The queen is so fierce

Chapter 249 Long Ya's 6-year-old is a personal essence

Chapter 249 Long Ya's Six-Year-Old Is Personal
rustling --

The sound of the water was surging, the wind was rustling, and the foaming waves washed the white sand into row upon row of ripples.

The warm sun rested on the shoulders of the sparse white clouds, and the blue sky reflected the endless horizon.

"Okay, slow down...and slow down...this is all porcelain, take it easy."

The huge cruise ship was docked at the port crowded with people. More than a dozen monks in uniform costumes, under the command of the foreman, controlled Feijian to carry the goods. Although they did not get started directly with each other, they still had big beads of sweat. The towers' fall down.

It has been nearly two months since Sanjiang Wharf was opened. Su Ren spent a lot of time and energy just negotiating the flow of goods with various chambers of commerce in Tiannanzhou. It was not until a week ago that Sanjiang Wharf was officially put into operation.

Having said that, for the Changhe Su Clan, who has been standing still for thousands of years, it is rare to communicate with other monks, let alone any external trade.

At first, many people proposed to give half of the operation rights to Tianya Yu, which is Yu Zhiqiong's hands. Instead of doing things that are not good at it, it is better to get more dividends.

However, Su Ren immediately rejected this proposal, and went to the talents in this field in person to learn how to operate the wharf and the chamber of commerce, and did not plan to rely on Tianya Yu's.

Yu Zhiqiong didn't force it, anyway, for her, Sanjiang Port was just a 'header', [-]% of the income was beyond expectations, and the real 'header' was still to come.


The scorching sun was scorching hot, and among the monks carrying the goods, some of them could not hold it, not only because of their spiritual power, but also because the physical burden was not ordinary.

On the cruise ship cargo ship, the foreman's muscular man saw this scene, slowly put down Erlang's raised legs, slowly sat up from the reclining chair, and said aggressively:
"Hey, over there! Don't be lazy for me, these are all orders from Tianyan Pavilion. If something goes wrong, don't want Lingzhu!"

The few monks carrying the goods trembled all over, and quickly tightened their heartstrings, continued to control the flying sword, and walked little by little holding the heavy goods.

In the crowd, I don't know who muttered:
"It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk... Why am I not from the group that moved the china, it's much easier to see there..."

None of the people present here are mortal, and even if the five senses of a monk are not blessed with spiritual power, they can never be compared with ordinary people.

A voice like this, which is not concealed or covered by spiritual consciousness, will naturally not escape the ears of the muscular foreman.

The muscular foreman kicked off the reclining chair, jumped high from the freighter, and hit the ground with a bang.

In an instant, the sand and dust were everywhere, and the wind pressure generated by the spiritual power rushed the huge black iron blocks carried by the monks.

The muscular foreman's gaze was like a murderous blade, his steps were neither fast nor slow, and he walked straight towards the young monk who was secretly complaining just now.

The young cultivator was stunned for a few seconds, and finally came to his senses, and hurriedly fell to the ground, begging for mercy:
"My lord... the villain knows what's wrong, I beg the adult to let the villain go once..."

Before the young monk could finish his words, he was kicked by the muscular foreman and flew nearly ten feet away.

Because there was no defense at all, the young monk spit out a mouthful of blood, plunged into the white sand, and rolled several times before he could stop.

The other monks were also quite frightened, and subconsciously wanted to go over to help him, but the muscle foreman gave him a look.

The muscle foreman didn't intend to let him go just like that. Now they have the mind to complain. If they don't make a thorough rectification, they may dare to strike in the future.

The muscular foreman walked quickly to the young monk, grabbed the collar before he could recover, and smashed it into the sand again like throwing garbage.


The sand sea splashed three feet of waves, and the white sand was stained with blood and turned into red leaves.

The cultivator who was watching was so frightened that his face was ashen, and he stood there shivering, not daring to make a sound at all.

It’s true that they were hired, but with endless work all day, anyone would have some opinions. If they weren’t really short of money, who would want to suffer from this kind of anger.

Unfortunately, before he mustered the courage to speak out, he was 'suppressed' just as the muscle foreman had expected.

The muscular foreman turned the dying young monk over with his feet, looked at him condescendingly, and sneered:
"What's your name?"

The young monk's ears roared, he felt like a fire was burning in his lungs, his throat and trachea were hot, and his mouth was full of blood.

"Gu Feng..."

"Well, very good, Gu Feng."

The muscle foreman nodded, and then his pupils flashed fiercely. He stepped on Gu Feng's chest, and half of the soles of his shoes were sunk in, followed by a crisp 'click' sound.

Gu Feng spit out a mouthful of blood, and squeezed the white sand mixed with blood with his hand next to him. The whites of his eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't say a word again.

The muscular foreman smiled disdainfully, and slowly turned his ankle, with a mocking expression on his face:
"Gu Feng... I remember that you came to our chamber of commerce to pay off your debts. It seems that your sister has some kind of demonization disease and needs a large amount of spiritual beads as medical expenses."

Gu Feng's body trembled, his sister's appearance seemed to appear in his mind, and the hand that was holding the blood plasma Baisha weakly loosened.

The muscular foreman was very satisfied with his current performance, and the smile on his face became more and more smug:

"I can make this kind of money quickly for a humble cultivator like you. Apart from our 'Yi Yan Chamber of Commerce', can you find other such good opportunities?"

Hearing this, Gu Feng already understood the meaning of the muscle foreman, and there was a hint of pleading in his eyes.

The muscle foreman slowly let go of his feet, but his eyes were still cold, and he pronounced the 'death penalty' without caring.

"The monthly salary will be deducted by [-]%. Now go back to work for me."

Gu Feng's pupils trembled, and a huge despair shrouded his heart, struggling on the beach, wanting to come forward to intercede.

The muscular foreman didn't even look at him, kicked his hand away, and sneered:

"You don't even want the remaining forty percent?"

Gu Feng squeezed a tear of blood from the corner of his eyes, lowered his head in despair, and finally lost the courage to struggle.

"Trash is trash." The muscular foreman curled his lips and stretched greatly, preparing to return to the freighter to bask in the sun.

He had just stepped out on his front foot when a young voice sounded behind him.

"It's wrong for you to do this! Aunt Wan said that being kind to others is to be kind to yourself. How can you bully others like this, it's too much!"

The muscle foreman's face stiffened, he turned around and looked left and right for two times. After finding that he didn't see any figure, he looked down by feeling.

A little girl with two ponytails, about five or six years old, pinched her waist with resentment, and looked like 'I want to talk to you well'.

The muscular foreman's face darkened, he resisted the urge to kick her, and said coldly:

"Where's the little doll from? This is an internal matter of our chamber of commerce. You don't know what to do before the hair grows all together. Go and play with the sand!"

Gu Feng, who was calming down beside him, looked flustered and said with difficulty:
"Little girl... run away, you can't control this, cough..."

Gu Feng knew very well that a scum like a muscular foreman would not care if the other party was a little girl or not.

"I'm not called Little Baby, my name is Longya."

The little girl stared at the muscular foreman without fear, scratched her head, and seemed to be looking for words, and then said slowly:
"Anyway... You can't bully others like this, or Sister Huanqing and Aunt Wan won't let you go."

...Huan Qing?
The muscle foreman was stunned for a moment. He felt that the name was familiar. He must have heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember anything.

There are not many names that can be left in his memory at ordinary times, most of them are prominent figures in various chambers of commerce, so 'Huanqing' is obviously not included in this list.

Since he is not from another chamber of commerce, he can remember this name... It must have been heard somewhere recently.

But the problem is that he has been supervising the work for the past two days, and he has not been to other places at all. Where could he have heard of it?

Just when the muscle foreman was thinking, Long Ya brought a slap-sized stone from nowhere, and slammed it on her and his feet with the strength of sucking milk.


The monks onlookers kept their mouths rounded and stared dumbfounded at the incredible scene in front of them; Gu Feng was stunned by Long Ya's behavior, he forgot his injuries and lay on the ground in a daze.

Not only those monks, but even the muscular foreman was stunned. The first reaction was to feel incredible, where did this little boy have the courage to dare to bully him.

After regaining his senses, there was only anger left in the foreman's heart.

He was just a little distracted, and was caught by a little baby.

It stands to reason that for a cultivator, especially a cultivator with a strong physique like him, a stone is like scratching a tickling.

But the grievance in his heart is unparalleled, especially for a character like the muscular foreman who is 'I'm the only one'.

The muscular foreman's cross tendons on his forehead jumped wildly, he rolled up his sleeves and pressed his big hand to Long Ya's head:
"Little baby, you are dead..."

Before the words were finished, Longya's eyes were red, her feet spread out, she simply sat on the ground neatly, and burst into tears:

"Woo woo... Sister Huanqing... Aunt Wan... Someone bullied me... woo woo..."

The muscular foreman was stunned. He glanced at his hand that was parked in mid-air, and said in amazement:

"Why are you crying? I haven't touched you yet!"

Long Ya didn't hear a word, instead she cried more and more intensely, completely covering up the muscle foreman's words:
"Uuuuu... Sister Huanqing...he's going to kill me...Xiaoya is going to be killed...uuuuu..."

The muscular foreman's ears were buzzing, and he felt his head was getting bigger. He impatiently grabbed Long Ya's back collar, lifted it like a chicken, and said fiercely:

"Cry again! Believe it or not, I..."


Before the muscular foreman could finish speaking, the whole person had turned into a meteor and flew out backwards, plunged into the azure water, and the waves splashed three feet.

Everyone only felt that the scene in front of them was blurred for a while, and when they opened their eyes again, a cold woman with a fluttering blue skirt appeared in front of them.

The woman was wearing a light blue skirt, long black and translucent hair and a shawl. She was quite tall. She had a fair face without makeup, her temperament was cold, and her eyes were as sharp as a cold blade.

Holding a snow-white long sword, she stepped in front of Long Ya, her skirt was rippling in the breeze, and this scene was as beautiful as the heroine in the painting.

"Cough cough cough..."

The muscular foreman stood up from the water surface, choked several sips of water, dragged his legs under the water, and slowly walked ashore, his eyes bloodshot:
"Who are you! Dare to take care of Lao Tzu's leisure..."


The cold woman didn't wait for him to finish speaking, she snapped her fingers gently, and the slender fingertips seemed to have a light blue brilliance flickering.

The muscular foreman was stunned for a moment, and before he understood what was going on, he tilted his body to the side unconsciously, and the whole picture in his sight rolled over.

It was not until after a close contact with the beach that the muscle foreman realized that his legs had lost consciousness.

A layer of dark blue ice covered it, and every toe seemed to have been immersed in the seawater of the extreme north, and even the most basic neural links were broken.

What... what's going on? !
The muscle foreman was shocked, and what happened in front of him was beyond his understanding.

Is this some ice spell?Why is there not even a hint of...

After all, why is there a spell that 'freezes spiritual power' in the world?

Who is this woman?
As if seeing through what he was thinking, the cold woman said expressionlessly:

"My name is Su Huanqing, Su Ren, the current owner of the Changhe Su family, is my eldest brother."

The muscle foreman's pupils trembled, a bolt of lightning seemed to pass through his head, and memories buried deep in his brain surfaced.

Yes, I remembered it... No wonder he always felt that the name 'Sister Huanqing' had been heard somewhere.

When their firm first came to Tiannanzhou to trade, they heard the name 'Bingyu Fairy' from the chats of many monks during dinner. Her real name seems to be Su Huanqing!

He couldn't remember the life and death just now, but because 'Fairy Bingyu' was too loud, he ignored his real name for a while.

The muscular foreman gritted his teeth, split the ice with his knife, and stood up swayingly:
"I just scare that little girl, I didn't want to cause any substantial harm to her... After all, she hindered the normal work of our chamber of commerce... Could it be that Fairy Bingyu wants to kill me because of this?"

Hearing this, Su Huanqing glanced at Gu Feng, who was dying next to him, and the worker monk who was shivering not far away. A hint of surprise flashed in his clear eyes:
"Are you working normally?"

The muscular foreman's legs were trembling, just like old cold legs.Hearing Su Huanqing's strange tone, he said calmly:
"Naturally, they are working normally. They are all voluntary. If Fairy Bingyu doesn't believe it, it's better to ask them personally!"

Su Huanqing turned his attention to Gu Feng and others, his eyes revealing the meaning of inquiry.

Gu Feng gritted his teeth, looked up at the smug expression of the muscular foreman, and said with difficulty:
"Yes... I am voluntary."

The muscular foreman heaved a sigh of relief, and spread his hands very roguely:

"Look, they're all voluntary."

Saying that, there was no lack of menacing glares at the cultivators who were watching.

Those monks had some indescribable difficulties. Although they were quite unwilling in their hearts, they still lowered their heads:

"Yes... yes... we are voluntary."

"If I didn't have this job, my mother would have..."

"Thanks to the foreman for giving me the job... otherwise I wouldn't be able to pay the debt..."

Faced with such inappropriate words, Su Huanqing hesitated for a while, not knowing what to do.

A handsome face appeared in her mind.

Sometimes reckless, sometimes calm, the decisions made are always jaw-dropping, but mostly for the sake of others.

If it were you...what would you do? ——
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 I have something to do today, this chapter has been posted ahead of time, and I have to prepare documents and submit them to the embassy...

(End of this chapter)

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