Chapter 235

The sky was getting brighter, and Dongfang spit out fish maw white.

The disciples of the eight sects were caught off guard by the demon soul of Tu Yu, and in less than two quarters of an hour, they had already lost [-]% of their disciples.

Fortunately, the Eight Sects did not eat dry rice. After the initial collapse, the surviving disciples quickly regrouped and surrounded the demon soul of Tu Yu.

The monks of Rahu Temple are all physical practitioners, and they are the first in Tiannan Continent in terms of physicality. Of course, they acted as "knights", riding griffins in the front row to resist damage.

Tianwai Jiancheng is the single most aggressive of the three giants, but it is also the one that needs the most cover. It is difficult to cause any actual damage to the demon soul with only the swordsmanship. The disciples of Jiancheng can only risk being blasted by the demon soul. risk, fly over and chop a few swords.

The Tianyuan sect, the leader of the three giants, was of no use this time. The other small sects still have a commander who knows how to unite to cast spells. There is no one who can speak at home.

Half of the battleships that were wiped out by the 'two rays of white light' just now were the floating boats of their Heavenly Abyss Sect.

The fleet of the eight sects above the sky was in chaos, which gave Su Du a chance to breathe.

Jiang Rongyue and Su Huanqing were treating the wounded everywhere, Su Ren was commanding from the roof of the rubble, Qiu Xuanji was discussing with Hexuan about temporarily forming an alliance with the Eight Sects, and Chu Shuwan was using a small magic circle to sweep the ruins and cooperate with others to help them. The Su disciple who was buried under the stone.

Looking at it this way, everyone is actually quite busy.

Ba Zong was busy surviving from the Demon Soul, and Su Du had to hurry up and save as much as he could.

The only one who is more idle may be the 'old aunt Ranxi' who can't bear the sleepiness and falls asleep early.

After she didn't know how many ruined stones she had lifted, Chu Shuwan turned her head to look in the direction of the small courtyard, and the image of Ling Fuyu driving them all out with a blushing face appeared in her mind, and she sighed faintly.

Intuition tells her that something 'bad' is likely to happen.

But Ling Fuyu said that she wanted to save Jing'er, and it was not easy for her to stop her.

"Shuwan, how are you doing here?"

Qiu Xuanji seemed to have ended the negotiation over there, and walked slowly towards Chu Shuwan.

"Well...fortunately, those who were not hit by the meteor spell can still be saved."

Chu Shuwan hesitated for a while, but still didn't express her worries. When Jinger was facing life and death, if she doubted this and that now, she would only appear stingy.

Besides, Ling Fuyu is the master that Jing Er has rightfully worshipped, how could she have done such a violation of the etiquette...

The moment she thought about it, Chu Shuwan's face froze, and she stared blankly at Qiu Xuanji who was approaching.

Qiu Xuanji is Jinger's nominal 'mother and uncle'... I'm still the aunt who raised him since childhood.

Etiquette... doesn't seem to work?

Seeing that Chu Shuwan was in a daze, Qiu Xuanji frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

"'s nothing, I'm just wondering why the people from the Eight Sects don't just run away..." Chu Shuwan suddenly woke up and said perfunctorily.

Qiu Xuanji calmed down, lifted her head lightly, her phoenix eyes stayed flat on the sky that was constantly bombed, and said sternly:
"It's not that they don't want to run, they can't run. I carefully observed just now that the people from the eight sects maintained their formation to fight, and Tu Yu's demon soul would stay in place.

Once they have the tendency to leave, the Demon Soul will show an astonishing sense of attack, and give up the defense. With the current remnants of the Eight Sects, there is definitely no way to escape. "

Chu Shuwan's mood was a little darker, and her tone was unnatural:
"The demon soul has no consciousness, and it all acts on instinct. He must have a reason for doing this. It's just like... playing with mortal prey for fun."

Qiu Xuanji nodded and said solemnly: "You know it's good. No one has heard of demon souls before, so it's not surprising that they will do anything, so we must find a solution quickly, otherwise we will wait for eight cases. If people die, it will be Sudu's turn."

After a pause, Qiu Xuanji added another sentence: "Eighth sects can still run anyway, but Su Du has nowhere to run."

Chu Shuwan was silent for a while after hearing the words, and after a while, she seemed to have finally made up her mind, and said hesitantly:
"Senior said, Ling Fuyu's method of saving Jing'er should not be...that?"

Originally, Chu Shuwan just tried it out a little, and didn't think too much about it.

Unexpectedly, he was affirmed by Qiu Xuanji.

"There's no need for 'Should it not be', it must be 'Shuangxiu'." Qiu Xuanji turned her eyes to the side and said as a matter of course.

Chu Shuwan's eyes were slightly stunned, she was stunned for a moment, and quietly squeezed her little hand:
"Senior sister, why are you so sure..."

Qiu Xuanji glanced at her and kept her tone indifferent:

"In Jing'er's state at this time, even He Xuan of the Crescent Moon Realm can't do anything. It's even more impossible for Ling Fuyu to have an old illness."

Chu Shuwan was a woman who was the owner of the door.
"So... Ling Fuyu wants to 'double repair' with Jing'er, restore her original strength, and then go to rescue Jing'er?"

"Yes, no matter how you think about it, it can only be like this."

Chu Shuwan pursed her red lips, and after clarifying the relationship, she felt even more uncomfortable.

In fact, she knows the truth. Jinger's current state is very bad, and Ling Fuyu and his 'double repair' are also trying to save the people here.

Not only can't blame Ling Fuyu for stealing Jing'er, but also affirm her behavior of sacrificing herself.

These truths are not difficult to understand, and reason also tells himself that this is all for the sake of saving Jinger.

"Sister, do you think this is enough?"

When she regained her senses, Chu Shuwan had already said what was in her heart.

Qiu Xuanji slowly closed her phoenix eyes, her expression was indifferent and could not see emotional fluctuations:

"This matter concerns Jing'er's life. It's just one more sister. There's nothing unacceptable."

Chu Shuwan bit her lower lip lightly, why didn't she understand these truths?

But I understand, I understand, the sour feeling of being hollowed out in my heart always lingers.

Why is Qiu Xuanji able to be so calm?
Chu Shuwan wanted to say something more, but just raised her head, she stopped when the words came to her mouth.

Qiu Xuanji was still expressionless. He had served as a monarch for a while, and his expression management was still a bit of a standard.

But eyes don't lie.

Her phoenix eyes, which were deceived and forcibly concealed from her sight, were calm as water in the past, but now they can't stop flickering, as if she was forcibly enduring something.


Chu Shuwan was a little stunned. She just didn't understand Qiu Xuanji's excessive calmness, but she actually ignored a most fundamental fact.

Is there any woman in the world who doesn't want to be the only one in her heart?

She is like this, Rong Yue is like this, even if Qiu Xuanji is cold on the surface, she will inevitably think so in her heart.

It's the same no matter who it is.

The person you like, your lover, of course only belongs to you, why should you share it with others?

Since Jinger walked out of Longyumen, it has only been two years, and the women around him have already reached double digits... Although most of them are still friends, but for the hungry ghost in color, it is only time sooner or later.

Chu Shuwan is very sure that the most important person in this world is Xu Shoujing, and the person she loves the most is also Xu Shoujing, and it will not change in the future.


"Senior sister... I'm so tired of love..."

Chu Shuwan raised her jade hand and covered her eyes with the back of her hand, trying to hide her involuntary red eyes.

Qiu Xuanji gently hugged Chu Shuwan, comforting her like a real 'eldest sister', her eyes dimmed slightly.

She also knew that she was not as calm as she appeared on the surface, and she was not much less worried about gains and losses than her junior sister.

The depression in Chu Shuwan's heart, why didn't Qiu Xuanji not have it?But as a senior sister, she can only comfort:
"It's going to be okay...for sure."

blah blah-

Jiang Rongyue took brisk small steps, then stopped to look around after two steps, looked around for a long time before she found the shadow of Master, and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

"Master, you need to open a formation over there... What's the matter with you?"

Chu Shuwan took a deep breath, took a second to sort out her thoughts, and forced a smile:
"It's okay, which side needs to open the magic circle?"

Jiang Rongyue glanced at her dubiously, then turned sideways to lead the way:

"The two buildings over there were smashed together, and the structure is not stable..."

Chu Shuwan nodded, turned her head and looked at Qiu Xuanji, maintaining the tacit understanding in her heart, and said in a low voice:
"Senior sister, I'll leave it to you here..."

Qiu Xuanji nodded and smiled, and gently waved:

"Be careful."



Xu Shoujing had a dream, but it was still a nightmare.

In the dream, after unremitting efforts, he subtly attacked Lingfuyu, and on the night of a full moon, he achieved a positive result with his master on the ferry boat by the river.

Um?It sounds beautiful, and it's not a nightmare anyway.

Because the real nightmare is yet to come.

On the second day after cultivating with Master to achieve a positive result, Huan Qing caught him right as soon as he landed on the shore.

Su Huanqing first denounced his master for stealing his man, which was very inconsistent with his cold image, and then was disappointed by Xu Shoujing's unethical behavior, and left alone.

This is just the beginning.

Before leaving, Su Huanqing publicized the real-name system of Xu Shoujing and Ling Fuyu's 'Chuan Zhen'.

Sister Rong Yue and Aunt Chu, who had been sick for a long time, shouted "Isn't it enough for me?", while carrying swords all over the world to hunt down Xu Shoujing.

As a queen of a generation, Qiu Xuanji was more ruthless than the others. When he came up, he imprisoned Xu Shoujing in the Tianyu Heaven Prison in Dali Township. He also bound his hands and feet with chains that limited his spiritual power. Suddenly vented his anger.

Even the indifferent female emperor, Zhao Fuyao, participated in this absurd "punishing scumbag" activity.

...Actually, by the time it was halfway through, Xu Shoujing had already realized that it was a dream.

But he didn't breathe a sigh of relief, instead, a feeling of "alarm bells ringing" echoed in his heart.

After a while, Xu Shoujing fell into a reflection that lasted for the second half of the dream.

From the moment he successfully embarked on the path of cultivation with the help of Zhao Fuyao, various powerful enemies appeared one after another in front of him.

In fact, to be honest, Xu Shoujing didn't want to care about these messy things, such as the ultimate teaching, demon gods and pills, demon spirits, etc., if possible.

Tired, to put it bluntly really tired.

Xu Shoujing has been a true person in two lifetimes, but he was only a fresh graduate in his previous life, not to mention his mature mind and smooth edges and corners.

Before he even had time to step into society, he hit the one-in-a-million prize—a big truck to deliver services to another world.

"In order to save the people of Jiuzhou and stop the conspiracy of the sect of the end of the world", "for the sake of the human race and the demon gods to fight bloody battles".

Taking him as the savior of the world without authorization, and imposing on him those responsibilities that should not belong to him... It was too heavy for a young man, and he couldn't even breathe.

To be honest, although Xu Shoujing longed for the hero who sacrificed himself to save the common people in the fairy sword, he wanted to be a member of the ordinary sect rather than the heroic role of 'running around for the world'.

The first time I woke up in the morning, I saw Sister Rong Yue wake up with a gentle smile.

After washing up and walking out of the attic, the oncoming apprentice brother passed by in the morning class and greeted him.

After breakfast, I helped Aunt Chu and Xuanji handle the important affairs of the sect in the morning, let Yaoyao and Master guide me in their cultivation in the afternoon, accompany Huanqing to practice swords in the evening, or accompany Sister Rongyue to appreciate the moon.

There is no need for ups and downs, and no need for exciting blood. Those repetitive routines that make people boring are what Xu Shoujing desires now.

It's a pity that things backfired, since he walked out of the Dragon Jade Gate... No, maybe from the moment he was reincarnated into this world, the gears of fate began to turn, and the fate that he had to do as a transmigrator had already been pressed on him.

Why would Xu Shoujing rather take some risks than waste a year doing nothing?

Because of fear.

He was afraid that if he stopped, the road that he had finally extended would be cut off; he was afraid that if he slacked off in his cultivation for a moment, he would lose a move in the future because of this, and all his efforts would be in vain.

But the most fearful thing is that he does not have the strength to protect the people he loves.

Under such a high-pressure mentality, Xu Shoujing's heartstrings have always been tense, and the pressure continues to increase, and there will inevitably be moments of collapse.

As the saying goes, when you focus on one thing, you inevitably lose sight of what's going on around you.

Xu Shoujing is like that.

He was too focused on cultivation and neglected getting along with Aunt Chu and the others. At first glance, neither the form nor the intimacy between the lovers had changed.

But who can say for those things that subtly change?
After a long 'Habata Dream', Xu Shoujing gradually woke up in reflection.

Xu Shoujing chose to embark on such a thorny road, not to stop Yan Yan from saving the world, and he believed that he was not so noble.

He was there to protect the people he cared about in this world.

If in order to become stronger, instead of neglecting getting along with them, wouldn't the cart be put before the horse?

"Xu Shoujing, you are too stupid."

Xu Shoujing scolded himself in the bottom of his heart, the dream ended, the senses of the body gradually became clear, but the limbs were as difficult to move as the 'ghost press'.

...what's holding me down?
Xu Shoujing opened his eyes in confusion, his pupils shrank suddenly, the only trace of sleepiness left dissipated, and his voice trembled:

"Master... Master?!"
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 I can't write the outline of the next volume, I have a headache... The plot is there, but this volume is so badly written that it messes up the rhythm, and suddenly I don't know how to distribute the emotional curve, alas...

(End of this chapter)

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