The queen is so fierce

Chapter 236 Talking in the boudoir, Su Du will come

Chapter 236 Talking in the boudoir, Su Du will come

The white jade birds outside the window kept screaming, the dilapidated door was closed, and there was only a blue light illuminating the dimly lit room.

"Master... Master?!"

Xu Shoujing swallowed his saliva, and Ling Fuyu's distressed appearance was reflected in his trembling pupils.

Ling Fuyu looked down at him from a height, her icy face was covered with a layer of light powder, her long hair tied up loosely, her hand pressed against his chest, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she seemed to be biting her thin lips in embarrassment. .

In the past, the wide robe that was too wasteful of body curves, because of the 'old shoulders', it brought out Ling Fuyu's proud figure, the white swan neck and collarbone were exposed, and the bulging neckline was facing towards. Slipped on both sides.

"Jing' just stay and don't move, it will be over soon." She took two more deep breaths in a row as if to comfort herself.

"..." Xu Shoujing's face darkened, subconsciously wanting to refute 'how can it be so fast', when the words came to his mouth, he only felt a tingling pain in the back of his head, and the memory before the coma gradually recovered.

When he was first pulled into the room by the master, although Xu Shoujing could not understand the situation, he still showed astonishing perseverance.

However, he still underestimated Ling Fuyu's determination this time, and didn't eat his way at all.

Seeing Xu Shoujing procrastinating and changing the subject frantically, Ling Fuyu said nothing, raised her slender hand slightly, and flicked her finger on the back of his head.

Next... Xu Shoujing entered the 'Habata Dreamland', and he didn't know how long he slept, and when he opened his eyes, he saw his master straddling him and trying to ride a horse.

Where to start ranting...

During Xu Shoujing's panic, he suddenly felt the hands pressing on his chest. He changed the way he used to caress randomly before and started to untie his collar. As a visitor, he immediately understood Ling Fuyu's purpose, and his heart suddenly panicked.

It was so hard to die, but the image of Su Huanqing lying in his arms and crying appeared in his mind, and the whole person felt bad.

In order to prevent Ling Fuyu from succeeding, Xu Shoujing hurriedly grabbed her wrist, gritted his teeth and gasped:

"Wait... Master, let me slow down first, my head hurts..."

Xu Shoujing did not directly say 'No', but said 'Wait a minute', giving Ling Fuyu a reassurance, and using 'headache' as a shield to buy himself time.

Well, it seems that he also knows that he 'can't escape a sleep' today.

Ling Fuyu hesitated, but really stopped.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, his brain was running at a high speed, and he asked in a low voice:

" said you wanted to save me, can you save me with my 'Shuangxiu'?"

Anyway, it will take a while, and if you continue to sit on Xu Shoujing's body, you will only feel embarrassed.

Ling Fuyu rolled over and lay beside Xu Shoujing, looking up at the ceiling:
"Restore your cultivation first, and then save you."

His tone was quite cold, but his ears were slightly red.

Xu Shoujing hesitated for a while, then moved his stiff body and turned his face:

"Master, let's talk about what's in our hearts."

Ling Fuyu heard from Xu Shoujing's tone that he was very nervous, but his own apprentice was lying on the same bed, and it was impossible to say that he was not nervous, and murmured:

"You said."

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and regained his flat posture, but for some reason, there was no text for a long time.

Ling Fuyu pulled up the quilt to cover her delicate and slender body, and waited for a while with her body taut. There was no movement at all, and her breathing was a little disordered just now, but now it has gradually stabilized.

The villain won't fall asleep, will he?

She raised her instep and turned around. She glanced at her side suspiciously, and found that Xu Shoujing stared at the ceiling with ecstatic peach blossom eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ling Fuyu frowned, hesitated, then reached out and tapped his shoulder:


Xu Shoujing's eyes still didn't leave the ceiling, his pupils were scattered and he seemed to be wandering in the sky, and he said slowly:
"Master, in fact, I don't have much resistance in my heart. I also know that this is the only way to solve Master's old wounds, my soul-purifying state, and the crisis of the Su Clan."

"Needless to say, isn't your color embryo exactly what you want?" Ling Fuyu rolled her eyes, which was not in line with her personality, she was really cute.

Thinking so in her heart, Ling Fuyu lay beside Xu Shoujing and asked in a low voice:

"Since you understand in your heart, why did you turn a blind eye to my hints when you were on the mountain?"

Xu Shoujing tugged the corners of his mouth indiscernibly and sighed:
"There are some truths. If you know them, you will know them. If you want to accept them, you still need some time... Besides, at that time, I really regarded the master as a master."

Ling Fuyu was silent for a while, Qiushui's beautiful eyes were rippling, and her eyes were fixed on the outline of his handsome face:

"Is it because of Qing'er?"

Xu Shoujing hesitated: "Yes and no."

"What is yes or no?" Ling Fuyu was dissatisfied, she raised her hand and tapped lightly on this fellow's forehead.

Xu Shoujing smiled contemptuously, his expression gradually serious:

"I mean... half of it is because of this. As for the other half... master, do you think there are many women around me?"

He turned to look at Ling Fuyu, the distance between the two instantly shortened, and the breath slapped on the other's face itchy.

Ling Fuyu had never been so close to a man, her clear pupils trembled, and her heart was shaking.

But after hearing Xu Shoujing's last sentence, his mind suddenly calmed down, and then his eyes were stunned:
"You don't think so much?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Well, there are quite a few...but that's not the point of this conversation.

Xu Shoujing tilted his head slightly, clenched his fist and coughed dryly:
"I mean... Now the situation in Jiuzhou is changing a lot, nothing will happen unexpectedly, I just spent almost all my energy trying to get stronger. I'm afraid I can't give them what they want... …”

At the end, Xu Shoujing closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

Ling Fuyu was really surprised this time. She always thought that Xu Shoujing was a person who was the same on the outside. She was brave, heroic, heartless, beautiful and talented...

But I didn't expect that Xu Shoujing, who was hiding under those masks, actually had a confused mind of a teenager.

Ling Fuyu felt that as a master, she should speak out and give advice at this time... But as long as she thought that in a short time, she would commit acts of bullying her teacher and destroying her ancestors, which violated the rules of etiquette, and she couldn't put on the air of a teacher.

After struggling for a long time, she shook her head and said:
"Why do you think so?"

Xu Shoujing stared at the patterns on the ceiling and said in a low voice:

"Let every person you like like you also, or put it bluntly... Opening a harem should be every man's dream, but to bear so many good intentions at one time is actually a... very heavy thing."

Xu Shoujing quietly held Ling Fuyu's hand hidden under the quilt. The latter trembled slightly, almost subconsciously trying to throw it away.

But thinking that she would do something more excessive later, Ling Fuyu hesitated, but let him hold her hand, just to adapt in advance.

Xu Shoujing happened to have the same purpose, but his topic continued:

"Every time Aunt Chu and Sister Rongyue are jealous, I will always use all means to make them happy. I know that those so-called methods are full of loopholes, and they are as smart as they are, how can they not see it?

They are willing to let me coax because they like me... Or, they condone me because they like me. Even if there is more dissatisfaction in their hearts, they will smile gently at the end and pretend that nothing happened. "

Seeing Xu Shoujing's eyes drooping slightly, his expression mixed with bitterness and love and pity, Ling Fuyu realized something and pondered:
"Jing'er, do you feel guilty for finding new women?"

Xu Shoujing was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Almost..."

Sometimes Xu Shoujing really sighed, if she were the utter scumbags in her previous life, maybe she wouldn't be so entangled.

Of course, I enjoyed Aunt Chu and the others' good intentions... Of course they hurt them, and of course they played some scheming to master the balance between the women in the harem.

It's a pity that he is not, and his heart is not so strong.

In his previous life, Xu Shoujing was extremely distrustful of women, and he was covered in cumin until he was sent away by a large truck.

This made him extremely cherish everything he got in this world. He was cautious and overwhelmed. With no experience, he had no other way than to exchange his sincerity.

Xu Shoujing couldn't help thinking: continuing to be with me like this, would it be a lasting harm to them?

Who doesn't want to be each other's only one?



Just when Xu Shoujing was thinking wildly, Ling Fuyu raised her hand and knocked on his forehead again.

This time, she didn't slow down, leaving a red mark on Xu Shoujing's forehead.

Xu Shoujing's pain in the back of his head had not disappeared, but now he ate it again in front of him... and he was still sympathetic.

"Master...what are you doing?" He rubbed his forehead, his eyes showing confusion.

Ling Fuyu sat up on the bed with one hand, looking down at Xu Shoujing from a height, sitting upright, with a serious tone:
"In the mortal world, it is not necessary to be a prince or a powerful person, even if it is only a businessman who has three wives and four concubines. It is the same for monks. The higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to have children. It is normal to have a home offering."

Ling Fuyu knelt on the bed and walked a few steps, slowly sitting on Xu Shoujing's chest, her cold eyes showed a soft color:
"I don't know why you think so, but... I'm very happy that you can think so, it shows that you are not simple and astringent, you have really thought about it from a woman's point of view, and you are different from those old-fashioned fairy clans. "

Xu Shoujing was a little embarrassed to be praised, and reached out and scratched his face.

"But." Ling Fuyu changed her words, her eyes sharpened again: "Because of unwarranted guilt, the idea of ​​'would it be better if they were not by my side' was the greatest blasphemy against women's feelings. Jing Son, do you understand?"

Xu Shoujing's eyes were startled, how did Master know what he was thinking?
Did he accidentally say something wrong just now?

No...he didn't even open his mouth, how could he leak it...

But this is the end of the matter, and the entanglement is endless.

Xu Shoujing sighed and said with a complicated smile:

"I know that kind of thinking is just useless whining. All I can do... is to do my best to make Aunt Chu and the others not regret choosing to follow me."

When the words fell, Xu Shoujing tilted his head and glanced out the window. The sun's rays shone into the courtyard. If he didn't start again, it would become daytime. After hesitating, he said:

"After speaking... I feel more comfortable, Master, shall we start?"


Seeing Xu Shoujing's bright eyes, Ling Fuyu's hands shrank, and she was speechless.

Is this a revealing of nature?

Ling Fuyu coughed lightly and put on a dignified expression:

"You have said so much from your heart, as a teacher... I also want to talk about the past, no problem?"

Xu Shoujing silently withdrew the hand that climbed up: "Master, say it."

Ling Fuyu felt a chill, the last thing she wanted to hear was the word "Master", she said with a stern face:

"Don't call me Master during the double cultivation period, didn't you realize that I didn't even call myself a 'Master'?"


Xu Shoujing blinked and felt that it was too early to play this kind of master-disciple game. He hesitated for a moment, then tentatively said:
"Then... Yu'er?"

Ling Fuyu frowned slightly, not satisfied: "For another one, where can I care about the voice of the elders."

Xu Shoujing thought so too, and nodded: "Then Xiaoyu, she is as cute as a rabbit."

Hi~Uncle Long~
Ling Fuyu knocked on Xu Shoujing's forehead again, and almost couldn't help burying the villain on the spot. What kind of brain circuit...

"Just call Fuyu."

"Oh..." Xu Shoujing covered his forehead aggrieved, isn't Xiaoyu cute?
The room was silent for a while, and Ling Fuyu didn't even open her mouth to tell her past.

"Fuyu?" Xu Shoujing raised his head strangely.

I saw Ling Fuyu biting her lower lip lightly, her icy face was pink, she seemed to be holding back a great shame, her eyes kept dodging, and she squeezed out word by word:

"Jing...Jing'er, when I said that, you can...then what?"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing suddenly realized.

It turns out that 'talking about the past' is not the key, and using 'talking about the past' to distract attention is the purpose.

Xu Shoujing understood, nodded to Ling Fuyu, silently reached out and untied Ling Fuyu's simple Taoist robe, and put her in his arms.

Ling Fuyu's heart is rambling, and she has never been in contact with a man. Even if she wants to keep calm, she can only hear the sound of her heart "puffing, puffing".

In order to distract her attention, or to suppress her shame, she had to speak very reluctantly:
"I was born in Yun Aozhou... I was raised by the master and the ancestor, but because of a certain incident, I left the sect and came to Tiannan Continent..."

Xu Shoujing put his big hand on his slender waist and rubbed it, inadvertently asked:

"Is it because of that incident that the soul was damaged?"

Ling Fuyu was silent for a while, and she was sure of the answer:
"Just as Qing'er regards me as the shadow of her biological mother, I may also regard Shizun and Shizu as relatives... But I can no longer repay this kind of upbringing..."

Xu Shoujing stopped moving, suddenly thought of something, and asked in a tight voice:

"Since you are avoiding the sect... After you regain your strength, if you take a little shot, won't you be found?"

Hearing this, Ling Fuyu's eyes flickered, her eyes dodged for a while, and she forcibly changed the topic and said:
"I have my own considerations... You don't have to worry about this... um~ Anyway... In short, I am sorry for the master, the cultivation of the sect, and the ancestor. I am the one to blame, you and Qinger It's not really a good thing to worship at my door. Hey, if you can... um..."

Xu Shoujing sat up, pressed the back of Ling Fuyu's head, and pressed his thin lips lightly.

The four lips met, Ling Fuyu's eyes widened, her pupils were full of astonishment.So much so that in her panic, she forgot to respond to Xu Shoujing at all, but just froze in his arms and endured it silently.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Ling Fuyu's cheeks were like water stained with ink, and the rippling blush spread to her neck.She raised her hand to cover her mouth and panted lightly, her eyes gradually looking at Xu Shoujing, wanting to get an answer.

What are you doing all of a sudden, you scoundrel?
Xu Shoujing did not have any psychological pressure, instead he looked angry and said solemnly:

"Fuyu, what you taught me just now, I will return it to you on the spot."

Ling Fuyu didn't speak, her eyes were a little inexplicable.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and stared at her Qingshui eyes:

"I have never regretted being under your door. I think Huanqing should be the same as me... So please don't think about your beard and think that we shouldn't worship you as a teacher."

Ling Fuyu's eyelashes trembled lightly, her knees on the bed were tensed, and she fell into an emotion that was both gratifying and moving, but also sad.

It's a shame that I taught Jing'er a lesson just now...

Ling Fuyu let out a long sigh, and suddenly turned over and lay flat on the bed. Under Xu Shoujing's suspicious gaze, she silently closed her eyes:

"There's nothing more to say...Come on."


Xu Shoujing got up, hesitated, and kissed the attractive thin lips again.

This time, Ling Fuyu was mentally prepared. While responding jerky, she pressed her eyes tightly, her knees slightly bent, and her little feet on the thin quilt arched unconsciously, showing tension visible to the naked eye.

Xu Shoujing gently stroked her hair, put it in his ear, and said softly:
"Master... I'm very troubled, but I'll try my best to be nice to you."

Ling Fuyu opened her mouth and seemed to have reacted to the word 'later', but finally gave up, and gradually loosened her grip on the sheets, and turned her fingers around Xu Shoujing.


The wind was howling from the window, and I didn't know if it was the movement caused by the fighting in the sky, or the grace given by nature.

The orange-gold sunlight shone on the earth, driving away the haze among the ruins.

The Changhe Su Clan's rescue operation is proceeding in an orderly manner, but there will inevitably be sobbing sounds and groans that look like pain.

Su Du suffered this catastrophe. If he wants to rebuild, it will take a lot of time. Just finding a venue to receive the wounded is a big problem.

Although the Eight Sects and Demon Souls are still fighting fiercely, Su Ren, as the temporary leader, must consider the problems after passing this level.

At this moment, Jiang Rongyue came over with Yu Zhiqiong who had disappeared for a long time.

Su Ren had only heard of Yu Zhiqiong's name from Xu Shoujing's mouth, but had never seen him in person, and immediately turned to Jiang Rongyue, wondering:
"Who is this……"

Before Jiang Rongyue could speak, Yu Zhiqiong chuckled lightly and took over the words:

"Yu Zhiqiong, the third daughter of the head of the Tianya Yu family."

Su Ren was a little shocked, his face remained calm, and he cupped his hands:

"I'm going to Su Ren. I don't know what Mrs. Yu has to do with Ren?"

Yu Zhiqiong did not go around in circles and went straight to the topic:
"You should listen to the little bad... Shou Jing said that I came for the Tianwen mirror. I have no interest in intervening in the war in Sudu, but now that I have intervened, it is natural to do it to the end..."

She narrowed her long and narrow fox eyes slightly, and her smile was so calm that it was terrifying:
"After this battle, Su Du's vitality was severely damaged. Even if the Tianyuan Sect was destroyed, it would be difficult to regain a place in Tiannan Continent. In this case, you might as well join me under my command, and I will provide Sudu with the resources of Tianya Yu's clan until you Make a comeback."

Although Su Ren had already made some guesses after hearing the name of 'Tianya Yu Clan', he couldn't help but tremble in his heart at this moment, and slowly put down his salute.

After a long time, Su Ren sighed with complicated eyes, and said slowly:
"This should think twice."

Yu Zhiqiong didn't force it, she waved her hand:

"I still have something to do in Sudu, just give me the answer before leaving."

When the words fell, he turned and left without saying hello.

"Hey... Uncle Yu..."

Jiang Rongyue looked at Su Ren with a helpless expression, and chased in the direction Yu Zhiqiong left, leaving Su Ren alone in a daze.

Su Ren looked up at the blue sky, the fierce battle between the Eight Sects and the Demon Soul is still going on, I am afraid it will not stop until the Eight Sects die.

He sighed deeply and slowly closed his eyes.

Father...what should I do? ——
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 This chapter has the taste of what I wrote before, I feel like I have written everything that should be written.

(End of this chapter)

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