The queen is so fierce

Chapter 240 Closing

Chapter 240 Closing
The scorching sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the eight monks in the sky above the sea of ​​clouds froze in place.

The purple armored monsters are very strong, and everyone present is very clear. After all, the armored monsters haven't been injured much since yesterday, and they are utterly crippled.

However, it was such a monster that gave all the eight sects infinite despair, but the Taoist nun who came out of nowhere, dismissed it casually like an understatement.

Not to mention ordinary disciples, many elders with some identities kept gasping for air, secretly discussing the identity of Daoist Leng Yan.

When did Tiannanzhou have such a high-level person?

Before they could discuss the result, the heart that had just fallen to the ground because of the rescued boulder was suspended again.

After the huge purple armor was smashed, it fell from the top of the sky like a bursting meteor shower.

If things end here, Ling Fuyu might really consider Xu Shoujing's proposal.

Unfortunately, it is far from simple to completely defeat the Demon Soul.

No one knew what happened, only to see that the armor fragments scattered in the air suddenly stopped.

In less than three breaths, it was as if time had gone back in time, and the armor fragments that fell into the air quickly lifted into the air, as if they were magnetically attracted to each other, and reassembled together.

The revived armored giant opened his purple eyes and swallowed the red-haired girl who also fell into the air.

With the sound of "Boom", a wave of purple energy swept across the sky, competing with the other half of the ice and snow chamber.


In the crowd of eight sects, the sword who did not know who let it go, smashed into the sea of ​​​​clouds and disappeared without a trace.

Thousands of monks looked at the armored giant above the sky in horror, and said with trembling voices:
"Is he immortal..."

To be honest, before Daoist Leng Yan appeared, although the Eight Sects were in a dark mood and could not see the dawn of victory, they still had a glimmer of hope in their hearts because the large formation and attack pattern they had set up were still effective.

But now, that glimmer of hope seems to be a complete joke.

When the armored giants confronted them, they were not serious at all!
Even if it dies, it can be resurrected on the spot.

Useless work...everything is useless work...

When the Eight Sects were in despair, Ling Fuyu looked at the armored giant that had been reorganized in a few seconds, but Qingshui's eyes did not reveal too many surprises, as if he had expected it.

Sure enough, it's just that there's no way to completely solve it...

She didn't do her best at first, not because she didn't want to but because she couldn't.

If all the power of the full moon period is used, for Ling Fuyu, there are countless ways to keep the demon soul forever trapped in the frozen purgatory.

But if she does...

"I must go back."

Ling Fuyu sighed, clasped her hands in front of her chest, and revealed cumbersome old words with her red lips lightly parted.

The next moment, the originally fluttering snowflakes suddenly turned into a blizzard that was once in a thousand years.

The huge body of the Demon Soul Armor, under this strange blizzard, seemed to rust its joint parts. Every step became very difficult, and it froze in place again before it went far.

Ling Fuyu's eyes drooped slightly, the figures of two apprentices appeared in her mind, and her beautiful eyes showed a bit of reluctance.

But this reluctance soon turned into firmness and determination.

clack clack-

The demon soul armor that was frozen in the air trembled slightly, and the ice layers crystallized on the surface began to fall off one after another.

When the people from the Eight Sects saw this, they panicked. They were of no use. They hoped that the unknown Taoist nun would quickly subdue this monster.

But when the people from the eight sects turned to look at Daoist Leng Yan, they found that there was no half-person figure in the sky, and Daoist Leng Yan disappeared without a sound.

In just a blink of an eye, Daoist Leng Yan appeared in front of the Demon Soul Armor.

Ling Fuyu's hand lit up a circular array, and the triangle in the center of the array was rotated and differentiated into the shape of a hexagram.


The extremely cold spiritual power was condensed with the crystals that were frozen into ice powder in the atmosphere, and finally turned into a sword of ice that was three feet long and about one palm wide.

Demon Soul Armor seemed to sense something, and raised his arm mechanically, trying to block Ling Fuyu's blow.

The Demon Soul Armor's forearm had just been raised, and a cold light slashed straight down, leaving an imperceptible straight line of sword gangs in the sky.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The space above Sudu was stagnant for three seconds. In this short period of time, everyone forgot to breathe, and the shock and fear that flooded their hearts made everyone feel like a dream.

That fluttering sword, just like holding chopsticks when eating and a teacup when drinking water, left a handwriting engraved into the bone marrow of the continent called Tiannanzhou.


The icy sword gang that runs through Tiannan swept away.

The atmosphere and clouds are like cotton candy, neatly cut in half; the majestic mountains and rivers map, there is a bottomless abyss; where the rivers meet, the tide rises, revealing a deep river low road.

This scene may not be obvious just on the ground, but for the disciples of the eight sects who always fly in the air, it is a scene that subverts the three views.

It's as if... the continent of Tiannanzhou was forcibly cut open, and it was not a bit more terrifying than the two white lights last night.

Xu Shoujing changed his clothes and walked out of the leaky-roofed house, holding his waist, just when he saw this scene, his hand froze when he just took out the sandwiched steamed bun from the amber belt and stuffed it into his mouth.

Bai Huahua's steamed buns fell out of his hands and rolled down the small stairs for several times before he could stop, and the thick black sesame paste flowed all over the place.

These sandwiched steamed buns were made by Jiang Rongyue as a temporary ration, but now Xu Shoujing couldn't even care about it.

I'll go alone... This is too exaggerated, isn't it?

Did not hang up?
To be honest, Xu Shoujing always thought that he imitated Zhao Fuyao's "Ji Ye", although it was the "remnant blood version", but as his trump card for hollowing out his body, the Harmony Moon Realm still has the power to fight, Tu Yu Immortal Venerable is the best example.

But after seeing the sword that Ling Fuyu swung casually, Xu Shoujing realized a fact.

Before the Crescent Moon Realm and before the Crescent Moon Realm... there is still a big gap.

The kind of Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, although they also bear the title of 'Xianzun', but compared with Master, they are not even a little bit weaker.

Xu Shoujing used two remnant blood versions of "Ji Ye" to completely obliterate Immortal Tu Yu, but the sword that Ling Fuyu just swung... Not to mention two Ji Ye, at least five strikes!
Hey, how many times did you fix it last night?

Only now did Xu Shoujing dare to be sure that even if he took his life to exchange for the third polar night, he would definitely not be able to destroy the Demon Soul armor.

Although the Demon Soul Armor originated from Immortal Tuyu, it was a completely different level of existence.


pata pata --

When Ling Fuyu's 'One Line of Heaven' gradually dissipated, the space caused by the aftermath was chaotic and calm, the armored giant had long since disappeared, and only the unconscious red-haired girl was slowly falling in midair.

This scene gives people a strong sense of sight, even though the body of the armored demon soul has been crushed into particles that are invisible to the naked eye.

But what if the Demon Soul Armor can be resurrected even if it is just powder particles?
The disciples of the eight sects who were watching the battle did not dare to move, and were very energetic, for fear that the armored demon soul would regroup to their side.

It's a pity that Ling Fuyu won't let this 'what if' happen.

I saw Ling Fuyu's clear eyes were covered with a layer of ice blue, and the powder scattered in the air appeared in the line of sight like a thermal image.

Countless tiny powders, like heavy rain pouring down, quietly approached the falling red-haired girl, wanting to repeat the scene of resurrection just now.

Although there is also a way to kill the red-haired girl directly, but even if she is killed, it is difficult to ensure that the demon soul has no other backhand. It is obviously more appropriate to directly deal with the demon soul here.

What's more, Ling Fuyu didn't know the red-haired girl, and she didn't want to kill innocent people without knowing the identity of the other party.


The cold wind whistled, and the continuous blizzard was like a mirage when it dissipated, and no trace of it was seen again.

The summer sun reappeared and sprinkled on the ground shrouded in ice, but the extreme cold in the air could not be dissipated by half.

Ling Fuyu made a knot in front of her with one hand, and seemed to be chanting a spell silently.

With a sound of "Zi", a huge array of snowflake runes and complicated inscriptions appeared above her head.

This is not the end, the ice-blue snowflake array rotates in a circle, and a larger snowflake array is separated, and so on, and so on.

After a while, more than a dozen snowflake formations that were stacked into a building burst into a dazzling brilliance.

Ling Fuyu took a deep breath, Qingshui's eyes dimmed a little, and she whispered softly:

"Ice Emperor Eternal Tribulation Domain."

Compared with the skills that were full of spectacular special effects in the previous scenes, there was almost no movement in this "Ice Emperor Eternal Tribulation Domain".

It was just a snowflake the size of a fingernail, fluttering from Ling Fuyu's fingertips.

At first glance, it was very inconspicuous, but after a while, it collected the demon soul powder in the entire space, literally 'falling into the land of eternal catastrophe'.


The snowflakes dissipated in the sun, and the purple energy of the Demon Soul Armor could no longer be detected.

No one knew what was going on, or they didn't have enough knowledge to understand what was going on in front of them.

It was not until the moment when the stage play came to an end that the red cloth that was slowly pulled up could be barely observed.

When I came to my senses, the battle was over.

Ling Fuyu gently waved her hand and rescued the red-haired girl who was still falling. Just like when she came, her jade feet rippled in the air and quietly pulled away.

Whether it was the Eight Sects who were stunned in the air or the Su Clan who evacuated and forgot on the ground, everyone stared blankly at the empty sky, without any real sense of what happened just now.
At the same moment, Yun Aozhou.

The snow is mixed, the mountains are high and the snow is deep.Hidden in the icy lake in the fantasy world of wind and snow, there is an altar with a blue fire burning alone.

There are many Taoist priests holding whisks and swords around the altar, but except for the little Taoist priests who are sitting in front of the altar to worship, the rest are shoveling snow with big bamboo brooms.

The little Taoist kept the whisk to avoid it, and recited the principles of heaven and earth, as if he was meticulously carrying out daily lessons, but those wandering eyes had already betrayed the fact that the little Taoist was wandering.

The snow-sweeping brothers and sisters have long been surprised by this, it is better to say... they often do this too.

But as blatant as a little Taoist priest, he is already the last one who is still addicted to his mind without reading it, and it is estimated that it is the only one.


A gust of cold wind hit, and the blue fire on the altar swayed gently. This slight movement made the Taoist priests who were sweeping the snow all around look terrified, and the big bamboo broom in his hand even let go.


The little Taoist was so frightened that he slapped his whole body smartly, and turned his head subconsciously, only to find that the brothers were all looking in his direction in horror.

"...Why are you all looking at me?"

The little Taoist frowned slightly and followed the line of sight of the brothers, only to realize that they were not looking at him, but at the blue fire swaying on the altar.

"...Isn't it just a gust of wind, so scared?"

The little Taoist rolled his eyes, just as he was about to continue reading the truth of heaven and earth, when suddenly he seemed to realize something, and his expression froze.

This altar was built by the master of the Ice Moon Immortal Palace himself.

Not to mention a mere gust of wind, even if a basin of cold water is poured, the blue fire will not move at all.

And now the blue fire has started to move, which means...

The little Taoist started ejecting from the spot, looking at a few senior brothers who had not slowed down, he said inarticulately:

"Master...Senior brother, how...what should I do?"

The young man who was called 'Senior Brother' by the little Taoist slowly returned to his senses.

"I'm going to report to Master, you are optimistic about the altar here, and you must not make any mistakes!"

The little Taoist and the other senior brothers looked at each other and nodded in response. The young man did not dare to stop, and turned around and ran into the crystal corridor.

the other side.

In the double-eaved palace built on the mountain, despite the refreshing incense burner, the atmosphere is still quite dull.

The black-haired middle-aged man in a gray dragon-marked robe stood alone on the terrace outside the sliding door, with his big hands behind his back, watching the mountains and snow in silence... To be precise, he was too lazy to pay attention to the two in the room.

On the bed lay an old man with white beard and white hair, struggling with pain in his eyes, moaning from time to time, but saying:

"Senior brother... before he died, he had a wish, I wonder if he could grant it."

The elegant young man sitting on the ponytail next to him tilted his head to look at the middle-aged man in the dragon-patterned Taoist robe, thought for a moment, and said heartlessly:

"Master, Uncle Shi won't take care of you. If you have any last words, please tell me."


The white-bearded old man stared at his eyes, hooked his neck and shouted:

"Senior brother...cough...Senior brother, are you unwilling to listen to the last wish of junior brother?"

The man in the dragon-patterned Taoist robe didn't say a word, just like the elegant young man said, he didn't intend to pay any attention to him at all.

The white-bearded old man did not believe in evil, he coughed dryly, and said solemnly:
"Senior brother, I'll take it as your default. Actually, I want to..."


The sliding door to the patio was slammed shut.

"..." The white-bearded old man.

Don't take it, I haven't said it yet.

The elegant young man spread his hands and sighed helplessly:

"Master, I said long ago that pretending to be sick won't work. Uncle Shi is not a fool. Have you been his palace master for thousands of years for nothing?"

The white-bearded old man glared at the elegant young man, patted him on the forehead very rudely, and said in a low voice:
"Shut up! You're talking too much! I'm not pretending to be sick, I'm pretending to be dead! I have bought the coffin and the cemetery! Why did you think I was full last month and ran around the demon clan? Can you find Fuyu? Come back, it's up to me to die!"

"You run around the demon clan, and there must be demons that can hurt you..."

The elegant young man curled his lips, too lazy to speak.

Seeing this, the white-bearded old man responded with a look of "you know physique", then cleared his throat, brewing emotions, and said:

"Senior brother... I really didn't blame her for what happened to my apprentice back then. For the sake of my brother's imminent death, let her go!"

The sliding door remained motionless.

The white-bearded old man blinked, thinking it was the man in the dragon-patterned Taoist robe who didn't hear it, he thought about it, and repeated it again in a loud voice:
"Senior brother!!! My apprentice thing! I really didn't blame her back then!! Look at..."

dong dong dong-

"Cough cough cough..."

Suddenly there was a knock on the other door, and the white-bearded old man would be choked in one breath, and then he was furious, staring at the figure behind the window paper:
"Who allowed..."

The elegant young man quickly reminded in a low voice: "Master, pretend to be sick! Fake illness! Be weak!"

"Ah... oh oh."

The white-bearded old man suddenly came back to his senses, entered the play in a second, and then put on a dying look, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Which disciple... Who allowed you to trespass the Elder Pavilion?"

The breathing outside the door was a little short, and he said in a panic:
"Master, Master, non-disciple knowingly committed the crime, there is really something important to report!"

The elegant young man also frowned at this time, what is the important thing to dare to trespass the elders pavilion?
"What's the matter, don't delay, come quickly." He said solemnly.

The white-bearded old man was a little annoyed, turned his head to look at the elegant young man, and whispered impatiently:
"If you have something to say, go out and tell your disciples what etiquette is."

The elegant young man sighed helplessly: "Got it."

At this time, the disciple outside the door said with a trembling voice:
"It's Uncle Shi! The blue fire on the altar is moving!"


The white-bearded old man was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened, and he jumped off the bed after changing his dying appearance, more energetic than the young man.


The sliding door of the terrace was open, and the man in the dragon-patterned Taoist robe just came in, and happened to see this scene.

The air in the room immediately froze.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 The main body of this volume has been written, and I will write some lines later, and then I may write a few days of daily transitions, because the outline of the next volume has not been finished yet, please understand~
(End of this chapter)

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