The queen is so fierce

Chapter 238 Suppressing the Demon Soul

Chapter 238 Suppressing the Demon Soul

"Really? I think Master, you're serious..."

Xu Shoujing spread his hands and pretended to be innocent.

Ling Fuyu's beautiful eyes widened, but she felt her head was in a mess, waiting for Xu Shoujing to say with a stern voice:

"You are so reassured that you accept your teacher? Just now you were worried that you would hurt Chu Shuwan and the others. Are they all fake?"

"No...that's all true."

Xu Shoujing put away his hippie smile, was silent for a moment, looked at Ling Fuyu seriously, and said solemnly:
"I think what Master taught just now is right. The damage has actually been done. There's not much I can do. I can only try to make them happy... that's all."

"..." Ling Fuyu.

What's the meaning?Co-authored or did I do it myself?
Ling Fuyu pushed Xu Shoujing away with all her might, Qingshui's eyes were secretly annoyed, and she figured out that she would spend some tongue-in-cheek fighting with Xu Shoujing for a few hours, but she would never throw her arms around him anyway.

"Listen to Jing'er, your idea is not wrong, but the object is wrong. Now, my greatest wish as a teacher is that you don't make any mistakes..."

Before Ling Fuyu could finish her words, a roar suddenly came from outside the window:
bang bang bang-

The huge air wave rushed into the sky, the closed door was overturned, and the bright golden sunlight shot in.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind whistling, the earth dragon tumbling, and the diffused deep purple aura applied a filter to the nearby scenery, ambiguous, ambiguous and demonic.Then, the streets that had been silent for a long time became noisy again.

At the moment when the shock came, Xu Shoujing instinctively threw Ling Fuyu onto the bed, and used his back to cover up some of the purple air coming in from the door.

Because the situation was really urgent, Xu Shoujing even forgot that Ling Fuyu, who was under him, had regained his strength. With his meager cultivation, he was a type of cannon fodder as a background board.

However, this time, Ling Fuyu surprisingly did not resist Xu Shoujing's behavior. She seemed to take it for granted and quietly shrank in this embrace that she had been lying on all night.

If Xu Shoujing saw Ling Fuyu's actions just now, he would definitely pursue the victory and break the last line of defense in the Taoist master's heart.

It's a pity that the situation is urgent. He didn't notice Ling Fuyu's small movements at all. He glanced at the door that was blown away by the strong wind, and said in a tight voice:
"This is the handwriting of Tu Yu Demon Soul... Has everyone in the Eight Sects been killed by him? This is too fast..."

In fact, when they were discussing how to deal with demon souls, Xu Shoujing and others had confirmed to Hexuan the approximate combat power of the current eight disciples.

Needless to say, the Tianyuan Sect is basically the main force, but under the baptism of the "Second Polar Night", the number of elite disciples has been cut by nearly [-]%.

Of the remaining [-]%, part of it was simply pulled over to recharge, which can be said to be completely two different strengths from the initial attack on the Changhe Su Clan.

Among the other seven sects, although there are giants like Rahu Temple and Tianwai Sword City.But after all, they have no grievances or enmity with the Changhe Su Clan, and the number and quality of the disciples they send are relatively limited.

It is such a temporary coalition army full of crooked melons and jujubes, and it is indeed a great deterrent to simply deal with a sect that has lost its head like the Changhe Su Clan.

Not to mention the Changhe Su Clan, there is no problem with most sects in Tiannan Continent.

But if you want to deal with a demon soul far beyond Tu Yu's own strength... this battle strength is still a bit ugly.

However, He Xuan also said that even if the combined combat power of the individuals may not be comparable, as long as they cooperate properly, it should not be a big problem to support Tu Yu Demon Soul for two or three days.

Xu Shoujing felt right at the time. After all, there is no absolute fool to be a disciple of the three giant sects.

I can't beat it after one fight, and I'm so stupid that I won't call for a righteous gang fight. Isn't that Cheng Ji Xiangjian?
Therefore, when Xu Shoujing, Qiu Xuanji and others made plans, they came according to the standard of two days. Today's main task is to rescue the disciples who were killed in Sudu as much as possible.

Hmm... If it wasn't for Ling Fuyu suddenly rushing over and pulling him into the house to 'bow the king', Xu Shoujing should be walking frantically in the ruins of Sudu at this moment - cleaning up the mutilation with the Nine Tribulations Heavy Prison Body.

After cleaning up, the materials for 'Sleep till the ice coffin' are almost ready, and Xu Shoujing should be cursed by the old aunt Ranxi and buried in the ground.

It can only be said that the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and the situation is the same now.

"Eighth sect disciples are so hydrated... can't I hold on for two more days..."

Xu Shoujing gritted his teeth and complained that his body has not yet fully recovered to its heyday, but Ling Fuyu used extremely cold ice to suppress the restless Nirvana spiritual power.

If you want to repair it completely, it will take a long time to slowly refine it.

It's a pity that Xu Shoujing doesn't have that spare time anymore.

Ling Fuyu was lying in Xu Shoujing's arms. Hearing his words, she silently closed Qingshui's eyes, and her already fair skin was covered with a light blue brilliance.

After a while, Ling Fuyu slowly opened her eyes and said solemnly:

"The disciples of the eight sects have not been completely destroyed, no... It should be said that the main combat power is basically not lost. However, the original attack pattern of the devil's soul suddenly changed, and he began to actively attack the disciples surrounded by the east. The hurricane just now was The aftermath of the Demon Soul's attack."

After a pause, Ling Fuyu added: "Up to three quarters of an hour, the release line of the eight sects will collapse, and the demon soul will come to the sky above Sudu."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then looked down at Ling Fuyu, the cold breath he exhaled hit the other's cheek, and frowned:

"So... that Demon Soul, who has no self-awareness and relies on instinct to act, suddenly changed his mind. The target is no longer the disciple of the Eighth Sect, but the Changhesu Clan?"

Ling Fuyu shook her head, stretched out her hand mercilessly and pushed Xu Shoujing's handsome face away, calmly said:

"No, think about it. Is the demon soul really coming for the Changhe Su Clan? The demon soul has no self-awareness, and all decisions depend on the host. Instinct kills all the creatures in the vicinity... This is what the little girl who was hosted by the ancient soul said."

The words stopped here, Ling Fuyu stretched out her hand to smooth the long hair scattered on the sheets, and Qingshui's eyes were surprisingly serious:
"But...what is 'instinct'? Is it only the killing instinct? No, there is an instinct opposite to it."

Xu Shoujing suddenly realized, he propped up the bed board slowly, and muttered:
"Survival instinct. Could it be..."

Xu Shoujing turned his gaze to Ling Fuyu, a trace of consternation flashed in his pupils; Ling Fuyu nodded calmly, her face flushed slightly, and said in a determined tone:
"As Qing'er said, there is no doubt that I have regained my strength... Although it is not as good as the heyday, it is definitely the most threatening existence to the demon soul among all the people present."

Ling Fuyu narrowed Qingshui's eyes slightly, and said in a low voice:
"Smother the threat in the cradle... The Demon Soul's instinct probably told him that."

After understanding what happened, Xu Shoujing was a little panicked. With his current physical condition, he really couldn't help, but he couldn't watch the demon soul devour his master, and subconsciously said:

"Then what should we do? Master, let's 'repair' on the spot for a while, and wait for you to regain your full strength before going to suppress the demon soul, which is safer..."

Ling Fuyu's face darkened, she couldn't help but knocked on the little bastard's head, and said angrily:

"Anything to repair, they all come to the door of the house, why are you still relying on me? Get up!"

Don't underestimate this is just a light tap, Ling Fuyu has even used the ice of the extreme cold, and relying on the control ability of the pinnacle of the full moon period, which is like a needle and thread, the extreme cold spiritual power is maintained at a level that Xu Shoujing can't eat. A small pain, but not to the extent that it really hurts.

Xu Shoujing covered his head and stood up, Junxiu's face was slightly aggrieved.He really wasn't joking this time, even though it was nasty, he really thought so.

Otherwise, what else can we do?When the combat power cannot be expected too much, this body is left to come in handy.

Ling Fuyu sat up, stretched out her hand to smooth out the messy front of Xu Shoujing's chest, and flicked her fingers to draw a light blue radiance, the spiritual ribbon floated slowly, and put the pure white apron on the wooden chair. Take it back.

After doing all this, Ling Fuyu saw that Xu Shoujing was still standing there stupidly, and couldn't help kicking:
"Turn over!"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Didn't see it last night...

Thought so, but he still turned around honestly.


Take off the neon clothes, put on the bellyband, and put on the neon clothes again.

The whole process did not take more than ten seconds. Ling Fuyu changed her body and regained the image of a glamorous and abstinent Taoist nun. Last night's tender and mellow voice seemed like a false dream.

Ling Fuyu stood up and looked at herself for a while, seemingly satisfied with her current image.

She tilted her head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, and found that the bastard had a depressed look on his face for some reason, and thought he was worrying about what to do with the demon soul.

Ling Fuyu sighed, and put her hand on Xu Shoujing's shoulder:
"Don't worry, Jing'er. Although the teacher has not regained the strength of the heyday, I still don't care about the evil spirits with no soul and no soul. You are in a bad state. Don't go anywhere. Stay here honestly. Wait for the good news for the teacher."

After speaking, without waiting for Xu Shoujing's response, the jade feet lightly stepped on the wooden board, and the blue spirit wind suddenly rose, and the beams and tiles of the spirit sandalwood floor were torn apart in an instant.

When she turned her head again, Ling Fuyu was already hanging out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye, she turned into a meteor in the sky, and disappeared.

Xu Shoujing looked at the ceiling with a large hole on his face in astonishment, then squinted at the torn door next to him, and said in a daze:

"Why does it feel like it's more than me going over the wall..."


"Quick! Quick! Don't stop! The demon soul is coming soon!"

Su Ren stood in the middle of the road that was on the verge of collapse, anxiously urging his fellow disciples to transfer the wounded.

Just now, the Changhe Su Clan experienced a night of rescue operations, and finally recovered.

Unexpectedly, the demon soul suddenly began to dive. After changing the slow attack method before, the disciples of the eight sects could not react in time, and the encirclement was broken one after another. It was too late to set up the encirclement again. The movement of the demon soul.

This is not the worst, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Demon Soul has changed its attack target from the Eighth Sect to the Changhe Su Clan.

If the people from the Eight Sects realized that they were no longer the target, they would probably immediately give up their thoughts of fighting the Demon Soul, count the disciples, turn around and run away.

After all, they were originally here to attack the Changhe Su Clan, and they had no obligation to help the Changhe Su Clan retreat.

Su Ren was always upset because of Yu Zhiqiong's words, but now he encountered such a change, and the whole person fell into chaos.

"What should I do... How long will it take for the Eight Sects to react? Will there be time to transfer all the wounded before then... After all... Even if all the wounded are moved, if the Demon Soul is chasing after him, there is no Sanjiangyun to defend the formation, Su What kind of resistance are you taking..."

Su Ren twirled his brain rapidly, cold sweat dripped down his neck, and tapped his forehead with his right hand, as if he wanted to calm himself down in this way.

"Don't worry, Ba Zong won't leave."

Hearing this voice, Su Ren turned his head and saw that He Xuan was standing beside him with a grim expression, and said:

"I will call back the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect, and then order in the name of the senior. The other seven sects don't know that the senior is dead, so they should also give me a face."

Su Ren breathed a sigh of relief, paused, and frowned: "But... Senior didn't plan to wait until everything was over before taking over the Tianyuan Sect in the form of negotiation? If it is exposed later..."

He Xuan shook his head: "No problem, Jinglong and his senior brother are dead. Although it is half a bucket of water, this seat is indeed the only facade of the Tianyuan Sect. There is no reason for those immortals not to let me be the suzerain. I'm worried that I will not fulfill my promise in the future."

Having said that, even if he forcibly dragged the Eight Sects to his death, even if he agreed to the Demon Soul, the casualties would probably be counted on Hexuan alone.

Other sects are not without the ancestors of the moon. If this is the reason to come to the door to discuss, most of the seniors of the Tianyuan sect will choose a way of dealing with it that has nothing to do with them - for example, directly put the responsibility on Hexuan alone, let him Find a solution by yourself.

He Xuan had already had psychological expectations, and since he planned to reform the Tianyuan Sect, it was impossible to stop here.

However, before he had time to take off, a figure dressed in simple neon clothes suddenly entered the sky above his sight.

"That's..." He Xuan was slightly taken aback.

Su Ren also noticed and took over the words:

"Fuyu Immortal Venerable..."


The purple human-shaped armor standing in the sky exudes a permeating breath. The disciples of the eight sects have been retreating under the offensive of the purple energy, and it is no longer known how many corpses are buried in the sea of ​​​​clouds.

No matter how many lives they gave, they couldn't stop the purple humanoid armor half a step.

In desperation, I don't know who murmured like this:

"This to win?"

I can't win, I'm dying... everyone thinks so.

However, in the blink of an eye, the despair in their hearts was replaced by a greater shock.

No one knew what was going on, but when he came back to his senses, the world as far as he could see turned into a world of ice and snow.

The mighty armored giant froze in place, with white snow accumulating on his shoulders and head, and the thick layer of ice seemed to be covered with a new layer of armor.

Daoist Leng Yan stood in the air without a sword in her hand, but she waved and released a few swords.

The armored giant was like a plaster of shards, without any room for resistance, it turned into fragments in the sky, revealing the red-haired girl buried deep in the armor fragments.

"That Daoist nun...she...who is she?" I don't know whose voice trembled.

A very different kind of fear permeated the crowd.
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(End of this chapter)

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