The queen is so fierce

Chapter 244 History is always strikingly similar

Chapter 244 History is always strikingly similar

"Yu'er, it's been difficult for you these years..."

Ling Fuyu didn't know what expression to make, so she could only bow silently: "Master."

Zhu Xiaohe's eyes were red, and his right hand trembled:

"Okay... ah!"


Before the third one could say anything, Zhu Xiaohe had already flown out backwards, rushing into the abyss without a trace.

"Han Yiyun, you have to die!! Die...die...die..."

Under the abyss of Xuegu, there was a smooth echo, and Han Yiyun held the brilliance of the extreme cold spiritual power in his big hands. His face was flushed, and the cross tendons on his forehead were throbbing.

After a while, he snorted coldly, and said solemnly to Xueguxia, who had long since disappeared:

"If you want to die, I will pull you back first."

"..." Ling Fuyu.

Shizun has long been used to that virtue, but Shishu...he was originally this kind of character?

Seemingly aware of Ling Fuyu's spying, Han Yiyun coughed dryly and regained his usual calm appearance. With his big hands behind his back, he said solemnly:
"Your master is right. It's not all your fault that happened back then, and I don't believe that you are the kind of person who would do such a thing."

At this point, Han Yiyun paused and said meaningfully:

"However, the death of your grandfather and his old man at that time was a huge blow to Bingyue Palace, no matter who that person is, he will always stand up and take responsibility.

If possible, this seat even hopes to replace you in that position, but unfortunately..."

Ling Fuyu shook her head and interrupted Han Yiyun's words:

"Uncle Shi... No matter what the process is, it's not wrong for me to kill Shizu in the end. I deserve to be punished, and I must be punished."

Han Yiyun opened his mouth, wanting to tell Ling Fuyu that there was something else in the past, but the nephew had just returned, and finally decided to tell her later.

Thinking of this, Han Yiyun turned around with his hands behind his back, looked up at the snowy sky, and sighed:

"The death penalty can be escaped, and the living crime is inevitable. Now that you are back, even if you are acting like you, I have to give an explanation to the people below... No one has ever touched the quiet room in these years, so I will let you be imprisoned for a year for the time being. The next thing, wait for you to come out and talk about it."

When the words fell, Han Yiyun didn't stop for half a minute, and walked away from the scene.

Ling Fuyu Qingshui's eyes froze for a moment, looked at the direction Han Yiyun was leaving, and murmured:
"Disciple obeys..."

She has survived the disaster... is she alive?
To be honest, Ling Fuyu was ready to die, but not long after she returned to the sect, she suddenly took a twist and was inexplicably pardoned for the death penalty of 'killing the former palace master'.

Ling Fuyu was still a little confused about the situation, but it was not a problem to continue to stay here. After a while, she turned around and went down the mountain along the revolving stone steps.

The Bingyue Palace is very large, and it adopts the 'peak-division system', that is, the current palace lord assigns mountain peaks to the Supreme Elder, the Great Elder, the Dharma Protector, the Headmaster, and the Taoist Master, and then selects the disciples based on the difference between the peaks.

For example, the mountain where Ling Fuyu is now is the 'Linxue Peak', which is the important place for Bingyue Palace to discuss matters. If there is nothing particularly important, ordinary disciples are not allowed to trespass.

When Ling Fuyu was still in the Bingyue Palace, because she was named the 'Master of the Young Palace' early, she was also the unshakable chief disciple of the Bingyue Palace, and she was once assigned a mountain.

Under normal circumstances, even if a disciple's talent is detached, it is impossible to receive elder-level treatment.

At that time, the special preferential treatment that Ling Fuyu could have was completely forcibly given by the main force of the previous generation palace.

For so many years, Ling Fuyu thought that her mountain had been blown up long ago or assigned to other elders, but she did not expect to keep it after so long.

Ling Fuyu had just set foot on the land of her own mountain when she saw an unfamiliar figure.

Directly opposite stood an elegant young man in a simple Taoist robe, leaning on a large stone with his back on, holding a scroll of classics in his hand, reading with relish.

Seemingly aware of the movement in the direction of the stairs, the elegant young man looked up when he heard the sound, and happened to find Ling Fuyu who was frowning at him.

The elegant young man was taken aback for a moment, and then he hurriedly stuffed the classics into the Qiongyu Pavilion, and walked over with an easy-going smile:

"Sister, long time no see."

Hearing that the other party called herself 'Senior Sister', Ling Fuyu's eyes were slightly startled, and then she stared at the elegant young man and looked up and down, as if she had remembered something, and her expression suddenly became:

"Are you Mu Liang?"

Mu Liang smiled happily: "Senior sister, can you still recognize me?"

Ling Fuyu looked at Mu Liang, who was half a head taller than herself, and shook her head:

"I didn't recognize it at first... You were only this old before I left."

As she said that, Ling Fuyu gestured to the position of her thigh, and said with a little emotion:
"More than ten years have passed, and I have grown taller than me..."

Mu Liang didn't feel any disgust at Ling Fuyu's 'elderly relatives' reaction, and after listening, he touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly:

"Senior sister is the one. After so many years, there is still no change at all."

"..." Ling Fuyu.

What do you mean, you have to get old?

Ling Fuyu rolled her eyes, and instead of continuing to struggle on this topic, she asked instead:
"Why are you on top of me?"

Mu Liang suddenly came back to his senses, thought for a moment, and explained:

"Actually, a few days ago, the Palace Master guessed that Senior Sister, you will definitely come back. I guess you will come to the 'Yueliang Peak' after meeting the Palace Master, so I waited here in advance."

Ling Fu Yuwei was stunned for a moment, her expression unclear, so: "Wait for me to do what?"

Hearing this, Mu Liang's expression became serious, and he asked seriously:
"Senior sister, I saw with my own eyes that you took the palm of the palace master without any precautions. That palm... did it hurt the soul?"

Ling Fuyu frowned: "I was begging for death back then, but I really didn't have any defenses, and the palace lord's palm did hurt my soul... But how do you know that it hurt my soul?"

Mu Liang secretly said, "Sure enough," and sighed deeply:

"It's because of my inherent supernatural powers... that's not the point. Senior sister, the damage to the soul is not easy to heal. The higher the realm, the more so. For a powerhouse in the Crescent Moon Realm like Senior Sister, the strength of the soul itself is very high. Injury... Once injured, it must be serious, and I am afraid it has reached the point of irreversibility."

"What are you trying to say? Stop going around in circles and say it directly." Ling Fuyu had a bad premonition.

Mu Liang was silent for a moment, his eyes firmed a bit: "Senior sister, I may say some outrageous things next, but it's all for your own good, and I also ask Haihan."

"Speak up if you have something to say." Ling Fuyu was unusually impatient.

Mu Liang was stunned for a while, not understanding why the always calm senior sister had such a big emotional reaction, and said slowly:

"Senior sister, in fact, I only came back a month ago. Before that, I had been traveling all over Jiuzhou, just to find someone who was almost impossible to exist."

"Who?" Ling Fuyu sighed.

Mu Liang had a solemn expression on his face, and said quite seriously: "A person who has the five elements to cut off the pulse."

"..." Ling Fuyu.

Really? !
Ling Fuyu actually had a guess in her heart when she heard the words 'soul damage', 'rebellious', 'for your own good' and so on.

After all, Ling Fuyu heard the same thing from her apprentice Su Huanqing.

This is no longer a matter of 'a sense of sight' and 'slight familiarity', it's already completely consistent, okay...

Ling Fuyu couldn't listen anymore, so she helped her forehead; Mu Liang didn't notice her reaction, and she was still talking.

"Senior sister, listen to me... The damage to the soul is related to life, and it must not be taken lightly!"

"I searched all over the ancient books, and finally found a record about the 'The Five Elements Cutoff Vessel' in the legends of Tiannanzhou."

"A cultivator with extreme attributes like Senior Sister, as long as he cultivates with someone who has cut off the pulse of the five elements, the backlash caused by the damage to the soul will be healed!"

"I have traveled all over the mountains and rivers, and searched all over the nine continents, just to find people who have been cut off from the five elements, but unfortunately there is no result..."

"It wasn't until last year that there were rumors in Tiannan Continent that a strange cultivator who 'can seal other people's spiritual power' emerged. After repeated investigations, I was finally convinced that that person was the one who cut off the five elements."

"I've seen that person from a distance. He looks very handsome, and his talent is unparalleled. He is especially good at swordsmanship. He must be a match made in heaven with Senior Sister."

"Senior sister, I know you're not interested in the relationship between men and women, but this is for the sake of your life... Don't underestimate the damage to your soul!"

He said a lot of words in one breath. It was true that Mu Liang was a monk of the Water of the Five Elements, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be thirsty.

Mu Liang took out a water bag from Qiongyu Pavilion, poured cold water into his throat in one breath, gasped for a while, and waited quietly for Ling Fuyu to react.

Ling Fuyu Qingshui's eyes showed no emotion, and looked at him indifferently:

"Uh..." Mu Liang raised his hand and scratched his cheek: "It's over."

Ling Fuyu glanced at Mu Liang, and walked past him on her own:

"Let's go when you're done. Your uncle is going to lock me up for a year. I don't have time to accompany you."

Mu Liang was stunned for a while, then reacted, scolding himself in his heart:

Couldn't it be more euphemistic?I haven't seen you for so many years, and suddenly ran out to find a Taoist companion for senior sister. It's natural to have this reaction. It would be strange if you didn't get angry.

Poor boy, completely wrong direction...

Seeing that Ling Fuyu was about to enter the small attic, Mu Liang quickly turned around and chased after:
"Senior sister! Senior sister, listen to what I have to say. Our master has always been that virtuous. When I was a child, my senior sister was always taking care of me. I have long regarded my senior sister as my biological sister.

As a younger brother, it is impossible for me to watch my sister die without doing anything... That Xu Shoujing is really not bad. Senior sister, I beg you, why don't I catch him and take a look? "


The door of the small attic was slammed mercilessly, and Mu Liang froze in place. The image still remained in his mind was that Ling Fuyu cast a murderous look at herself with a dark face just before closing the door.


After closing the door, Ling Fuyu casually set up a barrier to completely isolate the outside voice, and then sighed secretly.

...Why did you run back to the sect, and you still can't get rid of the evildoer?
Qing'er was fine, and even Mu Liang spoke for him.

Are you really not colluding?

Ling Fuyu shook her head, and left behind the picture of the beautiful boy under the moon that had resurfaced in her mind when she parted with Jinger, and then began to look at the furnishings in the house.

Ling Fuyu liked cleanliness since she was a child, and was not interested in overly exaggerated buildings. Even if she owned a set of 'real estate' of her own, she just built a small two-story attic on it.

There is only a simple table and a simple stove on the first floor, and there is only one bed on the second floor except for the terrace, which is basically unused.

The place where she stayed the longest was a quiet room built underground in conjunction with the small attic, where she almost sat and meditated when she had nothing to do.


Ling Fuyu pushed open the wooden door leading to the quiet room and walked down the dark wooden stairs.

After more than ten years of precipitation, there is no dust accumulation around, but a bit of "beep, beep, beep" light that is too clean.

The pattern of the 'Spiritual Gathering Array' drawn with raw ink on the wall is still very new, and it seems that someone has drawn it according to the old version not long ago.

The original floor, Ling Fuyu just found some wood to build it, but now it has been replaced with Ling sandalwood, which ranks first in the industry. ' awkward sound.

After Ling Fuyu pushed open the partition door, she stood still and didn't move.She looked around the familiar and unfamiliar quiet room from beginning to end. The furnishings inside were the same as before, but they seemed to have changed a bit.

"Master did it." Without thinking about it, Ling Fuyu quickly came to a conclusion.

Ling Fuyu sighed, and walked to the formation in the center of the quiet room, sitting cross-legged, with her hands on her knees, closed her eyes and meditated.

After returning to the sect after many years, not only did he not lose his life, but he learned that there were other secrets about what happened back then... Everything was going in a good direction.

She wanted to enter the cultivation state as quickly as ten years ago, but she couldn't do it.

It stands to reason that there is hope that the bad things in the past will be resolved, and the mood should be clearer than usual.

But as long as Ling Fuyu closed her eyes, the handsome face that was under heavy thoughts would appear in her mind like a nightmare, lingering and coming again.

Ling Fuyu frowned Liu Ye's eyebrows all the time. She didn't know how long it took, but she seemed to give up on entering the state of cultivation for the time being, and lay on the ground with a sigh.

She looked at the ceiling, Qingshui's eyes were sparkling, and her thin lips were tightly pressed:

"What a match made in heaven... Master and apprentice are impossible."
one year later.Sudu.


The huge wind paddles scattered the clouds, bringing shadows to the earth and the floating boats landed smoothly.

A charming mature woman in a dark blue dress stepped out of the flying boat with the words 'Tianya Yushi' engraved on it.

She looked at the streets of Sudu, which had recovered to a better shape than a year ago, and nodded secretly:

"The progress is much faster than I expected, so that the next step can be started soon."


There was a steady sound of footsteps, and a few monks in light blue robes walked towards them.

Su Ren was dressed in a luxurious and restrained patriarch's attire. His pace was not slow or slow, and his expression was calm and composed; compared to the confusion he was a year ago, he now looks like a patriarch who can take on great responsibilities.

He led a few confidants, walked slowly to Yu Zhiqiong, and bowed his hands:
"Mrs. Yu, stay safe."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

(End of this chapter)

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