had to endure the physical damage of forcibly using the female heavenly emperor Ji Ye, and now you have to add the side effect of 'purifying your soul'... tsk tsk. "

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Don't say it's like a terminal illness, I think it can be rescued.

Xu Shoujing swallowed his saliva silently and did not dare to look back. He didn't even have to look to know that Xuanji and Aunt Chu must be angry and flustered at this moment. They probably didn't even have the mind to fight, so they just thought about how to save him.

The senior version of Ranxi's expression was very happy, and Jianshui Qiu's eyes always stayed on Xu Shoujing's body, as if appreciating his flustered embarrassment.

Chill out!It can only be said that it is very relieved!
Your Heavenly Punishment Clan also has today!Die, die, and quickly become extinct, this kind of bloodline is a big scourge in addition to picking things up everywhere.

The senior version of Ranxi did not hide his expression, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and was about to say something sarcastic, when the words came to his lips, his pretty face froze suddenly, and his heart "squeaked".

...Wait, this kid can't die yet, he still has a leg with the little girl Ranxi, if she really died here, wouldn't the little girl Ranxi be even more reluctant to leave with the emperor?

This kid is going to die and cause trouble for the emperor!

Senior version Ranxi clicked her tongue, and suddenly glared at Xu Shoujing, her beautiful eyes said with anger:

"What kind of polar night do you use when you are idle? Is that something you can use?"


Xu Shoujing was ready to be severely 'face-to-face mockery', but he didn't expect the senior version of Ranxi's conversation to change... Suddenly from 'a fun person watching the fun' to 'a good senior who hates iron and can't become steel' .

Is this old aunt schizophrenic?

I was still annoyed by the anger, but there is no point in continuing to talk. The most important thing now is how to save this kid's life...

Senior version Ranxi sighed, his eyes swept up and down Xu Shoujing's body, and said reluctantly:
" are terminally ill, and the emperor's current state can't save you. Even if it can be saved, there is no time. After half an hour at most, Ranxi's body will enter a dormant state, and the emperor will also fall into a deep sleep. "

Xu Shoujing blinked, but he didn't expect to understand what the old aunt's mental journey was, and suddenly he was willing to save himself.

After a short pause, he asked aloud:
"Senior, what should I do then?"

The senior version of Ranxi glared at him, raised her slender hands to comb the ends of her hair:

"Wait for this emperor to give you a spell, and within a year, you will be forcibly locked in the "Soul Purification Ice Coffin", and your cultivation base will not be able to improve by half a step. Life force, spiritual force, divine soul... all symbols of life will solidify. "

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing's heart sank suddenly, the old aunt's words are not difficult to understand, she just gave him a "The World" time stop.

If it is said, it was used to lock the soul in the 'ice coffin' to temporarily improve the current strength.

The method that the old aunt proposed to save Xu Shoujing's life was to lock him up in the "Soul Purification Ice Coffin" and compete for time under the eyes of Tiandao.


The sound of the explosion at the top of the sky and clouds intensified, and the battleships of the Eight Sects had already sunk. It was estimated that it would not be long before the entire army of the Eight Sects was annihilated, and the runaway demon soul would change its target to the one below. Sudu.

The dawn of the morning shot into the small courtyard, the desolate wind blew the branches, and the shadows of the trees stirred on Xu Shoujing's cheeks.

The small courtyard was unprecedentedly quiet, Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji looked worried, and even the old aunt and He Xuan kept their eyes on Xu Shoujing, waiting for him to make a decision.

After a long time, Xu Shoujing slowly opened his eyes, but shook his head:

"No, I can't waste a year like this."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Shuwan in the back subconsciously bit her red lips, and reached out to pat Xu Shoujing on the shoulder, trying to persuade him a few words.

Just as he stretched out his hand halfway, Qiu Xuanji grabbed his wrist.

Chu Shuwan looked at her suspiciously, but Qiu Xuanji just shook her head silently.

They are all people closest to Xu Shoujing, and they know exactly what this guy is thinking about now.

The sect of the end, the demon gods and pills, the remains of the immortal race... a lot of burdens that ordinary people can't even think about, all of which are placed on him alone.

Chu Shuwan knew very well that it took Jinger so long to figure out just letting them participate in the battle in Sudu. Now, if he were to be asked to do nothing for a whole year.

With Jinger's thoughtful character and machismo, he would rather be seriously injured and bedridden for half a year.

But... it takes time to be motivated, right?

Chu Shuwan knew that she couldn't persuade Jing'er, so she could only bit her red lips unwillingly, and let down the hand that was in the air weakly.

Here the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, and the old aunt doesn't have so many inner dramas. Qiushui Mei's eyes stared, and she went back on the spot:

"This is not a waste of time, this is to save your life, how willing do you think this emperor is to save you?"

Xu Shoujing's expression was surprisingly calm: "I know...I know this is a last resort. But...if it is a whole year of closed-door cultivation, even if there is no progress, I can accept it, but I have nothing to do for a whole year...I will do it. not."

The old aunt frowned: "Don't forget, you are the one who caused this result. If you don't want to use the Divine Night of the Goddess, there are not so many troubles."

Xu Shoujing didn't change his face: "If I didn't use Ji Ye, Immortal Tu Yu would still be alive, and if I couldn't think of any other way to control the enemy, everyone in Sudu would die."

"What about now? You can't escape death if you use it." The old aunt sneered: "Now you still can't deal with the demon soul of the human race. When the above are killed, it will be your turn."

Xu Shoujing pouted, secretly unhappy in his heart: Saying it as if you can escape, everyone is no different from me and the enemy, is there any difference in everyone's situation?

Thinking so, Xu Shoujing put on a serious look and whispered:

"At that time, no one thought that there would be such a thing as a 'demon soul'. If he knew... I wouldn't give him a chance to escape."

The old aunt mercilessly attacked: "However, the reality is that he has already escaped, and the Demon Soul Runaway will only be stronger than the host. What can you do if you stay awake now? It's better to be obedient as soon as possible. You cast a spell to save your life, and leave the rest to the woman beside you."

The senior version of Ranxi is telling the truth, every sentence is like a dagger stabbed into Xu Shoujing's chest, and the rest... only a deep sense of powerlessness.

Here it is again...and this is the case again.

Obviously, he has been practicing very hard, in order to deal with the world-annihilation catastrophe of the sect of the end in the future, in order to fight against the demon god Jin Dan who may launch an offensive at any time...

Every night it was not a 'double cultivation', or it was a night of holding the Rong Lingzhu cross-legged. During the day, in order not to worry Aunt Chu and the others, they had to maintain the indifferent image of the color embryo in the past.

Tired?It was tiring, but I got used to it.

But do these efforts pay off?Perhaps in the eyes of others, your influence is growing day by day.

But in Xu Shoujing's own perspective, he did not make any progress at all.

don't you see?Is it useful to be a blockbuster in those little things that don't hurt?At the critical juncture of life and death, if you can't stand up, isn't it the same as before?

This time, Xu Shoujing's plan to deal with Immortal Tu Yu was more precise than ever before.

Originally, it was thrown out of the polar night once, and the rest was enough for Miracle.

But he was just afraid of accidents, so he specially prepared the 'Second Sword', the purpose of which was to cut grass and roots. If it wasn't for the 'Second Polar Night' being stopped by Chu Shuwan, Xu Shoujing couldn't help but go up and whip the corpse. .

Bah, that's not called whipping the corpse, it's called making up the knife, it's a symbol of stability.

The prepared clothes were so delicate that Immortal Venerable Tu Yu couldn't die any longer, but at the end, a 'demon soul' popped up again.

The world of Xianxia really can't be considered with common sense. In the future, we will need to consider a few more steps.

Xu Shoujing was silent for a while, and the old aunt thought he was acquiescing to her plan, so she said:

"If there is no objection, go and prepare what the emperor wants, and I will curse you later."

Death can't let this kid die, but it should be okay to carry a little private goods, right?
For example, when he was sleeping in the ice coffin, he kept having a dream of "seeing but not eating", the kind where his body and the senses of the dream are synchronized.

"No, I still stick to my idea." Xu Shoujing shook his head in denial, completely unaware that he was about to be tortured by the 'man capital punishment' for a whole year.

"Even if I die?" The old aunt frowned, and she was really a little angry at this moment.

Xu Shoujing nodded earnestly: "Even if you die."

"You have a disease in your brain!" The old aunt cursed, her beautiful eyes were ignited by anger.

It's a pity that she is using Ranxi's body now. Ranxi is a sweet and pleasant type. Even if she shows anger, it just gives the impression of "a quiet girl making trouble with your little pink fist". No deterrent effect.

Chu Shuwan couldn't take it anymore, she stepped forward and pressed Xu Shoujing's shoulder, sighing:

"Jing'er, you can go at ease. Can you leave Tu Yu's affairs to Auntie and Senior Sister?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

What 'go for it', I'm not dead yet.

Qiu Xuanji was silent for a long time, and when she saw Chu Shuwan speak, she also analyzed it from a professional point of view:

"No matter what you say, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu is dead, and the eight sects' joint attack on the Soviet Union has failed. The current issue of demon souls is not a petty fight between sects. The demon souls are related to racial struggles... Spread this news, Negotiate well with the remnants of the Eight Sects, it is not that there is no chance to cooperate to lay down the demon soul."

When death is imminent, the people of the Eight Sects are not fools. In order to survive, they cooperate with the previous enemy... It is indeed not impossible.

But that's all in an ideal state, and what the facts will be like, no one will know if you don't actually talk about it.

Just like the Eight Sects killed many of the Su Clan's disciples, the Su Clan did not lose the blood of the Eight Sect's disciples.

"This... If you can trust me, would you like to give it to me?" He Xuan raised his hand silently, brushing a wave of existence.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly stunned, and he almost forgot that they also had an elder of the Tianyuan Sect who was suspicious of two or five children.

Wait a minute... Immortal Tuyu and Venerable Jinglong are both dead, and two of the Sanxianyues died at once.

In other words, the one with the most voice in the Tianyuan Sect right now... is He Xuan?

Xu Shoujing was shocked. Could it be that he was good?
In any case, with the help of Hexuan, the problem of the Demon Soul has indeed been resolved.

Chu Shuwan breathed a sigh of relief, the jade hand resting on Xu Shoujing's shoulder slid down, gently held his big hand, and said softly:
"Let's solve the demon soul, be obedient and heal the wounds. After a year, let my aunt see the new Jing'er, okay?"

Xu Shoujing gritted his teeth, and even though there were thousands of entanglements in his watery peach blossom eyes, he could only give up at this time and say:
"……it is good."

Seeing that the matter was settled, the senior aunt rolled her eyes, thinking that it would be troublesome to coax a rebellious little brat. No wonder those girlfriends who got married early were not complaining about their children or their husbands.

Senior Auntie glanced at Xu Shoujing and said slowly, "Since it's been decided, let's get ready. Next, you'll have to sleep for a year."

...and it looks like it won't be eaten for a whole year, haha.


Xu Shoujing was about to say "Oh" casually when he heard heavy footsteps outside the door, followed by a familiar voice:

"No, Jing'er, I will heal you for the teacher."

The Lengyan Taoist nun in a simple Taoist robe walked into the small courtyard. Facing several pairs of stunned gazes, she walked straight to Xu Shoujing, lifted his collar, and dragged him into the inner room without saying a word:
"Go, let the teacher heal you."

Xu Shoujing was suddenly stunned, and subconsciously struggled a few times:
"Master, why are you here? Healing..."

...She wouldn't have given up on 'serving by herself', would she?

In other words, that's my way of healing her, does it work in reverse?

Ling Fuyu was already quite embarrassed. To know what she was going to do next, it was estimated that no other master and apprentice would do it if she searched all over Jiuzhou.

If it wasn't for the fact that Jing'er was about to be forced to 'sleep for a year', she actually wanted to be a little more gentle...

But now...there are so many people, if this bastard deliberately pretends to be stupid, then he really won't be able to get off the stage.

Then... be tough.

Xu Shoujing clutched his clothes tightly, like a weak girl kidnapped by a strong man:
"Master, you are self-respecting...Bah, calm down, if you have something to say."

calm?I don't know you yet. If I give you a chance to speak, I'll have to pretend that you don't understand. There are your Aunt Chu and Xuanji next to you as shields... When will you be able to 'respect the teacher'?
Ling Fuyu was ruthless and did not care to maintain the image of the Lengyan Fairy, coldly snorted:

"What nonsense, enter the house with the teacher!"

One held back the shame with pink cheeks, the other covered his chest 'in all kinds of ways'.

The two master and apprentice passed by the side of 'Senior Ranxi', the latter was stunned for a while, then leaned forward and sat on the swing, her soft and demure pretty face full of confusion.

Who is this crazy woman?
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
(End of this chapter)

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