The queen is so fierce

Chapter 250 You Don't Do It, Some People Do It

Chapter 250 You Don't Do It, Some People Do It

If it was Xu Shoujing, first of all, the muscular foreman would not even want to get up.

No matter how upright Su Huanqing was, after experiencing a series of events such as Su Jin's death in battle and Ling Fuyu's departure, he had to start thinking about the problem from the perspective of the entire Changhe Su Clan.

This Yixin firm is just cannon fodder just by its name, but since it has formed a long-term cooperation contract with the Sanjiang Wharf in Sudu.

It shows that under their rotten exterior, there must be something deep that is worthy of the favor of Tianya Yu and Changhe Su.

Su Huanqing didn't want to cause trouble for his brother because of his recklessness without knowing what the trump card of Yixin Firm had... Originally, the Changhe Su Clan was just entering the recovery period, so he couldn't bear the slightest irritation.

Having said that, if I let the muscle foreman go like this, I would always feel bad in the bottom of my heart.

In particular, the other party also put on a "hit me if you have the ability~" expression.

To be honest, with Su Huanqing's plain temperament, he didn't pay much attention to this kind of dispensable provocation, but the 'Little Plague God' next to him was not so easy to talk about.

Long Ya couldn't stand the smug look of the muscular foreman. After realizing that her sister Huanqing didn't move, her big eyes rolled, and a sly look flashed in her pupils.

I saw Long Ya walking a few steps forward with her little feet, and in the eyes of everyone's doubts, she fell to the ground with a "pop".

She was like a stranded pug fish, flapping her hands and feet indiscriminately, struggling with a crying voice:
"Sister Huanqing... why haven't you come yet... woo woo... I was bullied... Sister Huan Qing, where are you... woo woo..."

"...?" The muscular foreman.

What is this little doll talking about?Isn't Fairy Bingyu right next to her...?

"not good!"

The muscular foreman widened his eyes and seemed to realize something that could not be ignored. When he reacted, he had already activated his spiritual power at full speed and wanted to escape from the scene.

Unfortunately, his reaction was a beat slower than Su Huanqing's.


The muscular foreman had just taken a step, and the foot immersed in the shoal tide clearly felt the sound of hard objects breaking from the sole of the foot.

Although he had expected it in his heart, it was actually triggered on his body. Even if it was out of time, the muscle foreman still sighed at the speed of Su Huanqing's shot.

Without warning, the dark blue ice wrapped tightly around the muscular foreman's legs.

Unlike the thin ice that could be broken easily last time, Su Huanqing didn't hold back any more. The icy mist of the extremely cold ice was like a steel cable pulled out of the abyss. The spirit elements in it were frozen.

The muscle foreman knew that he had nowhere to escape, but he still struggled relentlessly:

"It's my responsibility to manage my subordinates. No matter how big your Changhe Su clan is, it's not so big that you can make irresponsible remarks about other people's internal affairs!"

Hearing this, Long Ya stopped crying and stood there timidly with an innocent expression:
"What are you talking about? When did I say she is Sister Huanqing, and Sister Huanqing hasn't come yet."

Su Huan list handed the sword and walked to the front of the muscular foreman. The sword edge was covered with a layer of extremely cold air, and his tone was calm:
"I was just passing by."

"What nonsense! You just reported yourself to your family!"

"I think the name sounds good, just pretend to be."


The muscular foreman's face darkened, how could this woman really open her eyes and talk nonsense.

Yes, yes, that's right.If the other party refuses to admit his identity, one bite is just a pure passerby who 'draws a knife to help the road see the injustice'.Then he really had nothing to do with Su Huanqing. He could only blame himself for what he deserved and eat this beating in vain.

... However, after all, this is just a tactic that a child came up with. Except for the surface logic, it is full of loopholes.

You have already introduced yourself majestically, what's the use of playing this set again?
Taking a step back, even if there is no evidence that 'Su Huanqing is Su Huanqing'.

As long as he goes back to report the situation to his superiors, he will definitely believe the foreman's words more than Changhe Su's blunt excuses.

In this way, the plan to pretend to be a 'pure passerby' loses its meaning.

After all, Su Huanqing is a person who has the title of 'Bingyu Fairy'. Even if the Changhe Su Clan falls, he will not be stupid enough to think of something like this?

Seeing that the ice layer has spread to the upper body, all the body except the head has lost consciousness.

The muscle foreman was completely panicked, and while frantically holding his neck up, trying to stay away from the ice, he shouted at the top of his voice:

" think clearly! If you dare to take action, the cooperation between Yixin Trading and Changhe Su Clan will definitely come to an end! You don't really think that the words of such a little doll can make a difference..."

"I did it to you, not because of Xiaoya's words."

"What did you say?"

Su Huan Qingshui's eyes did not contain the slightest emotion, and the silvery Xueluo Wenyue rested lightly on the neck of the muscular foreman.

Seeing the muscular foreman's face turning blue from panic, Su Huanqing slowly penetrated the blade into his skin, and a red line emerged from shallow to deep.

The muscular foreman's cold sweat dripped down, and a cold voice echoed in his ears:

"Changhe Su Clan naturally can't manage the internal affairs of your firm, and has no interest in it... But this is the Sanjiang Wharf, and it is my Su Clan's territory. At least in Sudu, you have to abide by Sudu's rules."

After the Changhe Su Clan's fierce battle with the Tianyuan Sect, the loss of the foundation is far from being able to make up for it by only relying on surface repairs as it is now.

As the first time to open communication with the outside world, it is undoubtedly the most fatal point.

Just now, Su Huanqing hesitated for a while, because considering that the Changhe Su Clan was not suitable for conflict again, and did not have the energy to fall out with the partner.

But after Long Ya's cute and headless acting bombardment, Su Huanqing's stalemate thoughts suddenly became brighter.

The Changhe Su Clan does not have enough capital to clamor with others, but that is when both sides stand on a fair chessboard.

But what is the actual situation?

The Changhe Su Clan has no self-operated chamber of commerce, and most of the cooperation with other chambers of commerce relies on Tianya Yu Clan's Tianyu Commercial Firm for matchmaking, so that Su Ren has the opportunity to negotiate further.

Indeed, from this perspective, if Sanjiang Wharf wants to operate, the cooperation of every chamber of commerce needs to be paid attention to. Whether this line can survive or not depends entirely on the circulation of the teams of various chambers of commerce. can also be said the other way around - the major chambers of commerce need to send goods to every corner of Tiannanzhou through the relay point of Sanjiang Wharf.

You must know that when there was no Sanjiang Wharf, the 'Sanjiang Cloud Guards' that the Changhe Su Clan could not perceive was no less than the natural danger of the ravines for the amphibious cargo ships of the Chamber of Commerce.

If you want to pass, you must increase the cost and build a cargo-type flying boat that is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive. Even if you bypass it from both ends, more than seven days of time have been wasted.

But as long as there is the existence of Sanjiang Wharf, these seven wasted days and the cost of those flying boats can be reduced to a tenth of what they used to be.

For any chamber of commerce, it is a sure-fire business.

If because of some inconspicuous trivial matter, or an unimportant little role, it becomes a situation of breaking up with the Changhe Su Clan... Then it is not just money that will be lost, but one less channel than other chambers of commerce. .

For the already competitive business community, the gap in an important channel is likely to be caught by the tail, causing the entire chamber of commerce to suffer a devastating blow.

Su Huanqing suddenly thought of this after Longya's interruption, so he realized... It should be the Chamber of Commerce begging to cooperate with their Su clan, why did he dare to threaten in turn?
After a brief thought, Su Huanqing put down the long sword that was placed between the neck of the muscular foreman.

The muscle foreman thought that Su Huanqing was thinking about it, let him go, and heaved a sigh of relief:


The sound of 'you' just started, when Su Huanqing grabbed the words:
"The regulations of Sanjiang Wharf are two hours early and two hours late. If you exceed this working hour, you must pay three times the salary. Can you do it?"

The muscular foreman's expression froze, and a big question mark appeared on his head.

It's only four hours in the morning and evening, and you will have to pay three times more than that... What's so funny?

If everyone did this charity, the Chamber of Commerce would not have to open, and let them have Lingzhu to look down on them!

If you think the work is tiring, do more work, and have less spiritual beads... Then you can write a petition for dismissal. Anyway, if you don't do it, some people will do it.

They are easy-to-trust firms and never lack people.

Needless to say, Su Huanqing knew just by looking at the muscular foreman's eyes that they must not have done it.

Su Huanqing thought about her elder brother's advice, and then her face turned cold:
"Since I didn't do it, as a subordinate of Sanjiang Wharf, it's right to give a little punishment, right?"

When the words fell, Su Huanqing's fair-skinned slender hands clenched gently, a chill to the bone, accompanied by light blue spiritual power, condensed into a high-density compressed spiritual power ice ball.

The muscle foreman's heart, which had just fallen, was raised again, and he said incoherently:
"Wait...wait! I'm from Yixin, and I'm not under the control of your Changhe Su clan!"

Su Huanqing glanced at him blankly, and continued to compress and condense extreme cold spiritual power without any scruples, and said coldly:
"As long as what happens at the Sanjiang Wharf, it belongs to the Changhe Su Clan's 'internal affairs', I'll just deal with it... When did Yixin Firm manage so leniently? Even the Changhe Su Clan's internal affairs Are you going to intervene?"

"..." The muscular foreman.

...why does this sound so familiar.

Su Huanqing looked at the muscular foreman who had completely lost his will to resist, raised his slender hand slightly, and snapped his fingers neatly.


A crisp finger snap sounded on the empty sandy beach.

The high-density compressed extremely cold ice ball suddenly expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye after Su Huanqing's fingers snapped, and a dark blue brilliance emerged from the crack.


Under the ice, the muscle foreman turned into a pop on the edge of the sky and disappeared.

Long Ya jumped up and ran to Su Huanqing's side, hugged her thigh, and giggled:

"Sister Huanqing, you are amazing~"

Su Huanqing glanced at Long Ya blankly, her eyes seemed to say, "Who do you think I came here for?"

Long Ya spit out her small pink tongue in embarrassment, and turned around to keep her eyes on the people of Gu Feng.

She hesitated for a moment, stretched out Bai Nen's little hand, and pulled Lasu Huanqing's cuff:
"Sister Huanqing... help them."

Su Huanqing sighed, took out a jade token from Qiongyu Pavilion, and threw it in front of Gu Feng.

Gu Feng raised his head with difficulty, his eyes revealed puzzled.

Su Huanqing staggered his gaze and said lukewarmly:

"Take this sign and go to the Su Mansion to find a young man named Su Ling. He will arrange a new job for you. The salary will be distributed according to the proportion of the guards, which will not be lower than that of Yixin Firm. In addition..."

Su Huanqing paused and added:
"Bring your sister over and let Su Ling introduce you to the medical immortals of 'Ren Hui Tang'."

After the words fell, Su Huanqing found that Gu Feng was dumbfounded on the spot, with an unbelievable look on his face, and did not say whether he agreed or not.She frowned suspiciously:
"you are not willing?"

Gu Feng suddenly came back to his senses, kneeling in front of Su Huanqing with his scarred body, his head buried in the white sand, and his voice choked:
"Thank you sir, there is nothing for the villain to repay. From now on, I will be a member of Su Mansion, and I will be a ghost of Su Mansion in death."

Seeing Gu Feng crying, Long Ya stuck her head out from behind Su Huanqing and said in surprise:
"Don't you feel ashamed to cry when you are so old?"

"..." Gu Feng.

Su Huanqing didn't feel anything about Gu Feng's oath of allegiance, and she didn't even think she had done anything serious.

After arranging for Gu Feng, Su Huanqing tilted her head and glanced at the cultivators who looked around with envy, and sighed:

"Aren't you still in debt? Let's go along too, don't forget to treat his wounds on the way."

When the words fell, Su Huanqing ignored the crying and bowed down behind him, and took Long Ya's small hand and walked away.

After walking about a dozen feet away, Long Ya looked at the sky, put her finger on her lower lip, and said doubtfully:

"Is that bad guy dead?"

Su Huan was stunned for a moment, then shook her head:

"I didn't die, I just gave some lessons to the other side and wouldn't care too much. If I kill someone and kill someone in the Changhe Su Clan's territory, it will involve issues of face and integrity. If the other side asks questions, my eldest brother may not be good. Others explain."


Long Ya nodded knowingly, but she didn't care too much, turned her head to look forward, and continued to take short steps on the white sand.

After walking a few steps, a white shadow broke into the corner of the light. Long Ya was stunned for a moment, and pointed to the front with a bright smile:

"It's Aunt Wan, she arrived before us."


Su Huanqing responded with a lost expression, and in her clear pupils, a figure in a white fairy dress was reflected.



There was a blue slash across the sky, and countless pieces of ice were scattered from the clouds.

Just listening to the sound of "Boom", the blue 'meteor' smashed into the remote alley.

The muscular foreman crawled out of the cracked pothole that was ten feet deep. Because of the blood all over his body, it looked very scary with the huge size.

He crawled on the edge of the pothole and climbed to the ground, looking at the endless sky, gritted his teeth and said:
"That stinky bitch Su Huanqing... don't let me catch..."

At this time, a young man in a black robe wearing a gold edge was passing by the alley, and this small resentment just passed into his ears.

The expression of the black-robed boy who was teasing with the mature woman next to him was slightly stiff, and he slowly looked at the muscular foreman...
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 It's the same old problem again... As soon as you want to write those expository paragraphs, it immediately becomes an expository text, but it seems strange to change it to a full dialogue? ... how difficult
(End of this chapter)

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