The queen is so fierce

Chapter 245 Sudu One Year Later

Chapter 245 Sudu One Year Later

Gao Yang was in the air, and the river was rolling.

The long-lost cloud of cloud and rain swayed down, and the streets of Sudu were shaking.

Four or five lightly armed men passed by carrying round logs with smooth cuts on their shoulders; hawkers who patrolled the streets with Caobazi and shouted, were everywhere selling candied haws 'imported' from outside Sudu.

The disciples of the Changhe Su Clan, who were patrolling with their swords, passed by the overcrowded Zuixianlou, and the pretentious voice of the storyteller echoed in their ears.

Yu Zhiqiong walked along the road with a few entourages, glanced at those novelties from time to time, and soon fell back into thought.

"How is the situation at Sanjiang Wharf?" Yu Zhiqiong suddenly asked for no reason.

Su Renwei was stunned for a moment, and replied respectfully:

"It's business as usual. If there are no accidents, it can be put into normal use in at most two ten days."

Hearing this, Yu Zhiqiong nodded slowly, with a slightly serious expression and thoughtful eyes.

The so-called 'Sanjiang Wharf' is a large-scale trade cargo port built at the intersection of the three rivers according to Yu Zhiqiong's proposal.

Before the night of the 'Eighth Sect's Siege', the Changhe Su Clan had always maintained an attitude of hiding from the world. Even if the big thing collapsed, this had not changed.

But... the reason why Su Du could be so self-willed was because the Changhe Su clan was completely in his own hands at that time.

It was different now. The Changhe Su Clan accepted the assistance of the Tianya Yu Clan. As the top business tycoon in the entire Jiuzhou, the Tianya Yu Clan naturally wanted to make good use of the convenient passage of the 'Sanjiang Water Conservancy' next to the Su Clan.

Although the speed of transporting goods by Feidu pontoon is fast, the cost of the pontoon is there.The greater the total weight of the transported goods, the more special spiritual minerals needed to build the pontoon. That thing is not the same as the spiritual energy, which can be obtained indefinitely anytime, anywhere. After all, there is a limit.

On the contrary, the speed of ordinary cargo ships going down the river is not slower than that of Feidu pontoons, but the cost is not known how many times cheaper, and the cost saved can be used to build more cargo ships.

Coincidentally, the intersection of the three rivers next to the Changhe Su clan is the transportation hub of the entire Tiannanzhou.

The right time and place are only the difference between people and people.

From the moment she saw this terrain, her business sense of growing up in Tianya Yu's family made Yu Zhiqiong see the opportunities here.

One of the conditions proposed by Yu Zhiqiong to assist the reconstruction of Sudu was to win [-]% of the rights and interests of Sanjiang Wharf.

This [-]% is not much nor not much, which is just on the pass line that Su Ren can barely accept; although the other party is asking for them, but [-]% or more, will make the main owner of Su family feel that the bird occupies the dove's nest. ', which is not conducive to future operations.

Taking into account these reasons, and Yu Zhiqiong's original purpose was not Sanjiang Wharf, this was just a matter of convenience, and he did not waste too much time on the distribution of rights and interests in Sanjiang Wharf.

After letting his confidants go about their own affairs, Su Ren guides Yu Zhiqiong as the host.It's a pity that he couldn't figure out what this overly shrewd woman was thinking a year ago, and now he naturally doesn't understand it either, so he can only ask and answer mechanically.

"Compared with last year, Sudu has basically returned to normal operation, and the Su family owner does not have the mind of the commander as he said."

Hearing Yu Zhiqiong's obvious sarcasm, Su Ren gave a wry smile and nodded slightly:

"Mrs. Yu has praised her badly. She is no better than her father. She really does not have the ability to issue orders. Su can recover to this day, thanks to the help of Tianya Yu and Tianyuanzong."

Yu Zhiqiong was stunned, her eyes narrowed quietly, and she glanced at Su Ren from the corner of her eye:
"Did Tianyuan Sect also provide resources?"

Su Ren did not change his face, and said neither humble nor arrogant:

"After all, the agreement with Senior Hexuan was like this. He is now the head of the sect. If he forcibly breaches the contract for some other reason, the Tianyuan sect's face will not be easy."

Yu Zhiqiong gave a meaningful "um", then waved his hand:

"Sudu is still in the recovery period. As the owner of the house, you should have accumulated a lot of things. I can just go shopping by myself."

Su Renwei was stunned for a moment, then quickly cupped his hands and said:
"Thank you Mrs. Yu for understanding, then I won't accompany you."

When the words fell, Su Ren was about to leave, but Yu Zhiqiong suddenly remembered something and raised his hand to stop him:

"By the way, where's your brother-in-law? I'm here to make him fulfill his promise."

Hearing the word 'brother-in-law', Su Ren twitched the corners of his mouth and sighed:
"Shoujing... He has been retreating in the quiet room for a year, and even when he comes out, he runs around without a word, and I haven't seen him for a long time. If Mrs. Yu wants to find Shoujing, she can go to the east hall. She and Madam Chu are all living there now."

Yu Zhiqiong nodded, roughly inquired about the location of the 'East Hall', and then said goodbye to Su Ren.

Watching Yu Zhiqiong leave, Su Ren let out a sigh of relief, obviously not doing any physical work, but he was as tired as if he had just returned from the battlefield.

"Big brother." At this time, Su Ling, who had been secretly following behind, came up.

Su Ren glanced at him and said angrily:

"Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to supervise Sanjiang Wharf?"

Su Ling suddenly came back to his senses, with a slightly embarrassed expression, and touched the back of his head:

"I originally planned to go, but my cousin didn't know why, so she insisted on taking my place. I had nothing to do, so I ran over to see how big brother is doing on your side."

Hearing this, Su Ren was stunned for a moment, and looked at him suspiciously:
"Aren't you lying to me? Well, why did Qing'er replace you? When Shoujing didn't return the whole night two days ago, didn't she go all over the city to find Shoujing's whereabouts, and wasn't interested in Sudu's affairs at all?"

Su Ling touched his nose and said embarrassedly:
"That's what I asked her too... But my cousin seems to have something to do. She still doesn't want to tell me... With her character, you understand, eldest brother."

"..." Su Ren.

Most of the eyes are threatening, and if you beat Xiao Linger, she is afraid of her.

Thinking of this, Su Ren sighed and waved his hand:
"Okay, then you can go back, and I'll find work for you tomorrow."

Hearing Su Ren chased him away, Su Ling didn't do it immediately.He tilted his head and glanced in the direction Yu Zhiqiong had left.

It's a pity that the crowd is crowded and people come and go, it is impossible to find Yu Zhiqiong anymore.

Su Ling pondered for a moment, then frowned:

"Big brother, although it's all over now... but we violated our ancestor's precepts like this and opened up the Changhe Su Clan, is it really good?"

Su Ren was silent for a while, and after a while, he said helplessly:
"Otherwise, what can we do? The reconstruction of Sudu is not as simple as simply rebuilding the house. With our current strength, we cannot get so many resources."

If 'rebuilding Sudu' is just like building real estate and building high-rise buildings, it would be much simpler. After all, everyone is not disabled, and those who should be able to fly should still be able to fly.

If you want to rebuild a sect, the most important thing is to gather 'Ling Yun'.

There are many sayings about Ling Yun, Dao Luck, Dragon Vessel, Life Vein, Tianchi... No matter which kind of explanation, they all point to the 'air fortune' that determines the rise and fall of a sect.

The amount of luck can directly determine whether the Zongmen site is 'remarkable'. Just as the luck of the Dali Dynasty was locked on Qiu Xuanji at one time, the luck of the Changhe Su Clan is also closely related to the three rivers that support the entire Sudu.

A house can be rebuilt if it collapses, and a new one can be rebuilt when a person dies, but if the aura is gone, it is difficult to regenerate.

If it weren't for the Tianya Yu Clan... mainly due to Yu Zhiqiong's full assistance, and the compensation from the Tianyuan Sect and the other seven sects, Su Du wanted to make a comeback, at least for another hundred years.

The truth is such a truth, but it is his turn to break the ancestral system, and it still makes people feel guilty.

Su Ren shook his head, as if comforting himself, and sighed:
"...Sanjiang Wharf is also a brand new attempt for the Su family. There is nothing wrong with it."

He glanced at Su Ling, as if thinking of something, and asked suspiciously:

"You just said that Qing'er went to Sanjiang Wharf instead of you... Then you came back from the East Hall? Did you see Shoujing?"

Su Ling hesitated, nodded, and shook his head again.

Su Ren burst out with cross tendons in front of his forehead and began to roll up his sleeves:
"Have you ever seen me?"

Su Ling's expression stiffened, she instinctively raised her hand to cover her head, and explained in a panic:
"I saw...but I didn't see it completely. Uh...I mean, Big Brother Xu is indeed in the East Hall, but he has been cultivating in the quiet room. I just glanced through the crack of the door and didn't catch a word..."

Su Ren frowned, thought carefully, and whispered:

"Shoujing hasn't given up that set of exercises yet? The attributes of harmony are nothing but the attributes of mutual repulsion. How can the attributes of mutual repulsion be merged together..."

The words were spoken, but there was no response.

Su Ren looked up and found that Su Ling was looking at him with a complicated face, and couldn't help asking:

"what happened?"

Su Ling swallowed his saliva and said quietly:
"I didn't dare to go in and disturb Big Brother Xu... It's because he seems to be about to succeed. He can already incorporate different elements into his body."

Su Ren's pupils shrank, took half a second to understand the meaning of this sentence, and said in shock:



The quiet stone room is filled with a faint fragrance, which is the fragrance of 'Solid God Slim Cloud Grass' that Chu Shuwan specially placed here to provide meditation.

Xu Shoujing, dressed in a restrained and luxurious black robe, sat cross-legged on the futon in the center of the stone room, his sword eyebrows were soothing, and his handsome face did not fluctuate, like a sculpture.

The light in the stone room was already dim, and Xu Shoujing was dressed in black to the end.

This confusion of vision continued for a long time until...


A cyan glare lit up from the circular formation on the ground behind Xu Shoujing, and a dragon-shaped phantom with a thick arm spiraled into the sky, bringing a little light to the dim stone room.

Xu Shoujing felt something in his heart, clasped his hands in front of his chest, made a "snap", and pointed at the sword and slid across his shoulders.

The next moment, a crimson magic circle lit up in front of it, the flame ignited on the surface of the magic circle, the slightly humid air in the underground stone room dried up instantly, and the temperature was also rising.

As if corresponding to the Azure Dragon Phantom, a palm-sized phoenix flew out from the plane of the crimson circle.

The phoenix of desire swirled upwards, and the pair of flaming fiery wings flapped gently, causing a little spark to pop out of the ground every time.

"That's two..."

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, tightened his nerves, and slowly moved his sword finger to the left.


This time, a purple magic circle was lit up, and the magic circle itself was engraved with complicated and complicated lightning runes.

The purple trumpet thunder rises along the edge of the circle, and every time the circle flickers, the thunder's electromagnetic force becomes stronger.

"The last one left."

Xu Shoujing's heart began to speed up unconsciously, his ears roared constantly, and the big beads of sweat slid down the contours of his face. He didn't have time to wipe it at all.

The last magic circle has not yet been lit, but it is not difficult to see from the pattern on it that it is an 'ice' magic circle.

Xu Shoujing guided the spiritual power step by step like threading a needle and thread, and finally lit up the 'ice formation'.


The magic circle of ice lit up, and the fine ice powder was born from the magic circle, and the temperature in the room began to fluctuate from cold to hot, strange and abnormal.

Xu Shoujing did not dare to neglect, and put his hands together again, trying to integrate four completely different spiritual powers into his body.

In an instant, the stone room that was originally dark and silent... Now it has become like a disco, with RGB flashing non-stop, and the noise is still very loud.

The blue dragon of wind, the phoenix of fire, the thunder of purple, and the half-dead icy powder settled on the floor.

The four elements slowly poured into Xu Shoujing. At first, it was quite smooth, with almost no obstacles, and easily entered his meridians until...


I don't know what went wrong. The moment the four forces merged, they suddenly became violent. It seemed that Xu Shoujing's body was regarded as a playground for wanton abuse, and the roar continued.

Xu Shoujing snorted, and quickly mobilized the 'power of punishment' to suppress the four elements of the riot.

When the riot was finally subsided, Xu Shoujing sighed and collapsed to the ground, his eyes returning to the dark ceiling.

After a long time, a whisper echoed in the stone room:
"Where is the problem..."

During this year, Xu Shoujing has repeated the 'fusion' just now, I don't know how many times.

From the beginning, it was impossible to call out the four magic circles, and now it can barely be integrated into the body. Although the process is difficult, it is still progressing steadily.

But now he is completely stuck.

As for the reason for the pass, Xu Shoujing had guessed it somewhat.

Thinking like this, he rolled around and looked at the 'ice formation' in a side-lying position.

Haven't been able to get results, mostly because of 'ice'.

It may be a little wrong to say that it is pure 'ice', but it should be 'ice of extreme cold', which represents the most extreme and pure power of the five elements.

There are countless branches of the five elements of heaven and earth, just like there are [-] great roads and countless branches in the tree of life, each power of the five elements has many branches, which constitute the diversity of the cultivator's spell system today.

But...there are very few beings who can become the 'extreme' in the power of the five elements.

Qiu Xuanji's phoenix fire is domineering and exaggerated enough. In the fire element, whether it is the particularity of its flame or its terrifying power, it all belongs to the existence at the top, but it is still not the ultimate fire.

Ultimate, not only represents the 'peak', but also means pure.

And Phoenix Fire is destined to not be able to achieve the ultimate in pure attributes from the beginning of the word 'phoenix'... Although the difference in power is not much, it may even surpass it.

That's where the problem lies... Leaving aside the difference in strength, in any case, it is impossible for the ultimate attribute to allow itself to merge with other 'general attributes'.

This is the depression of failure to succeed.

"Ugh... what should I do?"

Xu Shoujing raised his arm to block his eyes, and sighed faintly.

At this moment, there was a slight discussion sound outside the stone room.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 I forgot to replace it...

(End of this chapter)

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