The queen is so fierce

Chapter 247: The Streets of Sudu

Chapter 247: The Streets of Sudu
The warm sun was shining brightly, and Sudu's iconic blue mist and light rain gradually stopped, and the time came to noon.

The local merchants on the street began to pack their things, planning to go home and accompany their mother-in-law to have a good drink; the merchants who came from other places had nowhere to go, so they could only deal with their stomachs on the street and continue to let the caravan carry the goods.

Several Su Clan disciples with sabres passed by, routinely patrolling both sides of the street.

Seeing a fat man in green clothes nibbling on roasted chicken legs approaching, one of the patrolling disciples with hair tied up was slightly taken aback, and quickly raised his hand to say hello:

"Hey! Ji Yan! Aren't your three teams under the jurisdiction of the DC area? Why did you come to the south?"

Ji Yan's mouth froze as he tore at the shredded chicken thigh. He almost didn't hold the paper bag in his right hand, and his footsteps stopped in place.

He turned around tremblingly, and after seeing the disciple with tied hair greeting him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"...Dong Yi, it's you. It scared me to death, I thought I was caught..."

The disciple who was called Dong Yi's face darkened. After arranging other disciples to continue to patrol, he walked over quickly and said angrily:
"Ji Yan, how dare you skip work? First of all, although you are not under my jurisdiction, it is still very simple to submit a report to you."

Ji Yan's face changed greatly, he hurriedly pulled Dong Yi, and said hoarsely:
"Don't! Don't, I was assigned to Qin Xuanbing, the stone girl. You don't know how she treats men. Friends, do you have to kill me?!"

Dong Yi rolled his eyes, and disdainfully ripped off Ji Yan's hand pulling his sleeve, pouted:

"You can't live by doing your own fault. As a friend, I suggest you wait to die."


Ji Yan sighed, with an expression like giving up the struggling dead fish, and said quietly:

"Hey... Okay, I have a showdown... Actually, I'm going to the forest in the southern suburbs."

The forest in the southern suburbs actually refers to the area that was razed to the ground by the eight sect warships "Falling Meteor" after the war a year ago.

The original area was not very good. After the carpet bombing, the cost of rebuilding was too high.

After discussing with many confidants, Su Ren decided to move the entire Sudu plan to the north, while the southern area was widely sown with the seeds of the spiritual tree.

In less than a year, that area turned into a dense jungle with no end in sight, causing a lot of trouble for outside disciples who wanted to take a detour.

Dong Yi lowered his head and pondered for a moment, frowned slightly, and looked at Ji Yan with puzzled eyes:

"Senior Brother Su...Bah, Patriarch Su said, it's not yet time to start construction on the southern suburbs forest, where there are no decent animals other than spiritual trees and weeds. Where are you going?"

Ji Yan didn't answer the question immediately, but just lifted the paper bag held in his right hand, so that the opening of the paper bag was just under Dong Yi's eyelids.

Although Dong Yi didn't understand what Ji Yan wanted to do, he didn't hesitate much, and looked down with some doubts in his eyes.

"This is... candied chestnuts?"

In the brown-gray paper bag, the bright red and shiny chestnuts piled up one by one. I didn't pay much attention just now, but when I got closer, I immediately smelled the coke fragrance wafting out from the mouth of the paper bag.

"This is Bai Zhuang's favorite food... I always remember it."

Ji Yan's pupils dimmed a little, but soon cheered up again, revealing healthy white teeth, and grinned:

"As the biggest foodie in the Su Clan, it would be a misnomer if there is no way to deliver this to him."

It was not until this moment that Dong Yi suddenly realized... Yes, it has been a whole year since the war that brought shock to the Changhe Su Clan.

Su Du, who seems to have slowed down, is actually as 'completely resurrected' as it seems on the surface?
The house can be rebuilt if it falls down, the formation can be re-engraved if it is gone, and the weapon can be rebuilt if it is gone. Even the spiritual veins, which were extremely difficult to recover, gradually recovered with the indemnity of the Eight Sects and the help of the Tianya Yu Clan.

- But the dead will never come back.

Venerable Su, Bai Zhuang, and other disciples whose names are more or less unknown... How many people died that night?

Needless to say, Sudu's loss could be described as 'survival' for a long time before Tianya Yu's support.

But the other sects participating in the eight sects alliance should not be too good!
The main force brought out by the Tianyuan Sect had nearly [-] disciples when they came, and there were less than [-] left when they returned.

Giants like Tianwai Jiancheng and Luohu Temple also lost many elders and elite disciples, and the rest of the small sects became cannon fodder.

Such a war caused by greed and greed has resulted in a lose-lose situation.

Thinking about it, Dong Yi couldn't help clenching his fists and said to himself like a dream:
"...What's the point of this kind of thing?"


Ji Yan scratched his bulging left cheek, and while squirming his mouth refused, he said vaguely:

"What about Shima just now?"

Dong Yi suddenly recovered when he heard the words, he glanced at Ji Yan, who did not forget to eat at this time, and sighed helplessly:

"It's nothing. I just think it's a pity that we are too weak to seek revenge from the eight sects. Although the Tianya Yu clan is willing to support us, there is no reason to be reckless with the eight sects at the same time... The result can only be like this now. As if nothing happened."

Ji Yan swallowed the food in his mouth, looked up at Dong Yi, waved his hand and said:
"No, even if Su Du now has the ability to take revenge, Senior Brother Su probably wouldn't rashly attack the Eight Sects at this time."

Dong Yi was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said:
"Why do you say that?"

Ji Yan scratched the back of his head, with an expression of 'can you speak beyond your head':

"Tianyuan Sect can disregard the overall situation and come to attack our Changhe Su clan. But with Senior Brother Su's character, he can't ignore the threat of the demon clan and engage in infighting in such a tense situation."

Dong Yi thought about it carefully, and felt that it was the same principle. Su Ren was no better than those ignorant arrogants who had learned from childhood to adulthood. Like his name, he paid attention to the word 'benevolence'.

In the eyes of others, it is an amazing state of mind to put aside personal hatred for the sake of the overall situation.

But... Su Ren's father, Venerable Su, also died in this war. The revenge of the deceased father cannot be avenged.
Just when Dong Yi sighed again and again, Ji Yan had already finished eating the fried chicken legs, and sighed the oily juice from his fingertips, and said heartlessly:

"...Well, but no one knows what the truth is. After all, we don't have the capital for revenge now. Maybe Senior Brother Su wants to overthrow the Tianyuan Sect."

"..." Dong Yi.

So what do you mean by that pile of stuff?
Dong Yi was speechless, and was about to complain when Yu Guang suddenly found two unexpected characters across the street.

A bunch of people who looked like gods were walking in front of them.

The young man on the left is dressed in a black robe and embroidered with gold rims with moiré patterns. He looks restrained and has a handsome face, like a swordsman walking through the world.

The one who was a little short at the side of the boy was a mature and beautiful woman whose exact age could not be seen. In order to cater to her lover's over-the-top appearance, she seemed to have carefully prepared a dress.

The beautiful woman was wearing a light-blue slim-fit long skirt, the tulle gathered the waistline and the hip line, the dress was bulging, but the skin was well covered, with her slender hands in the arms of the teenager, her temperament was quiet and elegant;

Her skin was as smooth and white as milk, and her face was painted with gorgeous makeup.The eye shadow is painted in lavender, the eyebrows are like ink paintings, the moist almond eyes seem to be able to open the heart of a person, and the white jade pendant with green luan pattern hangs on the earlobe. Warm hosta.

It is not so much a woman living in a boudoir, but a girl who is delighted with her beloved.

Of course, because some features are too conspicuous, it doesn't look like a 'little girl' at all.

"...Isn't that Xu Gongzi?"

Dong Yi was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself: I haven't seen each other for such a long time, for the great benefactor of the Changhe Su Clan... and the bastard who robbed Senior Sister Su, I should go up and say hello.

"—Young Master Xu! I... um..."

Dong Yi just took a half step, when Ji Yan was pulled back by a shocked Ji Yan.

Dong Yi circled around the street and almost hit a wooden cart next to the stop.
"Ji Yan, what's your nerve?!"

This time Ji Yan was not at all cowardly, looked back with disbelief, and said angrily:

"That's my line! How come you are like Bai Zhuang, you don't have any color at all, Big Brother Xu is obviously shopping with the Taoist companions, you just ran past and disturbed others, are you sick?"

"..." Dong Yi's angry expression gradually eased, and then there was a sudden realization of the rest of his life... Yes, why didn't I expect it?

Just thinking about sticking with Xu Gongzi... Bah, to have a good relationship, I actually ignored the people next to me.

Thinking of this, Dong Yi thanked Ji Yan in his heart, if he hadn't held him, he would have sent it; but on the surface he still put on a puzzled look:

"You don't usually get good grades in school, why do you react so quickly at such a time?"

Ji Yan glanced at him and said disdainfully:

"You know the shit! Immortal cultivation is not simply cultivation, immortal cultivation pays attention to the world!"

"—" Dong Yi began to look for bricks with his head down. Today, he will not give up if he doesn't pry open this guy's head to see what's inside.


In the shop engraved with 'Linxiang Pavilion', Chu Shuwan picked up a sword-carved blue shirt, pressed it on Xu Shoujing's body and gestured:
"Jing'er, what do you think of this?"

Chu Shuwan was in a surprisingly good mood today, Jinger was no longer bored in the stone room by herself, and Qiu Xuanji didn't rush her back to handle official business.

I don't know how long it has been since the last time when only the two of them went shopping together, and even the impression seems to have become blurred.

That's right... it started from the year when Jing'er was no longer his own.

Probably because she recalled a lot of troubles, Chu Shuwan's mood that she wanted to be excited about suddenly became low again, and the questioning on her lips also turned into a long sigh.



Xu Shoujing blinked, just now Aunt Chu was happily picking clothes for herself, why did she suddenly start to sigh? that inappropriate?He thinks it's actually okay, although it's not as good as black.

Seeing Chu Shuwan put the green shirt back to its original position without a word, Xu Shoujing thought for a while, then quietly walked to the container next to the jewelry display, and carefully picked out a jade jade hairpin.

The overall feel of the hosta is very soft, and the carved texture is also quite elegant 'Nine Immortals Cloud Butterfly Flowers', depending on the position of the display cabinet, it should be the highest price.

Xu Shoujing weighed the weight and felt that it was not bad. He walked slowly to Chu Shuwan's back and took away her original hosta.

Chu Shuwan didn't have her hair braided at all today, and the few strands of hair that were tied up were completely scattered after Xu Shoujing took the hosta away.

"Jing'er, what are you doing..."

Chu Shuwan frowned, and was about to turn her head and scold her, but before she made any move, she suddenly felt Xu Shoujing's big hand passing by her side, and a beautiful and clean jade hairpin appeared in front of her.

Then, a gentle voice sounded in my ears:

"Aunt Chu, let me comb your hair for you."


The shopkeeper of Linxiang Pavilion is not a foreign businessman, but a real native of Sudu, so he is naturally responsive to Xu Shoujing's request.

Xu Shoujing asked for two multicolored horn combs. Under the arrangement of the shopkeeper, he went up to the sparsely populated second floor and found a bench to sit down.

Sitting on the soft cloud sandalwood bench, Chu Shuwan sat upright with her back and felt Xu Shoujing gently stroke her hair, she couldn't help but say:

"Jing'er, why do you suddenly want to comb your aunt's hair?"

Xu Shoujing continued the work in his hands, but his eyes never left the snow-white line of Chu Shuwan's neckline, and he chuckled absently:

"I just want to honor Aunt Chu...Is it that strange?"

As soon as these words came out, the air seemed to freeze a little.

Chu Shuwan tilted her head slightly and glanced at Xu Shoujing as if to say: 'Do you believe what you say? '


Xu Shoujing sighed, and after confirming that Aunt Chu's hair was generally smooth, she replaced it with another comb with small slits, and continued to slide in the direction of the growth of the hair roots.

He seemed to be saying, "What did you eat this morning?" and said nonchalantly:

"What about Aunt Chu? What were you thinking about just now, so fascinated?"

Chu Shuwan's delicate body trembled slightly, she was silent for a long time, and said in a low voice:

"...Jing'er, I told you not to be angry."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then answered seriously:

"No matter what you do, Aunt Chu, I will never be mad at you."

Chu Shuwan forced a smile and said hesitantly:
"...Occasionally, really only occasionally, I would think... If Auntie hadn't driven you to Zimo three years ago, would we still stay in Longyumen, and Auntie wouldn't have to talk to me? Did someone share with you?"

Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji have said these words, and they have also disclosed it to Jiang Rongyue, but they have not spoken to Xu Shoujing...because he is afraid that he will have psychological pressure.

Today, for some unknown reason, the feeling of 'fearing that Jing'er will be farther and farther away from her' is getting heavier and heavier, Chu Shuwan said without thinking much.

Xu Shoujing was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer this question.

He was afraid that his speech would hurt Aunt Chu again, and he was also afraid that he would unconsciously think in a pessimistic direction.

The word "love" is a barrier that is difficult to crack on the road of Taoism.

Xu Shoujing is confident that relying on his own efforts, one day he will surpass the leader of the sect and stop the conspiracy of the sect... But he is not confident that he can handle all the emotional problems.

Just like now... In the face of Aunt Chu's reassuring remarks, he seemed to be wrong no matter what he said.

The reason for this mistake is not now, since the first time Xu Shoujing had a woman other than Chu Shuwan in his heart, this wrong train that could only move forward could no longer stop.

cha... cha... cha...

The soft sound of combing her hair echoed in her ears, and the two of them were speechless one after the other.

Xu Shoujing looked at Aunt Chu's white swan neck, and for some reason, Master's delicate face suddenly appeared in his mind.

Moonlight, Taoist nun, half-dressed, looking up at 'Xuegu'.

Her voice echoed naturally in her ears:

"Because of unwarranted guilt, the idea of ​​'would it be better if they were not by my side' is the greatest blasphemy on women's feelings.Jinger, do you understand? 』

Xu Shoujing raised the corners of his mouth and closed his eyes with a wry smile.

Yes, got it.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 I can't comb my hair... I don't have the relevant knowledge, but I need to write it. I can't go to my sister to ask for advice. As a result, I came to the scene for almost half an hour of hair combing teaching (ノ ̄ー ̄)ノ

  The next chapter should be able to solve the emotional problem of Aunt Chu that has been foreshadowing for so long. Hey, seeing Aunt Chu sad makes me feel distressed... Why do you like Jinger, can't you just run out of the book and like me?
(End of this chapter)

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