The queen is so fierce

Chapter 251 5 lines of homology

Chapter 251 The Five Elements Homogeneous
The breeze swept across the ground slowly, bringing a bit of coolness to the dry air; pedestrians passed by on the street, and the hawkers in the shops echoed endlessly.

The two sides of the bluestone brick road were crowded with people, and a carriage of a wealthy family passed by, and one could vaguely see the introverted word 'Yan' hanging on the chest of the servant driving the car.

Xu Shoujing and Chu Shuwan intertwined their fingers, standing in the crowd of people who gave way, stuck their heads out of curiosity, and looked at the carriage that was speeding by.

Chu Shuwan leaned on Xu Shoujing's shoulders, slightly raised her temples, which covered her vision, and tucked them behind her ears. This natural move was full of the charm that only mature women possess.

She watched the exaggeratedly decorated carriage disappear at the end of the street, and it was only when she let the pedestrians on both sides of the road start to drive again that she tilted her head slightly and asked:

"Jing'er, that carriage doesn't seem to be from Sudu..."

The locals in Sudu know each other, and whoever usually hires a coachman to ride a horse-drawn carriage can basically tell by seeing it.

Chu Shuwan has also lived in Sudu for more than a year, and after a long time, she can still tell the difference.

It is true that Sudu is now open to the outside world, but that is only limited to the level of 'goods merchants and trade', and ordinary residents and monks from the outside world are not allowed to enter at this stage.

Sudu, which is in the process of rebuilding early, has not yet been able to deal with the private conflicts between people from different regions.

However, that exaggerated carriage seems to be more than just a 'foreign vehicle'...

"Jing'er, that should be the carriage of another sect. Although the horses are ordinary horses, the whole material of the carriage is expensive spiritual wood... Jing'er?"

Chu Shuwan was analyzing it with a serious face. On the way to the conversation, she suddenly found that Xu Shoujing hadn't noticed her at all, and her eyes had been staying somewhere in the corner of the alley, her eyes gloomy and terrifying.

"...Jing'er?" Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, and then she looked worried.

Xu Shoujing suddenly recovered, adjusted his mood, and said with a smile:
"It's okay, I'm a little concerned... Aunt Chu, go ahead and wait for me. I'll be there soon after buying something."

"Buy something?" Chu Shuwan didn't believe it at all, her eyes locked on Xu Shoujing with doubts, and she almost wrote 'Quickly tell the truth' on her face.


Xu Shoujing touched the back of his head and looked aside:

"I'm going to the beach... By the river, I must prepare something. Oh, Aunt Chu, don't worry about it, you go first, I'll be there later."

When the words fell, Xu Shoujing let go of Chu Shuwan's hand and pushed Chu Shuwan to let her wait for him at the front position.

Although Chu Shuwan had a lot of doubts in her heart, she sighed and reluctantly obeyed Xu Shoujing's orders.

After sending Aunt Chu away, Xu Shoujing turned his eyes back to the remote alley. His eyes were full of smiles just now, but at this moment it seemed like a sharp blade piercing his heart.

Without too much hesitation, Xu Shoujing walked towards the depths of the alley.

Silent as if lurking in the shadows.


A burly muscular man crawled out tremblingly from the huge pothole with several tens of meters of cracks.

His body was covered with blood, but the surface of his seemingly hard muscles was frostbitten by countless small ice powders at the end of the year, and his face was blue and purple, but due to the blood on his face, it was difficult to even distinguish his appearance.

Just climbed to the ground, the muscular man seemed to drag his breath, turned over and lay on the ground, looking at the blue sky, roaring cursingly:

"That stinky bitch Su Huanqing! Don't let me catch you..."

"Do you have any grudge against Huan Qing?"

"Heh! That hatred is too big. Dare to take care of our Yixin business business, it's really embarrassing for her! Do you still think that you are the Changhe Su clan of that hidden clan? It's all gone, I don't know how to wink..."

"What are you going to do?"

"That's needless to say? Of course, it is reported to the top. Although our Yixin Chamber of Commerce is not as good as Tianyu Commercial Firm, it can be considered a background in Jiuzhou! Why is a family that is in the middle of the road in decline... No, who are you? "

The muscular man didn't say any more. He sat up straight on the ground and looked at the black-robed boy who was inexplicably talking to him in doubt.

The black-robed youth has a pair of peach blossom eyes rippling like water waves, a handsome face, thick eyebrows, and straight facial features;

The black robe he wears is quite silky, and the collar and corners of the shirt are embroidered with a circle of gilded moiré; around his waist is a delicate white jade belt, with a palm-sized red amber inlaid in the center of the belt. .

It looks like a cynical wandering knight in the world, and there is always a bit of sleepiness on his face.

The muscular man didn't recognize the real body of the black-robed boy for the first time, but felt that this outfit was a little familiar, as if he had heard someone say it...

Without waiting for the muscular man to recall the words in his memory, the black-robed youth looked him up and down, and yawned a little boredly:

"Why do you have a grudge against Huan Qing?"

The muscular man's thoughts were interrupted, and he suddenly came to his senses. Hearing Xu Shoujing's question, the humiliation that he had just been knocked off by a single blow flooded his heart again, and he roared back in anger:

"You don't care how I got revenge! Anyway, that stinky bitch must have no good fruit to eat, just wait for the Lord..."

Xu Shoujing raised his brows, the smile on his face solidified a bit, but then his smile became more brilliant.

" will definitely take revenge on Huan Qing?"

The muscular man shuddered, and for some reason, the young man in front of him had a very easy-going smile, but he had a sense of panic on his back.

"Yes... so what!" The muscular man subconsciously took a step back, his tone was no longer as firm as before, and he was about to write the word 'guilt' on his face.


There was no sign, the muscular man didn't even see Xu Shoujing's movements clearly.

When he came to his senses, he had already flown backwards, knocked down three walls in a row, and finally stopped.

Until he collapsed to the ground, staring blankly at the familiar blue sky, the muscular man's brain still couldn't understand what had just happened.

Vaguely... it seems that the surrounding air is extremely compressed together.

No... it's not air, it's like aura.

Aura like a brush swirls thick ink... No, it seems to be a red that can burn the soul?

No, there seems to be purple and blue too?

Wait a minute... what's the matter with that kid?
Aren't people's spiritual attributes predestined from birth?

Even if you take the spiritual power of pro-fire and forcibly practice the water-based exercises, you will not be able to practice any good results.

But why does this kid have so many different attributes of spiritual power?

monster? !

The muscular man struggled to get up from the ground, and the severe pain transmitted to the nerves all over his face made him even ignore the pain caused by the collapse of the bridge of his nose.


There were slow footsteps at the end of the alley, and the muscular man hurriedly retreated to the back, his eyes fixed on the alley.

Sure enough, the boy in the black robe came out. He was holding a straight sword that was as bright as the bright moon. The edge of the sword was surrounded by a circle of ice-blue aura, and he could vaguely see a lot of broken ice dust. fly.


The muscular man turned into ashes and couldn't forget this extremely cold spiritual power, and it was because he was so impressed that his language module could not be loaded.

" do do you have extreme cold spiritual power!!!" The muscular man raised his hand tremblingly, looking at Xu Shoujing with despair in his eyes.

Doesn't it mean that there is no one in the ultimate attribute?How come it's only been a day... even within a quarter of an hour, he encountered the second extreme cold ice.

Hearing the muscular man's words, Xu Shoujing raised his eyebrows slightly, and secretly said in his heart:
"This guy has really seen Huan Qing."

Xu Shoujing was already murderous at this time, and he told him 'generously' about the muscle man's question:

"My spiritual attribute is not extremely cold ice."

"...?" The muscular man looked confused.

Xu Shoujing slowly raised the painting boat Yanqian, laying it in front of him from left to right, and said in a low voice:

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, this is a 'simulated spiritual power' realized by Rong Lingzhu. Although the effects and characteristics are greatly reduced, they are basically similar to the real master. If you have to say it, there is only one difference."


The muscular man's Adam's apple wriggled, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva in fear. He only felt a bad premonition, and carefully glanced at Xu Shoujing:
"Yes...what's the difference?"

"My spiritual power... is absolutely unstoppable by any means."

Xu Shoujing chuckled lightly, flipped his wrist slightly, and made a horizontal slash.

The muscular man's heart rang with alarm, almost forcing out all the spiritual power in the spiritual sea. He stepped back on the ground while his right leg retreated.


The ground sank a little in response, and cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye. The cracks were like dense spider webs.

"I won't play with you anymore!"

The muscular man roared and roared, seemingly trying to escape with the huge reaction force of that kick.

However, just a few tenths before the reaction force took effect, an incredible scene happened.

The muscular man watched Xu Shoujing take a step forward, just as if he was dawdling in the street with nothing to do, a casual step.

In just one step, the black-robed sword immortal, who was nearly twenty feet away, appeared behind him without warning.

The muscular man's pupils shrank, his clenched fists unclenched weakly, and dense blood beads oozing out of his whitish knuckles.

He turned his head with difficulty, and with those bloodshot pupils, looked at the black-robed sword fairy who had his back turned to him.

Xu Shoujing glanced at him, as if he had nothing to do, and slowly put the straight sword, which was bright like the bright moon, into the scabbard.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...


The muscular man opened his mouth to say something, but his mouth was full of blood, and the tiny blood drop on his neck gradually turned into a blood line, and then...


The bald head of the muscular man rolled to the ground, and the blood spurting from the headless corpse was like a scarlet fountain, dyeing the white wall on one side into a 'red wall'.

The head that rolled to the ground, even if it lost all signs of life, still stared at a pair of ferocious eyes, as if not understanding how he died.

Xu Shoujing tucked the painting boat into the amber belt, snapped his fingers, and burned the muscular man's body clean.

While dealing with the 'post-event scene', Xu Shoujing yawned and said to himself:
"The idea of ​​trying to pretend to escape, but actually attacking me with all my strength is a good idea... It's a pity, it's a bad choice."

Just like what Xu Shoujing said, no matter if it is the ice of the extreme cold, the fire of the phoenix, or any other spiritual power, as long as it comes out of his hands, it will definitely not be blocked.

This is what Xu Shoujing has been doing for the past year - using the physique of the Heaven Punishment Bloodline to bless the Five Elements Spiritual Power.

The power of the Heavenly Punishment's bloodline...that is, the ink-colored spiritual power possessed by Xu Shoujing, as long as the realm gap is not too outrageous, it can basically resolve all offensives and break most of the defenses.

However, the destructive power of the power of divine punishment itself is not particularly strong, and even the "Bitian Yijian" learned from the "extreme night" has not had any good results so far.

So, after hitting the wall many times, Xu Shoujing changed his mind.

Since the power of punishment as the strongest 'spear' is weak in its own destructive power, is it possible to find a way to combine the characteristics of the power of punishment into other spiritual powers?
Leaving aside the characteristics, in terms of individual damage, the power of divine punishment is not comparable to any kind of spiritual power in the extreme cold ice and the fire of the phoenix.

Even if it is as strong as the ice of the extreme cold and the fire of the phoenix, there is still the possibility of being blocked by the enemy's magic weapon and defensive magic.

Then if... combine the destructive power of the five elements with the power of divine punishment that can easily break through the enemy's defense...

It is unimaginable that if he can really do it, Xu Shoujing even has the confidence to be tough with the leader of the end Yan... Of course, it will be after a few years.

Unfortunately, the idea is good, but the process is too difficult to realize.

During this year, Xu Shoujing first faced the problem of 'how to prevent the power of punishment from destroying the spiritual power of the Five Elements'.

It's fine when the power of Heaven's Punishment is not used, but once the group of "six relatives who do not recognize" is released, it doesn't matter whether they are "people" or not, it will be a bombardment indiscriminately.

The four Fusion Spirit Orbs that stayed in the sky above Xu Shoujing's Linghai Sea naturally did not have the privilege of 'a gold medal for avoiding death'.

Even if this biggest problem is overcome, there are still a series of problems waiting for Xu Shoujing to solve.

Despite the second question, Xu Shoujing finally found the direction of his efforts after Qiu Xuanji's inadvertent awakening.

But the most critical first question... So far there is no feasible solution.

Looking at the alley that he had repaired three or two times, Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh, turned around and walked, and muttered to himself:

"Sure enough...there are only four kinds of spiritual power that can't achieve the 'five elements of the same origin', and it still needs the fusion spirit orb of 'earth'..."

While muttering, Xu Shoujing left the alley with a thoughtful look and returned to the wide street.

He raised his head and looked around for a moment, and a beautiful woman in a light blue dress came over angrily.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and before he could speak, the beautiful woman grabbed his ears.

"Stinky boy, where did you go? I told you to wait for you, how long has it been?!"

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, and quickly hugged Chu Shuwan's waist, accompanied by a smile and said:
"There's a little something... Okay, let's go to Sanjiang..."


A cold breeze blows, and the waves beat against the white sand.

The little girl with two ponytails piled up a clay pot between the waves, and the breeze blew Su Huanqing's hair. She hugged her knees and sat in the shade of a tree, quietly listening to the words of the woman beside her.

The woman in the fairy dress in white glanced at Su Huanqing, then turned to look at the boundless sky, her beautiful eyes showing a bit of sadness:

"It's almost time for me to go, Jing'er and Xiaoya... I'll leave it to you."
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(End of this chapter)

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