The queen is so fierce

Chapter 252 Heaven Punishment 1 Family

Chapter 252 The Heaven Punishment Family

"What's your name?"

Looking at the little red and purple flying dragon standing on the clay pot, Long Ya tilted her head and pressed her green fingers against her lower lip, her big eyes full of excitement and curiosity.


Xiao Honglian looked at Long Ya suspiciously, and tilted her head in the same direction, as if she was observing what the body of this wonderful creature was in front of her.

"What are you looking at?" Long Ya carefully protected her ponytail, her eyes full of vigilance, and she took a half step back.

"Yah!" Xiao Honglian's dragon eyes flashed, and she locked her gaze on the ponytail protected by Long Ya.

It found a comfortable position for itself to lie down, its wings as thin as cicada wings flapped gently.


The breeze brought by Longyi blew Longya's double ponytails back, and slightly lifted the six-year-old Lolita's little skirt.

Long Ya stood there stunned for a moment, her face became hot with a 'swish', she quickly put her skirts together, and then stared at the mother-colored dragon shyly:
"What are you talking about!!!"

Xiao Honglian's expression froze obviously. In the tense decision of tenths of a second, she took a deep breath, flew down from the half-meter-high clay pot, and hugged Long Ya's thigh.

"You're not finished, are you?!"

Long Ya jumped out of the cross tendons in front of her forehead, subconsciously wanting to kick the 'color mother dragon' away.

But she just lowered her head, and what catches her eye is Xiao Honglian's pitiful, weak eyes.


Long Ya's leg that was lifted into the air slowly fell, and she lowered her head and was silent for a moment:

"it is good……"

"...?" Little Red Lotus.

"so cute!!!"

Long Ya hugged Xiao Honglian in her arms and rubbed hard against her delicate little face. Many little stars lit up in Shui Lingling's eyes:
"It's so cute~ Will you follow me in the future?"

Xiao Honglian slightly parted the dragon's mouth, wanting to agree with a tactical 'Yiya', but in fact she couldn't pronounce a single syllable, her face was ashen, and she looked like she was about to die.

"Follow me, okay~ okay~ I'll ask Sister Huanqing and Aunt Wan to buy you a lot of delicious food~"


"Why didn't you speak? Did you agree?"


"What are you dissatisfied with~"


The endless sky, the blue inland sea at the end of the horizon, the golden white sandy beach, and... the 'killing the dragon case' on the way.

The big white cat, who has always been fat, is lying on the white sand bunker not far behind the 'criminal scene', with its fluffy tail tucked under its hips.

Looking at the excited smiling face of the girl with two ponytails, Yu'er always thinks of another energetic girl who has been by her side.

I don't know how the owner is doing now.

I believe that the days of goodbye should not be too long.

Thinking like this, Yu'er yawned lazily, and continued to admire Xiao Zilong's unlovable expression.

so young~

The foaming waves washed the beach, the breeze blew the dew on the banana leaves, and also stroked the hair of the woman in the green skirt.

Under the shadow of a coconut tree, Su Huanqing hugged her knees softly and sat obediently beside the woman in the white dress, like a little daughter-in-law who couldn't let go of her hands and feet in front of her mother-in-law.

The woman in the white dress didn't pay attention to Su Huanqing's state of mind at this time. She sat gracefully watching the dragon and the girl who were making trouble in the distance, slightly dazed.

It was silent for a long time, until the girl with two ponytails started to perform "joint skills" on Xiao Zilong, Xu Wanyi turned her head to look at Su Huanqing, her beautiful eyes showed some doubts:

"Don't you need to stop them?"


Su Huanqing blinked, just glanced at the little Zilong whose dragon pupil rolled his eyes, and replied as a matter of course:

"The dragons are very strong and should not die."

"Oh, too."

Xu Wanyi nodded, then looked Su Huanqing up and down, her beautiful eyes revealing some doubts.

After a moment of hesitation, he also learned her posture and quietly hugged his knees.

"Ah! What's wrong with you?! Little dragon! Don't die! I'll save you now..."

The girl's panicked voice came from a distance, and after a short pause, a tormented "babble" followed one after another.

A peaceful scene.

Xu Wanyi raised her head slightly, looked at the blue and vast sky, and showed a smile that seemed to be sad and relieved:

"It's almost time for me to go, Jinger and Xiaoya will ask you..."

When she said this, Xu Wanyi's tone was like the sentence "I'm going out" before closing the door in daily life.

Of course, it should be so, there is not too much emotional catharsis, just a simple statement, only after countless drills, can we come to the 'conclusion'.

But when he actually heard it, Su Huanqing felt an inexplicable sadness.

"Probably... this is her truest emotion." Su Huanqing couldn't help thinking.

On this day last year, Su Huanqing rescued Long Ya, who had broken her leg, from the collapsed rubble, and because of this, she met Xu Wanyi, who looked like a 'daughter from outside the sky'.

The moment she saw Xu Wanyi, in addition to her almost perfect face, Su Huanqing also felt a rather strange sense of rejection from her.

This feeling of rejection is not that kind of childish - "the natural rejection of a woman compared to her beautiful woman".

Although this may sound quite irritating, Su Huanqing has always been very clear that his appearance is probably the first echelon in the entire Jiuzhou, at least for anyone, it belongs to the category of "very beautiful".

But Su Huanqing never took her appearance as one thing. Before she fell in love with Xu Shoujing, she felt troublesome when she had to dress up for two minutes when she went out.

...Well, now Su Huanqing takes makeup before going out as a top priority.

Xu Wanyi is very beautiful, and has a violent eyebrow that completely crushes everything ambiguous.

In Su Huanqing's cognition, it seems that only Zhao Fuyao, who is not exposed to mountains and waters, can compete with the chamber.

Since you don't really care about your appearance, where does this extra 'rejection' come from?
Su Huanqing asked herself the same at first, but she soon discovered that this 'rejection' was something she was very familiar with.

To be precise, it is a teenager who eats and lives together, lives and dies together, and worships the same teacher at the worst time, and has the same things.

- The power of divine punishment.

Su Huanqing didn't think it was a coincidence. She had also listened to the Dragon Ancestor in the Tiangong ruins for the time being, and had some superficial understanding of the 'Heavenly Punishment's bloodline inheritance'.

If it is said that two people who also have the bloodline of Heavenly Punishment have nothing to do with each other, obviously no one will believe it.

Su Huanqing has always been straightforward. At that time, she was still carrying Long Ya on her back. After meeting Xu Wanyi, she didn't even have time to say hello, and immediately asked:
"Who are you from Xu Shoujing?"

Faced with such a straightforward question, even in the case of meeting for the first time, even Xu Wanyi was stunned.

However, after a brief absence, Xu Wanyi smiled lightly and answered Su Huanqing's question without any concealment.

- "I am his mother."

Since then, during the year that Xu Shoujing was in seclusion, Su Huanqing always came to see Xu Wanyi from time to time, or reported on Xu Shoujing's current situation, or simply played with Longya to play children's games.

... But Su Huanqing's temper is a little too light after all. Recently, she has been a little bit unable to keep up with Longya's overly eccentric thinking, so she simply grabbed the two most idle little ones in the family and asked them to play with Longya. .

Seeing how badly Xiao Honglian was being bullied, Su Huanqing didn't expect Xu Wanyi to suddenly say such a sentence.

Surprising, but not surprising.

Su Huanqing looked at Long Ya's happy smile, the expression that would not be thawed in ten thousand years, gradually softened a little, and nodded lightly:

Xu Wanyi was a little surprised by such an understated response. She tilted her head to look at Su Huanqing, who had soft eyes, and asked aloud:
"Aren't you asking why?"

Su Huanqing was silent for a moment, but simply shook his head:

"You must have your own reasons for doing this. No matter what the reasons are, with my current strength, I absolutely cannot intervene. Instead of knowing the truth, one day I couldn't help but leak it to Xu Shoujing and let him It's better to have unnecessary worries than to know nothing in the first place."

Xu Wanyi's beautiful eyes were slightly startled. Seeing Su Huanqing's expression of 'I'm stating the truth', she breathed a sigh of relief, and a small smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

This child... is thinking from Jing'er's point of view.

Xu Wanyi touched Su Huanqing's head, her eyes were gentle, and her tone was quite soft:

"Well, I see, I won't tell you."

Su Huanqing lowered her head slightly, her expression slightly twisted.

"It's just..." Xu Wanyi put down her hand, looked up at Liao's boundless horizon, hesitated for a moment, and said, "The only thing I can say is... what I'm going to do now, and what Jinger strives to do. Things, essentially the same."

Su Huanqing blinked and asked in a low voice:
"...Is it to stop the End of the Church?"

Xu Wanyi tilted her head and glanced at Su Huanqing, and smiled meaningfully:

"It's hard to say, what do you think?"

Su Huanqing opened her mouth, and just wanted to get to the bottom of it, then she remembered her declaration of "not asking too much", hesitated, and fell into silence again.

"It doesn't have to be so complicated. I don't meet Jing'er, not because I don't want to, but because the time has not come."

Xu Wanyi's eyes were a little helpless, and she sighed lightly:

"It's the same this time. Originally, I didn't want Jing'er to get involved in this matter too deeply... but he has already stepped in because of me. As a mother, you can only take care of all the problems before he gets too involved. Solve the source..."

Su Huanqing nodded knowingly, but Xu was curious and asked suspiciously:

"Huanqing has something that has been stagnant in her heart for a long time, can Aunt Wan answer it for Huanqing?"

Xu Wanyi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "What's the matter?"

Su Huanqing hesitated for a moment, and asked in a deep voice:
"Why is Aunt Wan so concerned about 'saving the common people'? Is there any special reason?"

Su Huanqing wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

The legend of the dragon slayer was first found while searching for a way to heal the master.

There is no benefit, no benefit, and even life worries... But the dragon slayer still stood up, just like a hero character in a biographical novel sold on the street.

Willing to sacrifice my life for others, willing to give everything I have for the common people... These two seemingly simple words carry a 'heaviness' that most cultivators dare not touch.

The cultivator embarked on the path of immortality for the purpose of seeking longevity, in other words... for 'immortality'.

Extending the limited life with great difficulty, yet sacrificing for the illusory 'righteousness'... In the eyes of some cultivators, this is putting the cart before the horse.

If Xu Wanyi was just a legendary 'Dragon Slayer' who existed ten thousand years ago, Su Huanqing might think it was normal.

But during this year, after Su Huanqing actually got along with the legendary 'Dragon Slayer', he discovered that most of the descriptions of her in later generations did not match her name.

Everything Xu Wanyi does is for the sake of the common people, which is a state of selflessness that others can't imagine.

But... Su Huanqing always felt that Xu Wanyi's reason for doing this was not for those big and empty words, but for some kind of clear purpose.

"All beings in the world... Anyone would feel that this responsibility is too heavy. If it is Shoujing, as long as we can ensure our safety, what the fate of Jiuzhou will be, he probably won't care at all."

"At first, I thought that you didn't want to meet Shoujing for the sake of the common people...but it's not. I can see that, Aunt Wan, you think Shoujing is more important than the word 'Cangsheng'. Not the kind of person who can give up a loved one for the sake of the bigger picture."

"I want to know, what is the driving force that drives you to save the common people? If there is no special reason, it is difficult for ordinary people to have the courage to 'sacrific oneself'."

Su Huanqing remained in a very calm state until he finished talking about what he wanted to say.

She wanted to ask... No, she was also asking for Xu Shoujing, who clearly has a fate cursed by the heavens, why did Xu Wanyi still do things that others couldn't do so easily without caring about her life so many times.

Xu Wanyi stared at Su Huanqing for a long time, Xu Wanyi was influenced by her serious eyes, her eyes dropped slightly and said:

"You want to ask... 'Why do I have a bloodline that is cursed by fate like Heaven Punishment, but I don't hate fate at all, but instead think for the sake of all beings in the world'... Right?"

Su Huanqing's eyes were slightly startled, and she nodded slowly.

Normally, the bloodline of a 'villain script' like Heavenly Punishment should not be more resentful of fate, wishing to defeat Heavenly Dao on the spot.

You know, even if you have a big heart like Xu Shoujing, sometimes you will exude a negative attitude of 'tired, the world will be destroyed'.

Although this is very disrespectful to a woman, with Xu Wanyi's age across the long history, the injustice she has experienced as a family of God's punishment is definitely far more than Xu Shoujing.

However, there is no 'world-weary' element in Xu Wanyi's body. On the contrary, she seems to be born to 'correct the injustice in the world', and all actions are based on this.

Xu Wanyi seemed to see through Su Huanqing's mind and said solemnly:
"If it's someone else, your idea may be correct. But... the bloodline of Heaven Punishment itself exists to correct the order of the world."

Su Huanqing's mind was slightly shaken, but she didn't understand the chill of this sentence for a while.

"in other words."

Xu Wanyi looked up at the sky, her pupils reflected the white clouds, which seemed to be something very far away.

"It's not 'I am the bloodline of Heaven's Punishment and I still protect the common people everywhere', it should be said, 'It is because I am the bloodline of Heaven's Punishment that I will dedicate my life for righteousness'."
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(End of this chapter)

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