The queen is so fierce

Chapter 243 Bingyue's Past Fuyu Zhangzong

Chapter 243 Bingyue's Past Fuyu Returns to the Sect
Snow drifted like flakes, hoarfrost paved the ground.

The endless mountains are covered in silver, and the thick snow layer is eight feet high; the right side is the endless abyss, and the left side is the white mountain road.

Needless to say, such bad weather is halfway up the snow mountain, and it is easy to imagine how low the temperature will be.

However, even in such bad weather, there was a Taoist nun who was only wearing thin neon clothes walking on the snow.

The mountain road was full of white light, and the visibility was almost zero in the wind and snow, but the Taoist nun did not hesitate for a second, as if she had a pair of eyes that could see through the 'fog'.

Not only that, the eight-foot-thick soft snow was as hard as concrete under the naked feet of the Taoist nun, not even leaving half a footprint.

Taking a closer look, the Taoist nun seemed to be stepping on the snow every step of the way, but at the moment she touched the white snow, she was blocked by a layer of 'barrier' that was too subtle to be seen by the naked eye.

That thin wall of air came without warning, and went silently, as if it had never existed.

If an ordinary cultivator sees it and sees such a heaven-defying use of spiritual power, he guesses that the next step is to worship the immortals and say some compliments to brag—in fact, they don’t understand it either, but they are shocked and brag. That's it.

On the other hand, if a cultivator who is a little more knowledgeable sees it, I am afraid that he will turn around and run away, for fear that the other party will be in a bad mood and will kill himself with a backhand.

——To be able to control the spiritual power to such an extent, it must be the ancestor of a certain family, and I can't imagine how strong the strength is.

As we all know, all older people, especially those old seniors, are generally moody, plus their own strength is strong enough, no one can restrain them, they can almost do whatever they want. Not enough to die.

……The studious children’s shoes here are going to ask:

It's so strong, why do you need to do this, creating an air wall under your feet to prevent stepping on snow, isn't it faster to fly directly?
Tsk tsk, just looking at the children's shoes who can ask this kind of question, they just didn't listen carefully.

The ancestors have lived for so many years, and the Kong has nowhere to use his strength, so he is moody and looking for trouble everywhere... Why create an air wall to step on snow, of course, to pretend to be coercive!

...Well, the teacher above can be buried together with the podium.

Ling Fuyu returned from Tiannan Continent to Yun Ao Continent, and it took less than three days in total, except for the time when he helped the mortal to kill a few sea monsters casually.

With her flying ability and speed, she wanted to reach the top of the snow-capped mountain in front of her, but it was only a matter of twitching her fingers.

With this ability, she still chose to hike, not because she didn't want to take off, but because she couldn't.

Just like the ancestors of the Changhe Su clan used three great rivers to create an eternal guardian formation, the Bingyue Palace, where Ling Fuyu once belonged, also had a similarly designed guardian formation.

The snow-capped mountain itself at the foot of Ling Fuyu, literally, is the guardian formation of the Bingyue Palace.

Speaking of Bingyue Palace, although its history is not as long as that of the Changhe Su Clan, it is far ahead of the Changhe Su Clan in terms of inheritance of exercises and the average strength of the sect.

The Ice Moon Palace was founded in the era of the Nine Domains, which happened to be the period when the demon robbery just ended. The human monks were afraid of the influence of the demon robbery and started the era of 'studying the sustainable development of spells and diversity'.

Before the demon robbery, it didn't take too long for the method of cultivating immortals to spread to the spiritual world, and there were only so many mainstream spells in total.

Lei Fa is the first to bear the brunt. Whether it is a monk with life water or not, except for the magic weapon of life, he will always learn some Lei Fa self-defense.

... This is really forced, everyone knows how to do it, and if you don't learn innate, you will have less means than others.

In that era, besides the water-based thunder technique and wood-based self-healing courses, it became a fixed mindset for monks to learn what spells to learn.

After the end of the Millennium Demon Tribulation, the human race realized that it could not stand still, and a large number of monks began to study the expansion of spells.

For example, even a cultivator who was born with the fire of his life, no longer rigidly researches how to maximize the firepower, and instead thinks about "the composition of flames".

The most typical example is to practice the wind spell of the tree branch of the Five Elements at the same time, use the wind to increase the fire, or change the direction of the fire attack.

The idea of ​​'using other substances to augment spells' still applies to the present day.

In some of Qiu Xuanji's flame spells, except for the fire of the phoenix, which is too special, quite a few of the other spells are detonated by decomposing some hydrogen in the air and detonating them with fire spells, so that they can finally obtain such terrifying power.

Bingyue Palace is the only sect in Jiuzhou with the ultimate ice cultivation technique.

According to the historical records circulated in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion of Bingyue Palace, although the first-generation palace lord did not have extremely cold ice, he was unprecedented in the research on the 'ice-based magic method'.

To this day, all the ice-type exercises in the Bingyue Palace came from the hands of the first generation of the palace master. After thousands of years of evolution, no matter how many disciples with amazing ice-type talent were born in the Bingyue Palace.

Without exception, no one can propose changes to those kung fu.

It's as if... the first generation of palace masters had long anticipated the direction of future generations, and when compiling the exercises, he had already thought about the path that his descendants would take in advance.

Not only that, when the first generation of palace masters wrote these ice-based exercises, their own cultivation was only in the Nirvana realm. For the Nine Regions era, the Nirvana realm was only a 'realm of studying'.

From the current point of view, what the first-generation palace lord did is equivalent to half of the study, and suddenly ran up to the podium and turned over all the teachers.

It is a pity that even the first-generation palace master who defied the sky was not able to reach the realm of Xuanye until the end of the day.

Some people speculate that it is because he does not have the extremely cold ice, but among the disciples of the Bingyue Palace in the later generations, there are many geniuses who are recruited from all over the Jiuzhou and possess the extremely cold ice.

For example, Ling Fuyu's master Zhu Xiaohe and his uncle Han Yiyun, both of whom grew up in Bingyue Palace, were born with extremely cold ice.

But none of them could see the hope of Xuan Yejing, and they all got stuck in the 'balanced realm' of Xuanyang realm.

No one dares to confirm this time, whether it is the first-generation palace master's practice that has a problem, whether it is the owner of the extreme cold ice or the ordinary ice cultivator, the cultivation to Xuanyang Realm is the sky; or all of them have no problem Find the right way, lack an opportunity to break the status quo.

Originally, Ling Fuyu was the opportunity, or in other words, she was likely to be the opportunity.

As the most anticipated disciple in the past [-] years, Ling Fuyu seems to be born for ice spells.

Ice Moon Palace has always been a small number of elites. Compared with those exaggerated sects, there are only more than 800 people in total.

But these [-] disciples and elders are the pinnacles of all ice techniques in the long history of Jiuzhou.

It can be said that the Bingyue Palace is the second in the ice method, and no one dares to be the first.

The scary thing about Ling Fuyu is that she has crushed the best of these 800 ice spells with her absolute talent since she was born.

At that time, the palace master of Bingyue Palace was not Han Yiyun, but the master of him and Zhu Xiaohe.

The previous palace lord valued Ling Fuyu even more than his own apprentice. He set her the identity of the 'young palace lord' early, and even considered going over his own apprentice and let Ling Fuyu be the successor directly. people.

The other disciples of Bingyue Palace have nothing to be dissatisfied with, Ling Fuyu's talent is indeed worthy of such preferential treatment.

In this way, Ling Fuyu grew up in the next step under the care of the previous palace lord, and her strength rose as if there was no bottleneck, and she became the youngest crescent moon in all dynasties.

Respecting teachers, being agile and eager to learn, coupled with amazing talent, Ling Fuyu at that time was simply the most ideal successor.

If things continue to develop smoothly and Ling Fuyu succeeds in taking over the position of Palace Master of Bingyue Palace, there won't be so many things happening in the future.

Unfortunately, the accident happened suddenly.

Just when Ling Fuyu had been appointed as the next palace master by default, the ceremony of taking over was about to be held.

The former palace lord, the kind old man who treats Ling Fuyu like a granddaughter.

He died under Ling Fuyu's hands.


The snow stopped, and the majestic scenery of the snow-capped mountains disappeared behind him.

I don't know how long it took, when Ling Fuyu raised her head again, a huge pure white capital came into her eyes.

There is no city wall to block the periphery, but some snowflake runes are naturally portrayed. If you break in without identity, you will be frozen into popsicles by the runes that gather the spiritual energy of the entire snow-capped mountains.

As for what 'identity reliance' is... Ling Fuyu had left it to her apprentice three days ago.

"I just leave the exercises for Jing'er, not let him come to me..."

The sad expression that Xu Shoujing wanted to keep but did not dare to reach out when parting appeared in his mind, Ling Fuyu pursed her thin lips, but felt a little stuffy in her chest.

She hurriedly shook her head, leaving those unrealistic visions behind, and slowly stepped over the snowflake rune.

Ling Fuyu has regained her strength in her heyday, and it is still easy to cross this line of defense... However, her existence will inevitably be noticed by people inside the sect.

But Ling Fuyu came back this time to see her master, so it doesn't matter whether she will be noticed or not.

There was no one on the quiet street, the speed of the snowflakes falling gradually slowed down, and the strange cold that had penetrated into the bone marrow finally dissipated.

Passing through the strange uninhabited city, stepping over the continuous snow-covered stairs, what catches my eye is a loft building built on the mountain, and young disciples can be heard from far away, chatting and laughing with each other. Voice.

Ling Fuyu stood in the middle of the stairs, staring blankly in the direction of the source of the sound, Qingshui's eyes were a little lost.

Back then... she was also one of them, carefree, free, and free from the current pressure.

What if we could go back to the beginning?

Too bad it's all too late.

Ling Fuyu sighed, no longer reminiscing about the past, and continued along the snow-covered stairs.

I don't know how long I have walked like this, the view of the top of the mountain becomes quite wide, and the street scene becomes as small as an ant when I come, and the high sun hanging high on the top emits strong ultraviolet rays.

At the end of the stairs stood a middle-aged man. He was wearing a dragon-patterned Taoist robe. He was tall and straight, with a calm temperament. He couldn't see his face because he was carrying his back, but the middle-aged man exuded an air of indifference. But there is no doubt about his identity.

At the moment of seeing this back, the image of burying deep memories flashed through my mind, Ling Fuyu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she pursed her thin lips tightly:

"Uncle Master..."

As mentioned earlier, Han Yiyun noticed that Ling Fuyu had returned from the moment she stepped over the snowflake rune.

However, Han Yiyun turned around slowly as if he had just noticed such a person, his silent eyes glanced at Ling Fuyu below, and said in a low voice:
"Nephew Fuyu, you are back."

Ling Fuyu didn't hesitate, she knelt on the stairs with a "bang":
"Unworthy disciple Ling Fuyu, meet the palace master."

Han Yiyun's eyes were slightly startled, and the big hand hidden under his sleeve robe shook... He didn't expect Ling Fuyu to be so direct.

I originally thought about lines like "It's been so long, what are you going to do when you come back?"

Han Yiyun coughed dryly, raised his face again, and asked in a deep voice:
"When the junior brother let you go, I didn't break the relationship in the past. You have no life in these years, and there is no news of you in the entire Jiuzhou. I thought you would never set foot in the Bingyue Palace again. , what made you change your mind and come back specially to die?"

Hearing this, Ling Fuyu bit her lower lip lightly, and for the first time did not reply.

What made her change her mind?
Who else but Jinger...

Ling Fuyu is a very old-fashioned woman. After the accident that year happened, she didn't think about running for her life. She didn't dodge or defend against the attack of her uncle, which caused her soul to be damaged.

If Zhu Xiaohe hadn't tried to send her away, Ling Fuyu might have accepted her death indifferently.

That's why, when Su Huanqing first wanted to save Ling Fuyu, she would say 'it's enough to live to this age'.

Ling Fuyu really wanted to die, but because her master was desperate to keep her alive, she couldn't do anything about her own life.

It's the same with Xu Shoujing's matter... Forgiveness with her own apprentice is something that is intolerable, if it wasn't for the sake of saving Jing'er and Su Du, Ling Fuyu would not be willing even if she died.

But now that she has done such a destructive thing, Ling Fuyu doesn't plan to hide anymore.

There is always an understanding of things.

No matter the reason is that he doesn't want to involve his apprentice in the events of the past because of his position, or to take this opportunity to atone for the events of the past.

Ling Fuyu dared to return to Bingyue Palace alone, indicating that she was ready to die.

After being silent for a long time, she took a deep breath and said in a dry voice:

"The mistake of the year, the disciple will not make any excuses, please punish the palace master."

"..." Han Yiyun.

No, girl, don't argue... how can you go about the process if you don't argue.

Originally, Han Yiyun was planning to force Ling Fuyu to talk about what happened in the past. He pretended to notice something strange, pretended not to know anything, and dug out key evidence from the previous palace master's room, and finally pretended The appearance of regret, 'forgive' Ling Fuyu... By the way, I apologize.

But now Ling Fuyu doesn't follow the script at all... This makes Han Yiyun suddenly in trouble.


Can't really be punished, can it?

Han Yiyun didn't expect that one day, he would hope that the unscrupulous junior brother would be there.

If he is here, this serious situation should be able to break the power in a second.

Thinking of this, Han Yiyun sighed, and was about to suggest another way to imply Ling Fuyu's defense, but who knew that Cao Cao... Cao Cao really arrived.

Before Han Yiyun could speak, Zhu Xiaohe came out of nowhere, and he cursed as soon as he appeared:

"Han Yiyun, do you want shame? Find out sooner, isn't it all Yu'er's fault? What are you wearing?"

With that said, Zhu Xiaohe ignored Han Yiyun's murderous eyes very stubbornly, walked quickly to Ling Fuyu's side, and picked her up.

Zhu Xiaohe looked up and down a few times, as if seeing his own daughter who had been absent for many years, his eyes suddenly turned red:

"Yu'er, it's been difficult for you these years..."

"..." Ling Fuyu.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 This chapter is all about the plot of the next volume, but I haven't finished writing the outline, so I can only write the outline while writing the main text. Before I know it, it's two o'clock... But the outline is still not finished, tsk.

  The next chapter is the fifth volume, a new beginning, a new story, I hope to break through the previous self and make progress.

(End of this chapter)

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