The queen is so fierce

Chapter 248 Jinger and Shuwan

Chapter 248 Jinger and Shuwan
blah blah-

The chaotic footsteps downstairs came and went, and after the noon in Sudu, the hawkers and merchants seemed to be working again, and the noisy noise echoed in the street.

The second floor of Linxiang Pavilion was exceptionally quiet. I don't know if it was because the topic was too heavy. From Chu Shuwan's perspective, her Jinger seemed to have fallen into autism again, and she didn't speak for a long time. .

"What did I just say..." Chu Shuwan's expression remained unchanged on the surface, but she had already started to blame herself crazily in her heart.

"Jing'er was originally depressed because of Ling Fuyu's departure, and she knew that she would definitely blame herself for his character...I have to say that...Isn't this intentional to block it?"

Chu Shuwan sighed secretly and forced a smile on her face:
"Jing'er, Auntie was confused just now, you don't need to take those words..."

Before she could finish her words, a beautiful white jade hairpin suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Xu Shoujing went around Chu Shuwan's shoulder, held the hosta and shook it in front of her, and said with a light smile:
"Aunt Chu, get it for me, I'll braid your hair for you."

"Ah... oh." Chu Shuwan's almond eyes revealed a bit of doubt, and slowly took the hosta.

After feeling the hosta's release, Xu Shoujing withdrew his hand, while helping Aunt Chu with her hair, her tone was as gentle as the breeze:
"Aunt Chu, the jewelry that I promised to give you at that time was delayed until today, sorry."

Chu Shuwan's shoulders trembled slightly, and after thinking for a while, she showed a sudden look.

The day she first arrived at the Changhe Su Clan, she asked Xu Shoujing for a 'gift' because of jealousy.

At that time, Xu Shoujing fooled the past with the 'Double Cultivation of Spirituality'.

"...You always remember?" Chu Shuwan pursed her red lips.


Xu Shoujing nodded, stretched out his hand and pinched Chu Shuwan's hair between his fingertips, and lifted it up little by little, his eyes were a little lost:

"Not always remembering... but 'don't dare to forget'."

Chu Shuwan didn't interrupt, she lifted her hips slightly and moved back a little, listening quietly.

"Actually... I've always felt that I'm sorry for you." Xu Shoujing smiled bitterly, looking up at the sky with emotion. "I was born without a mother. If Aunt Chu hadn't picked me up from the fire in that forest, I might not exist in the world anymore."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and some doubts were reflected in Ru Xingmei's eyes.

How did Jinger know that I picked him up from a sea of ​​forest fires?

Was he only three months old at the time?
Did I slip up when I was drunk before?
...but I don't drink alcohol at all.

Chu Shuwan was sitting with her back all the time, and Xu Shoujing naturally couldn't notice her expression at the moment, and continued to say:
"I'm helpless in this world, when Sister Rongyue has not yet joined the Dragon Jade Sect. You are the only one I rely on. You look like a real mother, and everything is up to my temper..."

Before Xu Shoujing could finish speaking, Chu Shuwan was immediately annoyed, she pressed her elbow against his stomach, and said with shame and indignation:

"Go away! Who wants to be your mother!"

"I'm just making an analogy...hs!"

Xu Shoujing sucked in a breath of cold air, stretched out his hand to cover his abdomen, and Junxiu's face became ashen.

This is so ruthless...

Sensing that Chu Shuwan's mood was becoming more and more unstable, it seemed that she was about to turn around and push him down. Xu Shoujing coughed dryly and smiled embarrassedly:

"In short, when I was a child, I always contradicted you in various places... At that time, I was ignorant. When I grew up, I was determined to give you happiness, but it became like this...

To be honest, for a long time, I didn't know how to face you, so I had to gag as usual and pretend to be heartless. "

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and a hint of consternation flashed in Xing'er's eyes. She didn't expect Jing'er to be so straightforward this time.

As for what Stunned said just now, Chu Shuwan watched him grow up, how could she not understand?

But in the past, when he and Jinger wanted to discuss this matter, they either deliberately opened up the topic, or tried to make her roll her eyes, but they didn't want to face it anyway.

What happened during Jinger's retreat this year?Why did you suddenly think so openly?

"I... always wanted to compensate Aunt Chu, but with so many responsibilities on my shoulders, I always waste time because of some inexplicable things."

"Sometimes I think, if I didn't wear it... I mean, if the way I met Aunt Chu was different, wouldn't it be like this now?"

The words stopped here, Xu Shoujing took a bronze mirror from the dressing table beside, and handed it to Chu Shuwan from behind:

"Look how?"

Chu Shuwan took the bronze mirror and looked at it suspiciously, then her pupils shrank, and her moist almond eyes were full of surprise.

The warm hosta was inserted into the tip of the hair, and the drooping blue silk covered a little of the forehead; the three thousand blue silk was tied into a unilateral side ponytail, which naturally fell from the left shoulder, making the whole pretty face more petite.

Different from the greenness of the shawl and the long hair, and the familiarity and attractiveness of women when they are wearing hairpins, the oblique ponytail seems to include the above two hairstyles at the same time. charming.

Chu Shuwan was full of admiration, as if she couldn't believe that the woman reflected in the bronze mirror was herself, and after a while, she said in a dreamy voice:

"Jing'er... Did you often braid Rong Yue's hair before?"


Xu Shoujing was stunned by the sudden proposition, but after a brief silence, he nodded succinctly this time:

"Well, when I was in Longyumen, Sister Rongyue came to wake me up every day. Sometimes I was in a hurry, so I just washed up together in my room. I saw that Sister Rongyue had been dressing for a long time. Yes, I will help Sister Rong Yue to comb it from time to time."

Chu Shuwan had already thought about what to say, but before she could say it, Jing'er admitted so frankly, but she couldn't get it out.

"...Jing'er, why don't you just forget what Auntie said just now. It's a bit different from the usual you, and I'm not used to it." Chu Shuwan looked back with a worried expression, her eyes seemed to be looking at someone who had died. disease patients.

"..." Xu Shoujing sighed, and looked back rather speechlessly: "Aunt Chu, it's rare for you to trust me once, can you please stop interrupting me?"

"...Okay, go ahead." Chu Shuwan pouted, turned back with a light hum, and lay in Xu Shoujing's arms quite naturally.

Xu Shoujing raised his arms around Chu Shuwan, his eyes were helpless and sighing, and he turned his head to look out the window:
"Where did I just say... By the way, if I met Aunt Chu in a slightly different way, maybe it wouldn't be the way it is now."

"For example?" Chu Shuwan tilted her head and leaned on Xu Shoujing's shoulder.

...For example, I didn't cross, but Aunt Chu crossed it.

In a world with no rules and unreasonable rules like modern times, I definitely dare not open the harem like I do now.

With this in mind, Xu Shoujing changed his words to his lips:

"For example... I wasn't picked up by Aunt Chu, but I was picked up by Aunt Chu."

Chu Shuwan glanced at him and interrupted angrily:

"You were only three months old at that time, and my mother was seventeen. What did you pick up?"

"I'm just making an analogy. It's all fiction anyway. Let's take it as if I'm 17 years old and Aunt Chu is three months old."

"It's only been three months that you have thoughts about me, are you still human?"


Xu Shoujing was so choked that he didn't know how to respond.

However, after this conversation, Chu Shuwan didn't seem to be as sentimental as before, and she was always in a heart-wrenching resentment.

This way of getting along is more like an ordinary couple, even if they are tired of being together for a whole day, they will not get tired of it.

Xu Shoujing rubbed his head and sighed deeply:

"It doesn't matter if you are three months old or 17 years old, what I want to express is... If Aunt Chu and I meet in a different way, even if there is a slight difference in the form, the result and process will have similarities and differences..."

Xu Shoujing straightened Chu Shuwan, looked into her eyes earnestly, and said word by word:

"I will definitely fall in love with Aunt Chu again... Only this point will never change."

Chu Shuwan's breathing suddenly stagnated, and her beautiful face spread a layer of blush at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She clutched the corner of her skirt tightly, her eyes dodged, she hesitated and didn't know what to say.

After a long time, it seemed that she finally couldn't bear Xu Shoujing's hot eyes, Chu Shuwan tilted her head and reluctantly conceded defeat:

"Okay, okay... I'm afraid of you, so I won't make trouble in the future, okay?"

Chu Shuwan thought she had taken a step back, and Xu Shoujing should give some face anyway.

Unexpectedly, after hearing what Chu Shuwan said, Xu Shoujing shook his head instead:
"I didn't mean it that way. Aunt Chu can just keep the same as before. It's me who should change."

"What do you mean?" Chu Shuwan frowned.

Xu Shoujing put his hand on Chu Shuwan's waist, lifted it up abruptly, and answered seriously:

"I mean... I will no longer avoid you because of unwarranted guilt, and I will try my best to make you not regret choosing to be with me."

Chu Shuwan's eyes were slightly startled, and the corners of her mouth raised playfully:
"Speaking counts. You can't count the number of times you've made a slip of the tongue since you were a child. What if you still slip up this time?"

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, he originally wanted to make a serious oath, but he changed his mind when he said it.

Just use a poisonous oath to add gold to the agreement... With Aunt Chu's character, I'm afraid I won't feel the slightest bit happy, but I can't wait to bury myself on the spot.

Compared with Xu Shoujing's blunder, Aunt Chu was even more afraid that the poisonous oath would come true to him one day.

Chu Shuwan has always been such a woman, always thinking of Xu Shoujing, and taking the role of the 'requested' party as she a distressing degree.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and changed his words with a light smile:
"I won't be sloppy... I care more about Aunt Chu's smile than the fate of Jiuzhou. Whether it is in the past or in the future, I will only fight for this..."

The moment the words were spoken, Xu Shoujing suddenly realized that he didn't need so much complicated thinking at all.

The more seemingly simple things are, in fact, far beyond their surface esoteric.

Why did he set foot on the cultivation path?

In order to live long, in order to be able to get rid of the mortal fetus, in order to accompany Aunt Chu forever.

He is afraid that if he continues to be a mortal, he will one day turn into a situation of 'the beauty is still the same, I have turned white'.

This goal used to be so clear, and it was Xu Shoujing's only wish.

But it has gradually become blurred under the heavy pressure of Dali Chaotang, Zhanyanjiao, Changhe Su Clan... and many others named 'responsibility'.

"It's really putting the cart before the horse..."

Xu Shoujing gave a wry smile in his heart, and was about to say something, but found that Chu Shuwan hooked her neck, and the warmth in Apricot's eyes seemed to melt him.

"Aunt Chu?" A trace of doubt flashed in Xu Shoujing's eyes.

Chu Shuwan squeezed a gentle chuckle on her face, this time there was no reluctance, everything was from her heart.

"Jing'er...kiss me, my aunt misses you."

Xu Shoujing blinked his eyes, and glanced over the snow white at Chu Shuwan's neckline, then turned his head to look at the women wandering around the corner of the corridor, and said embarrassedly:

" Not so good..."

"What are you thinking? Auntie is not interested in playing those excessive games with you...I just want you to kiss me."

Chu Shuwan sighed helplessly, stared at Xu Shoujing's lips for a while, and raised her head blushing.


The four lips meet, and there is a hint of familiar taste in the coolness.

Xu Shoujing subconsciously hugged Chu Shuwan's back, pressed her hard on the bench, and used the display cabinet next to her to hide her sight.

After lying on the bench, Chu Shuwan's expression was a little dazed, and she began to push Xu Shoujing's shoulders symbolically:

"Wait... Jinger woo... You don't really intend to be here..."

Xu Shoujing didn't say a word... He couldn't speak either, and continued to concentrate on attacking the city.

Chu Shuwan's face was red as if it was hot, and she made "woo" several times in a row, and her moist apricot eyes gradually changed from resistance at first to confusion.

The jade hand that pushed and resisted also wrapped around Xu Shoujing's neck unknowingly, the turbulent breathing became heavier and heavier, the insteps spread out on the bench tensed, and he closed his eyes as if giving up the struggle.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Chu Shuwan let go of all her mind, and after waiting for a long time, she didn't wait for what she expected. She opened one eye and took a peek in doubt, but just found that Xu Shoujing had already got up.


How can you be like this, you have hooked people's minds, and you don't do it again!

Chu Shuwan curled her lips, just about to ask a question; Xu Shoujing, who walked two or three steps to the window, turned her head slightly, still looking into the distance, and said softly:

"Aunt Chu, let's go see the sea, suddenly I want to blow the sea breeze..."

Since they are all out on a date, they must be thorough. The seaside seems to be a good choice.

Chu Shuwan blinked, sorting out the folds of her dress, and said inexplicably:
"This is the inland of Tiannan Continent, where did the sea come from? Even if Yu Jian passed by, it was already night when he reached the seaside. Do you plan to come back tomorrow morning?"

Xu Shoujing felt that it was not impossible... But after some thought, he changed his words:
"Then let's go to Sanjiang. From the perspective of the wide field of vision, it is no different from the sea, just to see how the new wharf is."

Chu Shuwan walked behind Xu Shoujing, hugged his arm, leaned her head on it, and whispered softly:

"Listen to you."
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(End of this chapter)

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