The queen is so fierce

Chapter 239 Aunt Wan

Chapter 239 Aunt Wan
Thick gunpowder smoke filled the air, chaotic footsteps were everywhere, and the top and bottom of the ruins of Sudu were all moving under Su Ren's command.

Needless to say, the injured and comatose disciples were placed in the first place from the beginning; the uninjured disciples also rushed to the back mountain.

In order to prevent too much confusion from hindering the speed of the transfer, Su Huanqing stood on the roof of a stone building that had been shaved off more than half of its volume, and monitored Yu Jian's evacuated disciples to leave in an orderly manner.

"Mother...Mother...uuu, mother...uuu..."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but in the noisy environment, a faint cry for help suddenly entered Su Huanqing's ears.

Su Huanqing Liu Ye frowned lightly, hesitated for half a second, and waved to Qin Xuanbing who was not far away:
"Junior Sister Qin, come here."

The long-admired Senior Sister summoned Qin Xuanbing without any hesitation, and ran to Su Huanqing obediently, her sweet and charming face smiled involuntarily:
"Sister, what's the matter?"

Senior Sister Su is so close to me... So fragrant~ It must be Senior Sister Su's body fragrance~ It seems that she has not been polluted by that smelly man...

Needless to say, the 'stinky man' here must be referring to a certain Xu Shoujing, who was still lying on the bed with the lingering fragrance.

Su Huanqing was unaware of Junior Sister Lily's mental activity, tilted her head and gestured to the alley that strayed from the main force, and said in a low voice:

"There seems to be some situation over there. I'll take a look. You can replace the job list for me for a while."

Qin Xuanbing blinked and raised her small hands to her chest, waving non-stop:

"Senior Sister Su doesn't need to be so troublesome, I can just let Junior Sister go."

"No, I'll go."

Su Huanqing shook her head and said nothing more. She tapped the floor with her toes, and her light blue long skirt rose gracefully. After two or three breaths, she had already landed and disappeared into the alley without a shadow.

Seeing the back of Su Huanqing leaving, Qin Xuanbing's sweet little face was a little stunned.

"There is a man, don't you even want to say a word to me... A man will only destroy the friendship between me and my senior sister, Xu Shoujing is too bad!"

If Xu Shoujing happened to hear it when he happened to be passing by, he would probably complain:
Girl, you think too much.


"Uuuu...Mother, where are you..."

There is no sunlight in the dark alley, and water droplets are surging in the wet ground cracks.

A five- or six-year-old girl fell to the ground and sobbed her pupils, her hands were covering her knees with frayed skin, and bright red blood gushed from her fingers.

Maybe the cry was too loud, or the wound on the knee was too painful. During the pain, the little girl did not notice the threat from the top of her head.

squeak... squeak...

Two slanted huge wooden boards were placed on the roof of the alley, and the square bricks and shattered tiles were piled on top of the wooden boards, and the nearly broken wooden boards kept making dangerous noises.

In the previous bombings of Sudu, most of the conjoined buildings were smashed, and the remaining part of the buildings were just empty shells, and they would definitely not be able to withstand other stimuli again.

Just like this delicately balanced plank, if an impact is given, the plank will inevitably break on the spot...


The air waves falling from the sky shook the entire ground, and the movement like a rolling dragon swept the entire Sudu.

The vibration had just stopped, and the rich and model-filled purple energy followed.

The plank was on the verge of collapse, and after experiencing this shock again, it broke apart without any accident, and countless rubble and bricks smashed into the little girl.

The little girl was still wiping her tears, and it was only then that she could pay attention to the gravel falling from the top of her head like a heavy rain, and raised her face almost instinctively:



The little girl tried her best to close her eyes, her tiny body trembling uncontrollably because of her nervousness.

After a short pause, the expected pain did not come as promised.

The little girl opened her eyes in surprise, looked up cautiously, her big eyes with red eyes glared suddenly, and she was shocked by the sight in front of her:
"This is……"

Those rubble and bricks were frozen in mid-air as if time had stopped.

No, it turned into an icicle to be precise.

The little girl was stunned for a while, then shivered suddenly, and couldn't help shaking her shoulders, but she realized that she was exhaling the white breath that is only available in winter.

It's July!

Before the little girl could calm down, a cold voice came from her ear.

"Are you OK?"

Su Huanqing was wearing a long light blue dress, half squatted in front of the little girl and reached out to her, her cold face in the past now showed a soft gaze.

The little girl was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took Su Huanqing's hand and whispered:
"Thank you sister... oops..."

The little girl couldn't stand up and covered her injured knee with tears in her eyes.

Su Huanqing's eyes were stunned, she caressed Qiongyu Pavilion with her hands, took out a clean handkerchief, crouched in front of the little girl, and tied it gently for her.

"I don't know how to heal spells, so I'll deal with it for the time being, and I'll change the medicine for you later."

With that said, Su Huanqing gently picked up the little girl.

The little girl crouched on Su Huanqing's shoulders, twitched her nose, and said in a milky voice:

"Thank you are amazing!"

Su Huan said, "Normal" without commenting too much.She thought about it and asked softly:

"Ordinary people should have evacuated to the back mountain the night before yesterday. Why are you here?"

The little girl scratched her head, looking like she didn't understand.

Su Huanqing sighed and changed his words:
"Where is your mother? I'll take you to find her."

The little girl understood this time, Shui Lingling's big eyes lit up, and her little face was full of excitement and said:
"Sister, do you know where my mother is? Aunt Wan said that my mother went to a far away place, and I won't be able to see her until I grow up..."


Su Huanqing's eyes were slightly stunned, but he just thought the words were familiar.

When Su Huanqing was just remembering, Su Ren had used it to deceive herself. She was very convinced at that time, and looked forward to growing up soon, so that her father and mother would come back.

It wasn't until the day she really grew up that she understood that her mother didn't go far away, but...

"I'm sorry... my sister doesn't know where your mother has gone." Su Huanqing couldn't bear to break it, and said with dodging eyes.

The little girl froze suddenly, and lowered her head with gloomy eyes.

Seeing this, Su Huanqing was a little flustered, and quickly changed the subject:
"Little girl, who is Aunt Wan you're talking about?"

Depressed children come and go quickly. When she heard Su Huanqing's words, she swept away the autistic look just now and said brightly:

"Aunt Wan is very kind to me. She buys me a lot of delicious food every day, and she tells me stories at night... It's all about my brother!"

"elder brother?"

"It's Aunt Wan's son! Although I haven't met him, he must be a good person!"

Su Huanqing was stunned for a moment, and felt amused in her heart:

"You haven't seen him, why do you think he's a good person?"

The little girl pouted and said firmly:

"Because Aunt Wan is a good person, her son must be a good person too!"

Children's minds are very simple, and Aiwu and Wu are one of the ways to express their inner activities.

Su Huanqing didn't worry too much about this issue, thought about it, and asked again:
"Then do you know where 'Aunt Wan' is?"

The little girl's smile froze, and then withered again, her little fingers colluded with each other, and the voice was like a mosquito:
"Aunt Wan took me to many places. Last night, she took me to the city on the mountain behind and asked me to stay obediently. Then I left. I didn't come back after waiting for a long time, so I ran down to find Aunt Wan by myself... …”

That's why he appeared there just now... Su Huanqing's heart was calm for a while, and he frowned for a while.
"Listen to what you mean, you and Aunt Wan are not from Su Du?"

The little girl blinked, pointed her index finger to her lips and thought for a while, then tilted her head:



Su Huanqing looked at the blank-eyed little girl, and fell into silence.

In fact, she is not very good at dealing with children, and it is always tiring to talk to children.

If it was Jiang Rongyue, maybe she could be patient and guide her little by little.

However, this is a bit of a hassle.

Last night was the day of Jinglong's surprise attack. For some unknown reason, that 'Aunt Wan' placed the little girl in the Su Clan in the Changhe River, and ran down the mountain without any news.

The situation that can be considered... Either it is blocked for some reason, but in the current situation of war and chaos, it is difficult to imagine the reason.

The rest...the only thing left is that 'Aunt Wan' has been killed.

Thinking of this, Su Huanqing pursed her thin lips, not knowing how to explain to the little girl.

At a young age, his mother died early, and he was finally adopted by a kind family. As a result, he was implicated in the dispute between the Changhe Su Clan and the Tianyuan Sect and died in the war.

Rao is Su Huanqing's straightforward temperament, and it is difficult to tell the cruel truth to the little girl at this time.

From the dark corner, walk to the street full of warmth and brilliance. Although the street is empty, it is still intact compared to the collapsed buildings.

Su Huanqing carried the little girl on her back, her cold face showed a complicated expression, and it was not difficult to see that she was thinking hard.

At this time, the little girl seemed to have discovered something, her eyes brightened:

"Sister, is this your spell too... It's amazing, it snows in July..."

Snow in July?

"No...not me..."

Su Huanqing subconsciously denied it, and then raised his head with some doubts, just as the little girl said, the blue sky began to float with goose feathers and snow.

No, the truth is far more exaggerated than what the little girl said, it is more than 'snow in July', the originally hot space, I don't know what happened, when I react, it is already a world of ice and snow.

Su Huanqing bit her lower lip lightly. She knew very well in her heart that there was only one person who could do such a thing.

But... Master has an old injury, such a wide-ranging spell will definitely hurt the source, and even if the Heavenly Soul Spirit Spring is found, it may not be able to recover as before.

Master is not the kind of person who ignores the outcome of Shoujing. Since she did this, it means that her body is no longer in the way.

And in the absence of the Heavenly Soul Spirit Spring, there is only one person who can heal Master... in the entire Jiuzhou.

Thinking of this, the picture of Xu Shoujing and Ling Fuyu embracing each other appeared in Su Huanqing's mind, and her mood suddenly became complicated.

Obviously this was the result she expected at the beginning, but after so many things, it really evolved into what she is now, and her heart became more and more bitter.

With Su Huanqing's intelligent mind, it is not difficult to guess that this is the last choice Master had to make in order to save Su Du.

I have no position and no reason to condemn Master for "robbing his beloved disciple and husband".

In the final analysis, it will really evolve into what it is now, and part of it is still her own sin, and she can't blame others.

The truth is this truth... Su Huanqing also accepted the reality in his heart, but the sour feeling of being hollowed out kept pouring out of his heart.

As if to prove her mood, at the top of the scattered clouds, a cold and beautiful Taoist nun waved a few extremely cold sword gangs.

Daoist Leng Yan's holy temperament from the inside out far exceeds the absolute strength of ordinary people.

She seems to have become the center of the whole world at this moment.

Seeing such a master, Su Huanqing's heart throbbed a little, not to mention Xu Shoujing's color embryo.

It's not that Su Huanqing didn't think about it, even if there are many big reasons and compelling reasons in front of him... Xu Shoujing will still overcome all difficulties and come up with countless miracle cards to help Su Du overcome this crisis.

On the day when the Heavenly Soul Spirit Spring was found, the physically and mentally exhausted Master recovered. He knelt down in front of Master with him, and let her help preside over the wedding with satisfaction.

On the wedding night, he and his lover were lying on the red bed and quilt, and with a bit of teasing thought, he asked him:
At that time, the situation in Sudu was so dire, why didn't you choose to cultivate with Master?
Then he would look at himself with loving eyes and say softly:
because of you...

This is a bright future. Su Huanqing is also a woman, so it's normal to think about it secretly.

But it turns out that there are not so many miracles in the world.

Xu Shoujing did not prevent himself from being in a dilemma. Master and he finally reached that point, and the reality seemed to be a compromise.

Su Huanqing was suddenly out of breath. She really wanted to escape from here, away from Master, away from Xu Shoujing, and away from Su Du.

"Sister... What's wrong with you, I feel like you're sad... Is it because you don't like snow?"

The little girl's innocent voice rang in her ears.

Su Huanqing was stunned for a moment, trying to force a smile, but found that she couldn't do it at all, so she shook her head:
"No, my elder sister likes snow very much. My elder sister is just...wearing a little thin and feeling cold."

The little girl seemed to understand, but just wanted to say something, when the corner of the light seemed to catch a glimpse of a figure, the hair on the top of her head stood up, and her little hand pointed forward excitedly:

"Sister! It's Aunt Wan!"

Su Huanqing's eyes were stunned, and she looked in the direction of the little girl's fingers, and a white figure stood quietly on the side of the street.

In an instant, Su Huanqing seemed to have been deprived of his ability to think.

Fairy dress in white, long flowing hair, one side of her snow-white cheeks faced the sun, and the other side was covered with shadows, which made the pair of autumn water apricot eyes, which looked over thousands of rivers and mountains, set off a bit of desolation.

The lips are like a sharp pill, obviously embellished with rouge, and the cheeks are rubbed with some powder, but I don't know if it is because of the dusty temperament, the makeup is not fancy, but light like the clear night.

The tulle skirt outlines the exquisite and graceful figure, and the slender hands are folded in front of the waist, which is as demure and elegant as the wife of a famous family.

Can't find any adjectives, just pure, extreme, as if even a woman can conquer, violent...beautiful.

But it is such a peerless beauty, but it makes people unable to get close, or... out of instinctive rejection and fear.

It's as if... the universe does not allow her to exist in the first place.

Su Huanqing knew this feeling very well, she had felt it on another person.

A young man who made her change from a "fairy ice jade" with a calm state of mind to a sentimental teenager who is now like a grievance woman.
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(End of this chapter)

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