The queen is so fierce

Chapter 246 4 Possibilities of Spiritual Power Fusion

Chapter 246 The possibility of four kinds of spiritual power fusion


The warm sun in winter is sprinkled on the remote courtyard, and the refreshing breeze blows the blue smoke and light rain.

This is the East Building, one of the few facilities that did not require large-scale reconstruction after the war with the Tianyuan Sect a year ago.

The area of ​​the east hall is very large. The main building alone is three stories high. There is a quiet room on the ground floor for private retreat. The door faces south and is surrounded by a semi-outdoor corridor.

Across the threshold of the gate, there is a small square courtyard. The soft black soil is planted with many herbs that can be picked and used. A huge ancient tree is planted in the center. swing.

Although the geographical location is slightly remote in the entire Sudu, fortunately, the interior of the house is elegant and the scenery outside the house is pleasant, which is quite suitable for monks to live in.

Originally, the East Building was a facility built by Sudu to entertain the disciples of the Outer Sect, but the Su Clan of Changhe has maintained the creed of 'not in direct contact with the Outer Sect' for many years.

Even if there are outsiders who come to the door by their own strength, in most cases, they will spend the night in common chain inns such as Zuixianlou.

Over time, the East Building was abandoned.

At the beginning of planning how to rebuild Sudu, Su Ren first thought of how to arrange Xu Shoujing and his party.

As the main force in the fight against the alliance of the eight sects, if Xu Shoujing and others were sent to Changhe Su's practice room as if they were the disciples of the Su Clan... obviously it would not be suitable.

After thinking about it, Su Ren gave the East Hall, which had been abandoned for a long time, to Xu Shoujing both in name and in fact.

This has also allowed Xu Shoujing to recuperate from his injuries in the past year, and at the same time, he can also dive into the way of cultivation.


The breeze blew the swing tied to the trunk of the old tree in the courtyard, and the tight hemp rope trembled slightly and swayed back and forth.

Then came the sound of messy footsteps, and two beautiful women with different styles pulled into the yard and came to the door of the main house.

"Shuwan, why do you need to pull me when you want to find Jing'er? It's not that you don't know that I still have a lot of things to do."

Qiu Xuanji was dressed in a fiery red dress, her long hair was combed into a cloud-like temple, and a phoenix gold hairpin was pinned between the blue silk, which was elegant and luxurious; the gold thread pattern on the neckline followed the graceful curve of the figure all the way down, entwining to the slender body. The back waist, and even the very upturned buttocks.

Her abstinence and noble face frowned slightly impatiently, as if she was very dissatisfied with the act of her junior sister dragging her here.

Compared with Qiu Xuanji's dress, Chu Shuwan's clothes were much more at home. She only wore a monotonous light gauze skirt, and her long hair was rarely up, but draped over her shoulders during her term of office.

Compared with the previous dress, it is a little less mature, but it does not reduce the bright and peerless appearance.It's like a woman who has been married for many years, suddenly returning to her youth and youth, and can't wait to change into green and gorgeous clothes, dazzling.

After listening to Qiu Xuanji's words, Chu Shuwan sighed and spread out her hands a little helplessly:

"Then he must be willing to listen to me! I let him go out every day to get some air, don't stay in the quiet room all the time... It's not helpful to break through the bottleneck."

Qiu Xuanji shook her head when she heard the words. She did not agree with the last sentence, and said seriously:

"As the saying goes: freezing three feet is not a day's cold. If every time you encounter a bottleneck in your cultivation, you think about finding another way, and there will always be a day when you can't walk."

Chu Shuwan put down Qiu Xuanji's arm, Shui Yun's almond eyes slowly turned, glanced at Qiu Xuanji's extremely serious expression, and deliberately dragged a long voice:
"Hmph~ Senior sister's opinion is too old-fashioned, I don't think so. Every time I encounter a bottleneck, as long as I go out for a turn, I can basically get the inspiration of breaking the mirror. Water droplets passing through stones are good, but they are always stuffy in the dark. In a lacquered quiet room, isn't it just complacent?"

Qiu Xuanji stared at Chu Shuwan for a few seconds, the latter looked back without any scruples, and seemed not to give in at all.

The purpose of Chu Shuwan's coming here is to pull out Xu Shoujing, who has been in the house for almost a year. How could she give in?

After staring at each other for nearly ten seconds, Qiu Xuanji sighed, and a hint of helplessness flashed in her clear phoenix eyes:
"Shuwan...Meditation, contemplation, and concentration. This is the case with meditation and running around the sky. If you can't maintain a high degree of concentration, you will inevitably fail at a certain point."

Chu Shuwan folded her arms and held up her bulging clothes, and raised her eyebrows a little irritably:
"Senior sister, I'm not here to discuss cultivation techniques with you. I'm asking you to help pull Jing'er out. Even if it is the right way to concentrate on seclusion, it's not normal for Jing'er to not make progress for a whole year and a half, right?"

Qiu Xuanji was silent for a while when she heard the words, her eyes drooped slightly, and she seemed to be lost in thought.

In the past year, Xu Shoujing didn't help everywhere as before, and even Su Ren's visit was rejected by him.

Obviously, Jinger only meditated secretly in the middle of the night after 'turning the clouds over the rain'... Although I don't know the meaning of the concealment, but Jing'er did it all, and they both tacitly agreed without revealing it.

And now Jing'er... he seems to have suddenly lost some kind of shackles, or his attitude towards the target is clearer.

...It feels like 'showdown, no acting', I just stay in the quiet room all day and meditate. Even if I go out, I go to buy the medicines I need, and I never spend time on unnecessary things.

In the eyes of others, this is just a very normal retreat for a monk... The premise is that if Xu Shoujing's cultivation has improved.

Yes, for a whole year, Xu Shoujing's cultivation seemed to be dead on the spot, and there was no movement at all.

If it is at the peak of the advanced stage, then it is understandable that breaking the mirror is really not urgent. Except for Chu Shuwan's 'breaking mirror method', most people need to settle day by day.

But Xu Shoujing was different. He was only in the middle stage of the Dragon Gate Realm, not to mention the advanced stage, and he didn't even see the shadow of the later stage.

Under such circumstances, he had been in seclusion for a whole year, and the movement was still very loud. Every day there was a 'rumbling', so it was hard for people not to wonder if there was something wrong with Xu Shoujing's cultivation.

Thinking of this, Qiu Xuanji also began to agree with Chu Shuwan's opinion deep in her heart, and continued to let Jing'er stubbornly fight in the house, and the Year of the Monkey might not be able to meet again.

It seems that some tough measures are needed to pull Jing'er out.

Because of Qiu Xuanji's character, he never does things in a sloppy way. Now that he has figured it out, he will definitely do it without hesitation.

Under Chu Shuwan's stupefied gaze, Qiu Xuanji silently turned around and walked to the door. She flicked the fiery red spiritual power with her jade hand, and the invisible barrier covering the outer layer of the attic shattered.

"Senior sister?" Chu Shuwan said suspiciously.

Qiu Xuanji did not look back, hesitated for a moment, and replied:

"Shuwan, you're right... Jinger needs to go out."

After the words fell, Qiu Xuanji reached out to the door slot, trying to open the door.

Just when her hand was less than half an inch away from the door slot, the partition door seemed to sense her behavior and folded to one side automatically.

What caught my eye was a black robe stained with a lot of dust. Slowly raising his head, the handsome young man yawned sleepily, looked left and right, and said lazily:

"Aunt Chu... Xuanji, why are you here?"

When Chu Shuwan was still waiting to talk to her, Qiu Xuanji glanced at her and replied without hesitation:
"Shuwan wants to go shopping with you."


A big question mark appeared on Chu Shuwan's head, and her eyes were full of disbelief when she looked at Qiu Xuanji.

Qiu Xuanji turned a blind eye to this and said calmly:
"I also told Shuwan... Jing'er repeatedly told herself to retreat and not want others to disturb her. But Shuwan said she wanted to go shopping with you no matter what, so she pulled me over."

"!" Chu Shuwan's almond eyes stared round.

How can this pot be thrown so skillfully, obviously you agree with it yourself...

Chu Shuwan took a deep breath, patted the tall front of her shirt lightly, and told herself to calm down in her heart, then put on a smile and said softly:
"Jing'er... Auntie hasn't been shopping with you for a long time. Recently, Sudu's Cloth has opened up a supply of goods from the outside world. There are a few robes that are good in style. I want to buy a few sets for you and take a moment to accompany Auntie. Try it."

Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh and waved his hand:
"Aunt Chu, I said a long time ago that I'm still in seclusion, but about clothes... Let's talk about it when I go out."

When the words fell, no matter how the two outside the door planned to react, they turned around to enter the door.

But everyone has already come out. Could Chu Shuwan let him go back?

Before Xu Shoujing crossed the threshold, Chu Shuwan tilted her head and cast a glance at Qiu Xuanji, the latter understood it, grabbed it on Xu Shoujing's wrist, and the crimson spiritual power rushed in.

Feeling the heat that seemed to burn the soul pouring into the meridians, Xu Shoujing stumbled under his feet. When he leaned forward, he held the door frame to stabilize his body, and then looked behind him inexplicably.

"Xuanji, what are you doing..."

Qiu Xuanji maintained an expressionless face, firmly grabbed his wrist, and whispered:
"Jing'er, listen to Shuwan's words, go out for a walk, your spiritual power has been blocked by me, anyway, your spiritual power has also been blocked by me, and you can't cultivate if you want to."

Hearing Qiu Xuanji's words, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

Just like what Qiu Xuanji said, the spiritual power of the Phoenix Fire was like a soldier on a chessboard who could only advance and never retreat, stirring up the inside of him into a mess.

However, under Qiu Xuanji's precise control like threading a needle, he did not cause any damage to Xu Shoujing, but was temporarily blocked from the operation of his spiritual power.

So that's it... Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, and his heart was clear and clear.

Even if there is no special spiritual power like the power of divine punishment, as long as it can meet the condition of 'unbalanced five elements'.

Although it has many limitations compared to the power of divine punishment, it can also achieve the effect of 'silence of divine punishment'.

Although it is not as good as the power of God's punishment, it can be used anytime, anywhere and at will.

If it is an ordinary person, most of them are helpless when they encounter such a situation.

It is a pity that Xu Shoujing has the orthodox and direct line of 'God Punishment' in his body, which is the opposite of Zhao Fuyao's "born with the balance of the five elements".

Silence... doesn't work for him.

I don't know if it's because of confrontation. After Xu Shoujing felt that he was being 'simulated silence', under the domination of some unknown emotion, regardless of the other party being his Taoist companion, Xu Shoujing began to extract the dark sky from the spiritual sea with all his strength. The power of punishment.

The power of divine punishment is a power that repels everything, even if the opponent is the fire of the phoenix, there is no reason why it cannot be swallowed.

Although Xu Shoujing's current cultivation level cannot silence Qiu Xuanji's 'main body' for the time being, it is still effortless for the medicinal pill to expel foreign objects in the body.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing operated the power of punishment according to the planned route, which was smooth at first, but the moment the dark spiritual power came into contact with the fiery red spiritual power.

... The power of divine punishment that was supposed to drive out all the fiery red spiritual energy, for some reason, it made the fire of the phoenix burn even more vigorously.

"How could this be?!" Xu Shoujing froze in place.

"Because your Heavenly Punishment Spiritual Power is very 'personal', but fundamentally not strong enough."

Qiu Xuanji saw through the doubts in Xu Shoujing's heart and replied casually:

"You can disturb the balance of the other party's five elements in the same realm, and high realm can also offset part of the spiritual invasion. But if the gap is too large, all 'characteristics' will be crushed by pure 'quantity' and become meaningless. ."

"No... not that question."

Xu Shoujing shook his head, his eyebrows furrowed, and he almost wrote the tangle on his face.

Of course, he knew that the gap between him and Qiu Xuanji was like a chasm, and the problem was not on this point.

No matter how big the gap is, the spiritual power of Heavenly Punishment will not be able to withstand the attack of the Phoenix Fire at most, and will be defeated at the most. How could it be consumed by the Phoenix Fire?
Xu Shoujing was puzzled, unconsciously pinched his chin, and said to himself:
"Heavenly Punishment Spiritual Power is an existence condemned by Heaven. Any kind of Spiritual Power in the Five Elements, even large and small branches, should have at least a partial effect... No matter how special the Phoenix Fire is, it is only one of the Five Elements Spiritual Power. How could it be possible..."

The words suddenly stopped here, Xu Shoujing maintained the look of contemplation while pinching his chin, but his pupils gradually expanded, his mouth was slightly separated, and his face was full of astonishment.

What did I just say?
——No matter how special the fire of the phoenix is, it is only one of the five elements of spiritual power.

Yup!Such a simple question, why can't I figure it out for so long?
The fire of the phoenix is ​​the existence of the fire-type spiritual power, which is no less special than the ultimate flame.

But even if it can burn the soul, and even ignore the five elements and burn the spiritual power of other completely different attributes, the essence has not changed.

As long as it is a kind of spiritual power, its characteristics will be gradually obliterated due to the difference in 'quantity'.

I still remember what Qiu Ji said to himself at the beginning - "In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are useless."

The same is true in the fusion of spiritual power. Because of its special characteristics, Extreme Cold Ice is unwilling to merge with other spiritual powers.

That being the case, why not reduce the output of the 'quantity' of the extreme cold spiritual power and allocate it to the other three spiritual powers to suppress the extreme cold ice in balance and force the fusion into one?
As long as the four kinds of spiritual powers are integrated, the 'the method of blending the five elements' that Yaoyao said is no longer just on paper.

"In half a year... I will be able to break through Nirvana."

Xu Shoujing muttered to himself, slowly opened his eyes, his eyes became calmer than ever before.

Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji were stunned at the same time. For some reason, they felt a palpitating pressure on Xu Shoujing.

It was like a wild beast that had been hungry for a long time. When the prey finally appeared in front of him, it was extremely calm for a few seconds.

Obviously he is only a Dragon Gate Realm, but it seems that he can fly to the sky at any time and cut off the sun and the moon.

Chu Shuwan didn't know what she was thinking, her eyes dimmed a bit, her arms clasped tightly, as if she was engaged in some kind of fierce ideological struggle.

At this moment, Xu Shoujing smiled refreshingly, as if nothing had happened, took off Chu Shuwan's hand and clasped it firmly.

"...Jing'er?" Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and looked at him for unknown reasons.

Xu Shoujing looked up at the position of the sun and said with a soft smile:

"Let's go, Aunt Chu, I'll go shopping with you today, you can go shopping anytime."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation;

 At the beginning of the new volume, I write about the transition between daily life and cultivation for two days. Maybe the conflict will be lighter, try to make sugar.
(End of this chapter)

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