The queen is so fierce

Chapter 242 The world is unpredictable and unpredictable

Chapter 242 The world is unpredictable and unpredictable

The silver moon is like a hook, and the bright moonlight shines through the window paper and sprinkles on the wooden floor in front of the bed. It looks like it is covered with a layer of frost, which adds a bit of serenity to the room.

Xu Shoujing was wearing a pure white robe, leaning against the edge of the open window, his peach blossom eyes dimmed slightly, looking at the bright moon, while rubbing the extra piece of jade in his hand that looked like an ice crystal.


The gate of the courtyard was pushed open, and the faint firelight and the noisy chatter could be heard incessantly, and a soft figure squeezed in through the crack of the door.

She was wearing an apricot slim dress, which seemed to be because she had just taken a bath. The long hair draped over her shoulders was still wet, and a few drops of water fell from her white swan neck, slowly flowing into the abyss along the outline of her collarbone.

Jiang Rongyue was born soft and beautiful, and this outfit, against the backdrop of the moonlight, added a bit of hazy beauty. As long as you saw it for the first time, it was difficult to suppress the urge to embrace the beautiful woman in her arms.

It's a pity that Xu Shoujing is still in autism at the moment, and he didn't notice anyone coming in at all.

After entering the courtyard, Jiang Rongyue turned her moist eyes to look around, and finally her eyes stopped on the white-robed boy leaning on the edge of the window.

"Xiaojing, why are you here? Senior Hexuan has already asked the Eight Sects to withdraw, and the specific judgment will not be given until the Tianyuan Sect is stabilized. Now everyone in Sudu is temporarily setting up refugee disaster sites, and there is a shortage of manpower. , Master and I have been looking for you..."

Saying that, Jiang Rongyue showed a helpless expression and walked slowly towards Xu Shoujing.

When she was less than ten feet away from Xu Shoujing, Jiang Rongyue hooked her head and glanced behind him, wondering in her heart:

"Where's Senior Ling? Isn't she with you?"

Xu Shoujing had been indifferent just now, but after hearing Jiang Rongyue's words, he finally had some reactions.

Xu Shoujing looked up at Jiang Rongyue, and was silent for a long time before saying:
"Master... gone."

Jiang Rongyue was slightly taken aback, and asked subconsciously:
"Gone? Where did you go?"

Xu Shoujing gently stroked the relief on the ice crystal jade plaque in his hand, stared at the words 'Bingyue Palace' for a long time, and slowly closed his eyes:

"do not know."


two hours ago.

The sun sets in the west of the mountain, and the shade of the trees slopes eastward.

The crimson sunset dyed half of the sky with burning clouds; a few unknown white-feathered birds flew across the sky, looking at the huge capital where the smoke was gradually subsiding.

"Master, you don't have to be in such a hurry to leave... At least go see Huan Qing and say something else..."

For some reason, Xu Shoujing suddenly felt very flustered.

In the past, when Aunt Chu or Sister Rong Yue became angry, they often joked about 'running away from home'.

Tired, but not afraid.

Because Xu Shoujing knew very well that they could not leave him.

But Fuyu is different. They all say that people's eyes are the window to the soul. Xu Shoujing obviously read the information that she never wanted to see from her gradually resolute sight.

- She has to leave.

At the moment of seeing that look, Xu Shoujing's heart suddenly lost its bottom.

He can be quite sure that with his few words as light as a feather, there is no way to change Ling Fuyu's determination.

Talk about feelings?He may have a relationship with Ling Fuyu, but if it is not mixed with the relationship between master and apprentice, the relationship between men and women is definitely not as profound as that of other women.

Reasonable?Even Xu Shoujing didn't know the reason why Ling Fuyu had to leave, and even if he wanted to talk, he couldn't find a place to talk.

Xu Shoujing realized that he had no trump card to retain Ling Fuyu, and at a loss, he had to move out Su Huanqing, who spent far more time together than him, hoping to retain Ling Fuyu.

But Ling Fuyu's reaction was far from satisfactory, she just staggered her gaze slightly, as if she was escaping something, and whispered:
"I won't see Qing'er."

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled, and he asked subconsciously:


As soon as the words fell, Xu Shoujing regretted it. Unfortunately, what he said was like a knife that was stabbed out. When someone was hurt, it was too late to take it back.

It is also necessary to ask, what else could it be because of myself?
Sure enough, Ling Fuyu lifted her head lightly, looked at Xu Shoujing with a bit of resentment in her eyes, and said quietly:
"On Qing'er's side... Just tell her for me. It's not right for my teacher, and I couldn't teach her to the end."

When the words fell, Ling Fuyu seemed to be avoiding Xu Shoujing on purpose, turned around and walked out the door, even abandoning the idea of ​​saying goodbye to the first man in her life, and just wanted to run away quickly.

Xu Shoujing naturally couldn't let Master go, so he was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her wrist:

"Master...don't go."

Ling Fuyu threw off Xu Shoujing's hand, and together with the words just now, the anger that had been suppressed for a long time vented, and said very rudely:
"Let go! Do you treat your master like this?"

Xu Shoujing's face stiffened, so he slowly let go of his hand and said with a smile:

"Master, I didn't mean that..."

"Then what do you mean?" Ling Fuyu seemed to want to make a clean break, and her sharp gaze landed on him coldly.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, calmed himself down a bit, and thought about it carefully:
"Where are you going, as a disciple, there is no reason to stop you. But at least you have to explain the reason and the place clearly so that Huan Qing and I can feel at ease, right?"

Well, Xu Shoujing still moved Su Huanqing out.

If it was in the past, Ling Fuyu might have followed the steps given by Xu Shoujing.

But this time, she was determined to cut it clean, and naturally she would not give Xu Shoujing a good face.

Ling Fuyu stared at Qingshui's eyes, and her voice was cold:
"Xu Shoujing, don't you think of being a teacher as the little girls around you who are so elated when you just coax them?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and quickly waved his hands to show his innocence.

Ling Fuyu stared at Xu Shoujing's eyes, sighed inwardly, and said with a cold face:
"It's not a fool to be a teacher. You obviously didn't have much affection for me before, but at most you were jealous of my appearance. Even though Qing'er often bewitched you, you always treated me as a teacher.

Now you have suddenly changed your attitude, and you don't have the slightest disciple's courtesy to be a teacher; it's just that your vanity is at work, you think I'm your woman, so you don't need the respect of the teacher. "

Xu Shoujing was stunned, and quickly shook his head to deny:

"Master, I didn't..."

Ling Fuyu stared at Xu Shoujing, her beautiful eyes filled with anger:
"Then how do you explain your actions? I am your master, do you treat your master like that?"

Xu Shoujing opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say.

In fact, what Ling Fuyu said is not entirely wrong. He has subconsciously regarded Ling Fuyu as his ban, and the intimacy between those lovers is just unintentional.

But those ambiguous behaviors that are common to Chu Shuwan and the others on weekdays are tantamount to extremely disrespectful behaviors for people like Ling Fuyu who have been 'educated in etiquette and law' since childhood.

Ling Fuyu felt extremely self-blame for having an affair with her disciple, and Xu Shoujing's actions completely added fuel to the fire.

"Xu Shoujing! What do you think of me? I sacrificed for Qing'er, for you, and you ruined my resolve like this?"

"I..." Xu Shoujing struggled, his clenched fists hanging on the side were weakly released, and he remained silent.

Rao is that no matter how much rhetoric he has, he can't find any words to calm Ling Fuyu's anger at this moment.

Because Xu Shoujing discovered that his existence as a 'disciple' was the source of Ling Fuyu's pain.

Ling Fuyu saw that Xu Shoujing did not speak, not only did not stop, but increased the firepower output:

"Do you think that after sleeping with you, if you are a teacher, you will fall in love with you, and you must be your woman?"

"..." Xu Shoujing's breathing suddenly became heavier, and this sentence was tantamount to stabbing him in the chest.

Ling Fuyu stared at Xu Shoujing stubbornly, and said word by word:

"My Lingfuyu is not that cheap yet."

Xu Shoujing lowered his head in silence, his clenched fists creaked, but he no longer had the courage to say the words to keep Ling Fuyu.

Seeing Xu Shoujing who was hit with autism, Ling Fuyu's beautiful eyes flashed a trace of unbearableness, but she quickly convinced herself in her heart, suppressing the abnormal thoughts that should not exist.

I'm sorry, Jing'er... Only this matter, I can't involve you and Qing'er.

It's like... there has never been a master like me.

Ling Fuyu sighed and turned to leave the courtyard.

Stepping over the threshold with her front foot, she seemed to remember something, took out an ice crystal jade card from her arms, and without looking back, threw it to Xu Shoujing by feeling.

Xu Shoujing took it in a daze. At the moment when the ice crystal jade card came into contact with his palm, a faint chill seeped into the blood along the skin surface. It looks perfect for summer.

"This is……"

Xu Shoujing looked at the words 'Bingyue Palace' that glowed darkly on the ice crystal jade card, and asked subconsciously.

Ling Fuyu raised her head and looked at the sunset with the last ray of brilliance, her tone was much quieter:

"Didn't I tell you before... The teacher is a traitor to the sect, and this jade tablet has been hidden under the bed by me for more than ten years. It contains a summary of my lifelong swordsmanship and exercises.

In the future, as the teacher is gone, you and Qing'er must support each other and study together... Don't let others see this brand. "

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing nodded slowly, but felt a little strange in his heart.

In the beginning, it was fine. Ling Fuyu was nothing more than explaining some things to the disciples before leaving, but in the end, it was not as simple as 'explaining things', it was more like 'explaining future affairs'...

Xu Shoujing didn't know, for Ling Fuyu, this was really an account of the funeral.

Disciples of betrayal sects return to the sect after many years, and even if they recite past feelings, they are exempted from the death penalty, and they still need to be locked up.

The confinement of the Crescent Moon Realm is not as simple as three digits.

After explaining the last thing, Ling Fuyu didn't take a moment to remember, she pursed her lips and swallowed the last goodbye of herself, and her body turned into a ball of dazzling light and rushed into the sky.

Xu Shoujing silently watched the back of Ling Fuyu leaving from behind. Apart from being unwilling, the rest was deeply autistic.


"So, Senior Ling just left? You didn't even ask where she went?"

The moonlight was quiet, and the cold wind rustled.

Jiang Rongyue sat on the swing swinging her legs, and after hearing Xu Shoujing's soul-like self-report, she frowned in dissatisfaction.

"You never thought about why Senior Ling was so angry at the end?"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing sighed. Of course he thought about it. To be precise, he was thinking about this matter until Jiang Rongyue came over.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Shoujing replied with dim eyes:
"Master is a very conservative person. If it hadn't happened suddenly, she would never have agreed to that method. I knew all this, but in the end I didn't give Master the dignity he deserved. It's my fault."

At that time, what happened to my head, how could I be so stupid, and I couldn't figure out such a simple thing? !
Seeing Xu Shoujing's serious reflection, Jiang Rongyue did not feel relieved that "my brother has grown bigger".

Instead, she widened her almond eyes angrily and said indignantly:
"Xiaojing, you are usually very good at dealing with women, how can you be so stupid now."

Xu Shoujing was stunned by the scolding, blinked his eyes, and said:
"Did I just say something wrong?"


Jiang Rongyue jumped down from the swing, and regardless of the rippling swing behind her, she pushed open the other door and walked quickly to Xu Shoujing's side in a circle, waiting for him with her toes on her toes.

Xu Shoujing instinctively took a step back, looked at Sister Rong Yue who was also inexplicably angry, put his hands on his chest to push back, puzzled:

"Sister Rongyue...why are you angry? What's wrong with what I just said..."

Jiang Rongyueyu put her hands on her hips, posing as a 'stern sister', and said sternly:
"Xiaojing, are you used to being chased and think it's natural for women to be nice to you?"

"Gulu" Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled, and he quickly waved his hand to express that he didn't think so.

Seeing this, Jiang Rongyue sighed, turned to sit on the bed, folded her beautiful legs, and spread her hands helplessly:
"You know it yourself. Isn't that senior Ling's attitude towards you right? You have only been with her for so long, how could you possibly fall in love with you so quickly? Not to mention, it's your master."

A word to wake up the dreamer... Xu Shoujing is probably in this situation now.

"Besides, whoever starts to do something to a woman, let alone Senior Ling, it would be difficult for any girl in our Longyumen to accept it."

Jiang Rongyue was talking to herself, she seemed to feel a little strange in the middle of her words, she tilted her head and asked:

"Xiao Jing, what do you mean by 'that method'?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

He omits it just to avoid unnecessary trouble, and he didn't expect to miss it at a critical juncture.

"Uh..." Xu Shoujing looked around for a while, and seemed to be fooling around inadvertently: "It's...that what..."

Jiang Rongyue frowned slightly, with her understanding of Xu Shoujing, she would naturally not allow him to get away with it.

"What is it, make it clear."

Xu Shoujing couldn't hide it, and sighed as if giving up:

"Actually, it's a double cultivation."

"Double cultivation is double cultivation, what is there to hide..."

Jiang Rongyue took half a second to understand, and suddenly widened her almond eyes:

" and Senior Ling...'Shuangxiu'?"

Xu Shoujing scratched his head, looked aside silently, and explained feebly:
"Master was able to regain his strength because of his double cultivation with me..."

"That's not the point."

Jiang Rongyue separated her beautiful legs, smoothed the folds of her skirt, and walked quickly to Xu Shoujing.

Although a feeling of sourness has flowed in her heart according to 'muscle memory', before her jealousy erupted, she relied on a woman's instinct to question her unsatisfactory younger brother:
"You just finished 'double cultivation' with others, and immediately changed your attitude. If you were a sister, you would think that you are just greedy, and you will be a ghost if you are not angry."

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 The outline of the second volume is still halfway there, this chapter is in a hurry, please understand...

  This kind of feeling is a bit difficult to write, especially about the contradictory characteristics of women's psychology, tsk, I tried my best to write the feeling of my old education and my conspiracy against the younger generation, but the writing power is not enough, hey
(End of this chapter)

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