The queen is so fierce

Chapter 237 Draw the line!

Chapter 237 Draw the line!

The screeching sound of wooden boards in the quiet courtyard gradually ceased, and the swings tied to the ancient tree trunks stopped swaying in the wind.

Three poles in the sun, the shade of the trees is sloping, the cold of the morning has long been dissipated, and the temperature is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The floor in the house was full of traces of sweat, and the lonely green lamp was knocked to the ground at some point.

Fortunately, the most important thing in midsummer is sunshine, even if the windows and doors are closed, it does not make people feel dim.

Xu Shoujing was wearing only a pair of obscene trousers, sat cross-legged on the bed with bare shoulders, his eyes were tightly closed, and his eyebrows were frowning lightly. Bean-sized sweat beads slid down the texture of the tough muscles and fell onto the already soaked sheets.

On the other side, Ling Fuyu supported the table with one hand, rubbed out a light blue magic circle, and gently touched the center of the magic circle with her fingertips, bringing out a series of clear water, washing away the dirt on her delicate body, exuding a flushing meaning. The skin gradually returned to fairness.

When the bath was over, Lingfu Yuyu grabbed it with her hand, and the water attached to the luxurious body evaporated automatically.She walked slowly to the clothes rack, without wearing a bellyband, she directly picked up the clean neon clothes and put it on her body.


There was a muffled groan from the direction of the bed, as if suppressing the unbearable pain.

Ling Fuyu's dressed Su hand paused for a while, and without too much hesitation, she immediately walked to Xu Shoujing's side, Qingshui's eyes revealed concern:

"Jing'er, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Shoujing thought it would be a relatively gentle way, such as four palms facing each other, or two palms on the back, which is how they treat serious injuries on TV.

Who knows... Ling Fuyu just stretched out her jade finger and tapped lightly at his heart.

In an instant, Xu Shoujing's body was filled with the spiritual power of the Crescent Moon Realm. The meridians, blood vessels, blood, spirit sea... Almost all the organs that sustain life activities you can imagine have become the shape of Ling Fuyu.

The first feeling is cold, very cold.It's like using the seawater in the extreme north to make a needle, and you can clearly feel the cold current running down the blood vessels all over the body.

Before Xu Shoujing could react, Ling Fuyu said lightly, "If you end up with this kind of injury when you entered Chongxiao, you won't be able to treat it so well. Don't mess around in the future." She ran to shower. .

In this severe cold state, the spiritual power of the whole body is frozen, and the physical strength is meaningless in the face of the extremely cold ice. It is natural for Xu Shoujing to groan.

However, although the feeling of falling into an ice cave is very tormented, it is not completely unbearable.

Xu Shoujing didn't intend to make Ling Fuyu worry unnecessarily, he slowly opened his eyes and chuckled with difficulty:
"It's okay... eh?"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Shoujing's eyes widened, the snow-white canyon was reflected in his bright pupils, and he forgot to breathe.

Seeing his reaction, Ling Fuyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and then she seemed to remember something, her cold face was slightly red, and she quickly clenched her open robe.

Xu Shoujing felt a little embarrassed in his heart, although he felt that 'it has been repaired', there is nothing to hide from the old couple.

But Ling Fuyu had already shown a shy expression, and he couldn't help but stare at him, so he lowered his head and staggered his eyes.

It's okay not to bow, but it makes the situation even worse.

The beautiful snow-white legs were brought together and stretched out from the large robe; the exquisite jade feet lightly touched the wooden floor, the toes curled up and grasped the ground because of the tension, and then, as if aware of his sight, he hurriedly retracted. shrink.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and suddenly felt refreshed.

It's hard to describe the feeling of this kind of picture, it can only be compared... It's like a girlfriend wearing her own white shirt, senior sister only wearing a white coat, which is clearly covered, but those parts that are exposed are okay, but give people A strong temptation.

Ling Fuyu originally had an expression of embarrassment, but when she saw Xu Shoujing suddenly put on the expression that "a poor monk doesn't have that kind of worldly desire", she frowned slightly in confusion and nodded slightly. Shoujing's shoulders.

"Jing'er? What's wrong with you?"

After such an interruption, Xu Shoujing was distracted a lot, and his face was not as pale as before.

Hearing Ling Fuyu's question, Xu Shoujing let out a cold breath and said with a leisurely smile:

"It's okay... Master, you are so beautiful."

Uniform control is satisfied, um~

Ling Fuyu was stunned for a moment, and then her body was trembling uncontrollably as she was covered by a large neon dress, and she felt goosebumps all over the floor.

"Don't say weird things... Where is the apprentice saying that Master is beautiful." She looked a little embarrassed.

Xu Shoujing blinked and thought to himself: Huan Qing and Master are obviously masters and apprentices, and their personalities are really unrelated.

Thinking back to the Dali Broken Dragon Mountains two years ago, Su Huanqing did not deny the fact that he was beautiful at all.

Switching to Master, humility seems to be carved into the bones... Of course, it may be just pure shyness.

However, she herself did not show any signs of shyness at all. After the initial embarrassment, it seemed that she finally reacted to the state of the two, and said quite seriously:

"Jing'er, you are here."

As he said that, he lifted up his robe, and reached out from under the hem of his robe to beckon.

Xu Shoujing's face stiffened, and he silently glanced at the distance between him and Ling Fuyu. With a "guru", his Adam's apple slowly wriggled:

"Master... do you still want to cultivate?"

Also... it's not impossible, when I refine this cold body, it will be ok until the evening.

It’s really a bit too many repairs just now, and it’s been repaired from early morning to noon. Can you give me a CD time…

After all, it was a 'repaired relationship'. Ling Fuyu read Xu Shoujing's thoughts at a glance, her face darkened, and she said angrily:

"What are you thinking, the teacher wants to ask you something."

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then put away his joking thoughts, and leaned against Ling Fuyu with his hands on the bed.

Hearing Ling Fuyu posing as a master again, for some unknown reason, Xu Shoujing always had a bad premonition in his heart.

Ling Fuyu's next words undoubtedly confirmed Xu Shoujing's hunch.

"Jing'er, don't take it for granted, think I'm 'double cultivation' with you, and I'll follow you honestly just like your other women."

Ling Fuyu's expression was as solemn as before, she raised her hand and fastened her clothes, her luxurious body curves were completely concealed, and the folds of her clothes were smoothed out, making her look dignified and dignified.

Xu Shoujing was disappointed for a while, and laughed dryly:
"Why do I think so..."

Ling Fuyu looked at him coldly, and Qingshui's eyes were full of scrutiny:

"You don't have to say anything wrong, I know what you're thinking."

Xu Shoujing was silent for a while and did not answer.

Ling Fuyu sighed, her eyes softened a bit:
"Jing'er, you don't have to be under psychological pressure, and you don't have to think about being responsible. It's not your responsibility, it's your teacher's fault."

Xu Shoujing doesn't like to hear these words, what is 'fault', even if there are thousands of reasons, 'the repair has been repaired', if he doesn't take responsibility and wants to shirk his responsibility, is he still a human being?

Seeing Xu Shoujing opening his mouth to refute, Ling Fuyu gently covered his mouth:

"Jing'er, I know that you have never seen the rules of etiquette and law in your eyes. You can tell by looking at the identities of the women around you."

"—" Xu Shoujing was powerless to refute, modern people are indeed more open-minded than ancient people.

Ling Fuyu let go of her hand, clenched her hand slightly, lowered her eyes and said:
"You can disregard the etiquette, but I can't... serve as a teacher, and do such a damned thing with my own apprentice. Although it is to save you, I can't accept it with peace of mind."

Ling Fuyu raised her head again, her clear and beautiful eyes filled with tenacity, and said in a tone that could not be refused:
"All faults are borne by the master alone. I covet your body, and I used you to heal old wounds. I don't deserve to be your master anymore."


Xu Shoujing opened his mouth, not knowing where to start complaining.

If I had known earlier, I should have copied a 'Xianxia version of the divine sculpture' and reversed the old-fashioned thinking of the vast number of immortal cultivators.

Little teacher, Nian Shang, master and apprentice, heroes... Who doesn't like novels like this?
Of course, the 'Dragon Knight' paragraph must be removed, pure love warriors can't see this stuff.

"Jing'er, did you hear that?" Seeing Xu Shoujing in a daze, Ling Fuyu shook his body.

Xu Shoujing sighed, rarely became serious, facing Ling Fuyu's line of sight, said:

"Master is my master, and that will never change."

Seeing Ling Fuyu's face sinking, Xu Shoujing shrugged, biting his head and chuckling:
"What's more, I was originally the 'Son of God's Scourge', am I still afraid of God's Scourge?"

Ling Fuyu also sighed and shook her head:

"Jing'er, you don't understand. You don't need to care what others think, but I can't. If you insist on me being your woman, have you ever thought about what to do with Huan Qing?"

Xu Shoujing was silent, what Ling Fuyu said was undoubtedly the fact that he had been escaping.

In any case, Ling Fuyu was Su Huanqing's master. The two were in love with each other, and the time they spent together was much longer than that of the cheap apprentice who came in halfway.

In the past, Xu Shoujing would resist this 'double repair recovery' method, half of the reason was because he didn't want to hurt Su Huanqing.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing seemed to be persuaded, Ling Fuyu felt a little relieved in her heart, and continued to say softly:

"Jing'er, this is a unavoidable mistake. Let's let go of each other and treat this as a dream. In this way, you don't have to worry about hurting them. I will bear all the guilt..."

"Do not."

Xu Shoujing raised his head again, this time he was not confused and said seriously:
"When the crisis in Sudu is over, I will confess to Huan Qing... This is a last resort, but without my help, it would not have evolved into what it is now."

After a pause, Xu Shoujing said bluntly:

"Fuyu, I said before... I have been with you for a short time, and I didn't like it enough. Now I take back the foreword. In fact, I like you... From the moment you rescued me from the sea monster. Let's start. The two are in love, why can't they be together?"

Why is this child so stubborn... Ling Fuyu felt a headache and put on a cold face:
"Jing'er, have you ever thought that because the teacher doesn't like you at all, how can the two love each other?"

Xu Shoujing leaned a little closer and said with a burning gaze:
"Master, will you 'double cultivation' with someone who doesn't feel anything at all?"

Ling Fuyu avoided Xu Shoujing's hot gaze, raised her hips slightly, and moved to the side:
"I did it for Qing'er, to save your life by the way."

Xu Shoujing shook his head and said with great certainty:
"I know you're not that kind of person."

"You know me well?" Ling Fuyu sneered.

Xu Shoujing thought for a while and then asked:

"Then master... do you understand me?"

Ling Fuyu looked puzzled and glanced at him: "It's not right for the teacher to understand you, how can I teach you if I don't understand you?"

"That's right." Xu Shoujing nodded, with a scruple in his heart, spread his hands and said: "But I think that Master doesn't know enough, you don't know what kind of person I am, even me..."

"I won't give up on you at all." Before she said it, maybe it was Chu Chengyulu and the irritability of being madly forced. Ling Fuyu didn't want to continue discussing this matter, and turned her head to retort:
"Why don't I know you? I haven't instructed you much during the time I accepted you as a disciple, but that doesn't mean I haven't paid attention to you!"

Xu Shoujing's face stiffened, he didn't understand why Ling Fuyu suddenly got angry, and smiled embarrassingly:
"Uh...that's not what I meant..."

"What do you mean by not that?!"

Ling Fuyu turned her body around completely, a quiet flame burned in Qingshui's eyes, and she nibbled her silver teeth and said:

"Always pushy, the fight with Su Ren was completely unnecessary, just because of a momentary impulse to go up."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

"I think I'm a hero, I take the responsibility on myself, and I feel pressured because the responsibility is too heavy? Then what did you do in the first place?"

Xu Shoujing blushed deeply when he was told, these are all attacks called 'true damage'...

Ling Fuyu narrowed her eyes, and when she thought of the way this bastard was tossing herself just now, she felt completely uneasy, and continued to scold:

"Doing things recklessly, injuring yourself in the Eastern Imperial City, and now injuring yourself again, have you ever thought that if you really die, you let me... Qinger and the others?
You are romantic and like to make excuses for yourself... But you are meticulous and good to everyone around you, and if you have a little psychological fluctuation, you can go and ask for help for a long time... Where can there be such a considerate man now... "

Xu Shoujing was powerless to refute, although the last sentence was strange, he still turned his eyes away stiffly:
"You mean..."

Ling Fuyu folded her arms, raised her feet and kicked Xu Shoujing's legs:

"Look at me, don't run away."

Xu Shoujing paused, then turned back to his body honestly.

He felt as if he had returned to the time when he was taught by the head teacher in his previous life, 'How many times have you been wrong on this question, don't you have a long memory? '

Seeing that Xu Shoujing was languishing, Ling Fuyu breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that the blockage accumulated in her chest suddenly cleared, and her expression eased a little:

"...Jing'er, you just lost your temper for your teacher. In fact, you still have a lot of advantages, such as your amazing talent in kendo, you never show off, you just make inconspicuous efforts by yourself, and you have a handsome face...cough cough."

Sensing that she was wrong in the middle, Ling Fuyu coughed dryly and said solemnly:
"In short, it's impossible for me and you, and there is no need to discuss this matter again."

Xu Shoujing hesitated and nodded, but before Ling Fuyu could breathe a sigh of relief, he said:
"I won't force Master to stay with me again, but after what I just said, I'm pretty sure that Master, you have a good opinion of me."


Where do you see a good feeling?
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 This chapter of the emotional scene is not very easy to write... This is the first time I have officially portrayed Ling Fuyu's character, and it happened to hit my head and feel dizzy.

  Let's help catch the bugs... After I look back and I feel strange, this chapter is estimated to be changed a little, without affecting the plot

(End of this chapter)

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